232 research outputs found

    Increased Use of Security Personnel in Irish Psychiatric Hospitals: 2008–2012

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    Objectives Little is known about the involvement of security personnel in Irish psychiatric care. Content analysis of inspection reports is a feasible way to investigate this under-researched topic. We aimed to (i) Describe the number of approved centres per year in which we observed comments about the presence of security personnel in published reports of inspections conducted from 2008 to 2012 (ii) Report the main themes of all text relating to security personnel published in these inspection reports. Method We conducted a content analysis of all 349 inspection reports published between 2008 and 2012. Results The number of approved centres in which security personnel were noted increased from 3% to 8% between the years 2008 and 2012. This increase was not statistically significant when the same unique centres were compared between years (p=0.684). Employment details such as contracted employment relationship, location relative to the approved centre and hours of work appeared inconsistent across centres. Role functions of security personnel differed across centres and ranged from monitoring the entrance of a unit to observing, restraining and secluding patients. Contrasting perceptions of suitability were evident in the inspection reports. The extent to which the training needs of security personnel were met was unclear from the reports. Conclusions Activity of security personnel in psychiatric hospitals may not be role appropriate, compliant with legislation or conducive to treatment. Best practice guidelines should be developed in consultation with multiple stakeholders

    The Físchlár-News-Stories system: personalised access to an archive of TV news

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    The “Físchlár” systems are a family of tools for capturing, analysis, indexing, browsing, searching and summarisation of digital video information. Físchlár-News-Stories, described in this paper, is one of those systems, and provides access to a growing archive of broadcast TV news. Físchlár-News-Stories has several notable features including the fact that it automatically records TV news and segments a broadcast news program into stories, eliminating advertisements and credits at the start/end of the broadcast. Físchlár-News-Stories supports access to individual stories via calendar lookup, text search through closed captions, automatically-generated links between related stories, and personalised access using a personalisation and recommender system based on collaborative filtering. Access to individual news stories is supported either by browsing keyframes with synchronised closed captions, or by playback of the recorded video. One strength of the Físchlár-News-Stories system is that it is actually used, in practice, daily, to access news. Several aspects of the Físchlár systems have been published before, bit in this paper we give a summary of the Físchlár-News-Stories system in operation by following a scenario in which it is used and also outlining how the underlying system realises the functions it offers

    Mechanical prions: Self-assembling microstructures

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    Prions are misfolded proteins that transmit their structural arrangement to neighboring proteins. In biological systems, prion dynamics can produce a variety of complex functional outcomes. Yet, an understanding of prionic causes has been hampered by the fact that few computational models exist that allow for experimental design, hypothesis testing, and control. Here, we identify essential prionic properties and present a biologically inspired model of prions using simple mechanical structures capable of undergoing complex conformational change. We demonstrate the utility of our approach by designing a prototypical mechanical prion and validating its properties experimentally. Our work provides a design framework for harnessing and manipulating prionic properties in natural and artificial systems.Comment: Added supplements, 25 pages, 11 figure

    White matter microstructure in 22q11 deletion syndrome: a pilot diffusion tensor imaging and voxel-based morphometry study of children and adolescents

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    Young people with 22q11 Deletion Syndrome (22q11DS) are at substantial risk for developing psychosis and have significant differences in white matter (WM) volume. However, there are few in vivo studies of both WM microstructural integrity (as measured using Diffusion Tensor (DT)-MRI) and WM volume in the same individual. We used DT-MRI and structural MRI (sMRI) with voxel based morphometry (VBM) to compare, respectively, the fractional anisotropy (FA) and WM volume of 11 children and adolescents with 22q11DS and 12 controls. Also, within 22q11DS we related differences in WM to severity of schizotypy, and polymorphism of the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene. People with 22q11DS had significantly lower FA in inter-hemispheric and brainstem and frontal, parietal and temporal lobe regions after covarying for IQ. Significant WM volumetric increases were found in the internal capsule, anterior brainstem and frontal and occipital lobes. There was a significant negative correlation between increased schizotypy scores and reduced WM FA in the right posterior limb of internal capsule and the right body and left splenium of corpus callosum. Finally, the Val allele of COMT was associated with a significant reduction in both FA and volume of WM in the frontal lobes, cingulum and corpus callosum. Young people with 22q11DS have significant differences in both WM microstructure and volume. Also, there is preliminary evidence that within 22q11DS, some regional differences in FA are associated with allelic variation in COMT and may perhaps also be associated with schizotypy

