162 research outputs found

    Some biblical Hebrew influence on the Karaim bible translations

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    The Karaims are a Turkic community living in Eastern Europe who are the followers of Karaism/Karaite Judaism. Their faith acknowledges the Tanakh as the sole source whereas it does not recognize the Talmud which is the written collection of the oral tradition. Thence, starting from the early periods, the Hebrew Bible has long been translated into the Karaim language. Such translations are important to demonstrate the features of the highly endangered Karaim language that belongs to the Kipchak (North-Western) group of the Turkic languages. Thus, after a long hiatus, scholars have developed a renewed interest in Karaim Bible translations as well. However, these translations show some common Hebrew characteristics that mainly appear on morphological and syntactic structures whereas they usually do not occur in the spoken language. In this regard, the present study is going to present such Hebrew influences that occur in the Book of Leviticus of the so-called Gözleve Bible (1841) which was published in Crimea in an extinct Eastern variety of Karaim Language (Crimean Karaim).The Karaims are a Turkic community living in Eastern Europe who are the followers of Karaism/Karaite Judaism. Their faith acknowledges the Tanakh as the sole source whereas it does not recognize the Talmud which is the written collection of the oral tradition. Thence, starting from the early periods, the Hebrew Bible has long been translated into the Karaim language. Such translations are important to demonstrate the features of the highly endangered Karaim language that belongs to the Kipchak (North-Western) group of the Turkic languages. Thus, after a long hiatus, scholars have developed a renewed interest in Karaim Bible translations as well. However, these translations show some common Hebrew characteristics that mainly appear on morphological and syntactic structures whereas they usually do not occur in the spoken language. In this regard, the present study is going to present such Hebrew influences that occur in the Book of Leviticus of the so-called Gözleve Bible (1841) which was published in Crimea in an extinct Eastern variety of Karaim Language (Crimean Karaim)

    The Book of Leviticus of the Gözleve Bible (1841): A Comprehensive Analysis

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    This dissertation undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the linguistic features evident in a biblical Book found in the so-called Gözleve Bible, published in 1841 in what is now known as Eupatoria. This printed edition encompasses translations of the entire Tanakh, with the exception of the Chronicles, and is divided into four volumes, all written in Hebrew script. The language of the edition is generally recognized as Crimean Karaim. Nevertheless, the precise language of this edition, and even the very existence of the Crimean Karaim language itself, has provoked substantial scholarly debates. Therefore, this dissertation aims to carry out a thorough examination of an unstudied book from this edition, specifically the Book of Leviticus, which includes its transcription, translation, and a faithful facsimile reproduction of the original text. The study involves a detailed linguistic analysis that covers phonology, morphology, morphophonology, syntax, morphosyntax, and lexicon. It will also draw comparisons between the equivalent features found in the text and those identified in Crimean Tatar, Crimean Turkish, Ottoman Turkish, and all three Karaim dialects. This comparison is crucial due to the need to differentiate between Ottoman Turkish and Kipchak Turkic features when discerning the variants of Crimean Karaim. Our analyses reveal that the text displays the expected influence of Biblical Hebrew at the syntactic level, a common feature in Karaim translations. Furthermore, the text exhibits evidence of Ottoman Turkish influence, which is not typically found in Karaim Bible translations. Notably, our investigation counters the assertions made by some scholars that the edition demonstrates superficial Tatarization. Rather, the text reflects recent adaptations from the era, including influences from Ottoman Turkish, while still retaining the predominant Kipchak features common in Crimean Bible translation

    Some biblical Hebrew influence on the Karaim bible translations : the Book of Leviticus, Gözleve Bible (1841)

