6,386 research outputs found

    Triangular Proportional Scheme and Concept of the Two Serbian Medieval Churches

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    Serbian medieval architectural heritage is notable for its sacred architecture including numerous Christian Orthodox churches built at the territory of former Raška state during the period from the 12th to the 14th centuries. Built in the so-called Raška architectural style, characterized by overlapping features of Romanesque and Byzantine traditions, two monuments—the church of the Mother of God in Studenica monastery complex and the church of Holy Dormition in Žiča monastery complex, are exquisite sacred structures and cultural monuments of exceptional importance. They are also remarkable due to geometric-proportional regularities of their design. This paper highlights the importance of geometric concept in relation to proportional analysis of these two structures. Here presented study is conducted by two means: first one—by investigating geometric scheme with equilateral triangles, incorporated into the layout and cross section patterns of each church structure; the second one—by classical proportioning that includes proportional roots, golden section and numeric ratios

    Agricultural systems in Bangladesh: the first archaeobotanical results from Early Historic Wari-Bateshwar and Early Medieval Vikrampura

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    The present paper reports the first systematic archaeobotanical evidence from Bangladesh together with direct AMS radiocarbon dates on crop remains. Macro-botanical remains were collected by flotation from two sites, Wari-Bateshwar (WB), an Early Historic archaeological site, dating mainly between 400 and 100 BC, with a later seventh century AD temple complex, and Raghurampura Vikrampura (RV), a Buddhist Monastery (vihara) located within the Vikrampura city site complex and dating to the eleventh and sixteenth centuries AD. Despite being a tropical country, with high rainfall and intensive soil processes, our work demonstrates that conventional archaeobotany, the collection of macro-remains through flotation, has much potential towards putting together a history of crops and agricultural systems in Bangladesh. The archaeobotanical assemblage collected from both sites indicates the predominance of rice agriculture, which would have been practiced in summer. Spikelet bases are of domesticated type rice, while grain metrics suggest the majority of rice was probably subspecies japonica. The presence of some wetland weeds suggests at least some of the rice was grown in wet (flooded) systems, but much of it may have been rainfed as inferred from the Southeast Asian weed Acmella paniculata. Other crops include winter cereals, barley and possible oat, and small numbers of summer millets (Pennisetum glaucum, Sorghum bicolor, Setaria italica), a wide diversity of summer and winter pulses (14 spp.), cotton, sesame and mustard seed. Pulse crops included many known from India. Thus, while most crops indicate diffusion of crops from India eastwards, the absence of indica rice could also indicate some diffusion from Southeast Asia. The later site RV also produced evidence of the rice bean (Vigna umbellata), a domesticate of mainland Southeast Asia. These data provide the first empirical evidence for reconstructing past agriculture in Bangladesh and for the role of connections to both India and mainland Southeast Asia in the development of crop diversity in the Ganges delta region

    A guide to chemokines and their receptors

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    The chemokines (or chemotactic cytokines) are a large family of small, secreted proteins that signal through cell surface G‐protein coupled heptahelical chemokine receptors. They are best known for their ability to stimulate the migration of cells, most notably white blood cells (leukocytes). Consequently, chemokines play a central role in the development and homeostasis of the immune system, and are involved in all protective or destructive immune and inflammatory responses. Classically viewed as inducers of directed chemotactic migration, it is now clear that chemokines can stimulate a variety of other types of directed and undirected migratory behaviour, such as haptotaxis, chemokinesis, and haptokinesis, in addition to inducing cell arrest or adhesion. However, chemokine receptors on leukocytes can do more than just direct migration, and these molecules can also be expressed on, and regulate the biology of, many non‐leukocytic cell types. Chemokines are profoundly affected by post‐translational modification, by interaction with the extracellular matrix (ECM), and by binding to heptahelical ‘atypical’ chemokine receptors that regulate chemokine localisation and abundance. This guide gives a broad overview of the chemokine and chemokine receptor families; summarises the complex physical interactions that occur in the chemokine network; and, using specific examples, discusses general principles of chemokine function, focussing particularly on their ability to direct leukocyte migration

    The College News, 1936-04-08, Vol. 22, No. 19

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    Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with The Haverford News in 1968 to form the Bi-college News (with various titles from 1968 on). Published weekly (except holidays) during the academic year

    Predicting Fluid Intelligence of Children using T1-weighted MR Images and a StackNet

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    In this work, we utilize T1-weighted MR images and StackNet to predict fluid intelligence in adolescents. Our framework includes feature extraction, feature normalization, feature denoising, feature selection, training a StackNet, and predicting fluid intelligence. The extracted feature is the distribution of different brain tissues in different brain parcellation regions. The proposed StackNet consists of three layers and 11 models. Each layer uses the predictions from all previous layers including the input layer. The proposed StackNet is tested on a public benchmark Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Neurocognitive Prediction Challenge 2019 and achieves a mean squared error of 82.42 on the combined training and validation set with 10-fold cross-validation. In addition, the proposed StackNet also achieves a mean squared error of 94.25 on the testing data. The source code is available on GitHub.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, Accepted by MICCAI ABCD-NP Challenge 2019; Added ND

    Pilot phenotype and natural history study of hereditary neuropathies caused by mutations in the HSPB1 gene

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    Mutations in HSPB1 are one of the commonest causes of distal Hereditary Motor Neuropathy (dHMN). Transgenic mouse models of the disease have identified HDAC6 inhibitors as promising treatments for the condition paving the way for human trials. A detailed phenotype and natural history study of HSPB1 neuropathy is therefore required in order to inform the duration and outcome measures of any future trials. Clinical and neurophysiological data and lower limb muscle MRI were collected both prospectively and retrospectively from patients with mutations in HSPB1. The natural history was assessed by recording the weighted Charcot-Marie-Tooth Examination Score (CMTES) at annual intervals in a subset of patients. 20 patients from 14 families were recruited into the study. The average age of onset was in the 4th decade. Patients presented with a length dependent neuropathy but with early ankle plantar flexion weakness. Neurophysiology confirmed a motor neuropathy but also showed sensory nerve involvement in most patients. Cross sectional muscle MRI revealed soleus and medial gastrocnemius fat infiltration as an early signature of mutant HSPB1 disease. In this study neither semi quantitative muscle MRI, the CMTES nor neurophysiology were able to detect disease progression in HSPB1 neuropathy over 1 or 2 years. Further studies are therefore required to identify a suitable biomarker before clinical trials in HSPB1 neuropathy can be undertaken

    Bragg Grating Corrosion Sensor

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    Historically, corrosion has not been included in the calculation of the life expectancy of aircraft. It is well known how stress-corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue can significantly reduce the life expectancy of structures. Therefore, it can be correctly assumed that some aircraft flying near their expected life might actually be flying well beyond their “safe life”. Furthermore, due to DoD present tight budget requirements, its is expected that some defense aircraft might not be retired at their original expected life but will be reconditioned to fly beyond that time. All of these considerations indicate that early detection, quantification and prevention of corrosion is of critical importance for military aircraft. This is particularly true for Navy aircraft which fly in the most corrosive environment of all services