324 research outputs found

    Tandem isomerization/telomerization of long chain dienes.

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    The first example of a tandem reaction involving double-bond migration in combination with telomerization is reported. Homogeneous and heterogeneous Ru catalysts were employed as isomerization catalysts, and telomerization was realized using a homogeneous Pd(0) precursor complex with a N-heterocyclic carbene (IMes) ligand. Overall conversions approaching 60% were achieved with the best selectivity to telomerization products of 91% attained at 11% conversion. Conversion was markedly higher in the presence of longer-chain alcohol (1-butanol) as the nucleophile (telogen).Financial support from Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC, UK) via grant GR/S86112/01 is gratefully acknowledged.This is the final published version, which can also be found on the publisher's website at: http://journal.frontiersin.org/Journal/10.3389/fchem.2014.00037/ful

    Effect of Sr, Mg and Fe substitution on thephysico-chemical and biological properties ofSi Ca P multilayer scaffolds

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    tIn this work, a new combination of ceramic materials is proposed for bone tissue engi-neering applications. Multilayer scaffolds consisting of a core composed mainly of calciumpyrophosphate and external coatings of silica and calcium doped with Fe3+, Sr2+and Mg2+were prepared. To study the influence of the arrangement of dopant ions in the externalcoatings, two different scaffolds were developed: scaffolds 3J consisting of a single exter-nal coating with 9 mol% of Fe3+, Sr2+and Mg2+ions; and scaffolds 3S comprising threeexternal coatings, each containing 3 mol% of Fe3+, Sr2+and Mg2+ions. Scaffolds were physico-chemically characterized and evaluated for in vitro bioactivity and cellular response in thepresence of MG-63 cells. The results showed that the core scaffold displayed no in vitro bioac-tivity or good cellular response, but served as a support for the external coatings given itsmechanical resistance. The cell viability of scaffolds 3J and 3S increased more than 100%in relation to the core, and also improved cell proliferation and adhesion resulting in adense layer of cells that covered the scaffolds’ entire surface. The arrangement of ions inthe external coatings did not influence the cellular response, but determined the bioactivityrate

    Effect of Sr, Mg and Fe substitution on the physico-chemical and biological properties of Si Ca P multilayer scaffolds

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    In this work, a new combination of ceramic materials is proposed for bone tissue engi neering applications. Multilayer scaffolds consisting of a core composed mainly of calcium pyrophosphate and external coatings of silica and calcium doped with Fe3+, Sr2+ and Mg2+ were prepared. To study the influence of the arrangement of dopant ions in the external coatings, two different scaffolds were developed: scaffolds 3J consisting of a single exter nal coating with 9mol% of Fe3+, Sr2+ and Mg2+ ions; and scaffolds 3S comprising three external coatings, each containing 3mol% of Fe3+, Sr2+ and Mg2+ ions. Scaffolds were physico chemically characterized and evaluated for in vitro bioactivity and cellular response in the presence of MG-63 cells. The results showed that the core scaffold displayed no in vitro bioac tivity or good cellular response, but served as a support for the external coatings given its mechanical resistance. The cell viability of scaffolds 3J and 3S increased more than 100% in relation to the core, and also improved cell proliferation and adhesion resulting in a dense layer of cells that covered the scaffolds’ entire surface. The arrangement of ions in the external coatings did not influence the cellular response, but determined the bioactivity rateNayarit A. Mata was funded by a grant from the Generalitat Valenciana with reference GRISOLIAP/2018/037 and pre-doctoral mobility co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Generalitat Valenciana with reference BEFPI/2021/056. TThis publication is part of the Grant PID2020- 116693RB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Un caso de osteopatía craneomandibular con afección de huesos largos en un perro mestizo

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    La osteopatía craneomandibular es una enfermedad ósea proliferativa que afecta fundamentalmente a huesos de la cabeza de origen endocondral. Suele presentarse en animales jóvenes de pocos meses de edad. El diagnóstico se basa en la sintomatología y hallazgos radiológicos. El tratamiento es sintomático. Consiste en la administración de analgésicos y antiinflamatorios.

    Focus on cardiologic findings in 30 children with PANS/PANDAS. an italian single-center observational study

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    Objective: Cardiac involvement in PANS has not been clarified relying on the scientific literature available until today. It is known that streptococcal infections play a role in the etiology of a great number of diseases including Sydenham chorea and rheumatic fever, among others. Based on the suspected pathogenesis of PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections) reported in the medical literature, we decided to investigate the cardiologic involvement in children with a recent PANS/PANDAS diagnosis. Methods: The study population satisfies PANS (1) and PANDAS (2) criteria of diagnoses. Cardiologic assessment was performed through clinical examination, electrocardiography, and echocardiography. Results: In the selected pediatric population, a significant number of children presented mitral valve involvement, systolic murmurs and electrocardiographic abnormalities. High ASLOT levels did not seem to be associated to a cardiac involvement. Conclusions: Often PANS is difficult to diagnose because it is little known by physicians and most of the cardiologic findings described in this study are common among the healthy pediatric population. Also, ASLOT levels seems not to be predictive of cardiac involvement. Furthermore, the existence of PANDAS as a clinical entity is associated with a group of anti-neuronal autoantibodies found in Sydenham chorea is still controversial. We recommend a complete cardiologic evaluation in those children who meet the PANS/PANDAS diagnostic criteria

