11 research outputs found

    Acceptability and Nutrient Content of Wet Noodles Fortified with Inorganic or Organic Iron and Provitamin a From Pumpkin (Cucurbita Moschata)

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    Background: Iron fortification of wet noodles is a choice among many others, to reduce iron deficiency anemia. Organic andinorganic iron interact with provitamin A. An experiment was conducted to fortify wet noodles with organic and inorganic iron and provitamin A from pumpkin, and to study its effect on acceptance and its iron and provitamin A content.Methods: Six groups were used in this experiment to test optimal level of iron fortification (100 ppm, 150 ppm, 200 ppm of FeSO4 or organic iron). As for pumpkin, 10%, 15% and 20% were used. To test iron and provitamin A content, 5 groups were employed: wet noodle alone, wet noodle + (FeSO4), + (organic Fe), + (FeSO4 & pumpkin), and + (organic Fe & pumpkin) respectively. Data were evaluated by one-way ANOVA and continued by Duncan's test with 95% CI.Result: Noodle fortified with 200 ppm iron was acceptable in term color, taste and texture. Adding 15% pumpkin improved texture optimally compared to 10% and 20%. In term color and taste, 10%, 15% and 20% pumpkin addition gave similar acceptance. Fortification of iron and provitamin A from pumpkin didn't affect the moisture, protein, fat, fiber, and carbohydrate content but increased iron, ash and betacarotene content. Highest content of iron and provitamin A were found in noodles + (FeSO4 + pumpkin) and noodles + (organic Fe + pumpkin).Conclusion: Iron and provitamin A fortified wet noodles can serve as a choice for eliminating iron deficiency anemia in Indonesia. Further studies to see the bioavailability and effectiveness of fortified wet noodles to reduce anemia are needed

    Kandungan Beta Karoten, Polifenol Total Dan Aktifitas ”Merantas” Radikal Bebas Kefir Susu Kacang Hijau (Vigna Radiata) Oleh Pengaruh Jumlah Starter (Lactobacillus Bulgaricus Dan Candida Kefir) Dan Konsentrasi Glukosa

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    Background: Kefir is a well known fermented dairy milk product which is functional for gut health. However kefir can also be made from vegetable milk such as soy or mungbean milk. Objective: To study the chemical and functional property of Mungbean milk (MBM) Kefir Methods:Mungbean milk was fermented into MBM Kefir using Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Candida kefir. Three levels of cultures and glucose concentration were tested and a complete randomized design experiment was employed. The resulting MBM Kefir were tested for β-carotene level, total polyphenol content, and free radical scavenging activity. Beta carotene level, total polyphenols and free radicals scavenging activity were determined by spectrophotometry, Folin-Ciocalteu method, and DPPH radical scavenging assay respectively. The data were analyzed by ANOVA and when the result of ANOVA was significant, Tukey's multiple comparison was conducted. Results: Culture concentration increased β-carotene level (p = 0.049), total polyphenol (p = 0.015) and free radical scavenging activity (p = 0,000) of MBM kefir. Glucose concentration increased total polyphenol (p = 0.002), but had no effect on free radical scavenging activity and β-carotene level. However, there were no interaction among treatments at 0.05 significance level. Total acid level ranged from 1.57 to 2.54%, with the highest and level at 15% cultures concentration and 15% glucose concentration. Alcohol level ranged from 0.26 to 0.90% which was in accordance with the maximum standard for kefir (1%). Conclusion: An optimal product of mungbean milk kefir with highest free radical scavenging activity can be obtained using 15% cultures (Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Candida kefir) and 10% glucose concentration

    Status Darah dan Titer Newcastle Disease pada Burung Puyuh Petelur yang Diberi Ransum Menggunakan Tepung Daun Orok-orok (Crotalaria USAramoensis) sebagai Sumber Protein

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    The experiment was carried out to study of adding orok-orok (Crotalariausaramoensis) leaf meal in quail diets with different level on hemoglobin, PVC,and ND titer of layer quail. The data were analyzed by a Completely RandomizedDesign and continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test for differences. Theexperiment used 100 quail 7 weeks old which were randomly devided into 4groups and each group had repeated 5 times and each consisted of 5 quails. Thegroups were T0 (basal diet as a control), T1 (basal diet with 3% orok-orok leafmeal), T2 (basal diet with 6% orok-orok leaf meal), dan T3 (basal diet with 9%orok-orok leaf meal). Diets and water were offered ad libitum. Data werecollected during 35 days to obtain the data of total amount of protein intake,hemoglobin, and ND titer. PVC showed that there was no significant different(P>0,05). Conclusion of this research, orok-orok leaf meal can used quail layersdiet until 3%

