19 research outputs found

    Potensi Kearifan Lokal Suku Using sebagai Sumber Belajar Geografi SMA di Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Education is a means to get learners who have a positive character. Local wisdom is a product of the past cultural that should continuously hold onto life. Using ethnic in the village of Kemiren Banyuwangi has a value system that is inherited through several sub-sections such as architecture and art. Using ethnic has way of life associated with the pattern of settlement and agricultural patterns. The values that appear in the local wisdom of ethnic Using is religious, environmental care, mutual cooperation, solidarity, equality, creativity, and responsibility. Those values are matched with KI and KD in class X, XI, and XII.Pendidikan merupakan sarana untuk menghasilkan peserta didik yang memiliki karakter positif. Kearifan lokal merupakan produk budaya masa lalu yang patut secara terus-menerus dijadikan pegangan hidup. Suku Using di Desa Kemiren, Kabupaten Banyuwangi memiliki sistem nilai yang diwariskan melalui beberapa sub bagian seperti arsitektur rumah dan kesenian. Tata cara hidup masyarakat Using terkait dengan pola pemukiman dan pola pertanian. Nilai-nilai yang muncul dalam kearifan lokal suku Using adalah religius, mencintai lingkungan, gotong royong, kebersamaan, kesetaraan, kreatif, dan tanggung jawab. Nilai-nilai tersebut cocok dengan KI dan KD pada kelas X, XI, dan XII

    Detection of tet(M) gene from raw milk by rapid DNA extraction followed by a two-step PCR with nested primers.

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    The likelihood that milk and milk products may act as a vehicle for antibiotic-resistant bacterial genes has become a concern to the food industry and a public health issue, and the demand for rapid tests has increased. The purity of DNA extracted from food samples is a key issue in the sensitivity and usefulness of biological analyses, such as PCR for pathogens and nonpathogens. A rapid, phenol-chloroform free method based on a modification of a sodium iodide DNA extraction, followed by a two-step PCR was developed for direct detection of the tet(M) gene in milk samples within a single working day. This study compares the proposed method with a traditional phenol solvent extraction method and with a commercial kit (QIAamp DNA blood mini kit, Qiagen). The three DNA extraction methods were used to ensure access to the tet(M) gene from 1 ml of raw milk, inoculated with a strain of Enterococcus faecalis, which carries the tet(M) gene. The proposed method, followed by a two-step PCR with nested primers specific for the tet(M) gene, was able to reach a detection limit below 10 CFU/ml in less than 4 h, including the two amplification cycles, thus outperforming in sensitivity and rapidity both the traditional and the commercial method

    Enterotoxin production by Staphylococcus aureus isolated from mastitic cows.

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    Staphylococcus aureus is an important cause of mastitis in cows. The ability of S. aureus strains to produce one or more enterotoxins in milk and dairy products is linked to staphylococcal food poisoning. To determine whether staphylococci causing bovine mastitis could cause human foodborne intoxication, the production of staphylococcal enterotoxins A through D (SEA, SEB, SEC, and SED) by 160 S. aureus isolates was evaluated with the use of a reverse passive latex agglutination enterotoxin kit. All S. aureus strains were isolated over a 9-month period from 2,343 routine submissions of a composite quarter collection of individual mastitic cows at 18 dairy farms in the San Joaquin Valley in California. Prior to enterotoxin detection, isolates were grown by a method that enhances the in vitro synthesis of enterotoxin. Twenty-two of 160 S. aureus isolates produced enterotoxin. Seven produced SEC, 12 produced SED, and 3 produced both SEC and SED. None of the isolates produced SEA or SEB

    Evolution under different storage conditions of anomalous blue coloration of Mozzarella cheese intentionally contaminated with a pigment-producing strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens

