19 research outputs found

    Literalisme Salafi: Suatu Metode Ijithad Dalam Memaknai Jihad Pada Era Kontemporer

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    Jihad literally means an endeavor to gain one's or organization's objective, either social or religious objectives. However, this meaning shift and is often understood as hard effort to obtain objectives by means of violence and war. This view may be influenced by literal interpretation of some verses that associate jihad with war and violence. Now there is hardly any individual war, but interstate wars. Is it still relevant to interpret jihad as war, as many have argued? This article elucidates and criticizes salafi's perception about jihad

    Pandangan Tuan Guru Lombok terhadap multi akad dalam muamalah maliyah kontemporer

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    The concept of Hybrid Contract or “Multi Akad” is an ijtihad of the cholars to address the development of human life, especially in mu‘amalah aspect. It is understood as the merge of the two contracts or more in a contract. Therefore, many modern transactions use it and even in the last decade the scholars began to discuss about it’s validity. The conversation and debate about the validity of this Hybrid Contract appears not without reason, because of numbers of prophetic traditions, showed literarily that Hybrid Contract is forbidden in the transaction. Departing from that, this study answers three basic problems: the first is “how the concept of “Hybrid Contract” in view of Tuan Guru Lombok”, who became a role model for peoples of Lombok, because of they are as religious and community leaders. The second question is how an argumentation that built by Tuan Guru bout the “Multi Akad” in Islamic Law. While the third problem is how the typology Tuan Guru Lombok thought. This study is a qualitative research by maqasid al-Shari’ah  and the sociology law approaches, and this study is made with the method of interview to Tuan Guru who are determined by “purposive sampling” method, and so this research is supported by ocument data in the form of books, magazines and more. This study concluds that Hybrid Contract concept in Tuan Guru Lombok view is a contract containing two contracts or more in financial problems, both applicable in financial institutions shari‘ah or no. Surely, the concept of Hybrid Contract is a way to elude from “usury”. Regarding to Multi Akad in Islamic Law like “Dana Talangan Haji” at financial institutions shari‘ah,  Tuan Guru responded it by two argumentations: so that they are divide to two group: rejecter and endorser. And they are divided into 2 (two) typology: textual and textual progressive, the textual group understood that Hybrid Contract is unlawful or forbidden according to prophetic traditions texts and it was interpreted textually. While progressive textual tends to allow, even though they can not separate them self from the text of the prophetic traditions, but they also consider the development of thought, life, and environment


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    Salah satu  bahasan yang masih hangat dibahas dalam bidang mu’amalah adalah sistem kerja konvensional dan syari’ah misalnya gadai konvensional dan gadai syari’ah. Dua hal yang berbeda, sebab kata “konvensional” sering merujuk pada cara lama, seperti menerapkan “bunga” yang di mana bunga bagi sementara disamakan dengan “riba” yang sudah jelas diharamkan Allah dalam al-Qur’an dan al-Hadist. Sementara gadai syari’ah ingin berbeda dengan sistem gadai konvensional. Tulisan ini mencoba menganalisis sistem penggadai syari’ah dan gadai konvensional dengan metode perbandingan (study comparative), sehingga diketahui persamaan atau perbedaannya. Metode yang dilakukan dengan metode observasi langsung ke lapangan

    Prevent Child Marriage by Improving Education in West Nusa Tenggara Through Sister Province Relations with Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland

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    This study aims to determine the local government's efforts to prevent child marriage by establishing foreign relations with other countries in education, in this case, the Province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland. This foreign relationship is carried out by NTB as an effort to increase human resources through education with a country with very good quality education, namely Poland. This research method is descriptive-qualitative with the concept of sister province and the concept of Para diplomacy, which provides space for local governments to conduct foreign relations with other countries. The technique of collecting data by conducting a literature study is by examining various secondary sources in the form of books, articles, official news, and online news that are relevant to this research. The data analysis technique is through the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, then drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the existence of foreign relations in the context of sister provinces carried out by the Provinces of NTB, Indonesia, and Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland was initiated by the leaders of each province which then paved the way for educational cooperation between institutions in the two provinces. So that through this educational collaboration, the NTB Provincial Government can encourage the improvement of the quality of education which is expected to strengthen human development and prevent child marriage

    Tribal Structural Practices of Dispute Settlement Through Women as Compensation in Pukhtoon Culture Khyber Pukhtukhwa

