571 research outputs found

    On post-Lie algebras, Lie--Butcher series and moving frames

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    Pre-Lie (or Vinberg) algebras arise from flat and torsion-free connections on differential manifolds. They have been studied extensively in recent years, both from algebraic operadic points of view and through numerous applications in numerical analysis, control theory, stochastic differential equations and renormalization. Butcher series are formal power series founded on pre-Lie algebras, used in numerical analysis to study geometric properties of flows on euclidean spaces. Motivated by the analysis of flows on manifolds and homogeneous spaces, we investigate algebras arising from flat connections with constant torsion, leading to the definition of post-Lie algebras, a generalization of pre-Lie algebras. Whereas pre-Lie algebras are intimately associated with euclidean geometry, post-Lie algebras occur naturally in the differential geometry of homogeneous spaces, and are also closely related to Cartan's method of moving frames. Lie--Butcher series combine Butcher series with Lie series and are used to analyze flows on manifolds. In this paper we show that Lie--Butcher series are founded on post-Lie algebras. The functorial relations between post-Lie algebras and their enveloping algebras, called D-algebras, are explored. Furthermore, we develop new formulas for computations in free post-Lie algebras and D-algebras, based on recursions in a magma, and we show that Lie--Butcher series are related to invariants of curves described by moving frames.Comment: added discussion of post-Lie algebroid

    Pengaruh Komunikasi Internal terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

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    The organization consists of a number of people who works together or interact one another to achieve a goal. Internal communication is communication that occurs in organization or company, either horizontal or vertical. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of internal communication (vertical and horizontal) to the performance of employees. The questionnaire is distributed to 117 employees of PT Promedrahardjo Farmasi Industri. Data analysis technique that used is validity test, reliability test and simple linear regression with program SPSS 20.0 for Windows. The result concludes that to improve the performance, management needs to provide more formal or non-formal forum for their employees to say their honest opinions and build up the intimacy between employees and management

    Backward error analysis and the substitution law for Lie group integrators

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    Butcher series are combinatorial devices used in the study of numerical methods for differential equations evolving on vector spaces. More precisely, they are formal series developments of differential operators indexed over rooted trees, and can be used to represent a large class of numerical methods. The theory of backward error analysis for differential equations has a particularly nice description when applied to methods represented by Butcher series. For the study of differential equations evolving on more general manifolds, a generalization of Butcher series has been introduced, called Lie--Butcher series. This paper presents the theory of backward error analysis for methods based on Lie--Butcher series.Comment: Minor corrections and additions. Final versio

    One-site density matrix renormalization group and alternating minimum energy algorithm

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    Given in the title are two algorithms to compute the extreme eigenstate of a high-dimensional Hermitian matrix using the tensor train (TT) / matrix product states (MPS) representation. Both methods empower the traditional alternating direction scheme with the auxiliary (e.g. gradient) information, which substantially improves the convergence in many difficult cases. Being conceptually close, these methods have different derivation, implementation, theoretical and practical properties. We emphasize the differences, and reproduce the numerical example to compare the performance of two algorithms.Comment: Submitted to the proceedings of ENUMATH 201


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    Memastikan kepuasan peserta adalah aspek penting untuk dipertimbangkan saat terlibat dalam upaya jaminan kualitas layanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai tingkat kepuasan terhadap pelayanan administrasi kepesertaan yang diberikan kepada peserta JKN di Kantor BPJS Kesehatan Cabang Manado. Penelitian yang dilakukan termasuk dalam kategori penelitian kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan pendekatan survei deskriptif. Penelitian berlangsung pada bulan Februari sampai dengan Juli tahun 2023. Populasi sasaran penelitian ini terdiri dari data individu peserta program JKN dan melakukan kunjungan ke Kantor BPJS Kesehatan Cabang Manado pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember 2022. Jumlah total kunjungan yang tercatat selama periode ini berjumlah 15.183. Besar sampel penelitian ini adalah 95 orang, dipilih melalui non-probability sampling dengan teknik accidental sampling selama periode penelitian. Analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini difokuskan pada analisis data univariat, bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran karakteristik dari masing-masing variabel penelitian, antara lain tangibles (bukti langsung), reliability (kehandalan), responsiveness (ketanggapan), empathy (empati), dan assurance (jaminan). ). Berdasarkan temuan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar responden menyatakan puas dengan pelayanan administrasi kepesertaan yang diberikan oleh BPJS Kesehatan Kantor Cabang Manado. Kepuasan ini dikaitkan dengan lima dimensi utama kualitas pelayanan, yaitu bukti fisik, keandalan, daya tanggap, empati, dan jaminan

