131 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research is to evaluate the buildings of higher education institutions in Turkey, where vocational music education is delivered, in terms of physical and acoustical sufficiency. This research is a descriptive study conducted with qualitative method and survey model. The population of the research consists of all of the buildings of the higher education institutions in Turkey, where vocational music education is delivered. Data of the research have been collected through semi-structured interview from instructions who serve in a total of 85 different higher education programs in Turkey, where vocational music education activities are conducted. It was determined in line with the collected data that there are important deficiencies in the buildings of the university institutions in Turkey in terms of both physical and acoustical sufficiency, where vocational music education is delivered. On the other hand, only 14% of the instructors stated that the institutional buildings meet the acoustical needs required by vocational music education. In conclusion, this study tries to make suggestions for the solution of the detected problems in order to create a certain standard in physical and acoustical aspects in the buildings of higher education institutions, where vocational music education is delivered

    HIV-1 proteaz enziminin kesme konumlarının tespitinde yeni öznitelik vektörleri

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Canlıların vücudunda bulunan proteaz enzimleri, pek çok yararlı biyolojik işlevi yerine getirirler. Bununla beraber, virüsler, parazitler gibi pek çok bulaşıcı mikroorganizmalar, proteazları enfekte olabilmek için kullanırlar. Proteazların temel görevi yeni sentezlenmiş çoklu proteinleri uygun yerlerinden keserek yapısal hale gelmelerini sağlamaktır. Böylece, ait oldukları mikroorganizmanın olgunlaşması ve çoğalmasında rol alırlar. Bu nedenle proteazların özgünlüklerini çözmek ilaç ve aşı geliştimek için çok önemlidir. Bununla beraber, proteaz enzimlerinin özgünlükleri konusunda yetersiz bilgi bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle laboratuvar ortamlarında, proteaz verileri elde etmek ve proteazların özgünlüklerini karakterize etmek için uygun biyobilişim öznitelik kodlama yöntemleri ve algoritmaları geliştirmek hayati derecede önemlidir. Bu tezde, Human Immunodeficiency Virüs Tip 1 (HIV-1) proteazının proteinleri kesme konumlarının tespiti üzerine çalışılmıştır.Proteinlerle çalışırken göz önününde bulundurulması gereken iki temel bilgi bulunmaktadır: kalıntıların birbirleri ile olan fizikokimyasal etkileşimleri ve protein dizilimi içindeki konumları. Bu iki temel bilgi, proteinin işlevini anlamada nirengi noktalarıdır ve HIV-1 proteazının çoklu proteinleri nereden keseceğinin tahmin edilmesinde kullanılabilir. Bu varsayımdan yola çıkarak, HIV-1 proteaz enzimi özgünlüğünün modellenmesinde Fizikokimyasal Tabanlı Kodlama Yöntemi (FTKY), Birimdik Taylor Venn Diyagramı (BirTVD ) ve Birimdik BOOL (BirBOOL) olarak isimledirilen üç öznitelik kodlama yöntemi geliştirilmiştir.HIV-1 proteazın kesme konumlarını tespit etmek için güncel iki HIV-1 proteaz veri setlerine ait peptit örüntüleri, öznitelik çıkarım yöntemleri ile kodlanmıştır. Bu kodlanan örneklerin öznitelikleri Temel Bileşenler Analizi (TBA) ve Doğrusal Ayırıcı Analiz (DAA) ile çıkarılmıştır. Ardından doğrusal Destek Vektör Makineleri (DVM) algoritması ile sınıflandırılmıştır. Elde edilen deneysel sonuçlara göre; BirTVD ve BirBOOL öznitelik çıkarım kodlama yöntemlerinde, başarım mevcut yöntemlere göre daha yüksek elde edilmiştir.Protease enzymes which are inside the living organisms, implement many useful biological functions. However, many infectious microorganisms such as viruses and parasites use proteases to be infected as virulence factors. The main task of proteases is to cleave the polyproteins synthesized newly at the appropriate places to make them structural components. In this way, virulent proteases take role in maturation and replication of microorganisms. Hence, unravelling the specificities of proteases is of great importance to develop drugs and vaccines. However, little is known about the cleavage specificities of these proteases. It is therefore, an important challenge to collect experimental protease data and to develop appropriate bioinformatics feature encoding schemes, algorithms to characterize the specificities for all proteases. In this thesis, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease site prediction has been studied.When studying on proteins, there are two basic points considered: physicochemical relationships and the positions of the residues in protein sequnces. These two references are the keys to understand the functions of the proteins and can be used to predict where HIV-1 protease cleave the polyproteins. This hypothesis leads us to develop three feature encoding schemes namely FTKY, BirTVD and BirBOOL to model specificity of HIV-1 protease.For the prediction of HIV-1 protease cleavage sites, peptide samples of two up-to-date HIV-1 protease datasets have been encoded with feature encoding techniques and extracted their features with Principal Components Analysis and Linear Discriminant Anaysis. Subsequently, they have been classified by Linear Support Vector Machines algorithm. According to empirical results obtained, BirTVD and BirBOOL methods have achieved better performance compared to hitherto methods

