7 research outputs found

    Propellant Development Using Local Sources of Nitrate Compounds

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    Currently in Indonesia, propellant research is still rarely carried out due to bureaucratic and budgetary problems. This study aimed to determine the optimum composition of propellant using local sources of nitrate compounds based on its combustion heat value and to study the effect of the composition on its combustion heat value. The propellant composition used in this study consists of oxidizing agents (local nitrate compounds), fuel (Aluminium), binder (polyester-based resin), and additive (catalyst). A bomb calorimetry method (ASTM D5865/5865-19) was used to determine the combustion heat value of the propellant. The results showed that the heat of combustion of local content nitrate compound-based propellants was high (> 1500 cal/g), adding binder to the propellant composition increases the heat of combustion. Ammonium nitrate-based propellant has the highest heat of combustion value of 3,788 cal/g. The optimum binder composition in the propellant was 33% (w/w). Based on this study, local source of nitrate compounds has potential to be used for development of propellant, especially in Indonesia. Therefore, it can encourage rocket research in Indonesia as a capital for the development of defense equipment to be less expensive

    Pembuatan Biobaterai Berbasis Ampas Kelapa dan Tomat Busuk

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    Indonesia merupakan negara tropis dengan produksi kelapa dan tomat yang cukup tinggi. Pada tahun 2016, Indonesia menjadi negara penghasil kelapa terbesar di dunia dengan produksi kelapa sebanyak 18,3 juta ton. Beberapa produksi pengolahan kelapa menghasilkan produk samping berupa ampas kelapa. Disisi lain, dari 916.000 ton produksi tomat pertahun terdapat 80% yang mengalami kebusukan akibat serangan hama. Kedua limbah tersebut berpotensi untuk diolah menjadi baterai ramah lingkungan. Tomat busuk telah diketahui dapat dijadikan sebagai elektrolit ramah lingkungan pada baterai dengan menghasilkan beda potensial pada baterai sebesar 1,233 Volt. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini yaitu membuat baterai ramah lingkungan berbahan dasar ampas kelapa dan tomat busuk. Ampas kelapa ditambahkan karena emulsifying tepung kelapa secara signifikan lebih tinggi dibandingkan tepung kaya serat lainnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah mencampurkan tomat busuk dengan ampas  kelapa dengan variasi komposisi 0, 25, 50, 75 dan 100% pada masing–masing konsentrasi. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah potensial, kapasitas, dan daya baterai. Hasilnya, baterai pada komposisi 0, 25, 50, 75 dan 100% menghasilkan rata-rata beda potensial masing-masing sebesar 1,27; 1,17; 1,45; 1,23; dan 0,02 Volt, arus listrik masing-masing sebesar 0,76; 1,13; 0,97; 0,24; dan 0 mA, dan daya masing-masing sebesar 0,97; 1,56; 1,43; 0,30; 0,00 miliwatt. Kondisi optimum baterai diperoleh pada baterai dengan konsentrasi 25% ampas kelapa berbanding tomat busuk dengan daya sebesar 1,56 miliwatt. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berkontribusi pada pengembangan baterai ramah lingkungan untuk mengurangi limbah B3, seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan akan baterai di era revolusi industri 4.0

    Synthesis and Characterization of Polypyrole on Steel Gauze Electrode by Voltammetry Cyclic Method

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    The coating of polypyrrole (PPy) on steel gauze electrode by electropolymerization of pyrrole with voltammetry cyclic method has been investigated. The purpose of this research is a preliminary study the character of a steel gauze as working electrode which potential to electrodeposition on Polypyrrole (PPy) film based on literature. Based on cyclic voltammogram of PPy, the oxidation potential has been achieved at a potential range of 0V to 1V which compared to Ag/AgCl as reference electrode at a anodic peak current (Ipa) near 7 mA at a scan rate 100 mV/sec from a solution 0.05M of Py in the solution 0.1M of KCl as supporting electrolyte. The competition between PPy with some major component of steel gauze such as Fe, Zn, Cr or Mn occured, in the potential range 0 to 1V during the electropolimerization. The main component of steel gauze has been analyzed by X-Ray Fluoresence (XRF). PPy films can cover the surface of steel gauze with the number of ten cycles of polymer growth on the electrode surface have been studied with the anodic and cathodic peak current with the correlation coefficient 0.999 and 0.991 of the increasing the number of cycles at the potential range of 0.2V to 0.8V. The results of PPy film on the steelgauze electrode has been characterized by Fourier Transform Infra Red (FT-IR)


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    SINTESIS DAN KARAKTERISASI POLIPIROL PADA ELEKTRODA KERJA KASA BAJA DENGANMETODE VOLTAMETRI SIKLIK. Telah dilakukan penelitian pelapisan polipirol pada elektroda kerja kasa baja denganmetode elektropolimerisasi pirol secara voltametri siklik.Tujuan penelitian inimerupakan studi awal mempelajari karakter kasa baja yang berpotensi sebagai elektroda kerja tempat elektrodeposisi film polipirol (PPy) berdasarkan literatur. Berdasarkan voltamogram siklik PPy, potensial oksidasi PPy dicapai pada rentang potensial 0V hingga 1V dibandingkan terhadap elektroda pembandingAg/AgCl pada arus puncak anodik (Ipa) mendekati 7 mA, dengan laju pindai 100 mV/detik dari larutan pirol 0,05 M dalam pelarut KCl 0,1M sebagai elektrolit pendukung. Pada rentang potensial tersebut selama proses elektropolimerisasi, selain dicapai potensial anodik PPy, terjadi persaingan dengan munculnya potensial anodik dari komponen utama kasa baja yaitu Fe, Zn, Cr atau Mn. Komponen utama yang terdapat dalam kasa baja telah dianalisis dengan X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Pelapisan PPy mampu menutupi permukaan kasa baja dengan pertumbuhan polimer sebanyak 10 siklus pada permukaan elektroda dengan mempelajari koefisien korelasi peningkatan arus anodik R = 0,999 dan peningkatan arus katodik R =0,991 terhadap bertambahnya jumlah siklus pada rentang potensial 0,2V hingga 0,8V. Hasil pelapisan film PPy yang menutupi permukaan kasa baja telah dikarakterisasi dengan Fourier Transform Infra Red (FT-IR)


