30 research outputs found

    Marginal/peripheral populations of forest tree species and their conservation status: report for Atlantic region

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    This report is a synthesis of information from the national reports, prepared as part of the COST Action FP1202 Strengthening conservation: a key issue for adaptation of marginal/peripheral populations of forest trees to climate change in Europe (MaPFGR). The individual national reports can be found as part of the supplemental data to the COST action. The data compiled in this report indicate that the Atlantic area has sufficient resources in terms of knowledge and capacity to assess the potential impact of climate change on marginal and peripheral (MaP) sites within the area. Maps of vegetation, soil, climate and climatic predictions are publicly available for most countries and often are of high quality and resolution. These can be utilized to help identify MaP sites and populations in the Atlantic area. In addition, some species have been characterized genetically and the genetic data can also be utilized to identify and characterize sites. However, genetic data is not universally available and in particular may be absent for peripheral sites. There are many data sources for phenotypic traits, such as data from provenance trials but these have not been assessed for MaP populations. There may not be sufficient legislative capacity for the conservation of MaP populations in comparison to, for example, annex habitats of the EU Habitats Directive. Although some of the MaP sites lie within Natura 2000 boundaries, many are not in protected areas. If MaP populations are not characterized and conserved there is a risk of losing traits that may be of potential in adaptation to climate change. A detailed spatial analysis incorporating all of the data is needed to give a comprehensive assessment of the potential threats to MaP populations in this area

    Microphone handling noise : measurements of perceptual threshold and effects on audio quality

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    A psychoacoustic experiment was carried out to test the effects of microphone handling noise on perceived audio quality. Handling noise is a problem affecting both amateurs using their smartphones and cameras, as well as professionals using separate microphones and digital recorders. The noises used for the tests were measured from a variety of devices, including smartphones, laptops and handheld microphones. The signal features that characterise these noises are analysed and presented. The sounds include various types of transient, impact noises created by tapping or knocking devices, as well as more sustained sounds caused by rubbing. During the perceptual tests, listeners auditioned speech podcasts and were asked to rate the degradation of any unwanted sounds they heard. A representative design test methodology was developed that tried to encourage everyday rather than analytical listening. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the handling noise events was shown to be the best predictor of quality degradation. Other factors such as noise type or background noise in the listening environment did not significantly affect quality ratings. Podcast, microphone type and reproduction equipment were found to be significant but only to a small extent. A model allowing the prediction of degradation from the SNR is presented. The SNR threshold at which 50% of subjects noticed handling noise was found to be 4.2 ± 0.6 dBA. The results from this work are important for the understanding of our perception of impact sound and resonant noises in recordings, and will inform the future development of an automated predictor of quality for handling noise

    Self-renormalization of quasi-light-front correlators on the lattice

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    In applying large-momentum effective theory, renormalization of the Euclidean correlators in lattice regularization is a challenge due to linear divergences in the self-energy of Wilson lines. Based on lattice QCD matrix elements of the quasi-PDF operator at lattice spacing fm ∌ 0.12 fm with clover and overlap valence quarks on staggered and domain-wall sea, we design a strategy to disentangle the divergent renormalization factors from finite physics matrix elements, which can be matched to a continuum scheme at short distance such as dimensional regularization and minimal subtraction. Our results indicate that the renormalization factors are universal in the hadron state matrix elements. Moreover, the physical matrix elements appear independent of the valence fermion formulations. These conclusions remain valid even with HYP smearing which reduces the statistical errors albeit reducing control of the renormalization procedure. Moreover, we find a large non-perturbative effect in the popular RI/MOM and ratio renormalization scheme, suggesting favor of the hybrid renormalization procedure proposed recently

    Actual therapeutic indication of an old drug: Urea for treatment of severely symptomatic and mild chronic hyponatremia related to SIADH

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    Oral urea has been used in the past to treat various diseases like gastric ulcers, liver metastases, sickle cell disease, heart failure, brain oedema, glaucoma, Meniere disease, etc. We have demonstrated for years, the efficacy of urea to treat euvolemic (SIADH) or hypervolemic hyponatremia. We briefly describe the indications of urea use in symptomatic and paucisymptomatic hyponatremic patients. Urea is a non-toxic, cheap product, and protects against osmotic demyelinating syndrome (ODS) in experimental studies. Prospective studies showing the benefit to treat mild chronic hyponatremia due to SIADH and comparing water restriction, urea, high ceiling diuretics, and antivasopressin antagonist antagonist should be done.SCOPUS: ar.jSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Demographic history of Abies alba Mill. in the French Pyrenees

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    Demographic history of Abies alba Mill. in the French Pyrenees . Conférence Vulpes Raba

    Mild water restriction with or without urea for the longterm treatment of SIADH: Can urine osmolality help the choice?

