2,104 research outputs found

    The evolution of energy in flow driven by rising bubbles

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    We investigate by direct numerical simulations the flow that rising bubbles cause in an originally quiescent fluid. We employ the Eulerian-Lagrangian method with two-way coupling and periodic boundary conditions. In order to be able to treat up to 288000 bubbles, the following approximations and simplifications had to be introduced: (i) The bubbles were treated as point-particles, thus (ii) disregarding the near-field interactions among them, and (iii) effective force models for the lift and the drag forces were used. In particular, the lift coefficient was assumed to be 1/2, independent of the bubble Reynolds number and the local flow field. The results suggest that large scale motions are generated, owing to an inverse energy cascade from the small to the large scales. However, as the Taylor-Reynolds number is only in the range of 1, the corresponding scaling of the energy spectrum with an exponent of -5/3 cannot develop over a pronounced range. In the long term, the property of local energy transfer, characteristic of real turbulence, is lost and the input of energy equals the viscous dissipation at all scales. Due to the lack of strong vortices the bubbles spread rather uniformly in the flow. The mechanism for uniform spreading is as follows: Rising bubbles induce a velocity field behind them that acts on the following bubbles. Owing to the shear, those bubbles experience a lift force which make them spread to the left or right, thus preventing the formation of vertical bubble clusters and therefore of efficient forcing. Indeed, when the lift is artifically put to zero in the simulations, the flow is forced much more efficiently and a more pronounced energy accumulates at large scales is achieved.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Exciton diffusion in air-suspended single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    Direct measurements of the diffusion length of excitons in air-suspended single-walled carbon nanotubes are reported. Photoluminescence microscopy is used to identify individual nanotubes and to determine their lengths and chiral indices. Exciton diffusion length is obtained by comparing the dependence of photoluminescence intensity on the nanotube length to numerical solutions of diffusion equations. We find that the diffusion length in these clean, as-grown nanotubes is significantly longer than those reported for micelle-encapsulated nanotubes.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Crustal structure beneath the Trondelag Platform and adjacent areas of the Mid-Norwegian margin, as derived from wide-angle seismic and potential field data

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    The outer mid-Norwegian margin is characterized by strong breakup magmatism and has been extensively surveyed. The crustal structure of the inner continental shelf, however, is less studied, and its relation to the onshore geology, Caledonian structuring, and breakup magmatism remains unclear. Two Ocean Bottom Seismometer profiles were acquired across the Trøndelag Platform in 2003, as part of the Euromargins program. Additional-land stations recorded the marine shots. The P-wave data were modeled by ray-tracing, supported by gravity modeling. Older multi-channel seismic data allowed for interpretation of stratigraphy down to the top of the Triassic. Crystalline basement velocity is ~6 km s-1 onshore. Top basement is difficult to identify offshore, as velocities (5.3-5.7 km s-1) intermediate between typical crystalline crust and Mesozoic sedimentary strata appear 50-80 km from the coast. This layer thickens towards the Klakk-Ytreholmen Fault Complex and predates Permian and later structur-ing. The velocities indicate sedimentary rocks, most likely Devonian. Onshore late- to post-Caledonian detachments have been proposed to extend offshore, based on the magnetic anomaly pattern. We do not find the expected correlation between upper basement velocity structure and detachments. However, there is a distinct, dome-shaped lower-crustal body with a velocity of 6.6-7.0 km s-1. This is thickest under the Froan Basin, and the broad magnetic anomaly used to delineate the detachments correlates with this. The proposed offshore continuation of the detachments thus appears- unreliable. While we find indications of high density and velocity (~7.2 km s-1) lower crust under the Rås Basin, similar to the proposed igneous underplating of the outer margin, this is poorly constrained near the end of our profiles. The gravity field indicates that this body may be continuous from the pre-breakup basement structures of the Utgard High to the Frøya High, suggesting that it could be an island arc or oceanic terrane-accreted during the Caledonian orogeny. Thus, we find no clear evidence of early Cenozoic igneous underplating of the inner part of the shelf

    Gate-induced blueshift and quenching of photoluminescence in suspended single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    Gate-voltage effects on photoluminescence spectra of suspended single-walled carbon nanotubes are investigated. Photoluminescence microscopy and excitation spectroscopy are used to identify individual nanotubes and to determine their chiralities. Under an application of gate voltage, we observe slight blueshifts in the emission energy and strong quenching of photoluminescence. The blueshifts are similar for different chiralities investigated, suggesting extrinsic mechanisms. In addition, we find that the photoluminescence intensity quenches exponentially with gate voltage.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Evolution from Non-Fermi to Fermi Liquid Transport Properties by Isovalent Doping in BaFe2(As1-xPx)2 Superconductors

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    The normal-state charge transport is studied systematically in high-quality single crystals of BaFe2_2(As1x_{1-x}Px_x)2_2 (0x0.710 \leq x \leq 0.71). By substituting isovalent P for As, the spin-density-wave (SDW) state is suppressed and the dome-shaped superconducting phase (Tc31T_c \lesssim 31 K) appears. Near the SDW end point (x0.3x\approx0.3), we observe striking linear temperature (TT) dependence of resistivity in a wide TT-range, and remarkable low-TT enhancement of Hall coefficient magnitude from the carrier number estimates. We also find that the magnetoresistance apparently violates the Kohler's rule and is well scaled by the Hall angle ΘH\Theta_H as Δρxx/ρxxtan2ΘH\Delta\rho_{xx}/\rho_{xx} \propto \tan^2\Theta_H. These non-Fermi liquid transport anomalies cannot be attributed to the simple multiband effects. These results capture universal features of correlated electron systems in the presence of strong antiferromagnetic fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Resonant critical coupling of surface lattice resonances with fluorescent absorptive thin film

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    Surface lattice resonance supported on nanoparticle arrays is a promising candidate in enhancing fluorescent effects in both absorption and emission. The optical enhancement provided by surface lattice resonance is primarily through the light confinement beyond the diffraction limit, where the nanoparticle arrays can enhance light-matter interaction for increased absorption as well as providing more local density of states for enhanced spontaneous emission. In this work, we optimize the in-coupling efficiency to the fluorescent molecules by finding the conditions to maximize the absorption, also known as the critical coupling condition. We studied the transmission characteristics and the fluorescent emission of a TiO2TiO_2 nanoparticle array embedded in an index-matching layer with fluorescent dye at various concentrations. A modified coupled-mode theory that describes the nanoparticle array was then derived and verified by numerical simulations. With the analytical model, we analyzed the experimental measurements and discovered the condition to critically couple light into the fluorescent dye, which is demonstrated as the strongest emission. This study presents a useful guide for designing efficient energy transfer from excitation beam to the emitters, which maximizes the external conversion efficiency.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure