4 research outputs found

    Rotation in an Enantiospecific Self‐Assembled Array of Molecular Raffle Wheels

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    Tailored nano-spaces can control enantioselective adsorption and molecular motion. We report on the spontaneous assembly of a dynamic system—a rigid kagome network with each pore occupied by a guest molecule—employing solely 2,6-bis(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)pyridine-4-carboxylic acid on Ag(111). The network cavity snugly hosts the chemically modified guest, bestows enantiomorphic adsorption and allows selective rotational motions. Temperature-dependent scanning tunnelling microscopy studies revealed distinct anchoring orientations of the guest unit switching with a 0.95 eV thermal barrier. H-bonding between the guest and the host transiently stabilises the rotating guest, as the flapper on a raffle wheel. Density functional theory investigations unravel the detailed molecular pirouette of the guest and how the energy landscape is determined by H-bond formation and breakage. The origin of the guest\u27s enantiodirected, dynamic anchoring lies in the specific interplay of the kagome network and the silver surface

    Uniaxial strain-induced phase transition in the 2D topological semimetal IrTe2

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    Strain is ubiquitous in solid-state materials, but despite its fundamental importance and technological relevance, leveraging externally applied strain to gain control over material properties is still in its infancy. In particular, strain control over the diverse phase transitions and topological states in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides remains an open challenge. Here, we exploit uniaxial strain to stabilize the long-debated structural ground state of the 2D topological semimetal IrTe2_{2}, which is hidden in unstrained samples. Combined angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy data reveal the strain-stabilized phase has a 6 × 1 periodicity and undergoes a Lifshitz transition, granting unprecedented spectroscopic access to previously inaccessible type-II topological Dirac states that dominate the modified inter-layer hopping. Supported by density functional theory calculations, we show that strain induces an Ir to Te charge transfer resulting in strongly weakened inter-layer Te bonds and a reshaped energetic landscape favoring the 6×1 phase. Our results highlight the potential to exploit strain-engineered properties in layered materials, particularly in the context of tuning inter-layer behavior

    Examining the surface phase diagram of IrTe2{\mathrm{IrTe}}_{2} with photoemission

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    In the transition metal dichalcogenide IrTe2, low-temperature charge-ordered phase transitions involving Ir dimers lead to the occurrence of stripe phases of different periodicities, and nearly degenerate energies. Bulk-sensitive measurements have shown that, upon cooling, IrTe2 undergoes two such first-order transitions to (5×1×5) and (8×1×8) reconstructed phases at Tc1∼280 K and Tc2∼180 K, respectively. Here, using surface sensitive probes of the electronic structure of IrTe2, we reveal the first- order phase transition at Tc3=165 K to the (6×1) stripes phase, previously proposed to be the surface ground state. This is achieved by combining x-ray photoemission spectroscopy and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, which give access to the evolution of stripe domains and a particular surface state, the energy of which is dependent on the Ir dimer length. By performing measurements over a full thermal cycle, we also report the complete hysteresis of all these phases

    Uniaxial strain-induced phase transition in the 2D topological semimetal IrTe2

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    Strain is ubiquitous in solid-state materials, but despite its fundamental importance and technological relevance, leveraging externally applied strain to gain control over material properties is still in its infancy. In particular, strain control over the diverse phase transitions and topological states in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides remains an open challenge. Here, we exploit uniaxial strain to stabilize the long-debated structural ground state of the 2D topological semimetal IrTe2, which is hidden in unstrained samples. Combined angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy data reveal the strain-stabilized phase has a 6 × 1 periodicity and undergoes a Lifshitz transition, granting unprecedented spectroscopic access to previously inaccessible type-II topological Dirac states that dominate the modified inter-layer hopping. Supported by density functional theory calculations, we show that strain induces an Ir to Te charge transfer resulting in strongly weakened inter-layer Te bonds and a reshaped energetic landscape favoring the 6×1 phase. Our results highlight the potential to exploit strain- engineered properties in layered materials, particularly in the context of tuning inter- layer behavior