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    The involvement of Kodim 0316 /Batam in a situation of global health crisis has started since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Indonesia, from the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions to the application of the new normal adaptation phase. The purpose of this research is to find out and describe the role of Kodim 0316 / Batam in Maintaining Stability of Development in the Era of Adaptation to New Habits. The method in this study uses qualitative research, in qualitative research using qualitative methods namely observation, interviews and document review. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the Role of Kodim 0316 / Batam in Maintaining Stability of Development in the New Habit Adaptation Era, the Preventive Role in the preventive action of the Kodim unit has carried out socialization to the community about life in the AKB era in order to maintain the stability of the success of national development, Persuasive Role through the persuasive action of the Kodim unit in carrying out policing operations and enforcing community discipline regarding life in the AKB era in order to maintain the stability of national development, the Repressive Role of Kodim 0316 / Batam in maintaining and maintaining conduciveness for the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), empowering regional potentials as part from the guidance and empowerment of the defense area, as well as the curative role of Kodim 0316 / Batam has been going well.Keterlibatan Kodim 0316/Batam dalam situasi krisis kesehatan global telah dimulai sejak COVID-19 mewabah di Indonesia, mulai dari penerapan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar hingga penerapan fase adaptasi new normal. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan Peran Kodim 0316/Batam Dalam Menjaga Stabilitas Pembangunan di Era Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif, dalam penelitian kualitatif menggunakan metode kualitatif yaitu pengamatan, wawancara dan penelaahan dokumen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitan dapat di simpulkan bahwa Peran Kodim  0316/Batam Dalam Menjaga Stabilitas Pembangunan di Era Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru, Peran Preventif dalam tindakan preventif satuan kodim sudah melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat tentang kehidupan di era AKB dalam rangka menjaga stabilitas keberhasilan pembangunan nasional, Peran Persuasif Melalui tindakan persuasif satuan kodim dalam melakukan operasi penertiban dan penegakan disiplin masyarakat tentang kehidupan di era AKB dalam rangka menjaga stabilitas pembangunan nasional, Peran Represif Kodim 0316/Batam dalam menjaga dan memelihara kondusifitas pelaksanaan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB), melakukan pemberdayaan potensi wilayah sebagai bagian dari pembinaan dan pemberdayaan wilayah pertahanan, serta Peran Kuratif Kodim 0316/Batam sudah berjalan dengan baik


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    Condition of fabrication and characterization of platinum wire coated by polypyrrole-glutamic acid membrane electrode for glutamic-acid potentiometric sensor has been studied. Film of polypyrrolle-glutamic acid have been deposited on platinum wire electrode by cyclic voltammetry electropolymerization method. The optimum concentration of pyrrole/glutamic-acid was between 0.05 M/0.005 M and 0.1 M of KclO4 as supporting electrolyte. The potential scan was between 0 to 1000 mV and scan rate was carried out at 100 mV/s for 10 cycles. The two electrode showed prepared nerntian behaviour which its value was 59.82 and 59.97 mV/decade for both electrode at the concentration of 10-2 to 10-4 M , with coefficient of correlation 0.99 and 0.96 respectivelly. The detection limit of the electrode was 1.0. 10-6 M . The determination of glutamic acid in high protein milk by potentiometric using the glutamic electrode gived 8.3 g glutamic acid in 250 g of sample or 3.32 %</p

    Residual Content of Synthetic Pyrethroid Transfluthrin on Bed Sheets, Pillowcases, Bedroom Floors, and Development of Analytical Methods Using GC-MS

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an infectious disease with high morbidity and mortality rates worldwide. Two-fifths of the population lives in areas prone to contracting the dengue virus in tropical and subtropical countries. In Indonesia, dengue disease is an endemic problem that spreads in 33 provinces. One way to prevent the transmission of DHF disease is to kill mosquitoes using mosquito repellent spray, electric or mosquito coils. Regular use of household aerosols for mosquito control is widespread, especially during outbreaks of dengue fever, chikungunya, and Zika. In this study, it will be proven whether, in the use of mosquito repellent made from active transfluthrin, the remaining residue attached to indoor items is still within safe limits if exposed to the skin or inhaled by humans. The purpose of this study was to determine the content of transfluthrin mosquito repellent pesticide residues on the surface of objects in the room still below the maximum limit required using the Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) tool as well as the development of measurement analysis methods for Lienarity, Recovery, Precision/Specivity, Quantitative Limit, and Detection Limit. The study's results on measuring Transfluthrin residues using GCMS with a data collection height of 100-200 cm obtained a concentration range of 22-149 mg/kg. Validation test of the analysis method obtained LOD: 0.005 (µg/ml), LOQ: 0.016 (µg/ml), RSD system conformance test: 0.118%, Linear Regression Linearity (r2): 0.99946, %Recovery: 102.00%, Placebo specificity: does not show a peak at Transfluthrin retention time