120 research outputs found

    Electricity demand forecasting in Turkey and Indonesia using linear and nonlinear models based on real-value genetic algorithm and extended Nelder-Mead local search

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    Electricity demand patterns have many variables related to uncertainty behaviour such as gross domestic product, population, import and export. The characteristics of these variables lead to two problems in forecasting the electricity demand. The first problem is the fitness evaluation in the electricity demand forecasting model in which more than one variable are included which leads to increase the sum of squared deviations. The second problem is the use of a single algorithm that failed to solve local optima. These problems resulted in estimation errors and high computational cost. Hybrid genetic algorithm (GA) and Nelder-Mead local search mode 1 has been used to minimize demand estimation errors. However, hybrid GA and Nelder-Mead local search failed to reach the global optimum solution and involve high number of iteration. Hence, an electricity demand forecasting model that reflects the characteristics of electricity demand has been developed in this research. The model is known as the hybrid Real-Value GA and Extended Nelder-Mead (RVGA-ENM). The GA has been enhanced to accept real value while the Nelder-Mead local search is extended to assist in overcoming the local optima problem. The actual electricity demand data of Turkey and Indonesia were used in the experiments to evaluate the performance of the proposed model. Results of the proposed model were compared to the hybrid GA and Nelder-Mead local search, Real Code Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimisation. The findings indicate that the proposed model produced higher accuracy for electricity demand estimation. The proposed RVGA-ENM model can be used to assist decision-makers in forecasting electricity demand

    Rancang Bangun Model Alat Pengering Indoor Otomatis Hasil Pertanian Berbasis Arduino Uno

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    Proses pengeringan merupakan hal penting dalam penanganan bahan pertanian pasca panen, akan tetapi proses pengeringan yang dilakukan para petani di Gorontalo khususnya di Gororontalo Utara masih menggunakan metode pengeringan manual yang masih bergantung pada intensitas cahaya matahari dan masih membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk proses pengeringannya. Hal ini yang membuat peneliti megambil inisiatif untuk merancang model alat pengering indoor otomatis hasil pertanian berbasis arduino uno yang bertujuan untuk mempercepat proses pengeringan dan tidak bergantung pada intensitas cahaya matahari. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dimana peneliti membuat model alat pengering otomatis dan melakukan percobaan menggunakan jagung, gabah dan kedelai terhadap kerja alat yang dibuat. Alat ini bekerja di kontrol langsung oleh arduino yang menerima sinyal dari sensor DHT11 sebagai moniroring suhu dan soil moisture sensor sebagai monitoring kadar air yang terkandung pada bahan hasil pertanian.  Alat ini dapat mengeringkan bahan pertanian biji-bijian 2 sampai 3 jam tergantung jumlah kadar air yang terkandung dalam produk bahan pertanian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa alat yang dibuat sudah berhasil dan sudah bekerja sesuai dengan perancangan yang direncanakan.The drying process is important in handling post-harvest agricultural materials, however the drying process carried out by farmers in Gorontalo, especially in North Gororntalo, still uses manual drying methods which still depend on the intensity of sunlight and still require a long time for the drying process. This is what made researchers take the initiative to design a model of an automatic indoor dryer for agricultural products based on Arduino Uno which aims to speed up the drying process and does not depend on the intensity of sunlight. The method used in this research is an experimental method where the researcher makes a model of an automatic drying tool and carries out experiments using corn, grain and soybeans on the working of the tool made. This tool works under direct control by Arduino which receives signals from the DHT11 sensor for temperature monitoring and the soil moisture sensor for monitoring the water content contained in agricultural produce. This tool can dry grain agricultural materials for 2 to 3 hours depending on the amount of water content contained in the agricultural product. The research results show that the tool created has been successful and has worked according to the planned design.

