21 research outputs found

    Compared winter/summer thermal demand analysis in housing modules subjected to variable conditions in Rosario

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    El presente trabajo propone comparar y analizar, mediante simulaciones numéricas detalladas utilizando el software libre SIMEDIF, el comportamiento térmico de tipologías de unidades habitacionales de la ciudad de Rosario para diversas orientaciones. El objetivo es determinar el grado de ajuste de la condición variable de transmitancia térmica requerida si se modifica la relación porcentual del área vidriada expuesta. Se parte de la Ordenanza 8757/2011 promulgada por la Municipalidad de Rosario, la cual determina condiciones de transmitancia máxima admisible para cerramientos opacos y de factor de exposición solar (FES) para áreas transparentes. Las mismas se modifican si la relación transparencia-opacidad supera el 60%. Este porcentaje es puesto en análisis y discusión mediante la realización de simulaciones con un paramento vidriado de la superficie máxima admitida y uno que alcanza el 100% del área del muro, permitiendo comparar las demandas globales energéticas de acondicionamiento requeridas. Los resultados de las simulaciones permiten, mediante el dato de salida del consumo energético de calefacción invernal y de refrigeración estival, analizar la coherencia de la pauta de relación vidriado/opaco en las diferentes orientaciones, geometrías y superficies.The purpose of this investigation is comparing and analyzing, through detailed numerical simulation, using the free software SIMEDIF4, the thermal behaviour of the classic habitations prototypes frequently seen in Rosario city, considering the four possible orientations, aiming to establish the level of adjustment on the required thermal transmittance when the percentual window-to-wall ratio varies. The starting point is the Ordinance 8757/2011 enacted by Municipalidad de Rosario, which determines the limits for the thermal transmittance of non-transparent enclosures, and sun exposure factor for transparent ones. These limiting conditions modify when the window-towall ratio is over 60%. This percentage limit to change the conditions is brought into question by running simulations with a window whose surface is within the range mentioned before, in comparison to a window that has the total area of the wall (100%), allowing us to compare the global thermal loads required to conditionate the prototype. This simulation results, through the outcome of energy consumption in heating and cooling, allows putting into question the window-to-wall ratio established, for different orientations, geometries and areas.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    Compared winter/summer thermal demand analysis in housing modules subjected to variable conditions in Rosario

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    El presente trabajo propone comparar y analizar, mediante simulaciones numéricas detalladas utilizando el software libre SIMEDIF, el comportamiento térmico de tipologías de unidades habitacionales de la ciudad de Rosario para diversas orientaciones. El objetivo es determinar el grado de ajuste de la condición variable de transmitancia térmica requerida si se modifica la relación porcentual del área vidriada expuesta. Se parte de la Ordenanza 8757/2011 promulgada por la Municipalidad de Rosario, la cual determina condiciones de transmitancia máxima admisible para cerramientos opacos y de factor de exposición solar (FES) para áreas transparentes. Las mismas se modifican si la relación transparencia-opacidad supera el 60%. Este porcentaje es puesto en análisis y discusión mediante la realización de simulaciones con un paramento vidriado de la superficie máxima admitida y uno que alcanza el 100% del área del muro, permitiendo comparar las demandas globales energéticas de acondicionamiento requeridas. Los resultados de las simulaciones permiten, mediante el dato de salida del consumo energético de calefacción invernal y de refrigeración estival, analizar la coherencia de la pauta de relación vidriado/opaco en las diferentes orientaciones, geometrías y superficies.The purpose of this investigation is comparing and analyzing, through detailed numerical simulation, using the free software SIMEDIF4, the thermal behaviour of the classic habitations prototypes frequently seen in Rosario city, considering the four possible orientations, aiming to establish the level of adjustment on the required thermal transmittance when the percentual window-to-wall ratio varies. The starting point is the Ordinance 8757/2011 enacted by Municipalidad de Rosario, which determines the limits for the thermal transmittance of non-transparent enclosures, and sun exposure factor for transparent ones. These limiting conditions modify when the window-towall ratio is over 60%. This percentage limit to change the conditions is brought into question by running simulations with a window whose surface is within the range mentioned before, in comparison to a window that has the total area of the wall (100%), allowing us to compare the global thermal loads required to conditionate the prototype. This simulation results, through the outcome of energy consumption in heating and cooling, allows putting into question the window-to-wall ratio established, for different orientations, geometries and areas.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Análisis de demanda térmica invierno/verano comparada en módulos habitacionales sometidos a condiciones variables en Rosario.

