21 research outputs found

    Komunitas Fitoplankton dan Konsentrasi Nutrien di Waduk Jatigede

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    Jatigede reservoir is a new reservoir in West Java Province. There is not much information about phytoplankton and nutrients in this reservoir. The aim of the research was to study the relationship between phytoplankton community and nutrient in the reservoir. The research was conducted during the dry season, from September to October 2018. Analyzed parameters were phytoplankton abundance, diversity and dominance index, orthophosphate, nitrite, nitrate, and ammonium. Reservoir zonation was divided by cluster analysis. The relationship between phytoplankton and nutrients was analyzed by principal component analysis and Pearson’s correlation test. Phytoplankton in Jatigede Reservoir consisted of Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Cyanophycea, Dinophyceae, and Euglenophyceae within 20333‒25308 cell/L. Nitrate concentration ranged within 0.6684‒3.6115 mg/L. Nitrite concentration ranged between 0.0544‒0.2301 mg/L and ammonium ranged within 0.00538‒0.2460 mg/L. The strongest correlation between phytoplankton and nutrients were shown by Cyanophyceae and Dinophyceae, especially with the concentration of orthophosphate, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium (r > 0,78).   Keywords: Cyanophyceae, orthophosphate, nitrate, nitrit

    Kemampuan Kijing Lokal (Pilsbryoconcha exilis) Mereduksi Limbah Organik Budidaya Ikan Sidat (Anguilla sp.)

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    The release of organic waste into the waters due to the Eel (Anguilla sp.) rearing activity will cause eutrophication. Efforts to reduce organic waste can be done by using local mussel (Pilsbryoconcha exilis) because it has biofiltration capabilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of local mussels in reducing organic waste. The research design used in this study was a randomized block design (RBD), with treatment in the form of differences in waste concentration (50% and 100%), while the group was in the form of differences in the size of the gravestone (small, medium, and large). The results showed that mussel was able to reduce organic matter, the effective time of local mussel (P. exilis) to reduce organic waste from the cultivation of eel (Anguilla sp.) Was in the first 6 days. The most effective treatment is the use of 100% waste concentration and small mussel. This treatment was able to reduce COD values ​​by 66.1 mg/L (28%), turbidity by 187.2 NTU (16%), TSS by 134 mg/L (36%), and ammonia by 0.004 mg/L (24%), and increased biomass by 7.21 grams (3%).  Pelepasan limbah organik ke perairan akibat kegiatan budidaya ikan sidat (Anguilla sp.) akan menyebabkan meningkatnya kesuburan perairan atau eutrofikasi. Upaya untuk mereduksi limbah organik dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan Kijing lokal (Pilsbryoconcha exilis) karena memiliki kemampuan biofiltrasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan kijing lokal dalam mereduksi limbah organik. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah rancagan acak kelompok (RAK), dengan perlakuan berupa perbedaan konsentrasi limbah (50% dan 100%), sedangkan kelompok berupa perbedaan ukuran kijing (kecil, sedang, dan besar). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kijing mampu mereduksi bahan organik, waktu efektif kijing lokal  (P. exilis) mereduksi limbah organik hasil budidaya ikan sidat (Anguilla sp.) adalah pada  6 hari pertama. Perlakuan yang paling efektif adalah penggunaan konsentrasi limbah 100% dan kijing berukuran kecil. Perlakuan tersebut mampu menurunkan nilai COD sebesar 66,1 mg/L (28%), kekeruhan sebesar 187,2 NTU (16%), TSS sebesar 134 mg/L (36%), dan amonia sebesar 0,004 mg/L (24%) serta meningkatkan biomassa sebesar 7,21 gram (3%)

    Horizontal Distribution of Zooplankton in Tangerang Coastal Waters, Indonesia

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    AbstractZooplankton plays an important role in aquatic ecosystems. It has both horizontal and vertical distribution. This research was conducted in Tangerang coastal waters with the purpose to determine horizontal distribution of zooplankton and its correlation to water quality. The results showed that there were 12 groups of zooplankton found in Tangerang coastal waters dominated by Crustacean. Based on Morisita Index, zooplankton in Tangerang coastal waters has been grouped as patchy pattern distribution. Horizontal distribution of zooplankton was divided into two clusters of site location and more influenced by pH and ammonia

    Struktur Komunitas Fitoplankton di Danau Toba, Sumatera Utara

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    Lake Toba is the largest lake in Indonesia, located in the Province of North Sumatra. Lake Toba is used to aquaculture, agricultural, tourism, and residential areas. These activities will produce organic and anorganic matter that can affect water quality and can cause eutrophication. Some indicators of eutrophication are an increase in phytoplankton biomass and changes in phytoplankton community structure. The aim of this study was to describe the phytoplankton community structure in Lake Toba. This study was conducted on 20-24 October 2014 at 23 stations around the Samosir Island, Lake Toba. The results showed that the phytoplankton abundance ranged 216-68.319.716 cells/m3. The phytoplankton composition consists of 35 genera from four classes: Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, and Dinophyceae. Chyanophyceae is a dominant phytoplankton groups based on the composition of abundance (>40%). Structure of phytoplankton communities in Lake Toba dominated by Anabaena