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    Several widespread occurrences of anomalous blue coloration of Mozzarella cheese have been recorded in the United States and some European countries. Official laboratory analysis and health authorities have linked the occurrences to contamination of the processing water with strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens, although several experts questioned how to unequivocally link the blue color to the presence of the microorganism. To establish a method to determine whether a given Pseudomonas spp. strain is responsible for the defect and study the evolution of the coloration under different storage conditions, we developed an in vitro system for the evaluation of blue coloration of Mozzarella cheese intentionally contaminated with strains of P. fluorescens. The purpose of the system was to determine whether P.fluorescens strains, isolated from Mozzarella cheese with anomalous blue coloration, were able to reproduce the blue coloration under controlled experimental conditions. Thirty-six trials of experimental inoculation of Mozzarella cheese in different preservation liquids were conducted using various suspensions of P.fluorescens (P. fluorescens ATCC 13525, P.fluorescens CFBP 3150, and P. fluorescens 349 field strain isolated from blue-colored Mozzarella cheese) at different concentrations and incubated at different temperatures. Growth curves of all tested P.fluorescens strains demonstrated that after 3 d of incubation the concentration was generally >106 cfu/g of Mozzarella cheese incubated in either tryptic soy broth (control) or conditioning brine. Prolonged incubation for 5 d at either 20°C or 8°C led to concentrations up to 109 cfu/g of Mozzarella cheese incubated in tryptic soy broth and up to 108 cfu/g of Mozzarella cheese incubated in preservation liquid. All Mozzarella cheeses inoculated with the field strain of P. fluorescens, except those opened 1 h after packaging and stored at 8°C, showed the characteristic anomalous blue coloration, which appeared from 1 to 72 h after opening the packaging, and was proportional to colony count, duration of storage, and storage temperature. With the proposed system, which enabled a larger number of samples to be analyzed under controlled experimental conditions and a large amount of data to be generated in a short time, we described precisely how and under which conditions the presence of P. fluorescens in Mozzarella cheese is responsible for the anomalous blue coloration. The system will help producers intercept contaminated batches and help consumers avoid the conditions under which the defect can appear.Grants from Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia (Italy) and from the Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Direzione Generale per la Promozione e Cooperazione Culturale (Rome, Italy),http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-dairy-sciencehb2017Paraclinical Science

    Virulence characteristics and antimicrobial resistance profiles of Shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli isolates from humans in South Africa : 2006–2013

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    Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) isolates (N = 38) that were incriminated in human disease from 2006 to 2013 in South Africa were characterized by serotype, virulence-associated genes, antimicrobial resistance and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The isolates belonged to 11 O:H serotypes. STEC O26:H11 (24%) was the most frequent serotype associated with human disease, followed by O111:H8 (16%), O157:H7 (13%) and O117:H7 (13%). The majority of isolates were positive for key virulence-associated genes including stx1 (84%), eaeA (61%), ehxA (68.4%) and espP (55%), but lacked stx2 (29%), katP (42%), etpD (16%), saa (16%) and subA (3%). stx2 positive isolates carried stx2c (26%) and/or stx2d (26%) subtypes. All pathogenicity island encoded virulence marker genes were detected in all (100%) isolates except nleA (47%), nleC (84%) and nleD (76%). Multidrug resistance was observed in 89% of isolates. PFGE revealed 34 profiles with eight distinct clusters that shared 80% intra-serotype similarity, regardless of the year of isolation. In conclusion, STEC isolates that were implicated in human disease between 2006 and 2013 in South Africa were mainly non-O157 strains which possessed virulence genes and markers commonly associated with STEC strains that have been incriminated in mild to severe human disease worldwide. Improved STEC monitoring and surveillance programs are needed in South Africa to control and prevent STEC disease in humans.The National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa: Thuthuka (TTK13062619943), Research Technology Fund (RTF14012762427), the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD Grants-2013-2015) and the South African Medical Research Council (Self-Initiated Research 2017-2019).https://www.mdpi.com/journal/toxinsam2019Paraclinical Science

    Reduced paediatric hospitalizations for malaria and febrile illness patterns following implementation of community-based malaria control programme in rural Rwanda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Malaria control is currently receiving significant international commitment. As part of this commitment, Rwanda has undertaken a two-pronged approach to combating malaria via mass distribution of long-lasting insecticidal-treated nets and distribution of antimalarial medications by community health workers. This study attempted to measure the impact of these interventions on paediatric hospitalizations for malaria and on laboratory markers of disease severity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A retrospective analysis of hospital records pre- and post-community-based malaria control interventions at a district hospital in rural Rwanda was performed. The interventions took place in August 2006 in the region served by the hospital and consisted of mass insecticide treated net distribution and community health workers antimalarial medication disbursement. The study periods consisted of the December–February high transmission seasons pre- and post-rollout. The record review examined a total of 551 paediatric admissions to identify 1) laboratory-confirmed malaria, defined by thick smear examination, 2) suspected malaria, defined as fever and symptoms consistent with malaria in the absence of an alternate cause, and 3) all-cause admissions. To define the impact of the intervention on clinical markers of malaria disease, trends in admission peripheral parasitaemia and haemoglobin were analyzed. To define accuracy of clinical diagnoses, trends in proportions of malaria admissions which were microscopy-confirmed before and after the intervention were examined. Finally, to assess overall management of febrile illnesses antibiotic use was described.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 551 total admissions, 268 (48.6%) and 437 (79.3%) were attributable to laboratory-confirmed and suspected malaria, respectively. The absolute number of admissions due to suspected malaria was smaller during the post-intervention period (N = 150) relative to the pre-intervention period (N = 287), in spite of an increase in the absolute number of hospitalizations due to other causes during the post-intervention period. The percentage of suspected malaria admissions that were laboratory-confirmed was greater during the pre-intervention period (80.4%) relative to the post-intervention period (48.1%, prevalence ratio [PR]: 1.67; 95% CI: 1.39 – 2.02; chi-squared p-value < 0.0001). Among children admitted with laboratory-confirmed malaria, the risk of high parasitaemia was higher during the pre-intervention period relative to the post-intervention period (age-adjusted PR: 1.62; 95% CI: 1.11 – 2.38; chi-squared p-value = 0.004), and the risk of severe anaemia was more than twofold greater during the pre-intervention period (age-adjusted PR: 2.47; 95% CI: 0.84 – 7.24; chi-squared p-value = 0.08). Antibiotic use was common, with 70.7% of all children with clinical malaria and 86.4% of children with slide-negative malaria receiving antibacterial therapy.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study suggests that both admissions for malaria and laboratory markers of clinical disease among children may be rapidly reduced following community-based malaria control efforts. Additionally, this study highlights the problem of over-diagnosis and over-treatment of malaria in malaria-endemic regions, especially as malaria prevalence falls. More accurate diagnosis and management of febrile illnesses is critically needed both now and as fever aetiologies change with further reductions in malaria.</p