    Eccentric knee flexor strength profiles of 341 elite male academy and senior Gaelic football players: Do body mass and previous hamstring injury impact performance?

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    Report eccentric knee flexor strength values of elite Gaelic football players from underage to adult level whilst examining the influence of body mass and previous hamstring injury. Cross-sectional study. Team's training facility. Elite Gaelic football players (n = 341) from under 14 years to senior age-grades were recruited from twelve teams. Absolute (N) and relative (N·kg ) eccentric hamstring strength as well as corresponding between-limb imbalances (%) were calculated for all players. Mean maximum force was 329.4N (95% CI 319.5-340.2) per limb. No statistically significant differences were observed in relative force values (4.4 N ·kg , 95% CI 4.2-4.5) between age-groups. Body mass had moderate-to-large and weak associations with maximum force in youth (r = 0.597) and adult (r =0 .159) players, respectively. Overall 40% (95 CI 31.4-48.7) presented with a maximum strength between-limb imbalance >10%. Players with a hamstring injury had greater relative maximum force (9.3%, 95% CI 7.0-11.8; p > 0.05) and a 28% (95% CI 10.0-38.0) higher prevalence of between-limb imbalances ≥15% compared to their uninjured counterparts. Overlapping strength profiles across age-groups, combined with greater strength in previously injured players, suggests difficulties for establishing cut-off thresholds associated with hamstring injury risk. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Quiescience as a mechanism for cyclical hypoxia and acidosis

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    Tumour tissue characteristically experiences fluctuations in substrate supply. This unstable microenvironment drives constitutive metabolic changes within cellular populations and, ultimately, leads to a more aggressive phenotype. Previously, variations in substrate levels were assumed to occur through oscillations in the hæmodynamics of nearby and distant blood vessels. In this paper we examine an alternative hypothesis, that cycles of metabolite concentrations are also driven by cycles of cellular quiescence and proliferation. Using a mathematical modelling approach, we show that the interdependence between cell cycle and the microenvironment will induce typical cycles with the period of order hours in tumour acidity and oxygenation. As a corollary, this means that the standard assumption of metabolites entering diffusive equilibrium around the tumour is not valid; instead temporal dynamics must be considered

    Complex Investigations of Double Layer of Colloid Particles. Electric Conductivity of Suspensions and Anisotropy of Electrophoresis

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    Conditions for obtaining quantitative .ililformation on the double layer of colloid particles on the basis of electrosurface measurements have been analyzed. A rigorous theory of electric conductivdty of diluted suspensions on the basis of induced dilpole moments of particles has been presented. The .isoconductance point of a suspension has been shown to codncide wd.th the isopolarisation state of a particle. A theory of anisotropy of the electrophoresis of long rod-like particles has been put forward. The identity of the formules of electrophoresis of a sphere and of cylindrical particles oriented pevpendicular towards the field at a small thickness of the double layer has been shown. A good agreement has been found between the values of induced dipole moments and, specific surface conductivity in a wide electrolite concentration range measured by the methods of electric conductivity of suspensions and anisotropy of electrophoresis. The theories of induced dipole moment, electric conductivity of suspension and anisotropy of electrophoresis have been experimentally examined

    Cost effectiveness of endovascular ultrasound renal denervation in patients with resistant hypertension

