47 research outputs found

    Veal Calves, an Alternative System to Increase the Profitability of Dairy Sectors : Feasibility Study

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    With the purpose of increasing the profitability of milk producers, a pilot study for the production system of veal dairy calves was conducted. This type of rearing is not practiced in our country at present. The study was carried out in the establishment of “cabaña Alicia” dairy farm, located in the district of Magdalena, province of Buenos Aires. 12 Argentinean Holando breed male non-castrated calves were employed for this study, and they were fed on a milk replacer-based liquid diet, to obtain a pale meat as the final product. This kind of meat is characteristic of Europe and also quite widespread throughout this continent. Fortnightly weighting was performed to control the daily body weight gain (DWG). Finally, the calves were slaughtered six months later, with an average DWG 0.73 kg/day, average BW 181 kg, and beef yield 57.6%; blood iron exams at the end of the cycle resulted in average 7.8 gr/dl, considered within the expected parameters to avoid the occurrence of anemia. Thus, we can conclude that this production proposal, compared to traditional artificial calf rearing, is a convenient opportunity to those producers who can enter the market of this kind of meat, or seek consumption sites in our country.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Veal Calves, an Alternative System to Increase the Profitability of Dairy Sectors : Feasibility Study

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    With the purpose of increasing the profitability of milk producers, a pilot study for the production system of veal dairy calves was conducted. This type of rearing is not practiced in our country at present. The study was carried out in the establishment of “cabaña Alicia” dairy farm, located in the district of Magdalena, province of Buenos Aires. 12 Argentinean Holando breed male non-castrated calves were employed for this study, and they were fed on a milk replacer-based liquid diet, to obtain a pale meat as the final product. This kind of meat is characteristic of Europe and also quite widespread throughout this continent. Fortnightly weighting was performed to control the daily body weight gain (DWG). Finally, the calves were slaughtered six months later, with an average DWG 0.73 kg/day, average BW 181 kg, and beef yield 57.6%; blood iron exams at the end of the cycle resulted in average 7.8 gr/dl, considered within the expected parameters to avoid the occurrence of anemia. Thus, we can conclude that this production proposal, compared to traditional artificial calf rearing, is a convenient opportunity to those producers who can enter the market of this kind of meat, or seek consumption sites in our country.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Capacitación para la producción familiar y el autoconsumo de alimentos

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    La diversificación productiva y la producción de alimentos para autoconsumo son estrategias de pequeños y medianos productores que están en tensión con los paradigmas productivos y de ruralidad que se consolidan a través del modelo hegemónico de producción. El siguiente trabajo se basa en un proyecto de extensión de la cátedra de introducción a la producción animal de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales mediante el cual se desarrollaron talleres de capacitación e intercambio de experiencias en perspectiva de estimular el desarrollo de alternativas productivas para la diversificación productiva y el autoconsumo. Mediante el desarrollo de los talleres se constata una diversidad de sujetos y prácticas productivas en el medio rural que complejiza una realidad que a priori tiende a simplificarse. La producción familiar persiste y es acervo de una cultura contra hegemónica que valoriza la autoproducción de alimentos a pesar de las tendencias que son consolidadas por el modelo concentrador. Este tipo de realidades y planteos productivos alternativos son de fundamental importancia para proyectar ciertos marcos en perspectiva de construir soberanía alimentaria.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    La formación práctica en la carrera de Ingeniería Agronómica : El caso del tambo “6 de Agosto”

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    La necesidad de la práctica y su vinculación con la formación de los profesionales de las Ciencias Agrarias es una discusión de larga data; sin embargo su incorporación como eje central de la carrera se comienza a atender en la modificación de los planes de estudio. En el año 2005 se pone en funcionamiento el Proyecto “Producción láctea con fines sociales y educativos” el cual apunta a fortalecer una unidad productiva, dirigida a complementar la formación de los alumnos en la temática de producción láctea y su inserción en comunidades en contextos de vulnerabilidad social. Dentro de los objetivos de aprendizaje, la estrategia se orienta a promover operaciones cognitivas que incluyen el desarrollo de habilidades prácticas en el análisis de un sistema productivo. Los estudiantes participan junto al equipo técnico en la resolución de las problemáticas, con un ajuste entre las características de la situación y el cuerpo de teorías y prácticas disponibles. En el mismo se realizan actividades optativas, becas de experiencia laboral, participación de cursos y trabajos finales. En la reflexión sobre la importancia de la actividad los alumnos resaltan la necesidad de sostenerla e incluso generalizarla a otras disciplinas de la carrera.Eje temático 1: Problemáticas y alternativas de mejora de la enseñanza d - La articulación entre enseñanza y práctica profesionalFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales (FCAF

