55 research outputs found

    Response to Immunization with Haemophilus influenzae Type b Polysaccharide-Pertussis Vaccine and Risk of Haemophilus Meningitis in Children with the Km(1) Immunoglobulin Allotype

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    In experimental animals, immune responses to certain antigens are regulated by immunoglobulin allotype-linked genes. In an effort to detect such genes in humans, we examined the antibody responses of 74 healthy children with different Km(l) or Gm(23) allotypes to a Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (type b polysaccharide capsule-pertussis vaccine). The anticapsular antibody responses of black or white children with the Km(1) allotype were 4.6- to 9.5-fold higher than those of children who lacked this determinant (P \u3c 0.004). No significant differences were found in antibody response with respect to the Gm(23) allotype. The frequencies of Km(l) and Gm(23) also were examined in 170 patients with Haemophilus meningitis, 71 patients with epiglottitis, and 173 control children. Km(1) was detected less frequently in black patients with meningitis (38%) than in those with epiglottitis (81%, P \u3c 0.002) or in controls (66%, P \u3c 0.0007). The relative risk of meningitis thus was 3.2-fold lower among black children with the Km(1) allotype than in those who lacked this allotype (odds ratio = 0.3, 95% confidence interval 0.2 to 0.6). However, the risk of meningitis was not decreased in white children with the Km(l) allotype (odds ratio = 1.0). There were no significant differences in the frequency of Gm(23) among the patient groups and controls. The Km(l) allotype but not the Gm(23) thus defines a subpopulation of children of both races who are high responders to this vaccine, and black children but not white children with the Km(l) allotype are at decreased risk of developing Haemophilus meningitis. These data indicate that in blacks, genes associated with Km(l) may affect immune response to a prototype type b Haemophilus vaccine, and perhaps interact with another factor related to race to affect susceptibility to Haemophilus meningitis

    Haemophilus ducreyi RpoE and CpxRA Appear To Play Distinct yet Complementary Roles in Regulation of Envelope-Related Functions

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    Haemophilus ducreyi causes the sexually transmitted disease chancroid and a chronic limb ulceration syndrome in children. In humans, H. ducreyi is found in an abscess and overcomes a hostile environment to establish infection. To sense and respond to membrane stress, bacteria utilize two-component systems (TCSs) and extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors. We previously showed that activation of CpxRA, the only intact TCS in H. ducreyi, does not regulate homologues of envelope protein folding factors but does downregulate genes encoding envelope-localized proteins, including many virulence determinants. H. ducreyi also harbors a homologue of RpoE, which is the only ECF sigma factor in the organism. To potentially understand how H. ducreyi responds to membrane stress, here we defined RpoE-dependent genes using transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq). We identified 180 RpoE-dependent genes, of which 98% were upregulated; a major set of these genes encodes homologues of envelope maintenance and repair factors. We also identified and validated a putative RpoE promoter consensus sequence, which was enriched in the majority of RpoE-dependent targets. Comparison of RpoE-dependent genes to those controlled by CpxR showed that each transcription factor regulated a distinct set of genes. Given that RpoE activated a large number of genes encoding envelope maintenance and repair factors and that CpxRA represses genes encoding envelope-localized proteins, these data suggest that RpoE and CpxRA appear to play distinct yet complementary roles in regulating envelope homeostasis in H. ducreyi

    Structural diversity in the type IV pili of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter

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    Acinetobacter baumannii is a Gram-negative coccobacillus found primarily in hospital settings that has recently emerged as a source of hospital-acquired infections. A. baumannii expresses a variety of virulence factors, including type IV pili, bacterial extracellular appendages often essential for attachment to host cells. Here, we report the high resolution structures of the major pilin subunit, PilA, from three Acinetobacter strains, demonstrating thatA. baumannii subsets produce morphologically distinct type IV pilin glycoproteins. We examine the consequences of this heterogeneity for protein folding and assembly as well as host-cell adhesion by Acinetobacter. Comparisons of genomic and structural data with pilin proteins from other species of soil gammaproteobacteria suggest that these structural differences stem from evolutionary pressure that has resulted in three distinct classes of type IVa pilins, each found in multiple species