    How Does Institutional Change Coincide with Changes in the Quality of Life? An Exemplary Case Study

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    This paper provides a framework to assess correlations between the change of institutional functions (political centralization, plurality, rule of law, security of property, economic liberty, measured by 12 indicators) and improvements in human development (income, education, health) and violence limitations (conflict-related death tolls) to separate effective from ineffective institutional change. We apply this framework to a low-end institutional environment and provide a century case study of todays Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Major results are threefold: first, we provide a thick description of institutional development in the Congo in a colonial and post-colonial and hence long-run setting; secondly, we identify periods of institutional change with distinctly different degrees of effectiveness; and thirdly, we are able to provide qualitative information on the questions of perspective (we follow a non-elitist approach), institutional connections, and timing of effects. Finally we propose extension of the framework, especially with respect to in-depth studies of critical transition periods, and its application to comparative case studies

    Asthma, atopy and COPD in sub-Saharan countries: the challenges.

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    Asthma and COPD are the most important chronic airways diseases worldwide. Urbanization and westernization of African countries are important factors for the development of chronic respiratory diseases. Unfortunately for many reasons, only few studies on atopy, asthma and COPD have been carried out in Africa and risk factors are not well known on the continent. Moreover, in many African countries drugs for asthma and COPD are either lacking or expensive. There is a need for setting up clear strategies to stop progression of asthma and COPD by reducing risk factors such as tobacco consumption and environment pollution

    Smallholders' coping strategies in response to climate variability in semi-arid agro-ecozones of Upper Eastern Kenya

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    Rainfed agriculture dominates food production systems in arid and semi-arid agro-ecozones. Water is a key limiting factor to crop growth in the small-scale farming systems of the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region. Climate adaptation is a fundamental and necessary response to the threat posed by the current and future climatic changes in semi-arid farming systems of the SSA region. This study was implemented to identify the socioeconomic drivers and determinants of adaptation to rainfall variability at the farm level in contrasting agro-ecological zones of Kenya. Two hundred and seventy (270) farmers were selected. The survey was implemented in Mbeere South, Meru South, and Maara Sub-Counties in Kenya to determine farmers' perceptions of climate variation during the decade that preceded the survey and climate adaptation strategies that farmers implemented. The most common climate adaptation strategies included the use of terraces (89%), early maturity crop varieties (82%), and intercropping (79%). In comparison, the least common strategies included water-harvesting strategies (29%), trenches (35%), and staggering planting dates (46%). Farmers in low potential agro-ecological zones recorded lower education levels, less secure land tenure systems, and poor access to training, extension, and credit facilities necessary for successful climatic adaptation strategies. The study findings indicated that farmers in low potential zones, including Mbeere South Sub-County, faced more risks due to the nature of climatic variation in this agro-ecozone. Farm socioeconomic characteristics were important factors that influenced farmer adaptation, including gender and age differentials, education attainments and agricultural training, farm labor availability, household food security status, and preceding annual occurrences of crop failure. There is a need to develop holistic approaches that incorporate scientific findings from the researchers and the local household-based strategies that can enhance risk assessment and management, coping and adaption strategies, and decision-making by multiple stakeholders