    Ground and Whole Grain Corn: Effect on Ruminal pH in Goats Diets

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of whole and ground corn grain in ruminal pH and total dry matter intake in diets for goats. Eight crossbreed goats (Creole x Nubian) was fitted with a rumen cannula and assigned in a replicated 4 x 4 Latin square experimental design. Two experiments were conducted; in the first test we used whole grain corn and second, ground corn grain. Ruminal pH data was measured for each goat as average pH, area between the curve and a horizontal line at pH 6, and duration less than pH 6 . In the first experiment, there were not differences (p> 0.05) on area between the curve and a horizontal line at pH 6, average pH and duration less than pH 6 among diets. A tendency was observed (p= 0.08) to decrease in DMI and the F/C decreased linearly (p< 0.05) with increasing whole corn in ration. In the second experiment, a significant linear increase was observed (p< 0.05) on area between the curve and a horizontal line at pH 6, with increasing ground corn. A linear decrease (p <0.05) was observed in average ruminal pH and linear increase (p <0.05) in duration less than pH 6. There was no difference in DMI and linear decrease (p <0.05) in F/C with increasing whole. The milling corn grain, increase the hydrolysis rate of the starch, possibly because to increased bacterial colonization of the horny endosperm surface, lowering ruminal pH.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Effect of Type of Hay and Concentrate Level in Intake and Digestibility in Diets for Goats

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the level of hay and concentrate on total hay intake and supplied already, the additive/substitutive effect and total apparent digestibility of the diet intake in diets for goats. Experiment I: diets: Alfalfa hay (A1), Alfalfa hay + corn (0.5% LW/day) (A2), + 1% LW/day (A3), + 1.5% LW/day (A4). Experiment II: diets: Natural grassland hay (CN) (R1), hay CN + corn (0.5% LW/day) (R2), hay CN + corn (1% of LW/day) (R3), + 1.5% of LW/day) (R4). Intake, ratio forage/concentrate and total apparent digestibility were calculated. Experiment I: There were no effects (p&gt; 0.05) on the CMST for the corn tested levels and recorded a linear decrease (p &lt;0.05) in the CTFDN, CTFDA and CTPB. The CMSF decreased linearly (p &lt;0.05) with increasing amounts of corn by verifying a hay effect on the concentrate. The F/C was different (p &lt;0.05) in all treatments. The DTAIVMS increases linearly (p &lt;0.05) with the content of corn in the diet. Experiment II: a linear increase (p &lt;0.05) on the CMST and CTPB with increasing corn in diet and no differences (p&gt; 0.05) on the CMSF, CTFDN and CTFDA is observed. The F/C and CTPB differ (p &lt;0.05) among all the diets tested. The DTAIVMS increases linearly (p &lt;0.05) with the content of corn in the diet. Therefore, it can be concluded that the increase of maize levels improved the total digestibility of the ration consumed and the substitute or additive effect depended on the quality of the hay used.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Effect of Type of Hay and Concentrate Level in Intake and Digestibility in Diets for Goats

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the level of hay and concentrate on total hay intake and supplied already, the additive/substitutive effect and total apparent digestibility of the diet intake in diets for goats. Experiment I: diets: Alfalfa hay (A1), Alfalfa hay + corn (0.5% LW/day) (A2), + 1% LW/day (A3), + 1.5% LW/day (A4). Experiment II: diets: Natural grassland hay (CN) (R1), hay CN + corn (0.5% LW/day) (R2), hay CN + corn (1% of LW/day) (R3), + 1.5% of LW/day) (R4). Intake, ratio forage/concentrate and total apparent digestibility were calculated. Experiment I: There were no effects (p&gt; 0.05) on the CMST for the corn tested levels and recorded a linear decrease (p &lt;0.05) in the CTFDN, CTFDA and CTPB. The CMSF decreased linearly (p &lt;0.05) with increasing amounts of corn by verifying a hay effect on the concentrate. The F/C was different (p &lt;0.05) in all treatments. The DTAIVMS increases linearly (p &lt;0.05) with the content of corn in the diet. Experiment II: a linear increase (p &lt;0.05) on the CMST and CTPB with increasing corn in diet and no differences (p&gt; 0.05) on the CMSF, CTFDN and CTFDA is observed. The F/C and CTPB differ (p &lt;0.05) among all the diets tested. The DTAIVMS increases linearly (p &lt;0.05) with the content of corn in the diet. Therefore, it can be concluded that the increase of maize levels improved the total digestibility of the ration consumed and the substitute or additive effect depended on the quality of the hay used.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Effect of type of hay and concentrate level on ruminal pH in diets for goats

