564 research outputs found

    The Kalai-Smorodinsky Bargaining Solution Manipulated by Pre-Donations is Concessionary

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    This study examines the manipulability of simple n-person bargaining problems by pre-donations where the Kalai-Smorodinsky solution is operant. We extend previous results on the manipulation of two-person bargaining problems to the n-person case and show that in a world where a prebargaining stage is instituted in which the bargainers may unilaterally alter the bargaining problem, bargainers with greater ideal payoffs transform the bargaining set into one on which the Kalai- Smorodinsky solution distributes payoffs in accordance with the Concessionary division rule of disputed property.Bargaining Solutions, Pre-donation, Kalai-Smorodinsky

    Simple methanesulfonates are hydrolyzed by the sulfatase carbonic anhydrase activity.

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    This study was financed by Turkish Republic Prime Ministry State Planning Organization (DPT), (Project no: 2010K120440) for (MS). Work from Supuran lab was financed by an FP 7 EU grant (Metoxia project)

    Oscillatory Behavior of Solutions of Third-Order Delay and Advanced Dynamic Equations

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    In this paper, we consider oscillation criteria for certain third-order delay and advanced dynamic equations on unbounded time scales. A time scale T is a nonempty closed subset of the real numbers. Examples will be given to illustrate some of the results

    Effect of Architectures and Training Methods on the Performance of Learned Video Frame Prediction

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    We analyze the performance of feedforward vs. recurrent neural network (RNN) architectures and associated training methods for learned frame prediction. To this effect, we trained a residual fully convolutional neural network (FCNN), a convolutional RNN (CRNN), and a convolutional long short-term memory (CLSTM) network for next frame prediction using the mean square loss. We performed both stateless and stateful training for recurrent networks. Experimental results show that the residual FCNN architecture performs the best in terms of peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) at the expense of higher training and test (inference) computational complexity. The CRNN can be trained stably and very efficiently using the stateful truncated backpropagation through time procedure, and it requires an order of magnitude less inference runtime to achieve near real-time frame prediction with an acceptable performance.Comment: Accepted for publication at IEEE ICIP 201

    Discrete H? model matching problem by dynamic state feedback

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    Bu çalışmada bir ön kontrolörün eşdeğeri olan dinamik durum geribeslemesi ile ayrık H¥ model eşleme probleminin doğrusal matris eşitsizlikleri yaklaşımı ile çözümü amaçlanmıştır. Ayrık H¥ model eşleme problemi, ayrık H¥  optimal kontrol probleminin özel bir halidir. Bu nedenle ayrık H¥ optimal kontrol probleminin doğrusal matris eşitsizlikleri ile elde edilen çözümü ayrık H¥ model eşleme probleminin çözülmesi için kullanılabilir. Makalede ayrık H¥ model eşleme probleminin dinamik durum geribeslemesi ile çözümünün tek doğrusal matris eşitsizliğine  indirgenebildiği gösterilmiş ve kontrolör tasarımı için gereken sentez teoremi ve algoritma verilmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: H¥ kontrol, H¥ model eşleme problemi, doğrusal matris eşitsizlikleri.The model matching problem is one of the most familiar problems in the control theory. Let Tm(z) and T(z) be stable and proper transfer matrices. The discrete H¥ model matching problem is to find a controller transfer matrix R(z) which is stable and causal, to minimize the H¥ norm of Tm(z)-T(z)R(z). The interpretation is this: Tm(z) and T(z) are given as the model and the given system transfer matrices, respectively. Thus, the closed-loop performance T(z)R(z) approximates the desired performance Tm(z). In this paper, we consider the discrete H¥ model matching problem with dynamic state feedback in the sense of H¥ optimality criterion by using linear matrix inequalities approach. The main contribution could briefly be explained as to reformulate the discrete H¥ model matching problem as a special discrete H¥ optimal control problem in the formulation of linear matrix inequality, to derive a solvability condition for this special case and to give a design procedure for the controller of the discrete H¥ model matching problem. It may be noted that the linear matrix inequality based parameterization of the controller provides the best performance of the discrete H¥ model matching problem in the sense of H¥ and the controller can be determined through the solution of only one linear matrix inequality. Keywords: H¥ control, H¥ model matching problem, linear matrix inequalities

    Unusual Noncommunicating Isolated Enteric Duplication Cyst in Adults

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    Duplication cysts are rare gastrointestinal congenital abnormalities and can occur anywhere within the gastrointestinal tract. Duplication cysts are firmly attached to or share the wall of the alimentary tract and have a common blood supply with the adjacent segment of the bowel. Completely isolated duplication cysts are an extremely rare variety of gastrointestinal duplications with their own exclusive blood supply, and they do not communicate with the intestine. These cysts are usually diagnosed during early childhood, and very rarely detected in adults, mostly incidentally, due to a lack of symptoms. A 28-year-old male was admitted to our hospital with a chief complaint of lower abdominal pain and distention and a palpable mass for 1 month. Based upon computed tomography and sonographic findings, a small bowel duplication cyst was tentatively diagnosed. The cyst had no connection to the gastrointestinal tract. Herein we report the case of a noncommunicating isolated ileal duplication cyst in an adult. Resection of the cyst was performed safely without requiring bowel resection

    Reduction of Postsurgical Adhesions in a Rat Model: A Comparative Study

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    BACKGROUND: Adhesion formation after peritoneal surgery is a major cause of postoperative bowel obstruction, infertility, and chronic pelvic pain. In this study, we compared the possible individual effects of phosphatidylcholine (PC), Seprafilm® II, and tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and the combined effects of phosphatidylcholine and t-PA on postoperative adhesion formation in a rat surgical model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 50 Wistar male rats underwent median laparotomy and standardized abrasion of the visceral and parietal peritoneum. phosphatidylcholine, Seprafilm II, and t-PA alone and phosphatidylcholine and t-PA in combination were applied intraperitoneally at the end of the surgical procedure. Seven days after surgery, a relaparotomy was performed for adhesion grading and histopathological examination. RESULTS: A comparison of adhesion stages demonstrated a significant difference between the control group and the study groups (p<0.001). The adhesion grade of the combined treatment group was statistically different from that of the other groups (p<0.05). In the t-PA group and the combined group, six and two rats, respectively, developed hematomas locally on the cecum. CONCLUSIONS: PC, t-PA, and Seprafilm II used individually reduced the adhesion grade. The t-PA and phosphatidylcholine combination was most effective in reducing adhesion formation. On the other hand, usage of t-PA alone or in combination may increase risk of bleeding. More detailed studies are needed, and future studies on the efficacy of a material for decreasing adhesion formation should include a comparison of several control materials in the same model

    Incentives and Strategic Behavior of Professional Boxers

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    This paper studies the strategic behaviour of professional boxers in choosing the opponent and sharing the revenues generated by the fight. In professional boxing, a higher-ranked boxer has an upper hand in choosing his opponent among many challengers varying in popularity and strength. We build a three-stage model of a professional boxing fight/bout between the chooser and the one of his challengers to examine the strategic incentives of a chooser in sharing the purse in Nash Bargaining framework and exerting proper level of effort within a contest theory model. More importantly, we endogenize the choice of the opponent and thus the purse to be generated by the bout. We characterize the factors affecting the choice of an “optimal” opponent and the effort level exerted by the chooser and the opponent. One interesting result of the paper is that an older chooser who is ready to cash in his reputation tends to choose a stronger opponent, but puts little effort into the fight. On the other hand, a young rising “star” in the boxing market prefers a match against weaker opponents in order to minimize his risk of losing and to maximize his record of the “winning” outcomes along with market values