    Germination Seed Response of Eleusine Indica L. Gaertn to Depth and Buried TIME

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    A population of Eleusine indica L. Gaertn multiple resistant biotype securred in an oil palm field in North Sumatra. Field experiment was carried out to determinate the effect of time of period and depth seed buried in the soil on germination, effect of seed position buried in the soil on their emergence and number of seed bank found in various depth of soil. The study was conducted at Agricultural Faculty, University of Sumatera Utara. This research used randomized block design with 3 unit and 4 replication, first unit was germination response of seed weed E. indica to dept buried time with 2 factors. The first factor was dept with 5 treatment i.e. 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 cm. The second was buried time with 6 treatments i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 weeks. Second unit was germination seed response of E. indica to various depth with 5 treatment i.e. 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 cm. Third unit was seed bank E. indica with 4 treatment i.e. 0-5, 5-10, 10-15 and 15-20 cm. The results showed that the buried depth does not treatment affect the germination, but on buried time treatment affects on the germination. Seed germination buried for 12 weeks, number of seeds germination is higher than along 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 weeks. The depth of buried seeds (planting) effect on number of sprouts that appear on the surface of the soil. The highest number appears there are at 0 cm below the soil surface followed by 5 cm. The highest number of seed bank in the field are at a depth of 0-5 cm soil followed by a 10-15, 5-10, 15-20 cm

    Shape analysis on homogeneous spaces: a generalised SRVT framework

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    Shape analysis is ubiquitous in problems of pattern and object recognition and has developed considerably in the last decade. The use of shapes is natural in applications where one wants to compare curves independently of their parametrisation. One computationally efficient approach to shape analysis is based on the Square Root Velocity Transform (SRVT). In this paper we propose a generalised SRVT framework for shapes on homogeneous manifolds. The method opens up for a variety of possibilities based on different choices of Lie group action and giving rise to different Riemannian metrics.Comment: 28 pages; 4 figures, 30 subfigures; notes for proceedings of the Abel Symposium 2016: "Computation and Combinatorics in Dynamics, Stochastics and Control". v3: amended the text to improve readability and clarify some points; updated and added some references; added pseudocode for the dynamic programming algorithm used. The main results remain unchange


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of deposit interest rates, foreign exchange rates and inflation rates on the volume of stock trading on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study applies a survey method to 54 Manufacturing companies that have been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2017-2019 period. The sampling technique used the proportional random sampling method. The research data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the variable deposit interest rate, foreign exchange rate, inflation rate simultaneously had a significant effect on stock trading volume and the variable deposit interest rate, foreign exchange rate, inflation rate partially had a positive and significant effect on the volume of stock trading in manufacturing companies in Indonesia. Indonesia stock exchange. The coefficient of determination (R^2) is 50.7 percent, this shows that variations in the variable deposit interest rate, foreign exchange rate, inflation rate can explain the variation in stock trading volume 50.7%

    Allelic Lineages of the Ficolin Genes (FCNs) Are Passed from Ancestral to Descendant Primates

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    The ficolins recognize carbohydrates and acetylated compounds on microorganisms and dying host cells and are able to activate the lectin pathway of the complement system. In humans, three ficolin genes have been identified: FCN1, FCN2 and FCN3, which encode ficolin-1, ficolin-2 and ficolin-3, respectively. Rodents have only two ficolins designated ficolin-A and ficolin-B that are closely related to human ficolin-1, while the rodent FCN3 orthologue is a pseudogene. Ficolin-2 and ficolin-3 have so far only been observed in humans. Thus, we performed a systematic investigation of the FCN genes in non-human primates. The exons and intron-exon boundaries of the FCN1-3 genes were sequenced in the following primate species: chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, rhesus macaque, cynomolgus macaque, baboon and common marmoset. We found that the exon organisation of the FCN genes was very similar between all the non-human primates and the human FCN genes. Several variations in the FCN genes were found in more than one primate specie suggesting that they were carried from one species to another including humans. The amino acid diversity of the ficolins among human and non-human primate species was estimated by calculating the Shannon entropy revealing that all three proteins are generally highly conserved. Ficolin-1 and ficolin-2 showed the highest diversity, whereas ficolin-3 was more conserved. Ficolin-2 and ficolin-3 were present in non-human primate sera with the same characteristic oligomeric structures as seen in human serum. Taken together all the FCN genes show the same characteristics in lower and higher primates. The existence of trans-species polymorphisms suggests that different FCN allelic lineages may be passed from ancestral to descendant species
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