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    The present study was aimed at discovering the hidden facts causing the women as compensation practices in pukhtoon culture. A cross-sectional study was carried out in Distt swat, Kohistan and data was collected from the four union councils namely Kalam, Othrore and Chupreyal and Bartana respectively. Parents of Swara, brother or blood relatives of Swara and Swara (Women) were chosen as potential respondents for this study. A sample size of 205 respondents out of 369 were randomly selected and subsequently proportionally allocated to the universe of the study. A conceptual frame work comprised of one independent and one dependent variables i.e tribal structural approach and women as compensation with education, family type and income as controlled variables was chalked out. The collected data was analyzed through simple frequency distribution, bi-variate and multi-variate to assess the layout, level of association and effects of extraneous variables while ascertaining the level of relationship between independent and dependent variables respectively. Moreover, reliability analysis was also carried out and reliability coefficient was found as 0.74. The study found that; a strong tribal structural with little room for formal laws and formal court and a profound system of disposition of cases through local council due to easy access. At Bi-variate level, association of dispute resolution through Jirga as strong institution, resolution of dispute through Jirga as an effective tool, Jirga rules are followed and Jirga resolves disputes in shorter period were found positive and significant with women as compensation. In addition, while indexing both independent and dependent variable tribal structural was found positive and significant with women as compensation practices. Likewise, non-spurious outcomes detected in low, medium and high income group for tribal structural approach and women as compensation while controlling income. The study concluded that failure of formal courts of justice led to the perpetuation of such practices. In addition, family structural with low income profile and formidable literacy rate were also some other contributors of making it phenomenal. Equality in gender treatment, exploiting the feeling of shame over Swara practice providing the legal cover to the inhabitants free of cost while involving legal fraternity and arranging seminars and debates on both print and electronic media were some of the policy recommendations in the light of the study. Keywords: Dispute Settlement, Tribal Structural Approach, Women as Compensation, , Blood, Honor and property

    A study to evaluate the acceptability, feasibility and impact of packaged interventions (“Diarrhea Pack”) for prevention and treatment of childhood diarrhea in rural Pakistan

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    Background: Diarrhea remains one of the leading public health issues in developing countries and is a major contributor in morbidity and mortality in children under five years of age. Interventions such as ORS, Zinc, water purification and improved hygiene and sanitation can significantly reduce the diarrhea burden but their coverage remains low and has not been tested as packaged intervention before. This study attempts to evaluate the package of evidence based interventions in a “Diarrhea Pack” through first level health care providers at domiciliary level in community based settings. This study sought to evaluate the acceptability, feasibility and impact of diarrhea Pack on diarrhea burden. Methods: A cluster randomized design was used to evaluate the objectives of the project a union council was considered as a cluster for analysis, a total of eight clusters, four in intervention and four in control were included in the study. We conducted a baseline survey in all clusters followed by the delivery of diarrhea Pack in intervention clusters through community health workers at domiciliary level and through sales promoters to health care providers and pharmacies. Four quarterly surveillance rounds were conducted to evaluate the impact of diarrhea pack in all clusters by an independent team of Field workers. Results: Both the intervention and control clusters were similar at the baseline but as the study progress we found a significant increase in uptake of ORS and Zinc along with the reduction in antibiotic use, diarrhea burden and hospitalization in intervention clusters when compared with the control clusters. We found that the Diarrhea Pack was well accepted with all of its components in the community. Conclusion: The intervention was well accepted and had a productive impact on the uptake of ORS and zinc and reduction in the use of antibiotics. It is feasible to deliver interventions such as diarrhea pack through community health workers in community settings. The intervention has the potential to be scaled up at national level


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    This paper seeks to analyze the term "Bid'ah" which at this time is always used as a basis for justifying an act, whether the act appears good, whether it is included in customary culture, and so on. Therefore, social divisions often occur which have a negative impact in the midst of community life. Even because of the importance of this discussion, some scholars' included it in theological issues (aqidah). This means that knowledge about heresy is in line with the problem of faith that must be known by someone and this results in many people blaming each other, even people who disbelieve each other when someone does an act of "heresy". Therefore, knowing which actions and when are called "heresies" becomes important so that one will be careful in doing an act, because a person who commits heresy, then he has tried to oppose Shari'a. However, an important thing to note is understanding comprehensively about the concept of bid'ah, so that people are not trapped in the concept because if a person is trapped he becomes supported in it. This will result in a tight shari'ah. Instead, people feel free and separated from the concept of heresy, then they have ignored the signs of the heresy concept itself. From this, a complete understanding of bid'ah becomes urgency. The author tries to write it with a library research approach by collecting data related to the term "bid'ah"

    The Typology of Sasaknese Muslim Scholars’ Views in Lombok toward the Hybrid Contract as a Problem-Solving in Islamic Finance

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    This paper studies the views of Sasaknese Muslim Scholars toward the Hybrid Contract, in Lombok Island Indonesia in terms of their argumentations, typologies, and applications which becomes confusion in the society. The paper argues that problem in the transaction exists clearly. It is because of the limited meaning of Riba which is very strict that raises the society to fear to do the both in individual and group transactions since Riba have been prohibited by Al-Qur’an. While, the globalization of economic world rapidly runs which people must catch up with it. Then, related to the financial aspect of the Islamic teaching is tasted that it is running at its place. Hence, it needs to the solution. One of the solutions is applying Hybrid Contract in the view of TGH where they are very influential the life of society. Moreover, Lombok island is popularly known as thousands mosque island and soon as being seen from different references and facts. Consequently, for understanding the above phenomenon, the researcher used qualitative approach, juridical approach, and sociology by collecting data through observation, and interview to know typology Muslim scholars about hybrid contract by a hope to be the contributions for the government to take a policy.

