1,457 research outputs found

    Tangihanga: The ultimate form of Māori cultural expression - overview of a research programme

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    Death, observed through the process of tangihanga (time set aside to grieve and mourn, rites for the dead) or tangi (to grieve and mourn), is the ultimate form of Māori cultural expression. It is also the topic least studied by Māori or understood by outsiders, even after televised funeral rites of Māori leaders and intrusive media engagements with more humble family crises. It has prevailed as a cultural priority since earliest European contact, despite missionary and colonial impact and interference, and macabre Victorian fascination. Change is speculative rather than confirmed. Tangi and death rituals have yet to be rigorously examined in the Māori oral canon, or in the archival and historic record that may be discarded or reinforced by current practice. As researchers we are committed to studying tangi, conscious of the belief that such work carries the inherent risk of karanga aituā (inviting misfortune or even death itself) by drawing attention to it. Contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand is constantly touched by aspects of tangi practice through popular media and personal exposure. This volatile subject nevertheless demands careful and comprehensive scrutiny in order to extend and enrich the knowledge base, reveal the logic that guides ritual, inform the wider New Zealand community and, more importantly, support the cultural, social, ritual, economic and decision making processes of bereaved whānau (family, including extended family), people affiliated with marae (communal meeting complex) and iwi (tribe, tribal). This paper provides an overview of a research programme that began in July 2009, based at The University of Waikato. The programme is funded by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, the Marsden Fund of New Zealand and the Health Research Council of New Zealand

    Neurophysiological mechanisms of sensorimotor recovery from stroke

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    Ischemic stroke often results in the devastating loss of nervous tissue in the cerebral cortex, leading to profound motor deficits when motor territory is lost, and ultimately resulting in a substantial reduction in quality of life for the stroke survivor. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) was developed in 2002 by the World Health Organization (WHO) and provides a framework for clinically defining impairment after stroke. While the reduction of burdens due to neurological disease is stated as a mission objective of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), recent clinical trials have been unsuccessful in translating preclinical research breakthroughs into actionable therapeutic treatment strategies with meaningful progress towards this goal. This means that research expanding another NINDS mission is now more important than ever: improving fundamental knowledge about the brain and nervous system in order to illuminate the way forward. Past work in the monkey model of ischemic stroke has suggested there may be a relationship between motor improvements after injury and the ability of the animal to reintegrate sensory and motor information during behavior. This relationship may be subserved by sprouting cortical axonal processes that originate in the spared premotor cortex after motor cortical injury in squirrel monkeys. The axons were observed to grow for relatively long distances (millimeters), significantly changing direction so that it appears that they specifically navigate around the injury site and reorient toward the spared sensory cortex. Critically, it remains unknown whether such processes ever form functional synapses, and if they do, whether such synapses perform meaningful calculations or other functions during behavior. The intent of this dissertation was to study this phenomenon in both intact rats and rats with a focal ischemia in primary motor cortex (M1) contralateral to the preferred forelimb during a pellet retrieval task. As this proved to be a challenging and resource-intensive endeavor, a primary objective of the dissertation became to provide the tools to facilitate such a project to begin with. This includes the creation of software, hardware, and novel training and behavioral paradigms for the rat model. At the same time, analysis of previous experimental data suggested that plasticity in the neural activity of the bilateral motor cortices of rats performing pellet retrievals after focal M1 ischemia may exhibit its most salient changes with respect to functional changes in behavior via mechanisms that were different than initially hypothesized. Specifically, a major finding of this dissertation is the finding that evidence of plasticity in the unit activity of bilateral motor cortical areas of the reaching rat is much stronger at the level of population features. These features exhibit changes in dynamics that suggest a shift in network fixed points, which may relate to the stability of filtering performed during behavior. It is therefore predicted that in order to define recovery by comparison to restitution, a specific type of fixed point dynamics must be present in the cortical population state. A final suggestion is that the stability or presence of these dynamics is related to the reintegration of sensory information to the cortex, which may relate to the positive impact of physical therapy during rehabilitation in the postacute window. Although many more rats will be needed to state any of these findings as a definitive fact, this line of inquiry appears to be productive for identifying targets related to sensorimotor integration which may enhance the efficacy of future therapeutic strategies

    Book Reviews

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    THE SILVERLAKE EXPERIMENT. By Lamar T. Empey and Steven G. Lubeck. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company, 1971. Pp. x, 354. 12.50.THEFEAROFCONSPIRACY:IMAGESOFUNAMERICANSUBVERSIONFROMTHEREVOLUTIONTOTHEPRESENT.EditedwithcommentarybyDavidBrionDavis.Ithaca:CornellUniversityPress,1971.Pp.xxiv,362.12.50. THE FEAR OF CONSPIRACY: IMAGES OF UN-AMERICAN SUBVERSION FROM THE REVOLUTION TO THE PRESENT. Edited with commentary by David Brion Davis.Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1971. Pp. xxiv, 362. 10.00. THE INTERNATIONAL LAW OF CIVIL WAR. Edited by Richard A. Falk. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. Pp. xix, 452. 15.00.THEDEATHOFTHEGREATSPIRIT:ANELEGYFORTHEAMERICANINDIAN.ByEarlShorris.NewYork:SimonandSchuster,1971.Pp.253.15.00. THE DEATH OF THE GREAT SPIRIT: AN ELEGY FOR THE AMERICAN INDIAN. By Earl Shorris. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1971. Pp. 253. 6.95