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    The Karaims are a Turkic community living in Eastern Europe who are the followers of Karaism/Karaite Judaism. Their faith acknowledges the Tanakh as the sole source whereas it does not recognize the Talmud which is the written collection of the oral tradition. Thence, starting from the early periods, the Hebrew Bible has long been translated into the Karaim language. Such translations are important to demonstrate the features of the highly endangered Karaim language that belongs to the Kipchak (North-Western) group of the Turkic languages. Thus, after a long hiatus, scholars have developed a renewed interest in Karaim Bible translations as well. However, these translations show some common Hebrew characteristics that mainly appear on morphological and syntactic structures whereas they usually do not occur in the spoken language. In this regard, the present study is going to present such Hebrew influences that occur in the Book of Leviticus of the so-called Gözleve Bible (1841) which was published in Crimea in an extinct Eastern variety of Karaim Language (Crimean Karaim)

    Renk körlüğünün tanısına yönelik yeni bir arayüz

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Renk körlüğü, özellikle erkek nüfusu arasında yaygın olan bir görme kusurudur. Belirli meslek dallarında çalışma yeterliliği veya bazı belge ve sertifikaların temininde renk körlüğü testinden başarılı olma zorunluluğu bulunmaktadır. Ancak bu testlerin geçerliliği ve doğruluğu büyük bir tartışma konusudur. Günümüzde yaygın olarak kullanılan Ishihara renk körlüğü testi deneklerin renk körü olup olmadıklarını sadece pozitif/negatif anlamında ölçen testler olup yaklaşık yüz yıl önceki teknolojik gelişmişliğe sahiptir. Bununla beraber, renk körlüğü konusunda literatürde yer almış diğer çalışmalarda önerilen birçok test geçersiz ölçüm yöntemi, süre olumsuzlukları veya doğruluklarının yeterli olmaması gibi nedenlerden dolayı Ishihara testi kadar pratik ve yaygın kullanım alanı bulamamaktadırlar. Günümüzde hassasiyet ve görüntü kaliteleri oldukça tatminkâr seviyelere gelen ekranlar ve bu ekranları süren yüksek performanslı donanımlar, hafif-ergonomik kasalar, düşük maliyetler ve gelişmiş bilişim altyapıları sebebiyle kişisel bilgisayarların, dizüstü bilgisayarların veya tabletlerin renk körlüğü testlerinde kullanılmasının teknolojik olarak mümkün hale gelmiştir. Bu tez çalışmasının amacı, renk körlüğünün detaylı tanısına yönelik yeni bir test yazılımının geliştirilmesidir. Geliştirilen yeni test sayesinde mevcut ve yaygın kullanılan renk körlüğü testinde renk paletlerinden ve ortam şartlarından kaynaklanan olumsuzlukların önüne geçilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Ayrıca deneklere uygulanan testler ve bu testlere testin taşınması, çoğaltılması, kullanılması, sonuç verilerinin çok daha kolay saklanması ve bu verilere çok daha kolay erişilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu sayede renkli görme kusuru açısından hastalardan elde edilen verilerle analiz çalışmalarının çok daha kolay yürütülmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yeni test dört aşamada gerçekleştirilmiş ve her aşaması denekler üzerinde uygulanmıştır. Çalışma grubu 111 renkli görme kusuru bulunan ve 137 normal renkli görme yetisine sahip, toplam 248 kişiden oluşmaktadır. Ishihara testlerine kıyasen yeni test, deneğin sadece 'renkli görme' yetisinin olup/olmadığının tanısında %100 duyarlılık ve %100 özgüllük elde edilmesinin yanı sıra deneğe hangi renk tonlarına karşı kusurlu olduğunun da yaklaşık olarak gösterilmesi sağlanmıştır. Ayrıca testten elde edilen verilerin bulanık mantık yaklaşımı ile hazırlanan bir algoritmada analiz edilerek deneğin renk körlüğü kusuru olup olmadığının tanısı gerçekleştirilmiştir.ait kişisel veriler bir bilişim ortamında potansiyel araştırma ve analiz işlemlerine uygun olacak şekilde depolanmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra, yeni testin bilgisayar ortamında hazırlanmasıyla, mevcut olan renk körlüğü testlerine nazaranColour-blindness is a vision deficiency that is prevalent on male populations. A successful colour-blindness test score is necessary in some particular professions or obtaining some certificates. However, the validity and accuracy of these tests are controversial. Ishihara colour-blindness tests, which have almost one-century background, are being used widespread to discriminate the subjects whether they have colour deficiency or not as simple as in positive/negative logic. However, the rest of the methods related to colour blindness in the related literature have not been popular since they infer some drawbacks such as invalid test equipment, time-consuming features and inadequate accuracy. Nowadays even personal computers having modern display technologies with high performance hardware, light and ergonomic casings, low cost parts and along with advanced information systems enable colour-blindness tests applying on them feasible. The aim of this thesis is to improve a novel colour-blindness tests which gives a detailed result about the colour that an individual cannot see besides just classifying whether the individual is colour-blind or not. With the benefits of the new test, it has been aimed to preclude that the flaws inflicted by colour plates commonly used and ambient light. All the results and demographic information gathered from the individuals have been properly stored for further studies and analyses. Additionally, the new test, developed as a computer-based test compared to conventional tests, became more portable, easier to use and has many advantageous over others especially when data storage and analysis capabilities are concerned. The new test has designed in four phase and all the phases have been applied on individuals. 111 individuals having colour vision deficiency and 137 individuals having normal colour vision have been participated to this thesis. In the name of just diagnosis if the individual is colour blind, the new test has achieved 100% specify and 100% sensitivity. With the final phase of the new test, it has been enabled to diagnosis of an individual in a detailed way and reveal the colour deficiency of each individual in terms of colour tones besides just classifying if the individual is colour blind. Furthermore, a fuzzy logic algorithm has been used to determine if the individuals has colour vision deficiency