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengontrol dan Monitoring pH Air Hidroponik Menggunakan Aplikasi Blynk

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    Dalam praktik budidaya hidroponik, pengaturan keseimbangan pH air menjadi aspek penting dalam memastikan pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman mencapai level terbaik. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang dan membangun sebuah sistem yang dapat mengontrol dan memantau pH air dalam tanaman hidroponik, menggunakan metode penelitian Research and Development (RD) dengan menggunakan aplikasi Blynk berbasis ESP32. Dalam tahap perancangan, peneliti menggunakan sensor pH air 4502C untuk mengukur tingkat pH air dalam sistem hidroponik. Mikrokontroler ESP32 bertugas sebagai penghubung antara sensor dan aplikasi Blynk yang dijalankan pada perangkat seluler. Hasil dari eksperimen ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem monitoring dan pengontrolan pH air pada hidroponik menggunakan aplikasi Blynk berbasis ESP32 dan sensor pH air 4502C berhasil secara akurat dan responsif memantau dan mengontrol tingkat pH air. Dengan demikian, Sistem ini efisien dalam menjaga keseimbangan pH air dalam hidroponik guna mendukung pertumbuhan tanaman yang optimal.In hydroponic cultivation practices, regulating the pH balance of water is an important aspect in ensuring plant growth and productivity reaches the best level. Therefore, the aim of this research is to design and build a system that can control and monitor the pH of water in hydroponic plants, using Research and Development (RD) research methods using the ESP32-based Blynk application. In the design stage, researchers used a 4502C water pH sensor to measure the pH level of water in a hydroponic system. The ESP32 microcontroller serves as a link between the sensor and the Blynk application running on the mobile device. The results of this experiment show that the water pH monitoring and control system in hydroponics using the ESP32-based Blynk application and the 4502C water pH sensor succeeded in accurately and responsively monitoring and controlling water pH levels. Thus, this system is efficient in maintaining the pH balance of water in hydroponics to support optimal plant growth.

    Design of Digital Parity Generator Layout Using 0.7 micron Technology

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    The proposed digital parity generator circuit is an integrated circuit functions to detect data errors at the transmitter end, and check it at the receiving end. In digital communications, the digital messages are transmitted in the form of 1’s and 0’s between two points. It is an error free if both are the same. The purpose of this research is to implement a design method of digital parity generator layout with 0.7 micron process technology ECPD07 from Tanner Tools. Layout design starts from making schematic circuit, test function and make a layout. Next, check the layout results in terms of design rules and verify the desired functionality gradually. The results show that the circuit has functioned well as an odd parity generator. The simulation results obtained with loads CL = 25 fF, tpLH = 2nS and tpHL = 1.46 nS indicate that tp = 1.73nS or operating frequency of 578 MHz. The integrated digital parity generator circuit using transmission gate has a size of 14758 um2 (78.5 um x188 um), consisting of 74 gates

    [Level of Understanding and Practice of Reasonable Knowledge Among Unisza Students] Tahap Pemahaman dan Pengamalan Ilmu Mantik dalam Kalangan Mahasiswa UniSZA

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    Ilmu Mantik or logic plays a significance role in building a systematic thinking. Thus, its able to be instrumens of reasoning in dialective theology. This research examined the level of understanding and practice of Ilmu Mantik among Usuluddin Department’s students of Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA). This research involved 124 respondents. In this study, the researcher conducts quantitative research and employs descriptive analysis. Findings illustrate that, the level of understanding toward Ilmu Mantik is high while the level of practice is low. This trend shows that the students have ability to understand the subject theoretically but fail in practical aspect of Ilmu Mantik. This article further recommends that revision on Ilmu Mantik’s syllabus to be more emphasize on practical aspect. This will encourage students to master and practice Ilmu Mantik in their daily intellectual life.   Keywords: Ilmu Mantik, Understand, Practice, UniSZA   Ilmu Mantik atau logik memainkan peranan penting dalam membina pemikiran yang sistematik. Oleh itu, ia dapat menjadi instrumen penghujahan dalam perdebatan kalam. Kajian ini meneliti tahap pemahaman dan amalan Ilmu Mantik dalam kalangan pelajar Pusat Pengajian Usuluddin, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA). Kajian ini melibatkan 124 orang responden. Dalam kajian ini, penyelidik menjalankan penyelidikan kuantitatif dan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Penemuan menggambarkan bahawa, tahap pemahaman terhadap Ilmu Mantik adalah tinggi manakala tahap pengamalannya adalah rendah. Ini menunjukkan bahawa pelajar mempunyai keupayaan untuk memahami subjek secara teorinya tetapi gagal dalam aspek praktikalnya. Makalah ini seterusnya mencadangkan agar semakan pada sukatan pelajaran Ilmu Mantik lebih ditekankan kepada aspek praktikal. Ini akan menggalakkan pelajar menguasai dan mengamalkan Ilmu Mantik dalam kehidupan intelektual harian mereka.   Kata kunci: Ilmu Mantik, Pemahaman, Amalan, UniSZ