    Faktor Keberadaan Breeding Place Dengan Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue Di Semarang

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    At the present, the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is one of health problem In Indonesia. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease caused by the dengue virus and transmitted through the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito. Spreading of DHF influenced environmental factors. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between environmental factors with incidence of DHF in Semarang Hospital, Tugurejo Hospital, Kariadi Hospital, and Tlogorejo Hospital. This research was observational analitical research with case control approach. The sample (case) was all patiens with DHF that recorded in those hospitals between March to May 2016 (40 cases), and the sample of (control) was the people around the patient who do not suffered DHF with radius of 100 meters, wich equated ages and education (40 respondents). The dependent variable was incidence of DHF and the independent variable was breeding place. These data analyzed by Chi Square test. The results show that there are relationship between breeding place (p = 0,048) with incidence of DHF. The breeding place has relationship with incidence of DHF

    Hubungan Praktik Buang Sampah, Praktik Penggunaan Insektisida, Container Index, dan Lingkungan Fisik Rumah dengan Kejadian Dbd (Studi di Empat Rumah Sakit di Kota Semarang)

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a major public health problem in Indonesia. This disease is caused by dengue virus and transmitted by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Dengue has spread widely throughout Indonesia, one of them is Semarang and the surrounding area. IR DHF Semarang from 2006 to 2015 is always higher than IR DHF Central Java and IR DHF National. This research was to analyze eliminating garbage practice, the insecticide use practice, container index, and home physical environment to incidence of DHF in four hospitals in Semarang City. This type of research was an observational analytic study using case control design. The population in this study were hospitalized dengue patients period March to May 2016 in four hospitals in Semarang City and health people (neighbor\u27s dengue patients) who lived in Semarang City and Demak Regency. Samples were 18 cases and 18 controls who had a vulnerable age (children aged 0-4 years and elderly aged >46 years) by using total sampling technique. The data was analyzed with chi-square test and odds ratio calculation with 95% confidence interval. The result showed that insignificant factors were eliminating garbage practice (p=0,289), insecticide use practice (p=0,737), container index (p=1,000), presence of breeding places (p=1,000), temperature in the house (p = 1,000), and humidity in the house (p=1,000). It can be concluded that there were not significant variables to the incidence of DHF in four hospitals in Semarang City

    Hubungan Perilaku Penggunaan Insektisida, Perilaku 3m, dan Keberadaan Breeding Place dengan Kejadian Dbd di Kota Semarang (Studi pada Usia 12-25 Tahun)

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    Semarang City is an area endemic with the number of patients in 2014 amounted to 1,628 people. CFR of DBD in Semarang is 1.14% in 2013 and rose to 1.66% in 2014. IR of DBD in Semarang first ranked than IR DBD in Central Java, 92.43. This study aims to identify factors associated with the incidence of DHF in Semarang. This study is a case control study that used a retrospective approach. The population in this study are patients with DHF in dr. Kariadi Hospital, Tugurejo Hospital, SMC Telogorejo, and Ketileng Hospital. Samples are adolescents aged 12-25 years. Data were analyzed using Chi Square test with a confidence level of 95% or 5% significance level. The results showed that the practice to use of insecticide obtained p value 0.321 (OR = 1.643; CI = 0.614 to 4.396). Practice 3M obtained p value of 0.103 (OR = 2.156; CI = 0.851 to 5.464). The existence of breeding place obtained p value of 0.806 (OR = 0.886; CI = 0.338 to 2.324). From these results we conclude that the behavior of the use of insecticides, 3M behavior, and the presence of breeding place showed no relationship with the dengue incidence in Semarang

    Bobot Relatif Saluran Pencernaan Ayam Broiler yang Diberi Tambahan Air Rebusan Kunyit dalam Air minum