    Web kontrollü doğalgaz scada sistemi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Teknolojinin her geçen gün hızla ilerlediği son zamanlarda insanlara hizmeti amaçlayan dağıtım şebekeleri, hizmet sektörünün en büyük örnekleridir. Dağıtım şebekeleri, oldukça geniş alanlara dağılmış olmasının ve milyonlarca insana hizmet vermesinin getirdiği bir takım olumsuzluklarla iç içedir. Bugünün veri toplama ve kontrol sistemi kullanıcıları, gereksinimleri için güçlü, esnek, kolay uygulanabilir ve aynı zamanda pahalı olmayan çözümler aramaktadır.Bu tezde sunulan projenin temel amacı: günümüz ihtiyacını karşılayacak, uzaktan dağıtık veri toplamayı gerçekleştirecek, esnek ve kolay kullanılabilir, gelişmelere açık, ayrıca benzer sistemlere göre çok daha ucuz olacak bir sistemi tasarlamaktır.Bu tez çalışmasında örnek sistemin çalışmasıyla uzakta bulunan bir doğalgaz istasyonundan Sayısal ve Analog veriler toplanarak merkeze iletilmiş ve merkezde tasarlanan bir yazılımla bu verilerin değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Sistemin çalışmasıyla elde edilen sonuçlar, analiz edilerek mevcut SCADA sistemlerine göre başarım değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır.Nowadays, with rapid improvements and innovations in technology, distribution networks which aim to be in service of humanity are among the most outstanding systems within the service sector. Unfortunately, distribution networks are facing some negative effects caused by being spread over a wide area and servicing over millions of people. Today?s data collection and control system users are seeking strong, flexible, easily applicable and also inexpensive solutions.The main objective of the project presented in this thesis is to design a flexible and easily applicable remote data collection system which will meet the needs of humanity and which will also be cheaper than other similar systems.In this thesis study, with the application of the sample system, digital and analog data from a remote natural gas station was collected and transferred to the central server where it was processed by means of software specifically designed for this project. The results obtained from the designed system were analyzed and compared to the existing SCADA systems