    The Influence of Innovation on SMEs Business Performance in the Manufacturing Sector

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    Nowadays, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in contributing to the country's economic growth. Overall, the contribution of SMEs to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are increased year by year. However, there are few studies showed that SMEs business performance are still inconsistent and need improvement. Therefore, the Malaysian government through the budget of 2016, has been working to ensure business sustainability, and also support the development and long-term growth of the SMEs. This study aims to investigate the relationship between innovation and business performance among SMEs in Malaysia. A sample of 155 SMEs data has successfully collected through a survey. The collected data was analysed by using the Multiple Regression Analysis. The findings revealed that innovation had a significant positive effect on the SMEs firm business performance.  The findings has strengthen the theory of resource-based view (RBV) by filling in the scarcity of research on innovation as well as contributed to the significance of this study

    The Importance of ICT Adoption in Manufacturing Sector: An Empirical Evidence on SME Business Performance

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    Information and communication technologies (ICT) adoption is considered as one of the intangible resources of the organization and needs to be carefully managed to maintain the firm's growth in business performance. Specifically, the objective of this study is to determine the relationship between the ICT adoption and SMEs business performance. According to Resource-based View Theory, technology resources are fundamental drivers to performance. A sample of 155 SMEs data successfully collected through survey. Data collected was analysed using Regression Analysis. The findings revealed that ICT adoption had significant correlation and relationship with business performance of SMEs. The study also suggested that the adoption of ICT is a major factor affecting the SMEs business performance as reported by SME Corporation Malaysia

    Peningkatan Sistem Prediksi Kebutuhan Energi Jangka Pendek Menggunakan Algoritma RVGA-ENM

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    Short term energy demand forecasting system is a tool in short term energy planning such as monthly energy needs in an area. This study aims to improve the ability of short-term prediction systems using the RVGA-ENM algorithm. The integration of the RVGA (real value genetic algorithm) and ENM (extended nelder mead) algorithm is a hybrid of two algorithms that complement each other. The ability of RVGA to explore the search for global optimal solutions and ENM in exploiting optimal local solutions, when combined will improve the accuracy of predictive systems. To test the performance of the proposed short-term energy demand system, the monthly electricity demand data in the Gorontalo Province area is used. Electrical energy needs data were obtained from PT. PLN Gorontalo Branch for a period of 72 months from January 2012 to December 2017. The test results showed a significant increase in the system of short-term energy demand prediction marked by MAPE error 3%, MSE 0.4% and RMSE 0.6%. Ă‚ Sistem prediksi kebutuhan energi jangka pendek (short term energy demand forecasting) merupakan suatu alat bantu dalam perencanaan energi jangka pendek seperti kebutuhan energi setiap bulan disuatu wilayah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan sistim prediksi jangka pendek menggunakan algoritma RVGA-ENM. Integrasi algoritma RVGA (real value genetic algorithm) dan ENM (extended nelder mead) merupakan hibrida dua algoritma yang saling melengkapi satu sama lainnya. Kemampuan RVGA dalam mengeksplorasi pencarian solusi optimal global dan ENM dalam mengeksploitasi solusi optimal local, ketika digabungkan akan meningkatkan akurasi sistim prediksi. Untuk menguji unjuk kerja sistim prediksi kebutuhan energi jangka pendek yang diusulkan, digunakan data kebutuhan energi listrik bulanan di wilayah Provinsi Gorontalo. Data kebuthan energi listrik diperoleh dari PT. PLN Cabang Gorontalo untuk rentang waktu 72 bulan dari Januari 2012 hingga Desember 2017. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan yang signifikan sistim prediksi kebutuhan energi jangka pendek ditandai dengan error MAPE 3%, MSE 0.4% dan RMSE 0.6%.