    Lipoma intermuscular de la pared abdominal de un perro

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    En este artículo se describe un caso de un lipoma simple intermuscular, localizado en la pared abdominal entre el músculo oblicuo interno y transverso del abdomen, en un perro macho de raza Setter Irlandés de 14 años de edad. El animal presentaba un abultamiento en la zona inguinal izquierda desde hacía aproximadamente un año, pero a lo largo de los últimos meses dicho abultamiento había crecido. El estudio radiológico y ecográfico de la masa, junto con el examen citológico de una muestra de la misma, obtenida mediante aspiración con aguja fina, demostraron la existencia de un tejido adiposo. La localización intermuscular de la masa se estableció durante la cirugía, y el diagnóstico definitivo de lipoma se realizó tras el examen histopatológico. La evolución ha sido favorable, y después de un periodo de seguimiento del animal de 6 meses, no ha habido recidiva alguna

    Un caso clínico de de carcinoma tiroideo en un gato

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    Se describe un caso de carcinoma tiroideo en una gata mestiza de 6 años de edad, siendo este tipo de tumores tiroideos de baja incidenica en la clínica felina. ELanimal presentaba un historialde disfagia de aproximadamente 3 semanas de evolución debido a la presencia de una masa dura en la porción ventral del cuello. El estudio radiológico de la región cervical puso de manifiesto la existencia de una masa de densidad tejido blando, y en el examen ecográfico se pudo apreciar una estructura hipoecogénica con áreas centrales anecógenas y focos de mineralización. El examen citológico de una muestra de la masa obtenida mediante aspiración con aguja fina era compatible con una inflamación o con un tumor tipo epitelial. El tratamiento consistió en la exéresis de la masa. La evolución tra la intervención fue favorable, pero aproximadamente un año después el animal había adelgazado, estaba anoréxico y con una ligera dificultad respiratoria. Se realizaron radiografía torácicas y en ellas se pudo observar la presencia de múltiples nódulos, lo cual era compatible con una metástasis pulmonar.

    Mastocitoma intestinal de grado III en el perro : a propósito de un caso clínico

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    Este caso clínico describe un mastocitoma intestinal de grado III en un Fox Terrier que presentaba vómitos crónicos desde hacía un año. El examen físico reveló una ligera palidez de mucosas. El análisis sanguíneo ponía de manifiesto un proceso inflamatorio. Y en el examen ecográfico de cavidad abdominal el duodeno presentaba una zona engrosada de 0.93 cm., con pérdida de visualización de las capas de su pared y linfadenopatía regional, imagen compatible con una neoplasia o enteritis granulomatosa. Tras laparotomía exploratoria y toma de biopsia se llegó al diagnóstico definitivo de mastocitoma intestinal de grado III. Se trató con prednisolona (2 mg/kg vía oral, diariamente), vinblastina (2mg/m2 vía intravenosa, semanalmente) y famotidina (1mg/kg vía oral, cada 12 horas, diariamente). La evolución del animal fue favorable durante las tres primeras semanas, pero en la novena semana tras comenzar el tratamiento, en el examen ecográfico se evidenciaron signos compatibles con metástasis en hígado y bazo. El animal falleció 66 días después de iniciado el protocolo con quimioterapia

    Covid-19 lockdown impacts among patients with cystic fibrosis. an italian regional reference centre experience

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    Background: Coronavirus pandemic has influenced our society with social distancing and management of chronic disease such as cystic fibrosis (CF). During the Italian lockdown from March to May 2020, CF patients reduced the number of outpatient visits, limited social interactions and spent more time at home. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of the lockdown on body mass index (BMI) and lung function tests on CF patients. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed clinical data about 111 CF patients followed in our Regional Cystic Fibrosis Reference Centre (Policlinico Umberto I, Rome) according to two periods: pre-lockdown (from October 2019-March 2020) and post-lockdown (from May 2020-October 2020). We collected data on nutritional (BMI and body weight) and lung function status; we chose the best values of the 'pre-lockdown' and 'post-lockdown' period for each patient. Patients were divided into 3 groups according to FEV1 value (Forced Expiratory Volume in the 1st second): group 1 (FEV1 <40%), group 2 (FEV1 40-70%), group 3 (FEV1 >70%). All patients received a telephone interview asking for the number of hours per week devoted to physical activity, number of pulmonary acute exacerbations and subjective evaluation of adherence to medical therapy, respiratory physiotherapy and diet, during the two periods. Results: Comparing weight, BMI and respiratory function between pre and post lockdown periods, we noticed an increase in weight during among overall patients. Male patients improved weight, BMI, FEF 25-75% (Forced Expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of vital capacity) and Tiffenau index more than female patients. The most severely compromised patients (group 1), showed a significant loss of both weight and BMI. Instead, patients with moderate respiratory function (group 2) showed a significant increase of both weight and BMI and a slightly reduced CVF (Forced Vital capacity). We found no differences among patients with good respiratory function (group 3). Comparing each clinical sub-groups, we noticed a significative improvement of weight (p = 0.018) and BMI (p = 0.030) among patients with moderate respiratory function compared to patients with compromised respiratory function. During lockdown, patients reported less physical activity, no variation in food amount and composition, more adherence to therapy (43%) and more consistent daily respiratory physiotherapy (47.6%). Conclusions: Lockdown period had benefit among CF patients in terms of weight in particular in male patient. The greatest benefit on nutritional state was observed in patients with moderate reduction of respiratory function. In addition, we noted a stabilization and sometimes a slight improvement of lung function, instead of a continuous and steady decline that is normally observed in CF patients. These beneficial effects are slight but significative, bearing in mind the general worsening that CF patients experience annually