83 research outputs found

    Migration model of science and education management in the ‘archive philosophy’ of M. K. Petrov

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    Purpose: The article deals with the features of science and education in the context of the management system, presenting not a traditional management system, but the innovative idea of a migration management model. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is based on the archive philosophy of M.K. Petrov. Under the conditions of 'big science', its creative potential focusing on innovations in the field of practical applications and in the education system, assigns its generation feature to cybernetic management models. Findings: Authors presents a model of education, facing the issue of management science and education in modern conditions. It analyses the concepts of the 'science of science' and 'society scientification' in the conditions of the modern 'big science'. Practical Implications: The results gives the view on shaping the institute of science in modern times and could be used in managing science and education at all levels. Originality/Value: The study has a unique viewpoint on the framework of science and education, addrssing the very nature of these sociocultural phenomena.peer-reviewe

    Detection of angiospastic disorders in the microcirculatory bed using laser diagnostics technologies

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    The evaluation of the microcirculatory bed functional state and the identification of angiospastic disorders with related complications, when the pathological changes are reversible, have an important role in medical practice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of using optical noninvasive methods and the cold pressor test to solve this problem. A total of 33 patients with rheumatological diseases and 32 healthy volunteers were included in the study. Laser Doppler flowmetry, tissue reflectance oximetry and pulse oximetry were used as optical noninvasive methods. The parameters were recorded before, immediately after and 20(Formula presented.)min after the cold pressor test. Based on the measured parameters, the complex parameters of the microcirculatory bed were calculated. A detailed statistical analysis of the parameter changes for each individual in the two groups displayed diverse microcirculatory bed parameter responses upon cold exposure, with differing recovery of parameters after CPT. New diagnostic criteria were proposed for the identification of angiospastic disorders. According to the proposed criteria, 27 people of the volunteers group were confirmed to not display any disorders. In the patient group, however, 18 people were observed to have a relatively normal functional state of the microcirculatory bed, while 15 people were observed to have a possible tendency to angiospasm. To highlight the differences between a relatively normal state and presence of angiospastic disorders, statistical analysis of experimental data was carried out, which revealed significant differences. Further analysis of data with angiospastic disorders identified a relationship between their diagnoses and the results of laboratory studies. Thus, the evaluation of combined noninvasive optical diagnostic method use, the cold pressor test and proposed diagnostic criteria showed a positive result. This approach can be used to detect the presence of possible angiospastic disorders and related complications, as well as microcirculatory bed disorders against the background of other diseases

    Methane Pyrolysis over Carbon Catalysts

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    Methane pyrolysis at the temperature range of 550-1000 °C in gas flow reactor with fixed bed of mixed  catalysts based on carbon materials of various structure (fullerene cocoons, fullerene black, vacuum black, cathode deposit, onion-like carbon, glassy carbon, carbon fibers, mineral shungite and graphite) has been studied. Methane pyrolysis products, including stoichiometric amount of hydrogen are C3-C4 alkanes, C2-C4 alkenes, aromatics and pyrolytic carbon. Methane pyrolysis is carried out both on a catalytic surface and in a volume and contribution of the surface is determined by pyrolysis temperature. Materials with curved carbon surface show an activity in methane dehydrogenation at lower temperatures, than materials with planar basic structure elements. Materials with a small specific surface area favor methane aromatization at 950–1000 °C with formation of mainly benzene, toluene and naphthalene. The primary activation of C–H bond in methane at temperatures of lower than 850 °C, as well as the multiple dehydrogenation conversions resulting in the formation of pyrolytic carbon and its precursors (aromatics), are, probably, heterogeneous reactions

    High-pressure structural, elastic and electronic properties of the scintillator host material, KMgF_3

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    The high-pressure structural behaviour of the fluoroperovskite KMgF_3 is investigated by theory and experiment. Density functional calculations were performed within the local density approximation and the generalized gradient approximation for exchange and correlation effects, as implemented within the full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method. In situ high-pressure powder x-ray diffraction experiments were performed up to a maximum pressure of 40 GPa using synchrotron radiation. We find that the cubic Pm\bar{3}m crystal symmetry persists throughout the pressure range studied. The calculated ground state properties -- the equilibrium lattice constant, bulk modulus and elastic constants -- are in good agreement with experimental results. By analyzing the ratio between the bulk and shear modulii, we conclude that KMgF_3 is brittle in nature. Under ambient conditions, KMgF_3 is found to be an indirect gap insulator with the gap increasing under pressure.Comment: 4 figure