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bobot relatif saluran pencernaan ayam broiler yang diberi tambahan air rebusan kunyit dalam air minum. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober-November 2016 di Kandang Unggas dan di Laboratorium Fisiologi dan Biokimia, Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang. Materi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 200 ekor day old chick ayam broiler Lohman 202 unsex dengan bobot badan awal rata-rata 41,48 ± 0,99 gram. Kunyit umur 6 bulan berasal dari Tembalang, Semarang yang digunakan empunya. Kandang yang digunakan adalah jenis kandang litter beralas sekam. Perlengkapan dan peralatan kandang berupa tempat pakan, tempat minum dan lampu pemanas disetiap flock. Bahan pakan yang digunakan berasal dari PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia. Pakan dan air minum diberikan secara adlibitum maka konsumsi air minum dan pakan diukur dan dicatat setiap hari. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan, disetiap ulangan terdiri 8 ekor. Adapun perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu T0 (tanpa pemberian air rebusan kunyit), T1 (75% air minum: 25% air rebusan kunyit), T2 (50% air rebusan kunyit : 50% air minum), T3 (75% air rebusan kunyit : 25% air minum), dan T4 (100% air rebusan kunyit). Parameter yang diukur yaitu bobot relatif dan panjang relatif saluran pencernaan ayam broiler umur 35 hari. Data yang terkumpul selanjutnya diolah secara statistik dengan uji duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan air kunyit dalam air minum tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap bobot hidup ayam broiler, bobot relatif tembolok, proventikulus, usus halus, hati, usus besar, serta panjang relatif jejenum, sekum dan usus besar. Perlakuan tersebut berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap bobot relatif sekum dan pankreas, serta panjang relatif duodenum dan ileum ayam broiler umur 35 hari. Penambahan air rebusan pada taraf 50-100% menurunkan baik bobot relatif sekum dan pankreas dan panjang relatif duodenum, dan pada taraf 25% bobot relatif sekum dan pankres dan panjang relatif duodenum dan ileum sama dengan kontrol tanpa pemberian air rebusan kunyit. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penambahan air rebusan kunyit dalam air minum tidak mampu meningkatkan perkembangan organ saluran pencernaan, sedangkan pemberian air rebusan kunyit dengan taraf >50% menurunkan bobot relatif sekum dan pankreas serta panjang relatif duodenum

    Peranan Bakteri Indigenus dalam Degradasi Limbah Cair Pabrik Tahu

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    Produksi tahu banyak dilakukan secara tradisional dan menghasilkan limbah cair serta padat dari proses pembuatannya. Kandungan bahan organik yang dihasilkan oleh limbah cair tahu sangat tinggi. Air limbah yang dibuang secara langsung ke air permukaan (sungai dan danau) dapat mencemari air, mengurangi oksigen dalam air dan akan mengganggu kehidupan organisme di dalamnya. Pengolahan limbah cair tahu perlu dilakukan misalnya dengan bioremidiasi menggunakan bakteri. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik bakteri indigenus dalam limbah cair tahu dan menggunakan bakteri tersebut untuk pengolahan limbah cair tahu. Karakteristik isolat R3 diperkirakan Pseudomonas sp., sedangkan bakteri R7 diperkirakan Bacillus sp. Perlakuan A (menggunakan isolat R3) mampu menurunkan COD 1%, BOD 33%, TSS 2,9% dan N-Total 12% serta meningkatkan TDS 21% dan amilum 1,9%. Perlakuan B (menggunakan isolat R7) mampu menurunkan COD 1%, BOD5 9%, amilum 46%, N-Total 5,2% serta meningkatkan TDS 21%. Perlakuan C dengan penambahan bakteri R3 dan R7 lebih banyak mendegradasi limbah organik yang ada di dalam limbah karena mampu menaikkan pH dan suhu paling cepat dan menurunkan COD sebesar ± 1%, kadar BOD5 sebesar ± 23%, kadar TDS sebesar 21%, TSS sebesar 8,1 %, N-Total sebesar 8,9% dan kadar karbohirat (amilum) sebesar  34%

    Insect Cells as Hosts for Recombinat Proteins

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    Since the development of recombinant baculovirus expression system, insect cell culture has rapidly gain popularity as the method of choice for production of a variety of biologically active proteins. Up to date tens of recombinant protein have been produced by this method commercially or non-commercially and have been widely used for research. This review describes the basic concept of baculovirus expression vector and the use of insect cells as host for recombinant proteins. Examples of the recombinant proteins produced by this system are given