    Haemophilus ducreyi Cutaneous Ulcer Strains Are Nearly Identical to Class I Genital Ulcer Strains

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    BACKGROUND: Although cutaneous ulcers (CU) in the tropics is frequently attributed to Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue, the causative agent of yaws, Haemophilus ducreyi has emerged as a major cause of CU in yaws-endemic regions of the South Pacific islands and Africa. H. ducreyi is generally susceptible to macrolides, but CU strains persist after mass drug administration of azithromycin for yaws or trachoma. H. ducreyi also causes genital ulcers (GU) and was thought to be exclusively transmitted by microabrasions that occur during sex. In human volunteers, the GU strain 35000HP does not infect intact skin; wounds are required to initiate infection. These data led to several questions: Are CU strains a new variant of H. ducreyi or did they evolve from GU strains? Do CU strains contain additional genes that could allow them to infect intact skin? Are CU strains susceptible to azithromycin? METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To address these questions, we performed whole-genome sequencing and antibiotic susceptibility testing of 5 CU strains obtained from Samoa and Vanuatu and 9 archived class I and class II GU strains. Except for single nucleotide polymorphisms, the CU strains were genetically almost identical to the class I strain 35000HP and had no additional genetic content. Phylogenetic analysis showed that class I and class II strains formed two separate clusters and CU strains evolved from class I strains. Class I strains diverged from class II strains ~1.95 million years ago (mya) and CU strains diverged from the class I strain 35000HP ~0.18 mya. CU and GU strains evolved under similar selection pressures. Like 35000HP, the CU strains were highly susceptible to antibiotics, including azithromycin. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data suggest that CU strains are derivatives of class I strains that were not recognized until recently. These findings require confirmation by analysis of CU strains from other regions

    A Serological Survey of Infectious Disease in Yellowstone National Park’s Canid Community

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    BACKGROUND:Gray wolves (Canis lupus) were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park (YNP) after a >70 year absence, and as part of recovery efforts, the population has been closely monitored. In 1999 and 2005, pup survival was significantly reduced, suggestive of disease outbreaks. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We analyzed sympatric wolf, coyote (Canis latrans), and red fox (Vulpes vulpes) serologic data from YNP, spanning 1991-2007, to identify long-term patterns of pathogen exposure, identify associated risk factors, and examine evidence for disease-induced mortality among wolves for which there were survival data. We found high, constant exposure to canine parvovirus (wolf seroprevalence: 100%; coyote: 94%), canine adenovirus-1 (wolf pups [0.5-0.9 yr]: 91%, adults [>or=1 yr]: 96%; coyote juveniles [0.5-1.5 yrs]: 18%, adults [>or=1.6 yrs]: 83%), and canine herpesvirus (wolf: 87%; coyote juveniles: 23%, young adults [1.6-4.9 yrs]: 51%, old adults [>or=5 yrs]: 87%) suggesting that these pathogens were enzootic within YNP wolves and coyotes. An average of 50% of wolves exhibited exposure to the protozoan parasite, Neospora caninum, although individuals' odds of exposure tended to increase with age and was temporally variable. Wolf, coyote, and fox exposure to canine distemper virus (CDV) was temporally variable, with evidence for distinct multi-host outbreaks in 1999 and 2005, and perhaps a smaller, isolated outbreak among wolves in the interior of YNP in 2002. The years of high wolf-pup mortality in 1999 and 2005 in the northern region of the park were correlated with peaks in CDV seroprevalence, suggesting that CDV contributed to the observed mortality. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Of the pathogens we examined, none appear to jeopardize the long-term population of canids in YNP. However, CDV appears capable of causing short-term population declines. Additional information on how and where CDV is maintained and the frequency with which future epizootics might be expected might be useful for future management of the Northern Rocky Mountain wolf population

