579 research outputs found

    An Introduction to Data Analysis in Asteroseismology

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    A practical guide is presented to some of the main data analysis concepts and techniques employed contemporarily in the asteroseismic study of stars exhibiting solar-like oscillations. The subjects of digital signal processing and spectral analysis are introduced first. These concern the acquisition of continuous physical signals to be subsequently digitally analyzed. A number of specific concepts and techniques relevant to asteroseismology are then presented as we follow the typical workflow of the data analysis process, namely, the extraction of global asteroseismic parameters and individual mode parameters (also known as peak-bagging) from the oscillation spectrum.Comment: Lecture presented at the IVth Azores International Advanced School in Space Sciences on "Asteroseismology and Exoplanets: Listening to the Stars and Searching for New Worlds" (arXiv:1709.00645), which took place in Horta, Azores Islands, Portugal in July 201

    A novel, highly efficient cavity backshort design for far-infrared TES detectors

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    In this paper we present a new cavity backshort design for TES (transition edge sensor) detectors which will provide increased coupling of the incoming astronomical signal to the detectors. The increased coupling results from the improved geometry of the cavities, where the geometry is a consequence of the proposed chemical etching manufacturing technique. Using a number of modelling techniques, predicted results of the performance of the cavities for frequencies of 4.3–10 THz are presented and compared to more standard cavity designs. Excellent optical efficiency is demonstrated, with improved response flatness across the band. In order to verify the simulated results, a scaled model cavity was built for testing at the lower W-band frequencies (75–100 GHz) with a VNA system. Further testing of the scale model at THz frequencies was carried out using a globar and bolometer via an FTS measurement set-up. The experimental results are presented, and compared to the simulations. Although there is relatively poor comparison between simulation and measurement at some frequencies, the discrepancies are explained by means of higher-mode excitation in the measured cavity which are not accounted for in the singlemode simulations. To verify this assumption, a better behaved cylindrical cavity is simulated and measured, where excellent agreement is demonstrated in those results. It can be concluded that both the simulations and the supporting measurements give confidence that this novel cavity design will indeed provide much-improved optical coupling for TES detectors in the far-infrared/THz band

    A New Dental Superalloy System: V. Embrittling Phase Transformations

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    The σ phase is rich in Ta. When the Ta concentration is less than 14%, σ does not interfere with the slip mechanism; when the Ta concentration is more than 15%, σ interferes with the slip mechanism. The coherent α-Co 3Ta phase forms at Ta concentrations of less than 15%, whereas incoherent γ-Co 2Ta forms only at higher Ta concentrations. The interface between σ and the matrix is an important factor in the failure mechanism.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/67929/2/10.1177_00220345740530013301.pd

    Limited Lifespan of Fragile Regions in Mammalian Evolution

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    An important question in genome evolution is whether there exist fragile regions (rearrangement hotspots) where chromosomal rearrangements are happening over and over again. Although nearly all recent studies supported the existence of fragile regions in mammalian genomes, the most comprehensive phylogenomic study of mammals (Ma et al. (2006) Genome Research 16, 1557-1565) raised some doubts about their existence. We demonstrate that fragile regions are subject to a "birth and death" process, implying that fragility has limited evolutionary lifespan. This finding implies that fragile regions migrate to different locations in different mammals, explaining why there exist only a few chromosomal breakpoints shared between different lineages. The birth and death of fragile regions phenomenon reinforces the hypothesis that rearrangements are promoted by matching segmental duplications and suggests putative locations of the currently active fragile regions in the human genome

    High Pressure Processing of Dairy Foods

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    End of Project ReportThe term High Pressure Processing (HPP) is used to describe the technology whereby products are exposed to very high pressures in the region of 50 - 800 MPa (500 - 8000 Atmospheres). The potential application of HPP in the food industry has gained popularity in recent years, due to developments in the construction of HPP equipment which makes the technology more affordable. Applying HPP to food products results in modifications to interactions between individual components, rates of enzymatic reactions and inactivation of micro-organisms. The first commercial HPP products appeared on the market in 1991 in Japan, where HPP is now being used commercially for products such as jams, sauces, fruit juices, rice cakes and desserts. The pioneering research into the application of HPP to milk dates back to the end of the 19th century. Application of HPP to milk has been shown to modify its gel forming characteristics as well as reducing its microbial load. HPP offers the potential to induce similar effects to those generated by heat on milk protein. Recent reports have also indicated that HPP could accelerate the ripening of cheese. Much of the Irish cheese industry is based on the production of Cheddar cheese, the ripening time for which can vary from 4 - 12 months or more, depending on grade. A substantial portion of the cost associated with Cheddar manufacture is therefore attributed to storage under controlled conditions during ripening. Thus, any technology which may accelerate the ripening of Cheddar cheese while maintaining a balanced flavour and texture is of major economic significance. While food safety is a dominant concern, consumers are increasingly demanding foods that maintain their natural appearance and flavour, while free of chemical preservatives. HPP offers the food industry the possibility of achieving these twin goals as this technology can lead to reduced microbial loads without detrimentally effecting the nutritional or sensory qualities of the product. The development of food ingredients with novel functional properties offers the dairy industry an opportunity to revitalise existing markets and develop new ones. HPP can lead to modifications in the structure of milk components, in particular protein, which may provide interesting possibilities for the development of high value nutritional and functional ingredients. Hence these projects set out to investigate the potential of HPP in the dairy industry and to identify products and processes to which it could be applied.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marin