    Abbâsîler Dönemine Kadar Mısır’da Kıptîler ve Müslümanlarla İlişkileri

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    In the early periods of Islam, Muslims had dominated different geographies and had intercourse with different ethnic and religious communities. In this context Egypt which is of high importance for Byzantine before the conquest as well as for the Muslims after the conquest has been conquered during the time of Omar. During the conquest, Coptic locals and Byzantine-backed Greeks generally lived on the Egyptian territory. The Copts had different charaçteristics than their rulers with their unique way of life, and they were treated as second class people in Egypt. In this study, Copticans, who are the indigenous people of the Egyptian land, have been subjected to the pre-Islamic life and the relations with the new rulers together with the conquest, including the Umayyad period. In Egypt, which was one of the first conquered regions, the governors unlike the previous negativity, approached with tolerance, freedom of belief and peace. An important part of the Coptic Christian population preferred Islam over a few centuries following the conquest, while others paid their taxes regularly. However, some of the practices of some Umayyad rulers related to taxes caused the indignation and resentment of the indigenous people. Nevertheless, the Copts lived in peace with Muslim rulers over a period of about a decade, from the conquest until the Abbasid era. In terms of providing information about the approach of Muslim administrators to non-Muslim citizens, Muslims' relations with the Christian public in Egypt are important. In this study, it is aimed to reveal the level of the relationship between Coptic Christians and Muslim administrators after the conquest of Egypt, especially during the Umayyad period.İslâm’ın ilk dönemlerinde Müslümanlar farklı coğrafyalara hâkim olmuşlar ve buralarda farklı etnik ve dini kimlik sahibi topluluklarla ilişkiye girmişlerdir. Bu bağlamda fetih öncesinde Bizans için, fetihten sonra ise Müslümanlar için büyük önem ifade eden Mısır, Hz. Ömer döneminde hâkimiyet altına alınmıştır. Fetih sırasında Mısır topraklarında genel olarak Kıptî yerli halk ve Bizans destekli Rumlar yaşamaktaydı. Kıptîler kendilerine özgü yaşam şekilleriyle yöneticilerinden farklı özelliklere sahiplerdi ve Mısır’da ikinci sınıf insan muamelesi görmekteydi. Bu çalışmada Mısır diyarının yerli halkı olan Kıptîler’in İslâm öncesindeki yaşantıları ve fetihle birlikte yeni idarecilerle olan ilişkileri Emevîler dönemini de içine alacak şekilde konu edilmiştir. İlk fethedilen bölgelerden olan Mısır’da görevli valiler ilk dönemlerden itibaren halka daha önce yaşadıkları olumsuzlukların aksine hoşgörüyle yaklaşmışlar, inanç özgürlüğü başta olmak üzere huzur içerisinde bir hayat yaşama imkânı sunmuşlardır. Kıptî Hıristiyan halkın önemli bir kısmı fetihten sonraki birkaç yüzyıl içinde İslâm’ı tercih etmiş, bir kısmı ise cizye vergisini düzenli olarak ödemişlerdir. Ancak özellikle bazı Emevî idarecilerinin vergilerle ilgili bir kısım uygulamaları yerli halkın öfkesine ve ayaklanmaların yaşanmasına sebep olmuştur. Buna rağmen genel olarak baktığımızda fethinden Abbâsîler dönemine kadar olan yaklaşık yüz on yıllık bir sürede Kıptîler Müslüman idareci ve yöneticilerle huzur içerisinde yaşamışlardır. Müslümanların Mısır’daki Hıristiyan halkla olan ilişkileri ilk dönemde Müslüman idarecilerin Gayr-ı Müslim tebaaya olan yaklaşımı hakkında da bilgiler vermesi yönüyle önemlidir. Bu çalışmada Kıptîlerin Mısır’ın fethinden sonra özellikle Emeviler döneminde Müslüman idarecilerle olan ilişkilerinin hangi düzeyde olduğunun ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır

    Biodegradation of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) with Bacteria Isolated from TNT-polluted Waste Pink Water