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae Gene Expression Induced In Vivo in a Chinchilla Model of Otitis Media

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    The gram-negative bacterium nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHI) is the predominant pathogen in chronic otitis media with effusion and, with Streptococcus pneumoniae and Moraxella catarrhalis, is a causative agent of acute otitis media. To identify potential virulence determinants, bacterial gene expression was monitored by differential fluorescence induction during early disease progression in one specific anatomical niche of a chinchilla model of NTHI-induced otitis media. Genomic DNA fragments from NTHI strain 86-028NP were cloned upstream of the promoterless gfpmut3 gene. NTHI strain 86-028NP served as the host for the promoter trap library. Pools of 2,000 transformants were inoculated into the left and right middle ear cavities of chinchillas. Middle ear effusions were recovered by epitympanic tap at 24 and 48 h, and clones containing promoter elements that were induced in vivo and producing green fluorescent protein were isolated by two-color fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Insert DNA was sequenced and compared to the complete genome sequence of H. influenzae strain Rd. In a screen of 16,000 clones, we have isolated 44 clones that contain unique gene fragments encoding biosynthetic enzymes, metabolic and regulatory proteins, and hypothetical proteins of unknown function. An additional eight clones contain gene fragments unique to our NTHI isolate. Using quantitative reverse transcription-PCR, we have confirmed that 26 clones demonstrated increased gene expression in vivo relative to expression in vitro. These data provide insight into the response of NTHI bacteria as they sense and respond to the middle ear microenvironment during early events of otitis media

    Identification and Characterization of the N-Acetylglucosamine Glycosyltransferase Gene of Haemophilus ducreyi

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    Haemophilus ducreyi is the causative agent of chancroid, a sexually transmitted ulcerative disease. In the present study, the Neisseria gonorrhoeae lgtA lipooligosaccharide glycosyltransferase gene was used to identify a homologue in the genome of H. ducreyi. The putative H. ducreyi glycosyltransferase gene (designated lgtA) was cloned and insertionally inactivated, and an isogenic mutant was constructed. Structural studies demonstrated that the lipooligosaccharide isolated from the mutant strain lacked N-acetylglucosamine and distal sugars found in the lipooligosaccharide produced by the parental strain. The isogenic mutant was transformed with a recombinant plasmid containing the putative glycosyltransferase gene. This strain produced the lipooligosaccharide glycoforms produced by the parental strain, confirming that the lgtA gene encodes the N-acetylglucosamine glycosyltransferase

    <em>Acinetobacter baumannii</em> Utilizes a Type VI Secretion System for Bacterial Competition

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    <div><p>Type VI secretion systems (T6SS) are a class of macromolecular secretion machines that are utilized by a number of bacteria for inter-bacterial competition or to elicit responses in eukaryotic cells. <i>Acinetobacter baumannii</i> is an opportunistic pathogen that causes severe infections in humans. These infections, including pneumonia and bacteremia, are important, as they are often associated with hospitals and medical-settings where they disproportionally affect critically ill patients like those residing in intensive care units. While it is known that <i>A. baumannii</i> genomes carry genes whose predicted products have homology with T6SS-associated gene products from other bacteria, and secretion of a major T6SS structural protein Hcp has been demonstrated, no additional work on an <i>A. baumannii</i> T6SS has been reported. Herein, we demonstrated that <i>A. baumannii</i> strain M2 secretes Hcp and this secretion was dependent upon TssB, an ortholog of a bacteriophage contractile sheath protein, confirming that strain M2 produces a functional T6SS. Additionally, we demonstrated that the ability of strain M2 to out-compete <i>Escherichia coli</i> was reliant upon the products of <i>tssB</i> and <i>hcp.</i> Collectively, our data have provided the first evidence demonstrating function in inter-bacterial competition, for a T6SS produced by <i>A. baumannii.</i></p> </div
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