20 research outputs found

    Çene Kistleri: Konya Bölgesinde 274 0lguda Klinikopatolojik ve Retrospektif Bir Çalışma

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    Amaç: Kistler etrafı bağ doku ile çevrili, iç yüzü epitelle döşeli, sıvı ya da yarı sıvı kıvamda materyal içeren patolojik yapılardır. Çenede epitel artıklarının fazla bulunması nedeniyle kistler sık görülür. Amacımız Konya ili ve çevresinde 2009-2014 yılları arasında tedavi edilen çene kistlerinin klinikopatolojik özelliklerini literatür bilgileri ile birlikte değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda 2009-2014 yılları arasında Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Patoloji Anabilim Dalı’na kist ön tanısı ile başvuran 274 olgunun histopatolojik özellikleri, klinik ve radyolojik bulgular eşliğinde retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Olguların %54,7’ü radiküler kist , %17,8’i dentigeröz kist ve %12,4’ü odontojenik keratokisttir. Diğer olgular : %12,4’ü kist epiteli içermeyenler, %0,7’si erüpsiyon kisti , %0,7’si lateral periodontal kist, %0,7’si nazopalatinal duktus kisti İnsiziv kanal kisti ve %0,3’ü paradental kisttir. Tüm kistlerin %58,1’i mandibula, %41,9’u maksilla yerleşimlidir. Serimizde erkek / kadın oranı 1,4 bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Araştırmada elde edilen veriler genel olarak literatür ile uyumluluk göstermektedir. Çenenin kistik lezyonlarının klinik ve rekürrens oranı farklı özellikler sergileyebilir. Benzer histopatolojik özellikler göz önüne alındığında epitel içermeyen lezyonlarda kesin tanının radyolojik ve klinik bulgular ile birlikte verilmesi önem kazanmaktadır. Odontojenik keratokist’te nüks sıklıkla görülebilir. Ülserasyon, erozyon, inflamasyon ve Rusthon cisimcikleri ayırıcı tanıda güvenilir bulgular değildi

    Bruxism Associated With Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors Two Cases

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    FAHR SYNDROME - Three cases presenting with psychiatric signs

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    Fahr syndrome, a clinical entity that manifests with various signs and symptoms and has a familial predisposition is characterized by symmetric calcification of basal ganglia. It may present with neuropsychiatric, extrapyramidal and cerebellar symptoms. The etiology has not been defined yet. Three cases of Fahr syndrome; presenting with various clinical signs and psychiatric symptoms are reported in this article. The first case that occured following Brucella treatment and the other two occuring idiopathically are evaluated with a neuropsychiatric approach

    The utility of foetal splenic artery Doppler measurement in the diagnosis of late-onset foetal growth restriction

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    We aimed to examine the contribution of splenic artery (SA) Doppler parameters in the detection of foetuses with late-onset foetal growth restriction (LO-FGR) and to evaluate its power in predicting adverse perinatal outcomes. Within the study's scope, 52 cases in the LO-FGR group and 92 cases in the control group were evaluated. The criteria determined in the Delphi procedure by an international consensus were used to define the LO-FGR. Middle cerebral artery (MCA) pulsatility index (PI) and SA PI were significantly lower in the LO-FGR group (p: .002, p<.001, respectively). Likewise, cerebroplacental ratio (CPR) was significantly lower in the LO-FGR group (p<.001). Decreased CPR and decreased SA PI were significantly and positively associated with an increased likelihood of exhibiting adverse obstetric outcome (p<.001, p: .012, respectively). The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showed that the optimal cut-off value for SA PI was 1.41 to predict LO-FGR with 70.7% sensitivity and 61.5% specificity (AUC = 0.684; 95% CI, 0.594–0.774).Impact Statement What is already known on this subject? The main clinical difficulty in late-onset foetal growth restriction (LO-FGR) is the detection of the disease. What do the results of this study add? The splenic artery (SA) pulsatility index (PI) may contribute to both diagnostic and the prediction of adverse perinatal outcomes in LO-FGR cases. Our results showed that the SA PI value, as well as cerebroplacental ratio (CPR), can be a useful parameter in predicting negative outcomes. What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? Various degrees of uteroplacental insufficiency in foetuses with LO-FGR may be associated with abnormalities in SA Doppler velocimetry. Splenic artery Doppler velocimetry can be used for the clinical management of LO-FGR

    Does Glp-2 have a protective effect on cerebral ischemia/reperfusion model?