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    In this study, bacterial strains that can use TNT as a nitrogen source isolated from TNT contaminated pink water. We isolated 5 bacterial strains and the isolated bacteria were cultured in medium containing TNT and TNT degradation capacities of isolates were determined by spectrophotometric analysis. According to the results of the analysis that have done, 3 bacterial isolates that have high TNT degradation capacity were selected and the isolates were identified with firstly Gram-staining then with 16S rRNA sequence analysis method. According to the sequence of 16S rRNA, water isolates were identified as Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (SU K2), Klebsiella pneumoniae (SU K3), Raoultella planticola (SU K4). During the TNT degradation studies, at the end of 24 h incubation time, in the medium containing 100 mg/L TNT, TNT degradation rate for SU K2, SU K3 and SU K4 were determined 70 %, 96 % and 93 % respectively. 4-aminodinitrotoluene and 2-aminodinitrotoluene accumulations were detected in the culture medium of all isolates as intermediate products formed during the degradation of TNT by HPLC analysis. Additionally, nitrite accumulation was detected in the culture medium of all isolates and the influence of temperature and pH on the degradation of TNT was also investigated. It was determined that SU K2 isolates have the highest TNT degradation capacity at 35 °C, the others have at 30 °C and all isolates degraded TNT fastest at pH 7. The results of the study show that the new isolates can be useful for the removal of TNT in a wastewater treatment system

    The modeling of the vertical interference test and parameter estimation

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    Bu çalışmada, düşey yöndeki geçirgenlik değerlerinin belirlenmesine de olanak tanıdığı için endüstride yaygın kullanım alanı bulan bir kuyunun farklı noktalarında yerel olarak yapılabilen düşey girişimli basınç-zaman seti verilerinden (örneğin çoklu-prob ve paker-prob testleri) kayaç özelliklerinin belirlenmesi problemi üzerinde durulmuştur. Yatay ve düşey yöndeki heterojenlikten etkilendiği bilinen düşey girişim testi basınç verilerinin yatay ve düşey yöndeki heterojenliğin çözümlenmesinde ne derece etkili olduğu bu çalışmada araştırılmıştır. Bunun için, düşey girişim testleri bu çalışmada geliştirilen üç boyutlu (3-B) r-q-z tek-fazlı sayısal akış simülatörü ile modellenmiştir. Bu sayısal simülatöre ters problem metodolojisi üzerine kurulu doğrusal olmayan parametre tahmin yöntemi entegre edilmiştir. Doğrusal olmayan parametre tahmini, gradyent temelli Levenberg-Marquardt algoritması kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada geliştirilen model kullanılarak, sentetik olarak tasarlanmış bir paker problu ve bir çoklu problu düşey girişim testinin analizi sunulmuştur.  Anahtar Kelimeler: Düşey girişimli basınç testi, heterojen kayaç özellikleri, rezervuar simülasyonu, doğrusal olmayan parametre tahmini.  In this study, determining heterogeneity in rock properties from vertical (multi- probe and packer-probe formation test) interference pressure data sets, which has a widespread usage in the industry for allowing particularly the determination of vertical permeabilities along the wellbore, was investigated. It is known that spatial pressure data sets of the vertical interference test contain information about heterogeneity in rock properties in both lateral and vertical directions. Thus, it was examined to what degree the heterogeneity in lateral and vertical directions can be resolved from vertical interference tests. Therefore, vertical interference tests were modeled with a three dimensional (r-q-z) single-phase flow simulator developed in this study. The simulator was extensively verified by comparing its results with analytical solutions given in the literature and with the results of commercial simulator ECLIPSE 100, for a variety of cases. Non-linear parameter estimation capability based on this inverse problem theory has been integrated into this 3-D simulator to solve non-linear parameter estimation problem. Non-linear parameter estimation is achieved by using the well-known gradient-based Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. The use of three different methods (finite difference, gradient simulator, and adjoint) for efficiently computing sensitivities coefficients required in the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm has been investigated. Synthetic examples of multi-probe and packer-probe vertical interference test were shown by using model developed in this study.Keywords: Vertical interference pressure test, heterogeneous rock properties, reservoir simulation, non-linear parameter estimation

