39 research outputs found

    GIS in the service of plant breeding in Karcag

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    Plant varieties bred by the Hungarian Breeding Institutes in different agro-ecological conditions can bear the unfavourable factors of the regions with greater tolerance, so they provide advantages and yield stability for the farmers who choose from these varieties. Farmers can contribute to the genetic potential of the planted seeds with the applied cultivation technology. The stable genetical background (the high quality pre- basic, basic and certified seeds) is provided by plant breeding to the farmers. Breeding is a long and tiring task: the classical breeding process, which usually takes 8–10 years, starts with selecting variety assignments and its growing. Finally new, stable varieties are produced which can provide balanced, high yield and also have good or significant qualitative features among extreme conditions. They can bear the unfavourable conditions of the region with greater tolerance, so provide significant yield stability for the farmers. Space technology supported IT solutions (remote sensing, precision farming and soil-friendly agro-technics) has been introduced into plant breeding methods in Karcag, which greatly support the aims of breeding. The main goal is to provide harmonical growing of the nursery, the large punctuality and to decrease the number and cost of agricultural operations. In this study, the new methods and technologies applied in plant breeding in Karcag are introduced

    Effect of fertilization on the fat content and fatty acid profile of sorghum flour samples

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    In our experiments, changes in the fat content and fatty acid composition in the flour of sorghum cultivated in growing areas treated with different nitrogen fertilizer doses were studied by the gas chromatographic analysis of the fatty acid methyl esters. The fat content exhibited a slight increase as a result of increasing fertilizer treatment, there were significant differences between the individual treatments. The fatty acid composition showed different results, depending on the treatments. We found that treatments had a positive effect on the fat content of the samples, however, increasing nitrogen dosages did not result in an outstanding increase in the case of any of the fatty acids. The ratio of fatty acids to each other did not change significantly as a function of the nitrogen dose. The average amount of unsaturated fatty acids was 83%, and the amount of saturated fatty acids was 17%. The fat content of sorghum is low (1.1-1.5%), but it can still be considered to be a good source of essential fatty acids. The average amount of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids in the samples analyzed by us was 50%, which also increases the nutrition physiology effect of sorghum

    Kiemelt természetvédelmi jelentőségű hazai vizicsigák (Mollusca: Gastropoda) konzerváció-genetikai, molekuláris filogenetikai és filogeográfiai vizsgálata = Conservation genetics, molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of freshwater snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of high conservation concern in Hungary

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    A projekt célja endemikus illetve konzervációbiológiai szempontból jelentős puhatestű fajokkal kapcsolatos rendszertani, filogenetikai illetve filogeográfiai problémák tisztázása volt. Azt reméltük, hogy ezen kérdések tisztázása az alapkutatás jellegén túl, segíti az érintett fajokkal kapcsolatos megalapozott környezetvédelmi döntéshozatalt. A projekt főbb eredményei: Nukleáris és mitokondriális génszakaszok egyöntetűen azt igazolják, a Theodoxus prevostianus – Theodoxus danubialis fajcsoport törzsfája parafiletikus, feltehetően a mai Theodoxus danubialis a pleisztocénban élt folyólakó Theodoxus prevostianus egyik génvonalából rapid evolucióval létrejött fiatal faj. Kimutattuk, hogy meglepő módon a mitokondriális COI gén alig variál a Theodoxus transversalis mára még fennmaradt populációi között. Feltételezésünk szerint a mitokondriális variabilitás hiánya nem a közelmúltbeli kihalások következménye, hanem egy kora holocén-, vagy késő pleisztocénkori palacknyak hatásé. Mitokondriális COI génszakasz alapján közel 5% os intraspecifikus variabilitást és mélyen szétvált génvonal jelenlétét mutatuk ki a Bythinella pannonica fajon belül, amelyeknek a térbeli eloszlása alapján összetett elterjedéstörténetre következtetünk. Mind az ivarszervek morfológiája, mind a vizsgált molekuláris markerek azt igazolják, hogy a Bythinella molcsanyi önálló faj és ezért nagy konzervációbiológiai jelentősége van. Ezzel szemben kimutattuk, hogy a Bythinella hungarica a széles elterjedésű Bythinella austriaca faj szinonímja. | The aim of this project was to clarify taxonomical, filogenetic and filogeographic questions which are associated to endemic mollusc species or other mollusc species of conservation concern. We hoped that clarifying these problems will help to make effective conservation decisions. The main goals are the following: Nuclear and mitochondrial sequences concordantly show that the phylogeny of the Theodoxus prevostianus – Theodoxus danubialis species group is paraphyletic. Recent Theodoxus danubialis is probably a young species, which has evolved from a lineage of the fluvial T. prevostianus in the Pleistocene. We have found unexpectedly low mitochondrial COI variability in the remnant populations of Theodoxus transversalis. This phenomenon seems to be the consequence of a historical bottleneck. In our view, the whole Holocene range has been colonized by descendants of a bottlenecked population. Based on mitochondrial COI sequence, nearly 5% intraspecific variability and two deeply diverged lineages were found in the Bythinella pannonica species. Its spatial distribution infers a complex distribution history. Both genital morphology and mitochondrial phylogeny (COI) proved the monophyly and the distinct species status of Bythinella molcsanyi, which is therefore, a narrow range species of high conservation concern. In contrast, Bythinella hungarica was proved to be a synonym of the widespread Bythinella austriaca

    In vitro imaging and quantification of the drug targeting efficiency of fluorescently labeled GnRH analogues

