113 research outputs found

    The Perception Analysis of Cyber Crimes in View of Computer Science Students

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    AbstractComputer Technologies growing rapidly has become an indispensable part of modern life. While making social life easier, the changes that technology has brought also bring forth some security issues. Thus, it is easier to commit crimes and we are faced with cyber-crimes. This study examines the differences among the cyber-crime perceptions of undergraduate students at Trakya University in terms of demographic factors. The method of the study was a questionnaire that was given to lecturers and students at Trakya University sample and it was designed to measure and assess the levels of interest in technology, the severity of cyber-crimes and the individuals’ perceptions of cyber-crimes in terms of ethics and law. The findings of the study can help us define the level of common perception of cyber-crimes and the meaningful differences between separate groups

    Systemic Sclerosis

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a chronic, autoimmune disease which can affect the blood vessels, the visceral organs, and the skin. SSc, most commonly, develops between the ages of 30 and 50, but it can be seen at any age. In terms of skin involvement, SSc can be classified as limited or diffuse. Its etiopathogenesis is still unclear. Microvascular dysfunction is thought to be followed by immunological activation, collagen and extracellular matrix deposition, and finally fibrosis. Diagnosis is based on clinical presentation. Sclerosis of the metacarpophalangeal and/or metatarsophalangeal joints is the major diagnostic criterion, whereas sclerodactylia, digital ulcers (DU), and pulmonary fibrosis are the minor criteria. SSc is diagnosed with one major criterion or two minor criteria. Detection of autoantibodies can help the diagnosis. Antinuclear antibody (ANA), anti-centromere antibody, anti-scl 70, RNA polymerase 1 and 3, and anti-fibrillin antibody can be found positive in SSc. SSc must be differentiated from all sclerosing diseases and the diseases with Raynaud’s phenomenon. Visceral diseases, such as primary pulmonary hypertension, primary biliary cirrhosis, and infiltrative cardiomyopathy, should also be considered in its differential diagnosis. The main treatment goal is to target visceral involvement

    A Review on Plasma Gasification of Biomass and Conversion to Jet Fuel

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    Aviation sector is growing rapidly. Several organisations have determined targets to decrease GHG emissions in aviation by replacing fossil fuels with renewable bio-jet fuels. To meet these targets, the most suitable pathway is waste/biomass to jet fuel conversion. In this review, plasma gasification of waste/biomass is investigated. Then, three alternative conversion methods from syngas to jet biofuel which are state of the art or beyond, are briefly examined. When comparing the overall energy efficiencies of the three conversion methods, the values are determined to be 45% for Fischer-Tropsch (FT), 57% for gas fermentation (GF) and up to 67% for syngas to gasoline plus (STG+). FT and GF methods have a technology readiness level near to pre-commercialization.  But, among the three methods, STG+ is evaluated to be the most appropriate and simple process in all scales except the technology readiness level. Further studies are needed to maturate the STG+ technology to commercialization. Keywords: waste, biomass, plasma gasification, bio-jet fuel, advanced biofuel, next generation biofuel technologie

    Internet Addiction and Its Impact on Physical Health

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    DergiPark: 439213tmsjAims: Internet addiction, a recently emerged term in medical literature, has significant physical effects on the young generation. In this research, controversial effects of internet addiction on physical health have been investigated among the students of Trakya University School of Medicine, who constitute a part of the population at risk. Methods: The study included 327 medical students. The correlation between internet addiction and physical complaints associated with internet usage and its relation with gender, purpose and duration of internet usage were investigated. The data were obtained by using surveys and Internet Addiction Scale. To evaluate the data; descriptive statistics, Correlation, Mann-Whitney U tests, Cronbach alpha methods and survey with 16 questions were used for statistical analysis. Results: There is a statistically significant difference in terms of Internet Addiction Scale score between internet addiction and physical complaints such as headache, feeling of stiffness, backache, neck pain and insomnia. Internet Addiction Scale score and time spent on the internet showed a statistically significant correlation. Conclusion: Increase in internet usage leads to many physical health problems, which may cause serious and permanent damage to physical health. Therefore, the required attention must be given to this subject especially for the benefit of younger generation

    Tavuk Kesimhanesi Atıksularından Sürekli Akışlı Elektrokoagülasyon Prosesi ile Fosfor Giderimi