    The effect of motivational music on wingate anaerobic test performance

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    The aim of this study is to examine the effect of the motivational music on the Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT) performance. 16 male students who studied at School of Physical Education and Sports, Kocatepe University participated in the study voluntarily. After demographic characteristics of the voluntaries [age, height, body weight (BW), body mass index (BMI)] were measured without music (pre-test) and with motivational music [>120 bpm (beats per minute)] conditions (post-test). For the analyses of the data; Wilcoxon Rank Test was used in order to detect the difference among the variables. As a result of the measurements taken in with and without music conditions; it was found out that there was a statistically significant difference on behalf of condition with music in terms of maximum anaerobic power (MaxAP), maximum anaerobic capacity (MAC), relative anaerobic power (RAP), relative anaerobic capacity (RAC) and fatigue index (FI) values (p<0,05), while there was no statistically significant difference in terms of minimum anaerobic power (MinAP) values (p>0,05). It was determined that the motivational music has positive effects on the WAnT performance. However; although it was seen that motivational music increased the WAnT performance, we were of the opinion that this effect emerged thanks to the increased psycho-physiological factors caused by music

    The innovations and r&d incentives in the economies of Turkey and EU: a comparative assessment

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    Günümüzde yenilik ve Ar-Ge faaliyetleri, kalkınmanın, sürdürülebilir ekonomik büyümenin ve toplumsal refahın sağlanmasında en etkili olan faktörlerden biri haline gelmiştir. Birçok ülke teşvik politikaları ve çeşitli yasal değişiklikler ile Ar-Ge ve yenilikleri destekleyen bir sistem oluşturma gayreti içindedir. Bu çalışmada, AB ülkelerinde ve Türkiyedeki yenilik ve Ar-Ge faaliyetlerinin gelişiminde belirleyici olan çeşitli göstergeler ve uygulanan mali destekler ele alınmaktadır.The innovation and R&D activities that form the basis of competitiveness are the key to development, sustainable economic growth and social-welfare. A great number of countries endeavor to establish a system that supports the R&D and innovations with incentive policies and various legislative changes. In this study, efforts will be exerted to discuss the various indicators and financial supports that are the determinants in the development of innovation and R&D activities in Turkey and EU countries

    Anevrizmal subaraknoid hemorajide yeni bir molekül: Dendroaspis natriüretik peptid

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    WOS: 000331663300009PubMed ID: 24535789AIM: Dendroaspis natriuretic peptide (DNP) is the most recently identified member of the natriuretic peptide family. Although DNP has similar structure and function to other members, it is genetically different. The other members are known to cause vasorelaxation but the effects of DNP on vascular structure still remains unclear. In this study, we aimed to find out the role of DNP in the development of vasospasm following aneurysmal SAH (subarachnoid hemorrhage). MATERIAL and METHODS: DNP levels of 17 patients diagnosed with aneurysmal SAH and 25 volunteers as control were measured. All SAH patients were treated with aneurysm clip. Five ml of venous blood sample was obtained on postoperative 1,3 and 7th days from each patient. Additionally, DNP levels were determined by obtaining cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) postoperative 1,3 and 7th days. RESULTS: Statistically significant difference was observed between cerebrospinal fluid DNP levels on day 1 and day 3 (P<0.05). CONCLUSION:This study suggests that DNP can be anticipated among molecules leading development of vasospasm. The findings of present study are believed to encourage further studies regarding receptors and receptor specific drugs.AMAÇ: Dendroaspis natriüretik peptid (DNP), natriüretik peptid ailesinin en yeni üyesidir. Yapısal olarak diğer üyelerine benzemesine rağmen genetik olarak farklıdır. Diğer üyelerin vazorelaksasyona neden olduğu bilinmesine rağmen DNP nin insanın vasküler yapısındaki etkisi bilinmemektedir. Bu çalışmada Anevrizmal SAH (subaraknoid hemoraji) sonrası vazospazm gelişiminde DNP nin rolunü araştırdık. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Anevrizmal SAH tanısı konan 17 hasta ve 25 gönüllü kontrol grubunda DNP düzeyleri araştırıldı. Tüm SAH hastaları anevrizma klibi ile tedavi edildi. Postoperatif dönemde 5ml venöz kan 1., 3., 7. günlerde alındı. 1., 3., 7. günlerde Beyin Omurilik Sıvısı (BOS) alınarak DNP düzeyleri incelendi. BULGULAR: Olguların 1.gün BOS’taki DNP düzeyleri 3.gündeki DNP düzeylerinden anlamlı derecede yüksektir (P<0,05). SONUÇ: Bu çalışma, DNP’nin vazospazm gelişmesinde etkenlerden biri olabileceğini düşündürmektedir. Çalışmamızın gelecekte reseptör düzeyinde yapılacak çalışmalar ve bu reseptörlere özgü yeni ilaç çalışmalarını cesaretlendireceğine inanmaktayız