    Penentuan Daya Dukung Perairan untuk Perikanan Alami (Studi Kasus: Situ Cilala, Kabupaten Bogor)

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    This study aimed to assess the aquatic carrying capacity for extensive fishing. The study was conducted in Cilala Lake, Jampang Village, Bogor. The carrying capacity was determined based on primary productivity using the chlorophyll value, which is indicating the existence of phosphate in waters. The result showed that carrying capacity of Cilala Lake for extensive fishing was 3.51 tons/year. Tilapia was the fish which could be restocked, because it has high tolerance to waters condition and there’s not prey or predator for this fish. If fish for restocking was assumed about 25 g in size and would be about 250 g after 46 months (harvest size), then the maximum stocked was 15.602 fingerlings/year for two periods. The number of fish pen cage available on the lake should be considered in calculating the number of fish for restocking

    Distribusi Spasial Fitoplankton di Perairan Pesisir Tangerang

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    This study was conducted in describing the spatial distribution of phytoplankton in the coast of Tanggerang based on species composition and abundance. This study held on April and August 2013 in 10 sampling station. Sample survey method used to collect the data. Morisita Index of Dispersion used to describe the distribution pattern of phytoplankton and Bray-Curtis Index used to describe the similarity of sampling station based on its abundances of phytoplankton. Based on result of the study, the phytoplankton in the coast of Tangerang consist of three classes, which is Bacillariophyceae (24 genera), Dinophyceae (3 genera), and Cyanophyceae (2 genera). The result shows that the highest composition and abundance is from the species of Bacillariophyceae. The distribution pattern of phytoplankton is group distribution. The distribution of species of phytoplankton and its abundance is different even the sampling station is near each other and environmental parameters that influence

    The potency of plankton as natural food for hard-lipped barb larvae (Osteochilus hasselti C.V.)

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    Plankton is aquatic organism that can be utilized as natural food. Hard-lipped barb is one of herbivorous fish that most of its life using plankton as its food source. Growing phytoplankton in pond can be conducted by providing nutrient source, such as fertilizing.  In this study, we examined the growth of hard-lipped barb larvae related to the existence of natural food in different fertilized ponds.  Four types of fertilizer were applied i.e. 100% organic fertilizer (PO), mixing of 85% organic and 15% inorganic fertilizer (PCa), mixing of 60% organic and 40% inorganic fertilizer, and 100% inorganic fertilizer (PA). Hard-lipped barb larvae were put into ponds after fertilizing process. Plankton was observed in ponds and larval intestines (Index of Preponderance and Ivlev Index). The growth of hard-lipped barb larvae was also observed. The result showed that larvae tend to utilize phytoplankton from the class of Bacillariophyceae and zooplankton in the early of its life. Utilizing plankton with those compositions as natural food in the early period generates a good growth performance.  The best performance of growth was shown by larvae in PA treatment which utilized most on zooplankton in the early period. Key words: fertilizer, natural food, hard-lipped barb, plankton   ABSTRAK Plankton merupakan organisme akuatik yang dapat digunakan sebagai sumber pakan alami. Ikan nilem merupakan salah satu jenis ikan herbivora yang hampir sepanjang hidupnya memanfaatkan plankton sebagai sumber makanannya. Cara untuk menumbuhkan fitoplankton di kolam adalah dengan menyediakan sumber nutrien, di antaranya melalui pemupukan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari tingkat pertumbuhan larva ikan nilem berkaitan dengan keberadaan pakan alami yang ditumbuhkan pada media dengan jenis pupuk berbeda. Dalam penelitian ini diterapkan empat jenis pupuk berbeda, yaitu 100% pupuk organik (PO), campuran 85% pupuk organik dan 15% pupuk anorganik (PCa), campuran 60% pupuk organik dan 40% pupuk anorganik, dan 100% pupuk anorganik (PA).  Larva ikan nilem ditebar di kolam setelah proses pemupukan. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap keberadaan plankton di kolam dan di usus (Indeks Preponderance dan Ivlev).  Di samping itu juga dilakukan pengamatan pertumbuhan larva.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa fitoplankton dari kelas Bacillariophyceae dan zooplankton banyak dimanfaatkan oleh larva di awal hidupnya.  Pemanfaatan plankton dengan komposisi tersebut sebagai pakan alami di awal masa pemeliharaan menghasilkan pertumbuhan yang baik.  Larva dengan pertumbuhan yang paling baik ditunjukkan oleh perlakuan PA yang memanfaatkan zooplankton lebih besar di awal masa pemeliharaan. Kata kunci: ikan nilem, pakan alami, plankton, pupu

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat melalui Program Desa Tangguh Bencana (DESTANA) Sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Banjir Rob di Kabupaten Cirebon