    Khilāfah in the View of Nahdhatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah, and Nahdhatul Wathan (NW) Ulema in Lombok

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    Indonesia is a multiethnic and religious state anchored in the five state principles, Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. However, its stability has recently been disrupted by the emergence of khilāfah propagated by the banned Islamic organization, the Hizb al-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI). The concept of khilāfah proposed by the organization violates against the state’s ideology of Pancasila. Such a phenomenon is of paramount importance to examine. Hence, this qualitative study aimed to explore the concept of khilāfah from the perspectives of Islamic ulema from the three prominent Islamic mass organizations, the biggest mass organination, Nahdhatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah, and Nahdhatul Wathan (NW) on the island of Lombok. Drawing on the data garnered from the observation, interviews, and documentation that analyzed suitable with its’ substation of the writing. Finally, the findings of this writing showed that the three Islamic mass organizations generally denied khilāfah as a state system. NU firmly rejected the khilāfah system because it more likely pertained to extremism. For the same token, Muhammadiyah denied the concept, but welcomed it as a culture, while NW opposed it as being contradictory to the republic in that khilāfah belongs to the empire system.[Indonesia merupakan negara multietnik dan agama yang dinaungi oleh Pancasila dan UUD 1945. Namun stabilitasnya sempat terganggu dengan kemunculan wacana khilafah yang dipropagandakan oleh HTI. Konsep khilāfah ini yang kemudian diperhadapkan dengan ideologi Pancasila dan menjadi fenomena yang penting untuk dielaborasi. Dalam artikel ini akan mengeksplorasi konsep khilāfah ulama dari tiga organisasi massa Islam, NU, Muhammadiyah dan NW di Lombok. Berdasarkan data yang dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dan arsip menunjukkan bahwa tiga ormas Islam tersebut menolak khilāfah sebagai sistem negara. NU menolaknya karena cenderung mirip dengan ekstremisme. Muhammadiyah juga menolaknya sebagai sistem tetapi masih bisa menerima sebagai budaya. Sedangkan NW menolaknya karena kontradiksi dengan sistem republik dan mirip dengan sistem kerajaan.

    Strategi Penyaluran Pembiayaan Sektor Konstruksi di Bank NTB Syariah

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    In channeling financing to the construction sector at Bank NTB Syariah there are challenges and risks faced in its implementation, including because the project being financed cannot be completed on time, there are delays in payment or the project is not paid, construction activities are delayed due to the transmission rate of the Covid-19 virus . This study aims to determine the strategy of Bank NTB Syariah in channeling financing to the construction sector in dealing with existing challenges and risks. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method which aims to explain the strategy of Bank NTB Syariah in increasing financing growth in the construction sector with challenges and risks. The sampling technique used in this study was snowball sampling, namely key informants would appoint people who knew the problem to be studied, the data collection technique used by researchers was to conduct in-depth interviews with all informants which were then documented in the form of sound recordings, personal notes, photos, and videos, the results of interviews with informants were then analyzed and explained. The results of the study explain that in implementing the distribution of financing to the construction sector at Bank NTB Syariah it is given to construction business actors/contractors who have project contracts whose funds are sourced from the government/private budget with the aim of infrastructure development projects, financing using musyarakah contracts, Bank NTB strategy Sharia in channeling construction sector financing by conducting in-depth analysis with several stages of the process, as well as mitigating risks in dealing with existing challenges and risks. Keywords: Construction, Risk, Strategy Dalam penyaluran pembiayaan kepada sektor konstruksi di Bank NTB Syariah terdapat tantangan dan risiko yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaannya antara lain karena proyek yang dibiayai tidak dapat diselesaikan tepat waktu, terjadinya penundaan pembayaran ataupun tidak terbayarkannya proyek tersebut, aktivitas konstruksi menjadi tertunda karena tingkat penularan virus covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi Bank NTB Syariah dalam penyaluran pembiayaan pada sektor konstruksi dalam menghadapi tantangan dan risiko yang ada. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriftif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan strategi Bank NTB Syariah dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan pembiayaan pada sektor konstruksi dengan adanya tantangan dan risiko. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu snowball sampling yaitu informan kunci akan menunjuk orang-orang yang mengetahui masalah yang akan diteliti, teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan peneliti adalah dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan semua informan yang kemudian didokumentasikan dalam bentuk rekaman suara, catatan pribadi, foto, dan video, hasil wawancara dengan informan kemudian dianalisa dan dijelaskan. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa dalam pelaksanaan penyaluran pembiayaan kepada sektor kontruksi di Bank NTB Syariah di berikan kepada pelaku usaha konstruksi/kontraktor yang memiliki kontrak proyek yang dananya bersumber dari anggaran pemerintah/swasta dengan tujuan untuk  proyek pembangunan infrastruktur, pembiayaan menggunakan akad musyarakah, strategi Bank NTB Syariah dalam penyaluran pembiayaan sektor konstruksi dengan melakukan analisa mendalam dengan beberapa tahapan proses, serta melakukan mitigasi risiko dalam mengahadapi tantangan dan risiko yang ada. Kata kunci: Konstruksi, Risiko, Strateg