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    Background/aim: To investigate the neuroprotective effects of glucagon-like peptide 2 (Glp-2), which increases cerebral blood flow, on the hippocampal complex after cerebral ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury in rats. Materials and methods: Animals were randomized into 4 groups: sham, I/R + 0.9% NaCl, I/R + pre-Glp-2, and I/R + post-Glp-2. Cerebral ischemia was performed via the occlusion of the bilateral internal carotid artery for 40 min and continued with a reperfusion process. At the end of 6 h of reperfusion, animals were decapitated in all groups and brain tissues were removed. Malondialdehyde (MDA) and natural intracellular antioxidant glutathione (GSH) levels and myeloperoxidase (MPO) activities were measured in the left hippocampal tissue. The right hippocampal tissues of all group members were taken for histopathologic study. Results: MDA levels and MPO activities increased from Group I to Group II and decreased from Group II to Groups III and IV. On the other hand, GSH levels were not significantly different among the groups. The number of apoptotic hippocampal tissue cells increased from Group I to Group II and decreased from Group II to Groups III and IV. Conclusion: Our preliminary study revealed that Glp-2 treatment may decrease oxidative damage from I/R in cerebral tissue.WOS:0003563578000012-s2.0-84929757256PubMed: 2628130


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    Prof.Dr.Nejat Erk Prof.Dr.Muammer Tekeoğlu Prof.Dr.Veyis Naci Tanış Prof.Dr.Murat Doğanlar Prof.Dr.Azmi Yalçın Prof.Dr.Canan Madran Doç.Dr.Harun Bal Doç.Dr.Hatice Düzakın Doç.Dr.Ali Danışman Doç.Dr.Mehmet Özmen Yar.Doç.Dr.Bahattin Karademir Yar.Doç.Dr.Neinhan C.Karadağ Yar.Doç.Dr.Gülsün Nakıboğlu Yar.Doç.Dr.Mert Demircioğl

    Prognostic factors and a new prognostic index model for children and adolescents with Hodgkin’s lymphoma who underwent autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A multicenter study of the turkish pediatric bone marrow transplantation study group

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    Objective: The prognostic factors and a new childhood prognostic index after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) in patients with relapsed/refractory Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) were evaluated. Materials and Methods: The prognostic factors of 61 patients who underwent AHSCT between January 1990 and December 2014 were evaluated. In addition, the Age-Adjusted International Prognostic Index and the Childhood International Prognostic Index (CIPI) were evaluated for their impact on prognosis. Results: The median age of the 61 patients was 14.8 years (minimummaximum: 5-20 years) at the time of AHSCT. There were single relapses in 28 patients, ≥2 relapses in eight patients, and refractory disease in 25 patients. The chemosensitivity/chemorefractory ratio was 36/25. No pretransplant radiotherapy, no remission at the time of transplantation, posttransplant white blood cell count over 10x103/ μL, posttransplant positron emission tomography positivity at day 100, and serum albumin of <2.5 g/dL at diagnosis were correlated with progression-free survival. No remission at the time of transplantation, bone marrow positivity at diagnosis, and relapse after AHSCT were significant parameters for overall survival. Conclusion: The major factors affecting the progression-free and overall survival were clearly demonstrated. A CIPI that uses a lactate dehydrogenase level of 500 IU/L worked well for estimating the prognosis. We recommend AHSCT at first complete remission for relapsed cases, and it should also be taken into consideration for patients with high prognostic scores at diagnosis