    Children’s voices in the Framework for Early Learning – a portraiture study

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    The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) is developing a Framework for Early Learning to support adults in working with children from birth to six years. The Framework is premised on an understanding of children as being active in shaping and creating their own lives. This perspective supports the inclusion of children’s voices in decisions which affect them. The NCCA is using a portraiture study to facilitate children as partners in developing the Framework. The portraits will provide a detailed description of individual children’s experiences and reflections on their time in early childhood settings and will provide an important benchmark for the NCCA in developing a national framework for early learning and development which is grounded in an Irish context. This contextualisation will help to ensure that the Framework is relevant and helpful to adults in working with children in Ireland

    Multiple roles for endothelin in melanocyte development: Regulation of progenitor number and stimulation of differentiation

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    Melanocytes in the skin are derived from the embryonic neural crest, Recently, mutations in endothelin 3 and the endothelin receptor B genes have been shown to result in gross pigment defects, indicating that this signalling pathway is required for melanocyte development. We have examined the effects of endothelins on melanocyte progenitors in cultures of mouse neural crest. Firstly, they stimulate an increase in progenitor number and act synergistically with another factor, Steel factor, in the survival and proliferation of the progenitors. These findings are consistent with findings from mice with natural mutations in the endothelin receptor B gene, which show an early loss of melanocyte progenitors. Secondly, endothelins induce differentiation of the progenitors into fully mature pigmented melanocytes. This finding is consistent with the expression of endothelins in the skin of mice at the initiation of pigmentation. The melanocytes generated in endothelin-treated cultures also become responsive to alpha melanocyte-stimulating hormone, which then acts to regulate the activity of the pigmentation pathway. These findings indicate two key roles for endothelin in melanocyte development: regulation of expansion of the progenitor pool and differentiation of progenitors into mature melanocytes

    Multiscale and multimodal network dynamics underpinning working memory

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    Working memory (WM) allows information to be stored and manipulated over short time scales. Performance on WM tasks is thought to be supported by the frontoparietal system (FPS), the default mode system (DMS), and interactions between them. Yet little is known about how these systems and their interactions relate to individual differences in WM performance. We address this gap in knowledge using functional MRI data acquired during the performance of a 2-back WM task, as well as diffusion tensor imaging data collected in the same individuals. We show that the strength of functional interactions between the FPS and DMS during task engagement is inversely correlated with WM performance, and that this strength is modulated by the activation of FPS regions but not DMS regions. Next, we use a clustering algorithm to identify two distinct subnetworks of the FPS, and find that these subnetworks display distinguishable patterns of gene expression. Activity in one subnetwork is positively associated with the strength of FPS-DMS functional interactions, while activity in the second subnetwork is negatively associated. Further, the pattern of structural linkages of these subnetworks explains their differential capacity to influence the strength of FPS-DMS functional interactions. To determine whether these observations could provide a mechanistic account of large-scale neural underpinnings of WM, we build a computational model of the system composed of coupled oscillators. Modulating the amplitude of the subnetworks in the model causes the expected change in the strength of FPS-DMS functional interactions, thereby offering support for a mechanism in which subnetwork activity tunes functional interactions. Broadly, our study presents a holistic account of how regional activity, functional interactions, and structural linkages together support individual differences in WM in humans

    Finding binaries from phase modulation of pulsating stars with Kepler: V. Orbital parameters, with eccentricity and mass-ratio distributions of 341 new binaries

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    The orbital parameters of binaries at intermediate periods (102–103 d) are difficult to measure with conventional methods and are very incomplete. We have undertaken a new survey, applying our pulsation timing method to Kepler light curves of 2224 main-sequence A/F stars and found 341 non-eclipsing binaries. We calculate the orbital parameters for 317 PB1 systems (single-pulsator binaries) and 24 PB2s (double-pulsators), tripling the number of intermediate-mass binaries with full orbital solutions. The method reaches down to small mass ratios q ≈ 0.02 and yields a highly homogeneous sample. We parametrize the mass- ratio distribution using both inversion and Markov-Chain Monte Carlo forward-modelling techniques, and find it to be skewed towards low-mass companions, peaking at q ≈ 0.2. While solar-type primaries exhibit a brown dwarf desert across short and intermediate periods, we find a small but statistically significant (2.6σ ) population of extreme-mass-ratio companions (q 0.1, we measure the binary fraction of current A/F primaries to be 15.4 per cent ± 1.4 per cent, though we find that a large fraction of the companions (21 per cent ± 6 per cent) are white dwarfs in post-mass-transfer systems with primaries that are now blue stragglers, some of which are the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae, barium stars, symbiotics, and related phenomena. Excluding these white dwarfs, we determine the binary fraction of original A/F primaries to be 13.9 per cent ± 2.1 per cent over the same parameter space. Combining our measurements with those in the literature, we find the binary fraction across these periods is a constant 5 per cent for primaries M1 < 0.8 M , but then increases linearly with log M1, demonstrating that natal discs around more massive protostars M1 2: 1M become increasingly more prone to fragmentation. Finally, we find the eccentricity distribution of the main-sequence pairs to be much less eccentric than the thermal distribution

    Toxoplasma gondii infection drives conversion of NK cells into ILC1-like cells

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    Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) were originally classified based on their cytokine profiles, placing natural killer (NK) cells and ILC1s together, but recent studies support their separation into different lineages at steady-state. However, tumors may induce NK cell conversion into ILC1-like cells that are limited to the tumor microenvironment and whether this conversion occurs beyond this environment remains unknown. Here, we describ