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    El objetivo del siguiente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del tipo de heno y nivel de concentrado sobre el pH ruminal en dietas para caprinos. Se utilizaron 4 cabras (criolla x Nubian) en un cuadrado latino de 4×4. Experimento I. 4 dietas: heno de alfalfa, heno de alfalfa + grano molido de maíz al 0,5%, 1% y 1,5% del PV/día. Experimento II. 4 dietas: heno de campo natural (CN), heno de CN + grano molido de maíz al 0,5%, 1% y 1,5% del PV/día. Se determinó el pH ruminal y se calculó el área bajo la curva, pH promedio del día, tiempo en horas con pH por debajo de 6, efecto del tiempo pos alimentación e interacción hora/tratamiento. El experimento I, verificó un incremento lineal (p< 0,05) del área bajo la curva del pH umbral y del tiempo con pH menor a 6 con el aumento de maíz en la dieta. El pH ruminal promedio del día disminuyó linealmente (p< 0,05) con el aumento del concentrado. El pH ruminal disminuyó (p 0,05). Se registraron diferencias (p< 0,05) en las horas post alimentación, sobre el pH ruminal, con interacción significativa (p< 0,05) hora-tratamiento. Se concluye que los niveles ensayados de suplementación disminuyeron el pH ruminal y el tipo de heno utilizado provocó un efecto buffer diferente en el ambiente ruminal caprino.The objective was to evaluate the effect of the level of hay and concentrate on ruminal pH in diets for goats. Four goats (Creole x Nubian) were used in a 4×4 Latin square. Experiment I. 4 diets: alfalfa hay, alfalfa hay ground grain corn + 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% LW/day. Experiment II. 4 diets: natural hay field hay natural field ground grain corn + 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% LW/day. Ruminal pH is determined and the area under the curve, the average pH of the day, time in hours with pH below 6, the effect of time after feeding and interaction time / treatment. In Experiment I, a linear increase (P &lt;0.05) the area under the curve of pH threshold and less time to 6 with increasing pH corn diet was verified. The mean ruminal pH decreased linearly day (p &lt;0.05) with the increase of the concentrate. The ruminal pH decreased (p &lt;0.05) independent power post treatment, no interaction (p &lt;0.05) between time-treatment. In experiment II, a cubic effect (p &lt;0.05) the area under the curve and the average pH of the day, with increasing corn 0 to 1.5% of PV was observed. Regarding the hours with pH below 6, no effects (p&gt; 0.05) were verified. Differences (p &lt;0.05) in the post feed hours, on ruminal pH, with significant interaction (p &lt;0.05) were recorded hour-treatment. It is concluded that supplementation levels tested decreased ruminal pH and type of hay used buffer caused a different effect on the rumen environment goat.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesFacultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Collective co-authorship: analysis of a classroom practice in the university environment

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    El presente ensayo da cuenta del análisis de una práctica de enseñanza en el ámbito universitario que consistió en la construcción colectiva de la Guía de Estudio del Módulo de Reproducción Animal en coautoría entre los estudiantes de segundo año de la carrera de Ingeniería Agronómica y el equipo docente del Curso de Introducción a la Producción Animal de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Metodológicamente se fundó en el trabajo grupal y en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías informáticas de comunicación como promotores de búsqueda de información en las redes y espacios virtuales académicos. La sistematización y análisis de toda la producción escrita por los estudiantes como la edición final estuvo a cargo del equipo docente. Se concluye que el análisis de nuestras prácticas de enseñanzas en el ámbito áulico nos propone desde un enfoque crítico y reflexivo la indagación como herramienta para la formación profesional continua del ser docente.This essay gives an account of the analysis of a teaching practice in the university environment that consisted in the collective development of the Study Guide of the Animal Reproduction Module by second year students of the Agricultural Engineering degree course in co-authorship with the teaching team of the Introduction to Animal Production Course of the Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of the National University of La Plata. Methodologically, it was based on group work and the use of new communication technologies as promoters of information search in virtual academic networks and spaces. The systematization and analysis of all the production written by the students as the final edition was carried out by the teaching team. It is concluded that the analysis of our teaching practices in the classroom proposes us inquiry from a critical and reflexive approach as a tool for the continuous professional training of the teacher.Especialización en Docencia Universitari

    Collective co-authorship: analysis of a classroom practice in the university environment

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    El presente ensayo da cuenta del análisis de una práctica de enseñanza en el ámbito universitario que consistió en la construcción colectiva de la Guía de Estudio del Módulo de Reproducción Animal en coautoría entre los estudiantes de segundo año de la carrera de Ingeniería Agronómica y el equipo docente del Curso de Introducción a la Producción Animal de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Metodológicamente se fundó en el trabajo grupal y en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías informáticas de comunicación como promotores de búsqueda de información en las redes y espacios virtuales académicos. La sistematización y análisis de toda la producción escrita por los estudiantes como la edición final estuvo a cargo del equipo docente. Se concluye que el análisis de nuestras prácticas de enseñanzas en el ámbito áulico nos propone desde un enfoque crítico y reflexivo la indagación como herramienta para la formación profesional continua del ser docente.This essay gives an account of the analysis of a teaching practice in the university environment that consisted in the collective development of the Study Guide of the Animal Reproduction Module by second year students of the Agricultural Engineering degree course in co-authorship with the teaching team of the Introduction to Animal Production Course of the Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of the National University of La Plata. Methodologically, it was based on group work and the use of new communication technologies as promoters of information search in virtual academic networks and spaces. The systematization and analysis of all the production written by the students as the final edition was carried out by the teaching team. It is concluded that the analysis of our teaching practices in the classroom proposes us inquiry from a critical and reflexive approach as a tool for the continuous professional training of the teacher.Especialización en Docencia Universitari