    Prenatal radiation exposure

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    Pregnant women may be exposed to nonionizing, ionizing radiation and contrast media via diagnostic or therapeutic procedures and workplace exposure. When computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is performed on a pregnant woman, the effects of exposure to radiation, high magnetic fields and contrast media, which can be risky for a fetus, should be considered. Nonionizing radiation that is not significantly risky for a fetus includes microwave, ultrasound, radio frequency and electromagnetic waves, while ionizing radiation that can be teratogenic, carcinogenic or mutagenic includes particles and electromagnetic radiation. The effects of radiation are associated with the level of exposure and stage of fetal development. Organogenesis (two to seven weeks after conception) and the early fetal period (eight to fifteen weeks after conception) are the most sensitive stages for a fetus. Noncancerous health effects have not been determined at any stage of gestation with less than 50 mGy (5 rad) exposure dose of ionizing radiation. Higher exposure levels may lead to spontaneous abortion, growth restriction, and mental retardation. The risk of cancer is increased regardless of the dose. Although the use of iodinated contrast media is generally thought to be safe during pregnancy, the risk of fetal hypothyroidism should be considered and it should be used only when necessary. The use of gadolinium-based contrast media during pregnancy is controversial because of the lack of clinical data. The purpose of this article is to review the existing literature regarding the prenatal radiation exposure and to discuss fetal risk of radiation

    Split-bolus MR urography: synchronous visualization of obstructing vessels and collecting system in children

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    Several vascular abnormalities related with urinary system such as crossing accessory renal vessels, retroiliac ureters, retrocaval ureters, posterior nutcracker syndrome, and ovarian vein syndrome may be responsible for urinary collecting system obstruction. Split-bolus magnetic resonance urography (MRU) using contrast material as two separate bolus injections provides superior demonstration of the collecting system and obstructing vascular anomalies simultaneously and enables accurate preoperative radiologic diagnosis. In this pictorial review we aimed to outline the split-bolus MRU technique in children, list the coexisting congenital collecting system and vascular abnormalities, and exhibit the split-bolus MRU appearances of concurrent urinary collecting system and vascular abnormalities

    Um Stent Mal Colocado na Artéria Septal Perfurante: Fístula Ventricular Direita, Hematoma do Septo Interventricular e Obstrução da Via de Saída do Ventrículo Direito

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    Resumo As fístulas coronário-camerais, embora consideradas em sua maioria como entidades congênitas, também têm sido encontradas como complicações de grandes traumas e intervenções coronárias percutâneas (ICPs).1 Por outro lado, o hematoma do septo interventricular (SIV) pode potencialmente surgir principalmente durante intervenções de oclusão total crônica retrógrada (OTC) e tem um curso benigno nesse contexto.2 Aqui, descrevemos uma complicação desafiadora da ICP (e sua estratégia de manejo) apresentando hematoma do SIV, fístula ventricular direita e obstrução da via de saída do ventrículo direito (VSVD) devido a um stent coronário mal implantado na artéria septal perfurante (ASP)

    Assessment of the Level of Knowledge about Migraines and Medication Among Pharmacy Technicians

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    Objective: A limited number of studies focus on pharmacy technicians (PT) and their knowledge level regarding migraines. The present study aimed to determine their level of awareness and knowledge regarding migraines and migraine treatment. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine in Kayseri, Türkiye. It was conducted from February 2019 to May 2019 and completed with the participation of 324 PTs (75.8% response rate). Forms containing questions about the diagnosis of migraines, the characteristics, and the treatments were administered to the PTs in person and then evaluated by a neurologist. Results: The ratio of PTs who knew of a drug therapy that reduced migraine attacks was 10.2%. Most PTs (85.2%) had no training in migraine treatment and obtained knowledge from their work experience. Ninety-one participants (28.1%) recommended medication to patients who visited the pharmacy due to headaches. When asked about the drug they recommend for migraines, 29.6% suggested ergotamine, 26.9% suggested analgesics, and 15.7% suggested triptans. Conclusion: The results of this study revealed that PTs working in pharmacies that support primary care services might not have sufficient awareness and knowledge about migraine treatments, and appropriate training should be provided on this subject

    Requirements Engineering für Referenzmodelle mittels eines multimethodischen Vorgehensmodells

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    Obwohl es zahlreiche Arbeiten zum Requirements Engineering im Allgemeinen gibt, ist über die Ermittlung generischer und innovativer Anforderungen, wie sie in intersektoralen Informations-ketten eine Rolle spielen, wenig bekannt. Das Projekt IKM health zielt auf die Entwicklung von Referenzmodellen für Informationsketten zur Patientenversorgung ab. Forschungsfrage dieser Studie war, wie Informations- und Prozessanforderungen generiert werden können. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde mit der Analyse von Leitlinien begonnen, deren Empfehlungen anschließend im Rahmen von Delphi-Befragungen und Experteninterviews zur Diskussion gestellt wurden. Trotz der sich zeigenden Heterogenität war es mit Hilfe des hier vorgestellten multimethodischen Vorgehensmodells möglich, passende Anforderungen zu erzielen und in UML zu modellieren