    Rancang Bangun Prototipe Pengatur Beban Pintar Skala Prioritas Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    Penggunaan energi listrik telah menjadi hal yang mutlak, seiring dengan berkembangnya perangkat elektronik. Namun dalam penggunaan energi listrik sering menimbulkan masalah seperti terjadi pemutusan  arus listrik pada seluruh beban oleh pemutus sirkuit akibat beban lebih. Permasalahan tersebut sering terjadi pada penggunaan energi listrik skala rumah tinggal yang memiliki kapasitas daya maksimal 450 watt. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merealisasikan hardware dan software prototipe pengatur beban pintar, serta dilakukan pengujian untuk mengetahui keakuratan alat dalam pengukuran dan unjuk kerja alat dalam memproteksi beban. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen yang didalamnya terdapat beberapa langkah diantaranya adalah perancangan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak, serta pengujian alat. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang di lakukan, hasil perhitungan persentase eror antara pengukuran alat rancangan dengan alat ukur berstandarisasi untuk beban resistif yaitu total daya beban sebesar 2,10%, tegangan kerja beban sebesar 0,44%, total arus beban sebesar 2,36%, dan total cos phi beban sebesar 0%. Sedangkan untuk beban induktif yaitu total daya beban sebesar 0,38%, tegangan kerja beban sebesar 0%, total arus beban sebesar 0%, dan total cos phi beban sebesar 1,03%. Adapun alat rancangan bekerja sesuai fungsinya dengan memutuskan beban yang bukan prioritas jika terjadi beban lebih dalam pemakaian energi listrik.The use of electrical energy has become an absolute necessity, along with the development of electronic devices. However, the use of electrical energy often causes problems such as a disconnection of electric current in the entire load by a circuit breaker due to overload. These problems often occur in the use of residential-scale electrical energy, which has a maximum power capacity of 450 watts. This study aimed to realize the prototype hardware and software for smart load control, as well as testing to determine the accuracy of the tool in measuring and the performance of the tool in protecting the load. It applied an experimental method in which there were several steps, including the design of hardware and software, as well as tool testing. Based on the results of the tests carried out, the results of the calculation of the percentage error between the measurement of the design tool and standardized measuring instruments for resistive loads, i.e., the total load power of 2.10%, working voltage load of 0.44%, total load current of 2.36%, and the total cos phi load of 0%. As for the inductive load, the total load power was 0.38%, the load working voltage was 0%, the total load current was 0%, and the total cos phi load was 1.03%. The design tool worked according to its function by deciding which load was not a priority if there was an overload in the use of electrical energy

    Parenting Styles and Students’ Personality in Public Secondary Schools in Eastern Uganda

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    The study sought to establish the relationship between parenting styles and students’ personality in public secondary schools in Eastern Uganda. The study used correlational research design. A sample size of 368 students were selected from a target population of 9,143 using simple random sampling technique. A self-designed questionnaire was used for data collection. The content validity index was.83 and the Cronbach alpha coefficient of correlation was found to be 0.82. It was hypothesized that; There is no statistically significant relationship between parenting styles and students’ personality in public secondary schools. The student’s personality traits of extraversion, agreeableness and openness to experience were found to be high and conscientiousness and neuroticism personality trait were moderate. There was a weak and statistically significant relationship between parenting styles and students’ personality among students in public secondary schools (r =.283**, p= < .000). It was recommended that parents adopt the authoritative parenting style as it facilitates good students’ personality traits as they pursue their education endeavours and the school administrators should organize an awareness and sensitization workshops on the influence of the educating families regarding awareness of the parenting styles and students’ personality traits
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