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    Bu çalışmada, elektrot materyali olarak paslanmaz çelik ve demirin kullanıldığı sürekli şartlarda işletilen Elektrokoagülasyon (EK) model reaktörü ile tavuk kesimhanesi atıksularından fosfor gideriminde pH (4-10), akım yoğunluğu (10-40 A/m2) ve elektroliz süresi (5-15 dk) gibi işletme parametrelerinin etkisi araştırılmıştır. Elektrot materyalleri; ilk olarak Anot ve katot elektrotun paslanmaz çelik (Anot-PÇ/Katot-PÇ) ve ikinci olarak anot demir, katot ise paslanmaz çelik materyalinden (Anot-Demir/Katot-PÇ) olacak şekilde iki farklı birleşim değerlendirilmiştir.  Deneysel çalışma sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi ve optimum işletme şartlarının belirlenmesi amacı ile Box-Behnken istatistiksel analiz modeli kullanılmıştır. Optimize edilen koşullarda, PÇ/PÇ elektrotunun kullanıldığı EK model reaktöründe giderilen fosfor konsantrasyonu için R2 (Regresyon) değeri 0,99 olarak; Fe/PÇ elektrotunun kullanıldığı EK model reaktöründe giderilen fosfor konsantrasyonu için R2 değeri 0,98 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Fosfor konsantrasyonu gideriminin en yüksek olduğu optimum değerler; PÇ/PÇ elektrot türü için başlangıç pH 4, akım yoğunluğu: 23,3 A/m2, elektroliz süresi: 9,2 dk olarak tespit edilirken, Fe/PÇ elektrot türü için elektrot türü için başlangıç pH 4, akım yoğunluğu: 40 A/m2, elektroliz süresi: 15 dk olarak tespit edilmiştir. En yüksek giderimin sağlandığı şartlarda PÇ/PÇ elektrot türünde, Fe/PÇ elektrot türüne göre daha az akım yoğunluğu ve elektroliz süresine ihtiyaç duyulduğu belirlenmiştir

    Alobar holoprosencephaly, proboscis and cyclopia in a chromosomally normal fetus: Prenatal diagnosis and fetal outcome

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    Holoprosencephaly is a brain malformation that develops as a result of a defect in development of prosencephalon during early gestation. Holoprosencephaly can be diagnosed with prenatal ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging. We report herein a case with cyclopia and holoprosencephaly detected by prenatal ultrasonography

    Kimyasal Spreyleme Atıksuyunun Arıtımında Elektrokoagülasyon Prosesinin Optimizasyonu: Box-Behnken Dizaynı

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    Bu çalışmada, kot pantolon üretiminde kimyasal spreyleme işleminden oluşan atıksuyun, Alüminyum (Al)elektrot kullanılarak Elektrokoagülasyon (EK) Prosesi ile arıtımı incelenmiştir. EK prosesi ile KOİ (KimyasalOksijen İhtiyacı) ve TÇK (Toplam Çözünmüş Katı) parametrelerinin giderimi için pH, akım yoğunluğu (A.Y.)ve elektroliz süresi (E.S.) gibi EK proses verimliliğinde önemli rol oynayan parametrelerin etkileri belirlenmiştir.Deneysel tasarımda Box-Behnken istatistiksel modeli kullanılmıştır. İstatistiksel analizler her iki kirletici için desonuçların quadratik modele uygun olduğunu göstermiştir. EK reaktöründe KOİ ve TÇK'nın giderilmesi içinregrasyon (R2) değerinin sırasıyla 0,95 ve 0,99; R2adj değerinin sırasıyla 0,88 ve 0,99 olduğu bulunmuştur. R2veR2adj değerlerinin 1'e yakın olması, deney sonuçlarının ve istatistiksel çıkarımların uyumlu olduğunu ve işlemparametrelerinin etkilerinin belirlenmesinde Box-Behnken istatistiksel tasarımının etkili olduğunugöstermektedir. KOİ ve TÇK giderimi için optimum pH değerleri sırasıyla 5,01 ve 6,66 olarak tespit edilirken,her iki kirletici için optimum akım yoğunluğu 59 A / m2ve elektroliz süresi 29 dk. olarak belirlenmiştir.In this study, the treatment of wastewater consisting of the chemical spray process in jeans production by Electrocoagulation (EC) Process using Aluminum (Al) electrode was investigated. The effects of the parameters that play an important role in the EC process efficiency such as pH, current density (C.D.) and electrolysis time (E.T.) for the removal of the COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) by EC process were determined. Box-Behnken Statistical Model was used in experimental design. Statistical analyzes show that the results for both pollutants match the quadratic model. The coefficient of determination (R2 ) value for removal of COD and TDS in the EC reactor, was found to be 0.95 and 0.99, and R2 Adj value was found to be 0,88 and 0,99, respectively. Being R2 and R2 adj values close to 1 indicates that the experimental results and statistical inferences were compatible and the Box-Behnken statistical design was effective in order to determine the effects of process parameters. The optimum pH values for COD and TDS removal were determined as 6.51 and 6.4 respectively, whereas the optimum current density for both pollutants was 59 A / m2 and the electrolysis time was 29 minutes