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    Treatment options for chronic SIADH include water restriction (WR) and urea. The usefulness of urine osmolality to guide the choice of the treatment option is not clearly defined. We hypothesized that urine osmolality can indicate whether treatment with mild water restriction alone could be successful.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Measurements of metabolic rate in rats: a comparison of techniques

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    Conservation<em> in situ</em> des ressources génétiques forestiÚres : stratégies, dimensions nationale et pan-européenne

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    EUFORGEN (European Forest Genetic Resources programme); EUFGIS : SystĂšme d'Information sur la conservation dynamique des RGF en EuropeNational audienc

    Conservation in situ des ressources génétiques forestiÚres : stratégies, dimensions nationale et pan-européenne

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    EUFORGEN (European Forest Genetic Resources programme); EUFGIS : SystĂšme d'Information sur la conservation dynamique des RGF en EuropeNational audienceLa conservation in situ des RGF est une stratĂ©gie de gestion sur le long terme permettant de favoriser l'adaptation locale sous l'effet de pressions de sĂ©lection qui peuvent ĂȘtre changeantes dans le temps. Sept rĂ©seaux français de conservation in situ des RGF ont dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© mis en place (sapin pectinĂ©, hĂȘtre commun, pin maritime, chĂȘne sessile, Ă©picĂ©a commun, peuplier noir, orme lisse) et d'autres sont en prĂ©paration (pin sylvestre, pin de Salzmann, ...). La construction d'un rĂ©seau s'appuie sur un faisceau d'informations d'ordre gĂ©ographique, pĂ©dologique, climatique, naturaliste, Ă©cologique, biologique, gĂ©nĂ©tique et socio-Ă©conomique. Chaque UnitĂ© Conservatoire (UC) du rĂ©seau fait l'objet d'une charte de gestion permettant l'Ă©volution de la diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique sous l'effet de la sĂ©lection naturelle Ă  chaque gĂ©nĂ©ration. Les UC sont composĂ©es d'un noyau central, enjeu principal des efforts de conservation, et d'une zone tampon dont le rĂŽle essentiel est de limiter les flux de gĂšnes extĂ©rieurs. Chaque rĂ©seau est coordonnĂ© par un animateur qui travaille en tandem avec un rĂ©fĂ©rent scientifique. L'animateur est chargĂ© de veiller au respect des conditions que doit remplir une UC et Ă  l'application de la charte de gestion des UC. Il a aussi en charge l'Ă©valuation de l'Ă©tat des UC du rĂ©seau, notamment en termes dĂ©mographiques GrĂące au programme paneuropĂ©en EUFORGEN, la politique nationale de conservation des RGF est coordonnĂ©e avec celle des autres pays europĂ©ens signataires du protocole Forest Europe pour la protection des forĂȘts en Europe. Depuis 2011, un systĂšme d'information (EUFGIS) rĂ©pertorie environ 2000 UC in situ rĂ©parties dans 31 pays europĂ©ens. Ce systĂšme permettra de mieux coordonner l'effort de conservation Ă  l'Ă©chelle continentale par une harmonisation de l'information et par l'identification de manques ou de redondances. Une stratĂ©gie originale de gestion des RGF des espĂšces dissĂ©minĂ©es reste Ă  inventer, qui devrait fortement s'articuler avec la gestion conservatoire des habitats telle qu'elle est pratiquĂ©e par les aires protĂ©gĂ©es. Enfin, le suivi des UC et des indicateurs de leur dynamique Ă©volutive doit ĂȘtre maintenu avec une grande rĂ©gularitĂ©

    Survival and growth of 711 forest tree taxa in eight French arboretums from three different climate regions

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    Arboretums have been used for decades for scientific, educational, horticultural and aesthetic purposes. Recently, climate change concerns have renewed the interest of the scientific community for these invaluable experimental forest systems. Here, we report a dataset from eight scientific arboretums planted in three contrasted French metropolitan bioclimates: Oceanic, Mountain and Mediterranean. In total, 92,236 trees were planted in 3,678 different plots. Originating from a worldwide range of habitats, from sea-level up to 3,670 m in elevation, the collection spans 711 forest tree taxa (species, subspecies and varieties) from 177 genera. Taxa often include several geographic sources (so-called provenances), often simultaneously in different arboretums, making within species analyses possible. Cool-climate temperate Pinaceae (pines, firs, spruces, hemlocks, etc.) are well represented in the Atlantic and Mountain arboretums while Mediterranean arboretums are particularly rich with genera from the Myrtaceae (mostly eucalypts) and the Pinaceae (mostly pines). Data include survival, growth (height and diameter) and health status. Planted between 1969 and 1976, 338 taxa had survived at time of assessment and occurred as at least one individual in one plot. Data can be used to assess species suitability for ecological restoration and afforestation, and to help improve functional niche modeling. Data accessibility: https://data.inrae.fr/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.15454/RGMM07