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    En el presente trabajo, mediante simulaciones numéricas detalladas a través del software libre SIMEDIF1 se comparan las condiciones de invierno y verano sobre módulos de estudio correspondiente a las tipologías clásicas de unidades habitacionales de la ciudad de Rosario. Sobre las mismas se analiza el comportamiento térmico para las diversas orientaciones con el objetivo de determinar el grado de ajuste de la condición variable de transmitancia térmica requerida si se modifica la relación porcentual de área vidriada expuesta. La Ordenanza 8757/2011: “Aspectos Higrotérmicos y Demanda Energética en las Construcciones” promulgada por la Municipalidad de Rosario de cumplimiento obligatorio para acceder al Permiso de Edificación en el tejido de la ciudad, determina las condiciones de transmitancia máxima admisible globales para cerramientos opacos y de factor de exposición solar (FES) para áreas transparentes. Estas condiciones limitantes se modifican si la correlación de transparencia-opacidad supera el 60%. Este porcentaje es puesto en análisis y discusión en el trabajo mediante la realización de simulaciones con un paramento vidriado de una superficie máxima admitida según la ordenanza antes mencionada, y una superficie semitransparente que alcanza el 100% del área del muro donde está ubicada. Permitiendo una comparación, entre ambas situaciones, de las demandas globales energéticas de acondicionamiento requeridas aplicadas en módulos típicos de departamentos de edificios en altura. Los resultados de las simulaciones permiten, mediante el dato de salida del consumo energético de calefacción invernal y de refrigeración estival, analizar la coherencia de la pauta de relación vidriado/opaco en las diferentes orientaciones, geometrías y volumetrías de las tipologías mencionadas. Habiendo concluido el periodo de simulaciones, queda por desarrollar un análisis exhaustivo de los resultados. Al momento actual, los números alcanzados permiten poner bajo discusión la limitante modificatoria de transmitancia para casos de más del 60% del área expuesta vidriada en todas las orientaciones en la Ordenanza municipal y queda por recorrer ese camino crítico analítico hasta poder desarrollar una respuesta ajustada

    Drivers of the dynamics of the spread of cholera in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2000-2018: An eco-epidemiological study.

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    peer reviewedBACKGROUND: The dynamics of the spread of cholera epidemics in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), from east to west and within western DRC, have been extensively studied. However, the drivers of these spread processes remain unclear. We therefore sought to better understand the factors associated with these spread dynamics and their potential underlying mechanisms. METHODS: In this eco-epidemiological study, we focused on the spread processes of cholera epidemics originating from the shores of Lake Kivu, involving the areas bordering Lake Kivu, the areas surrounding the lake areas, and the areas out of endemic eastern DRC (eastern and western non-endemic provinces). Over the period 2000-2018, we collected data on suspected cholera cases, and a set of several variables including types of conflicts, the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs), population density, transportation network density, and accessibility indicators. Using multivariate ordinal logistic regression models, we identified factors associated with the spread of cholera outside the endemic eastern DRC. We performed multivariate Vector Auto Regressive models to analyze potential underlying mechanisms involving the factors associated with these spread dynamics. Finally, we classified the affected health zones using hierarchical ascendant classification based on principal component analysis (PCA). FINDINGS: The increase in the number of suspected cholera cases, the exacerbation of conflict events, and the number of IDPs in eastern endemic areas were associated with an increased risk of cholera spreading outside the endemic eastern provinces. We found that the increase in suspected cholera cases was influenced by the increase in battles at lag of 4 weeks, which were influenced by the violence against civilians with a 1-week lag. The violent conflict events influenced the increase in the number of IDPs 4 to 6 weeks later. Other influences and uni- or bidirectional causal links were observed between violent and non-violent conflicts, and between conflicts and IDPs. Hierarchical clustering on PCA identified three categories of affected health zones: densely populated urban areas with few but large and longer epidemics; moderately and accessible areas with more but small epidemics; less populated and less accessible areas with more and larger epidemics. CONCLUSION: Our findings argue for monitoring conflict dynamics to predict the risk of geographic expansion of cholera in the DRC. They also suggest areas where interventions should be appropriately focused to build their resilience to the disease