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    Background Resistant hypertension (rHTN) is defined as blood pressure (BP) of ≥ 140/90 mmHg despite treatment with at least three antihypertensive medications, including a diuretic. Endovascular ultrasound renal denervation (uRDN) aims to control BP alongside conventional BP treatment with antihypertensive medication. This analysis assesses the cost effectiveness of the addition of the Paradise uRDN System compared with standard of care alone in patients with rHTN from the perspective of the United Kingdom (UK) health care system. Methods Using RADIANCE-HTN TRIO trial data, we developed a state-transition model. Baseline risk was calculated using Framingham and Prospective Cardiovascular Münster (PROCAM) risk equations to estimate the long-term cardiovascular risks in patients treated with the Paradise uRDN System, based on the observed systolic BP (SBP) reduction following uRDN. Relative risks sourced from a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials were then used to project cardiovascular events in patients with baseline SBP (‘control’ patients); utility and mortality inputs and costs were derived from UK data. Costs and outcomes were discounted at 3.5% per annum. Modelled outcomes were validated against trial meta-analyses and the QRISK3 algorithm and real-world evidence of RDN effectiveness. One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were conducted to assess the uncertainty surrounding the model inputs and sensitivity of the model results to changes in parameter inputs. Results were reported as incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs). Results A mean reduction in office SBP of 8.5 mmHg with uRDN resulted in an average improvement in both absolute life-years (LYs) and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) gained compared with standard of care alone (0.73 LYs and 0.67 QALYs). The overall base-case ICER with uRDN was estimated at £5600 (€6500) per QALY gained (95% confidence interval £5463–£5739 [€6341–€6661]); modelling demonstrated > 99% probability that the ICER is below the £20,000–£30,000 (€23,214–€34,821) per QALYs gained willingness-to-pay threshold in the UK. Results were consistent across sensitivity analyses and validation checks. Conclusions Endovascular ultrasound RDN with the Paradise system offers patients with rHTN, clinicians, and healthcare systems a cost-effective treatment option alongside antihypertensive medication

    Visuospatial working memory in children and adolescents with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome; an fMRI study

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    22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS) is a genetic disorder associated with a microdeletion of chromosome 22q11. In addition to high rates of neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, children with 22q11DS have a specific neuropsychological profile with particular deficits in visuospatial and working memory. However, the neurobiological substrate underlying these deficits is poorly understood. We investigated brain function during a visuospatial working memory (SWM) task in eight children with 22q11DS and 13 healthy controls, using fMRI. Both groups showed task-related activation in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and bilateral parietal association cortices. Controls activated parietal and occipital regions significantly more than those with 22q11DS but there was no significant between-group difference in DLPFC. In addition, while controls had a significant age-related increase in the activation of posterior brain regions and an age-related decrease in anterior regions, the 22q11DS children showed the opposite pattern. Genetically determined differences in the development of specific brain systems may underpin the cognitive deficits in 22q11DS, and may contribute to the later development of neuropsychiatric disorders

    The aged niche disrupts muscle stem cell quiescence

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    SUMMARY The niche is a conserved regulator of stem cell quiescence and function. During aging, stem cell function declines. To what extent and by which means age-related changes within the niche contribute to this phenomenon are unknown. We demonstrate that the aged muscle stem cell niche, the muscle fiber, expresses FGF2 under homeostatic conditions, driving a subset of satellite cells to break quiescence and lose self-renewing capacity. We show that relatively dormant aged satellite cells robustly express Sprouty1 (spry1), an inhibitor of FGF signalling. Increasing FGF signalling in aged satellite cells under homeostatic conditions by removing spry1, results in the loss of quiescence, satellite cell depletion and diminished regenerative capacity. Conversely, reducing niche-derived FGF activity through inhibition of FGFR1 signalling or overexpression of spry1 in satellite cells prevents their depletion. These experiments identify an age-dependent change in the stem cell niche that directly influences stem cell quiescence and function