    Hibrit Elektrokoagülasyon/Elektrooksidasyon Prosesleri ile Denim Ürün Üretim Atıksularının Arıtımı

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    Çalışmada, denim ürün işleme atıksularının hibrit Elektrokoagülasyon (EK) ve Elektrooksidasyon (EO) Prosesleri ile arıtımı incelenmiştir. pH, akım yoğunluğu ve elektroliz süresi gibi işletme parametrelerinin KOİ (Kimyasal Oksijen İhtiyacı) ve TÇK (Toplam Çözünmüş Katı) giderimi üzerindeki etkileri belirlenmiştir. pH değerinin 7,48, akım yoğunluğunun 120 A/m2 ve elektroliz süresinin 49,5 dakika olduğu Al (Alüminyum) elektrotlarının kullanıldığı EK prosesi ile >% 65 KOİ ve % 51 TÇK giderimi sağlanmıştır. Aynı koşullarda, EO işleminin KOİ ve TÇK için Ti (Titanyum)/PÇ (Paslanmaz Çelik) elektrotları ile giderim verimleri sırasıyla % >70 ve % 45 olarak bulunmuştur. Optimum koşullarda EK/EO hibrit prosesinin renk giderim verimi % 84 (436 nm), % 93 (525 nm), % 97 (620 nm) olarak elde edilirken, EK ve EO prosesinin enerji tüketimi sırasıyla 14,26 kWsa/m3m^3ve 22,71 kWsa/m3m^3 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, istatistiksel analiz sonucunda elde edilen R2R^2 ve R2adjR^2adjdeğerlerinin 1'e yakın olması, deney sonuçlarının ve istatistiksel çıkarımların uyumlu olduğunu ve işlem parametrelerinin etkilerinin belirlenmesinde BoxBehnken istatistiksel tasarımının etkili olduğunu göstermiştir.In this study, treatment of denim product processing wastewaters by hybrid electrocoagulation (EC) and electrooxidation (EOx) process were investigated. Effects of operating parameters such as pH, current density and electrolysis time on removal of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) were determined. EC process with Al electrodes where the pH value was 7,48, current density was 120 A/m2, and electrolysis time was 49,5 min resulted in > 65 % COD and 51 % TDS removal. At the same conditions removal efficiencies of EOx process for COD and TDS with Ti/SS electrodes were found to be > % 70 and % 45, respectively. The color removal efficiency of EC / EO hybrid process at optimum conditions was obtained as 84 % (436 nm), 93 % (525 nm), 97 % (620 nm), while the energy consumption of EC and EO process was 14,26 kWh/ m3m^3 and 22 kWh/m3m^3 respectively. The coefficient of determination (R2) value for removal of COD and TDS in the EC and EOx reactor, was found to be 0.99 and 0.97, and R2 Adj value was found to be 0,96 and 0,92, respectively. In addition, the results of the statistical analysis indicated that the R2R^2 and R2adjR^2adj values were close to 1 indicates that the experimental results and statistical inferences were compatible and the Box-Behnken statistical design was effective in order to determine the effects of process parameters

    İlköğretim ikinci kademe Türkçe ders kitaplarının türler açısından incelenmesi

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    Literary texts that take place in Turkish course books are an important means for teaching Turkish. The aim of this study is to search 6th, 7th and 8th grade Turkish course books in terms of text types. For this purpose, studies concerned with Turkish course books are discussed shortly. New Turkish curriculum is compared with the previous one. According to the 2006 curriculum reading texts that have to contain special features are discussed and the significance of types of texts is emphasized. In this study, all the texts in six books from four different publishing houses taught in 2008-2009 teaching year are examined, frequency of types used are defined; and finally those findings are discussed and implications are made. But free reading texts are not covered in this study