    Th e benign tumours of skin adnexal diagnosed in Th e benign tumours of skin adnexal diagnosed in ouagadougou: Histopathological and epidemiological ouagadougou: Histopathological and epidemiological profi leprofi

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    Introduction: The tumours of skin adnexal are rare and very often benign. Because of their large diversity they caused some diagnose and classification problems. They are tumours of ten mixed up with other skin tumours. The objective of this study was to study the histopathological and epidemiological profile of the benign skin adnexal tumours in Ouagadougou and to classify them according to the differenciation type in order to well know them and improve their treatment. Methodology: We conducted a retrospective study on the period of sixteen years going from 1st January 1998 to 31 December 2013. This study interested all cases of benign skin adnexal tumours histologically confirmed (diagnosed) in the three pathology laboratories of the Ouagadougou town. Results: We collected sixty cases of skin adnexal tumours on the total of 763 cases of skin tumours representing 7.8%. The benign tumours represented 86 % of the adnexal tumour cases. These tumours were occurred in the relatively young age and were preferentially located on the head (cephalic) extremity. On the histological plan, the hair follicle tumours were more frequent (42.5%) followed by sweat gland tumours (30.5%) and sebaceous gland tumours (27%). Conclusion: The annex tumours are majoritary benign occurring often on the head extremity and dominated by the hair follicle tumours

    A dashboard for monitoring preventive measures in response to COVID-19 outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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    International audienceBackground: In most health areas, an information system is necessary for an effective fight against COVID-19. Current methods for surveillance of diseases with epidemic potential do not include monitoring the adherence to preventive measures. Furthermore, modern data collection methods depend often on technologies (e.g., cameras or drones) that are hardly available in low-income countries. Simpler solutions could be just as effective. Methods: A dashboard was used over a whole week to monitor preventive measures in Bukavu (DRC) by mid-May 2020. It was designed to collect from street passers-by information on the adherence to barrier measures, the level of awareness of these measures, the opinion on their usefulness, and the health status of people in the households.Results: Creating a dashboard and collecting the necessary data proved feasible. The use of barrier measures was very limited and that of masks practically nil despite repeated recommendations from the health authorities. The end of each day was the worst moment due to clearly insufficient distancing. Barrier measures were significantly more used in areas where they were best known and most acknowledged. At the time of the study, there were few sick people and only rare severe cases were attributed to COVID-19.Conclusions: Creating COVID-19 situation dashboards in limited-resource metropoles is feasible. They give real-time access to data that help fight the epidemic. The findings of this pilot study call for a rapid community awareness actions to back national media-based prevention campaigns

    Póster: Agua caliente por radiación solar a bajo costo. Eficiencia energética y transferencia para autoconstrucción.

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    El objetivo general es acercar conocimiento formalizado y aplicable en el uso de tecnologías energéticas alternativas y accesibles a sectores sociales con déficit en el habitar y promover una mejora de la calidad de vida y su potenciar la multiplicación operativa del modelo. Estudiar y promover en el ámbito universitario la temática vinculada a tecnologías adecuadas y uso de energías sustentables. Desarrollar estrategias de transferencia de conocimiento aplicable para mitigar problemas elementales insatisfechos. Capacitar a los sectores sociales con mayores deficit en la autoconstrucción de sistemas de calentamiento pasivos con costos muy ajustados. Potenciar la comunicación interdisciplinaria dentro del ámbito universitario, acercando arquitectos, ingenieros, comunicadores y otros sobre experiencias reales.Fil: Chiarito, Gabriel - Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Diseño; Argentina