    Optimization of Chemical Compositions and Temperature Intervals of Processes of Martensito-Aging Steels Based on X13 Using Thermodynamic Calculations

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    The main characteristics of the promising products ferritic-martensitic steels class based X13 are high strength and creep resistance at elevated temperatures. Using thermodynamic calculations analysis phase states alloyed steels to optimize their chemical composition and finding the best temperature ranges of the hot deformation.Основными характеристиками изделий из перспективных сталей феррито-мартенситного класса на основе Х13 являются высокие показатели прочности и сопротивление ползучести при повышенных температурах. С помощью термодинамических расчетов проведен анализ фазовых состояний легированных марок сталей для оптимизации их химического состава и нахождения наилучших температурных интервалов их горячей деформации

    Structure Alloy Steel Cr12–Ni–Mo–W–Nb–V–Si–B Quenched-and-Tempered

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    Scanning of electronic microscopy is made, including with use EBSD the structure has been investigated became after training and high tempering. The phase structure, morphology δ — ferrite, martensite, large carbides NbС, and as presence in a product expressed crystallographic structures became established.Сканирующей электронной микроскопией, в том числе с использованием ориентационного анализа (EBSD), была исследована структура стали Х12НМВБФСР после закалки и высокого отпуска. Установлены фазовый состав стали и морфология элементов структуры: δ-феррита, мартенсита, карбидов NbС, а также наличие в изделии выраженной кристаллографической структуры

    The Orientation Microscopy Possibilities in the Analysis of Grain Structure in Low Carbon Steels after TMCP

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    The method of orientation microscopy (EBSD) is used to study the grain structure of low-carbon, low-alloy pipe steel sheets processed by controlled thermomechanical processing (TMCP). The possibilities of obtaining different grain characteristics depending on the specified analysis limitations are shown.Методом ориентационной микроскопии проанализирована зеренная структура образцов малоуглеродистой низколегированной трубной стали, полученных контролируемой термомеханической обработкой. Показаны возможности получения различных зеренных характеристик в зависимости от заданных «граничных» условий анализа.Работа выполнена при поддержке стипендии Президента Российской Федерации, проект СП-259.2018.1

    The angular momentum-vs-mass relation and the distribution of mass ratios for visual binary systems

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    The investigation of the angular momentum vs mass relation for binary stars is completed with a study of the 847 systems contained in the Fourth Catalog of Orbits of Visual Binary Stars. Because both J and M of a visual binary depend steeply on the distance to the system (5th and 3rd powers, respectively), and many of the distances are not well known, the study makes use of an auxiliary parameter R which is independent of distance and proportional to JM-5/3. R appears to be uncorrelated with M for the 789 systems for which both can be determined. The non-correlation implies that J ∝M5/3, expected from Kepler's third law, provides a better fit to the visual binaries than does J ∝M2, predicted by some more complex considerations. The distribution function f(q=M2/M1) of mass ratios for the visual binaries results as a byproduct of the investigation. It peaks extremely sharply toward q=1.0 (much more so than for spectroscopic binaries). Because most visual binaries are wide enough to consist of stars that condensed independently (and so that can be thought of as chosen at random from an initial mass function), one expects the real f(q) to rise toward low ratios. Observational selection against the discovery and study of systems with large magnitude differences between the components must be very large indeed to account for the discrepancy between expectation and observation. The alternative is a mechanism for formation of wide binaries that favours equal components. The distribution of mass ratios for eclipsing binaries is given in an appendix. It peaks strongly at q=0.6-0.75 and largely reflects processes of angular momentum, mass, and energy exchange between the stars in contact systems. © 1986 D. Reidel Publishing Company

    Диагностика и прогнозирование внутричерепной гипертензии по данным первичной компьютерной томографии у пострадавших с тяжелой черепно-мозговой травмой