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    GnRH analogues are effective targeting moieties and able to deliver anticancer agents selectively into malignant tumor cells which highly express GnRH receptors. However, the quantitative analysis of GnRH analogues’ cellular uptake and the investigated cell types in GnRH-based drug delivery systems are currently limited. Previously introduced, selectively labeled fluorescent GnRH I, -II and -III derivatives provide great detectability, and they have suitable chemical properties for reproducible and robust experiments. We also found that the appropriate up-to-date methods with these labeled GnRH analogues could offer novel information about the GnRH-based drug delivery systems. This manuscript introduces some simple and fast experiments regarding the cellular uptake of [D-Lys6(FITC)]-GnRH-I, [D-Lys6(FITC)]-GnRH-II and [Lys8(FITC)]-GnRH-III on the EBC-1 (lung), the BxPC-3 (pancreas) and on the Detroit-562- (pharynx) malignant tumor cells. In parallel with these GnRH-FITC conjugates, the cell surface level of GnRH-I receptors was also examined on these cell lines before and after the GnRH treatment by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The cellular uptake of GnRH-FITC conjugates was quantified by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. In these experiments minor differences among GnRH analogues and major differences among cell types was observed. The significant differences among cell lines are correlated with their distinct level of cell surface GnRH-I receptors. The introduced experiments contain practical methods to visualize, quantify and compare the uptake efficiency of GnRH-FITC conjugates in a time- and concentration-dependent manner on various adherent cell cultures. These results could predict the drug targeting efficiency of GnRH conjugates on the given cell culture, and offer a good basis for further experiments in the examination of GnRH-based drug delivery systems. © 2017 Journal of Visualized Experiments

    Synthesis, characterisation and systematic comparison of FITC-labelled GnRH-I, -II and -III analogues on various tumour cells

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    Targeted tumour therapy is in the focus of recent cancer research. GnRH analogues are able to deliver anticancer agents selectively into tumour cells which highly express GnRH receptors. However, the effectiveness of different analogues as targeting moiety in drug delivery systems is rarely compared and the investigated types of cancers are also limited. Therefore, we prepared selectively labelled, fluorescent derivatives of GnRH-I, -II, and -III analogues which successfully used for drug targeting. In this manuscript we investigated these analogues solubility, stability, passive membrane permeability and compared their cellular uptake by various cancer cells. We found that these labelled GnRH conjugates provide great detectability, without undesired cytotoxicity and passive membrane permeability. The introduced experiments with these conjugates proved their reliable tracking, quantification and comparison. Cellular uptake efficiency was studied on human breast, colon, pancreas and prostate cancer cells (MCF-7, HT-29, BxPC-3, LNCaP) and on dog kidney cells (MDCK). Each of the three conjugates were taken up by GnRH-I receptor expressing cells, but the different cells preferred different analogues. Furthermore, we demonstrated for the first time the high cell surface expression of GnRH-I receptors and the effective cellular uptake of GnRH analogues on human pharynx tumour (Detroit-562) cells. In summary, our presented results detail that the introduced conjugates could be innovative tools for the examination of the GnRH based drug delivery systems on various cells and offer novel information about these peptides

    Spin- és töltésdinamika szilárd testekben és nanoszerkezetekben = Spin and charge dynamics in solids and nanostructures

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    Napjaink szilárdtestfizikai kutatásainak központi területét jelentik azok a kvantum-jelenségek, amelyekben az elektron töltése és spinje egyaránt lényeges szerepet játszik. A projekt keretében ilyen jelenségeket tanulmányoztunk hagyományos módszerekkel (ESR spektroszkópia, elektromos és mágneses mérések), valamint olyan új spektroszkópia eljárásokkal, melyek nanotechnológiai megoldásokat alkalmaznak (alagút- és pont-kontaktus-spektroszkópia, Andrejev-spektroszkópia). A kísérleti és elméleti módszerekkel vizsgált anyagcsaládok egzotikus alapállapottal rendelkező erősen anizotrop kölcsönható elektronrendszerek, mint például: i, szupravezető átalakulás közelében lévő kuprátok, ii., ritkaföldfém vegyületek nem-konvencionális sűrűséghullámai, illetve iii., átmeneti fém oxidok a kvantum kritikus pont tartományában. A legfontosabb új eredmények a versengő kölcsönhatású rendszerek fázisdiagramjára, az antiferromágneses anyagok spin-gerjesztéseinek közvetlen meghatározására, valamint ferromágneses anyagokban a töltéshordozók spin-polarizáltságának mérésére vonatkoznak. Ez utóbbi, az alapvetően új nanotechnológiai méréstechnika alkalmazása mellett, a modern kvantum elméletek nanoszerkezetekre történő kiterjesztését is igényelte. Az eredményeket nívós nemzetközi folyóiratokban közöltük. A 40 kiemelt publikáció között 6 db. Physical Review Letters és 27 db. Physical Review B cikk szerepel. | Electrons have spin and charge, and the quantum phenomena where both of these properties are relevant represent the hottest subjects in condensed matter research today. We investigated these features by bulk characterization methods (ESR spectroscopy, transport and magnetization measurements) supplemented with novel spectroscopic ones utilizing nanotechnology (tunneling-, point-contact, and Andreev-spectroscopy). Highly anisotropic interacting electron systems with exotic ground states have been studied both experimentally and theoretically. The prime examples are: i., cuprates in the vicinity of a superconducting transition, ii., rare-earth compounds with unconventional density waves and iii., transition metal oxides close to a quantum critical point. The most important new results deal with the determination of phase diagrams for systems of competing interactions, direct measurement of spin excitations in antiferromagtic structures, and determination of spin polarization of the charge carriers in ferromagnetic structures. The latter required novel nanoscale techniques, and the application of quantum theories for nanostructures. The results were published leading scientific journals. The top 40 publication include 6 Physical Review Letters and 27 Physical Review B papers