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    The coastal area is the border area between land and sea. Coastal areas have an important role in maintaining that seawater does not enter the mainland. Poor coastal conditions will disturb the stability of the environment around the coast. Natural disasters such as tidal floods are the focus of attention for coastal communities, especially in Cirebon District. The purpose of this community service program is to reduce the risk of tidal flooding through disaster mitigation efforts. The dedication was carried out in July 2019 with the method of socialization and brainstorming. Socialization and brainstorming were attended by villagers. The results show that the community is very enthusiastic about this program, this is evidenced by the formation of working groups (LWGs) who are fully responsible for all pre-disaster activities, during disasters and after disasters. The program that has been carried out by LWG is participating in socialization related to DESTANA and making disaster mitigation maps and following coastal cleanup activities. Keywords: tidal flooding, disaster mitigation, empowermen

    Penataan Rancangan Lokasi Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Terpadu Kampus Institut Pertanian Bogor

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    Until now there has not been a centralized Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in IPB, even though there are wastewater treatments in several locations that are scattered in the campus area. Various activities on the Dramaga IPB campus have the potential to produce wastewater, such as laboratory activities, especially chemical and biological laboratories, canteens, offices, and dormitories. The existence of scattered laboratories requires a centralized and integrated WWTP. For this reason, mapping of wastewater distribution is needed to arrange the location of the wastewater treatment plant, within the campus. Interviews with the perpetrators of activities, measurement of wastewater quality, and sampling, were carried out at the work units producing wastewater on the campus of IPB. The distribution of wastewater was grouped according to the location of the work units producing waste and identified the types of waste produced (B3-dangerous and toxic and non-B3), then presented in a map. The map was used as a reference in determining the location of wastewater treatment plants. The results showed that each work unit contributes organic waste that was not too different, the source of inorganic and B3 wastewater distribution followed the location of the laboratory which was also quite scattered in the Dramaga IPB campus area. Based on the distribution of available waste, the presence of wastewater in the campus environment of IPB was divided into two regional groups. Therefore, the location of the wastewater treatment plant was directed at two locations, namely on the Northeast side (IPAL I) and the West side (IPAL II) of IPB campus.   Keywords: wastewater characteristics, wastewater distribution, wastewater treatment plan

    Estimation of phytoplankton carbon content in Jatigede Reservoir, Sumedang, West Java

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    Waduk Jatigede merupakan perairan daratan tergenang yang terbentuk dari pembendungan sungai Cimanuk.  Waduk Jatigede, sebagaimana waduk umunnya, secara horizontal terbagi atas tiga wilayah, yaitu riverin, transisi, dan lakustrin. Perbedaan karakteristik setiap zona juga berdampak pada komposisi dan komunitas fitoplankton, status trofik, dan kandungan karbon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengalkulasi seberapa besar kandungan karbon pada fitoplankton di perairan Waduk Jatigede pada setiap zona dengan komposisi dan komunitas fitoplankton pada status trofik tertentu. Stasiun penelitian dipilih menggunakan purposive sampling dengan pemilihan stasiun berdasarkan zona dalam waduk, yaitu riverin, transisi, dan lakustrin. Analisis status trofik dan kandungan karbon digunakan untuk mengetahui kondisi dan keberadaan karbon di Waduk Jatiged. Status trofik Waduk Jatigede berdasarkan Indeks Nygaard dan TSI (Tropic State Index) dikategorikan ke dalam tingkat kesuburan eutrofik. Jenis-jenis dari Kelas Cyanophyceae memiliki kelimpahan tertinggi, tetapi kandungan karbon tertinggi berada di kelas Dinophyceae. Zonasi riverin, transisi, dan lakustrin memiliki status kesuburan yang sama, tetapi memiliki komposisi dan komunitas fitoplankton yang berbeda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh kandungan karbon fitoplankton relatif tinggi di zona  riverin dan lakustrin, dan rendah di zona transisi.  Jatigede Reservoir is stagnant inland water formed from the damming of the Cimanuk river. Jatigede Reservoir, like any other reservoir, is horizontally divided into three areas, namely riverine, transition, and lacustrine. The different characteristics of each zone also impact the composition and community of phytoplankton, trophic status, and carbon content. This study aims to calculate the carbon content of phytoplankton in the waters of the Jatigede Reservoir in each zone with the composition and community of phytoplankton at a certain trophic status. The research stations were selected using purposive sampling with station selection based on the site in the reservoir, namely riverine, transition, and lacustrine. Analysis of trophic status and carbon content was used to determine the condition and presence of carbon in the Jatiged Reservoir. The trophic position of the Jatigede Reservoir based on the Nygaard Index and TSI (Tropic State Index) is categorized into the eutrophic level. Species from the Cyanophyceae class tend to have high abundances, but the higher carbon content is in the Dinophyceae class. Riverin, transitional, and lacustrine zoning have the same trophic status but have different compositions and phytoplankton communities. Based on the study results, the carbon content of phytoplankton was relatively high in the riverine and lacustrine zones and low in the transition zone. &nbsp