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     The objective was to compare the optic nerve sheath diameter measured by CT (ODSN-CT) with the level of compression of the mesencephalic  cisterns and the midline shift in the diagnosis and prediction of intracranial hypertension (ICH) during the first 3 days after brain injury. Materials and methods. We examined 90 patients with TBI, the average age was 34.2 ± 13 years, GCS < 9. All patients had invasive ICP monitoring.  At the time of implantation of the ICP sensor, intracranial hypertension (ICH) was in 11 (12%) patients; later, during the first 3 days, the development of ICH was in 58 (64%) patients. All patients underwent computed tomography of the head at the time of hospitalization: mesencephalic  cisternae was compressed in 57 (63%) and midline shift was observed in 34 (38%) patients, mean value of ONSD-CT was 7.26 ± 0.9 mm, maximum  value of ONSD-CT was 7.34 ± 0.9. We used correlation analysis, logistic regression and ROC-analysis.Results. The level of mesencephalic cisternae compression, mean and maximum value of ONSD-CT correlated with the ICP value measured at the  time of ICP sensor implantation and during the first 72 hours after brain injury (p < 0.05). Midline shift did not correlate with ICP value measured  at the time of sensor implantation and during the first 72 hours after brain injury (p > 0.05). In the diagnosis of ICP > 20 mm Hg at the time of  implantation of the sensor – the average ONSD-CT, AUC 0.902 ± 0.046 (0.812; 0.991), cut-off 7.8 mm with sensitivity and specificity of 82 and  80%, respectively. When predicting ICP > 20 mm Hg in the first 72 hours - the maximum ONSD-CT, AUC 0.815 ± 0.047 (0.724; 0.907), cut-off  7.1 mm with sensitivity and specificity of 85 and 66%, respectively.Conclusions. The ONSD-CT parameter is an independent diagnostic and prognostic criterion of ICH in the first 3 days in patients with severe  TBI. The mean ONSD-CT can be used to diagnose ICH along with such signs of ICP as level of mesencephalic cisterna compression and midline  shift and to make a decision on invasive ICP monitoring. The maximum value of ONSD-CT can be used to assess the probability of ICH in the  first three days after TBI Цель – сравнить диаметр зрительного нерва с оболочками по данным компьютерной томографии (ДЗНО-КТ) со степенью компрессии  мезенцефальных цистерн и смещением срединной линии при диагностике и прогнозировании внутричерепной гипертензии (ВЧГ) в первые  3 суток с момента травмы. Материалы и методы. Обследовали 90 пострадавших с ЧМТ, средний возраст 34,2 ± 13 лет, ШКГ менее 9 баллов. Всем проводили инвазивный мониторинг внутричерепного давления (ВЧД). На момент установки датчика ВЧД ВЧГ диагностирована у 11 (12%) пострадавших,  в дальнейшем течение первых 3 суток развитие ВЧГ регистрировали у 58 (64%) пострадавших. Всем пациентам выполняли КТ головы на  момент госпитализации. При КТ-исследовании компрессия мезенцефальных цистерн была у 57 (63%) и смешение срединной линии – у  34 (38%) пострадавших, среднее значение ДЗНО – 7,26 ± 0,9 мм, максимальное ДЗНО – 7,34 ± 0,9. Использовали корреляционный анализ,  логистическую регрессию и ROC-анализ. Результаты. Степень компрессии мезенцефальных цистерн, среднее и максимальное ДЗНО коррелировали со значением ВЧД, измеренном  на момент постановки датчика и за первые 72 часа мониторинга (p < 0,05). Смещение срединной линии не коррелировало со значением  ВЧД, измеренном на момент постановки датчика и за первые 72 часа мониторинга (p > 0,05). При диагностике ВЧД > 20 мм рт. ст. на момент имплантации датчика – среднее ДЗНО, AUC 0,902 ± 0,046 (0,812; 0,991), cut-off 7,8 мм с чувствительностью и специфичностью 82 и  80% соответственно. При прогнозировании ВЧД > 20 мм рт. ст. в первые 72 часа – максимальное ДЗНО, AUC 0,815 ± 0,047 (0,724; 0,907),  cut-off 7,1 мм с чувствительностью и специфичностью 85 и 66% соответственно. Выводы. Параметр ДЗНО-КТ является самостоятельным диагностическим и прогностическим критерием ВЧГ в первые 3 суток у пострадавших с тяжелой ЧМТ. Среднее значение ДЗНО-КТ можно использовать для диагностики ВЧГ наряду с такими признаками ВЧГ, как  степень компрессии мезенцефальных цистерн и смещение срединной линии, для принятия решения об инвазивном мониторинге ВЧД.  Максимальное значение ДЗНО-КТ можно использовать для оценки вероятности ВЧГ в первые 3 суток после ЧМ