    Zgodność badania kolposkopowego wykonanego przy wykorzystaniu skali Reida z histopatologią

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of colposcopy and to determine the strength of correlation between colposcopic impression using the Reid Colposcopic Index (RCI) and histopathology. Material and methods: This was a prospective cross-sectional study carried out at the colposcopy clinic of Bakırköy Dr Sadi Konuk Education and Research Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, between June 2011 and September 2011. A total of 105 women who met the selection criteria were included in the study. All women underwent colposcopy and the final diagnosis was made using RCI. Colposcopy-guided biopsy was obtained from the abnormal areas. In cases when colposcopy did not reveal any lesion, a four-quadrant biopsy from the squamocolumnar junction was taken, which served as the gold standard. Results: According to the Reid scoring system, there were 60% of benign cases, whereas 27.6%, 5.7%, and 6.7% of the women were diagnosed with CIN 1, CIN 2, CIN 3, respectively. As far as histologic results were concerned, 62.9% of the subjects were benign, whereas 25.7%, 3.8%, and 7.6% of the patients were diagnosed with CIN 1, CIN 2, CIN 3, respectively. The correlation between the Reid scoring system and histologic results was statistically significant (p>0.05). Conclusions: The correlation between colposcopic lesions graded with RCI and histology was strong, particularly in women who had HGSIL on a Pap smear. Good correlation between colposcopic imaging using RCI and histopathology makes it a reproducible technique, easy to implement in colposcopy clinics.Cel pracy: Celem tej pracy jest ocena skuteczności diagnostycznej badania kolposkopowego i zbadanie zgodności obrazów kolposkopowych, uzyskanych przy użyciu skali Reida (RCI) z histopatologią. Materiał i metody: Badanie prospektywne, przekrojowe przeprowadzono w okresie od czerwca 2011 do września 2011 w Szpitalu Naukowo - Badawczym Bakırköy Dr Sadi Konuk w Pracowni Kolposkopii Kliniki Ginekologiczno- Położniczej. Do badania włączono 105 kobiet odpowiadających kryteriom. Wszystkie pacjentki miały wykonane badanie kolposkopowe i przy użyciu skali RCI postawiono diagnozę. Wykonano biopsję obszarów nieprawidłowych pod kontrolą kolposkopu. U kobiet, u których nie wykryto kolposkopowo patologii, wykonano biopsję na granicy nabłonków w czterech kwadrantach, które uznano jako złoty standard. Wyniki: Według skali Reida wykryto 60% zmian niezłośliwych, podczas gdy u 27,6% zdiagnozowano CIN 1, u 5,7% CIN 2, i u 6,7% CIN 3. Na podstawie badania histopatologicznego znaleziono 62,9% pacjentek ze zmianami niezłośliwymi, 25,7% CIN 1, 3,8% CIN 2, i 7,6% CIN 3. Związek indeksu RCI z histopatologią jest statystycznie znaczący (p>0.05). Dyskusja: Istnieje wysoki stopień zgodności pomiędzy prognozą dysplazji wykonaną przy pomocy RCI, a dysplazją w wynikach ostatecznych histologii. Zgodność jest jeszcze wyraźniejsza zwłaszcza u pacjentów z nieprawidłowym wynikiem wymazu HGSIL. Wysoka zgodność obrazów uzyskanych przy użyciu RCI z histopatologią zapewnia możliwość łatwej integracji tego narzędzia w pracowniach kolposkopowych, a także pozwala na stosowanie go przez innych lekarzy ginekologów