    Designing, Producing, and Constructing Fine-Graded Hot Mix Asphalt on Illinois Roadways

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    Fine-graded (F-G) asphalt concrete mixtures are composed of an aggregate structure in which the fine fraction controls the load-carrying capacity of the mix. Other states have reported benefits in using F-G mixtures, including improved compaction, lower segregation, and lower permeability—resulting in longer life. Rutting concerns have been mitigated through the use of manufactured sand. This study investigates the feasibility of using F-G mixtures for IL 19.0 mm (3/4 in) asphalt binder courses in Illinois. A careful laboratory investigation, including mix designs guided by the Bailey Method, was conducted, then followed by extensive laboratory performance testing. Performance tests indicated that the F-G mixtures had equivalent or superior rut and crack resistance to a reference coarse-graded (C-G) control mixture. Limited field trials demonstrated the F-G mixtures were easier to compact, led to higher pay factors, and had significantly lower permeability than traditional C G mixtures, while being similar in cost. Whether designing a coarse- or fine-graded mixture, optimum asphalt content will be the same when using the same materials and targeting the same VMA and voids level, provided asphalt absorption remains constant. Limited full-scale accelerated pavement tests also demonstrated similarity in rutting resistance between the C-G and F-G mixtures investigated. Recommendations for implementation of F-G mixtures are provided, along with a revised draft specification for 19.0 mm mixtures. The revised specification provides upward adjustments to the lower side of the gradation band at the primary control sieve to lessen the likelihood of designing segregation-prone binder mixtures and raises the upper band to permit F-G mixtures to be designed. These principles apply to surface course mixtures as well.Illinois Department of Transportation, R27-079Ope

    Assessing reproducibility for radiographic measurement of leg length inequality after total hip replacement

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    Leg length inequality (LLI) as a result of total hip replacement can cause considerable morbidity. Although LLI was described when the technique was popularised in the 1960s, it remains a significant challenge to arthroplasty surgeons. This study reviews the established practice for the measurement of LLI on plain antero-posterior radiograph, and compares these techniques to two methods used locally. The radiographs of 35 patients were measured using four techniques. All four methods yielded an interclass correlation co-efficient of ≥0.90 for inter reader reliability. This study shows that the four methods are comparable for reliability, while a composite method, measuring from the centre of femoral rotation to the inferior teardrop and then to the lesser trochanter, has the added advantage of providing extra information on component position as well as an overall measure of LLI

    Experimental Stage Separation Tool Development in NASA Langley's Aerothermodynamics Laboratory

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    As part of the research effort at NASA in support of the stage separation and ascent aerothermodynamics research program, proximity testing of a generic bimese wing-body configuration was conducted in NASA Langley's Aerothermodynamics Laboratory in the 20-Inch Mach 6 Air Tunnel. The objective of this work is the development of experimental tools and testing methodologies to apply to hypersonic stage separation problems for future multi-stage launch vehicle systems. Aerodynamic force and moment proximity data were generated at a nominal Mach number of 6 over a small range of angles of attack. The generic bimese configuration was tested in a belly-to-belly and back-to-belly orientation at 86 relative proximity locations. Over 800 aerodynamic proximity data points were taken to serve as a database for code validation. Longitudinal aerodynamic data generated in this test program show very good agreement with viscous computational predictions. Thus a framework has been established to study separation problems in the hypersonic regime using coordinated experimental and computational tools

    Sustainable bioenergy for climate mitigation: Developing drought-tolerant trees and grasses

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    \u2022 Background and Aims Bioenergy crops are central to climate mitigation strategies that utilize biogenic carbon, such as BECCS (bioenergy with carbon capture and storage), alongside the use of biomass for heat, power, liquid fuels and, in the future, biorefining to chemicals. Several promising lignocellulosic crops are emerging that have no food role \u2013 fast-growing trees and grasses \u2013 but are well suited as bioenergy feedstocks, including Populus, Salix, Arundo, Miscanthus, Panicum and Sorghum. \u2022 Scope These promising crops remain largely undomesticated and, until recently, have had limited germplasm resources. In order to avoid competition with food crops for land and nature conservation, it is likely that future bioenergy crops will be grown on marginal land that is not needed for food production and is of poor quality and subject to drought stress. Thus, here we define an ideotype for drought tolerance that will enable biomass production to be maintained in the face of moderate drought stress. This includes traits that can readily be measured in wide populations of several hundred unique genotypes for genome-wide association studies, alongside traits that are informative but can only easily be assessed in limited numbers or training populations that may be more suitable for genomic selection. Phenotyping, not genotyping, is now the major bottleneck for progress, since in all lignocellulosic crops studied extensive use has been made of next-generation sequencing such that several thousand markers are now available and populations are emerging that will enable rapid progress for drought-tolerance breeding. The emergence of novel technologies for targeted genotyping by sequencing are particularly welcome. Genome editing has already been demonstrated for Populus and offers significant potential for rapid deployment of drought-tolerant crops through manipulation of ABA receptors, as demonstrated in Arabidopsis, with other gene targets yet to be tested. \u2022 Conclusions Bioenergy is predicted to be the fastest-developing renewable energy over the coming decade and significant investment over the past decade has been made in developing genomic resources and in collecting wild germplasm from within the natural ranges of several tree and grass crops. Harnessing these resources for climate-resilient crops for the future remains a challenge but one that is likely to be successful
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