232 research outputs found

    Optimized LTE Data Transmission Procedures for IoT: Device Side Energy Consumption Analysis

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    The efficient deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) over cellular networks, such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) or the next generation 5G, entails several challenges. For massive IoT, reducing the energy consumption on the device side becomes essential. One of the main characteristics of massive IoT is small data transmissions. To improve the support of them, the 3GPP has included two novel optimizations in LTE: one of them based on the Control Plane (CP), and the other on the User Plane (UP). In this paper, we analyze the average energy consumption per data packet using these two optimizations compared to conventional LTE Service Request procedure. We propose an analytical model to calculate the energy consumption for each procedure based on a Markov chain. In the considered scenario, for large and small Inter-Arrival Times (IATs), the results of the three procedures are similar. While for medium IATs CP reduces the energy consumption per packet up to 87% due to its connection release optimization

    Genetic variation of apis mellifera from Serbia inferred from mitochondrial analysis

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    Two honeybee subspecies inhabit Serbia; Apis mellifera carnica and A. m. macedonica. Both belong to eastern Mediterranean (C) evolutionary lineage. Furthermore three Serbian honeybee ecotypes restricted to particular regions, were defined through morphometry and cytogenetic analyses. In this study, mitochondrial data have been used to analyze the molecular diversity of the honeybee population from Serbia. Seven haplotypes of the C evolutionary lineage have been found, two of them are newly described (C2o and C2p) and restricted to two regions, which ultimately increased the number of haplotypes found in this lineage. Comparisons with surrounding honeybee populations suggest a hybrid situation between A. m. carnica and A. m. macedonica and also introgression from A. m. ligustica. The results should be considered when dealing with future conservation strategies, and for pathogen-parasite-tolerant breeding programs

    Effective ESL writing practices: the impact of effective teachers' principles and practices on their students' learning outcomes

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    This study investigated the principles and practices of a group of three effective ESL writing teachers at UIUC and the impact of their pedagogical decisions on their students' learning. Data collection was done through a period of three weeks and consisted of class observations, class documents and student work examination, teacher surveys, individual and group interviews, and a student survey at the end of their course. Findings from data triangulation showed that these teachers shared many principles on teaching and learning in general and of L2 writing in particular, which align with their classroom practices. In addition, the teachers follow a very similar class structure and have similar approaches to teaching-related activities out of the classroom (such as: lesson preparation before class, creation of their own materials, written feedback and teacher-student conference methods, among others). Nevertheless, despite these similarities, they differed in their idiosyncratic preferences for certain instructional decisions and styles. At the same time, the study findings provide ample evidence of the teaching effectiveness of these teachers which is corroborated by their consistently high university-level teacher evaluation scores, the positive feedback from their specific students on the quality of the course and their teaching, high class scores on the written assignment across classes, positive student self-ratings on their achievement of the course learning outcomes, and additional learning benefits such as greater confidence and the transferability of skills to other areas of academic life

    Academic partnering program : "Viña Balduzzi".

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    214 p.La presente tesis consiste en el desarrollo de un plan de entrada al mercado canadiense para los productos de Villa Balduizzi. El objetivo central es entregar a Villa Balduzzi información relevante de la industria vitivinícola canadiense en general, y mas específicamente de las Provincias de Ontario, Québec y New Brunswick. Se pretende orientar las decisiones que el empresario debe tomar en el proceso exportador, con la entrega de estrategias de marketing que son posibles de llevar a cabo tanto en el corto como en el largo plazo. Para lograr lo anteriormente descrito, se recopilo información tanto a nivel primario como secundario. Es importante señalar que los datos primarios fueron recogidos directamente en Canadá, a través de la misión comercial que realizaron alumnos, profesores y empresarios. Para lo cual se llevaron a cabo una serie de entrevistas con agentes, distribuidores, villas y comisiones del licor. La tesis consta de nueve capítulos en los que se estudiaron distintos tópicos según la importancia que reportaran al estudio, este se limito a la investigación de mercados en las tres provincias de Canadá anteriormente mencionadas. El capitulo dos describe en su totalidad a la empresa para saber el objeto en estudio, sus fortalezas y debilidades para enfrentar él desafió. El capitulo tres describe el macroentorno en el cual Villa Balduzzi podría desarrollarse, y se muestra objetivamente el país Canadá. El capitulo cuatro hace una descripcion genérica de la industria de las bebidas alcohólicas en Canadá, específicamente la Industria del Vino, se caracteriza del mercado canadiense, sus canales de distribución, las regulaciones establecidas para hacer venta y publicidad en cada provincia en estudio. El capitulo cinco describe la Industria del Vino en Chile, mostrando el alcance competitivo, las expectativas que proyecta esta, este análisis permite formarse una idea de como esta posicionada Villa Balduzzi en Chile. En el capitulo seis se realiza el análisis FODA tanto nacional como internacional para la villa en estudio. En el capitulo siete se efectúa el plan de entrada al mercado canadiense, especificando los objetivos que tiene la empresa y las expectativas que esta tiene con respecto a dicho mercado

    Microenvironmental conditions drive the differential Cyanobacterial community composition of biocrusts from the Sahara Desert

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    The Sahara Desert is characterized by extreme environmental conditions, which are a unique challenge for life. Cyanobacteria are key players in the colonization of bare soils and form assemblages with other microorganisms in the top millimetres, establishing biological soil crusts (biocrusts) that cover most soil surfaces in deserts, which have important roles in the functioning of drylands. However, knowledge of biocrusts from these extreme environments is limited. Therefore, to study cyanobacterial community composition in biocrusts from the Sahara Desert, we utilized a combination of methodologies in which taxonomic assignation, for next-generation sequencing of soil samples, was based on phylogenetic analysis (16S rRNA gene) in parallel with morphological identification of cyanobacteria in natural samples and isolates from certain locations. Two close locations that differed in microenvironmental conditions were analysed. One was a dry salt lake (a “chott”), and the other was an extension of sandy, slightly saline soil. Differences in cyanobacterial composition between the sites were found, with a clear dominance of Microcoleus spp. in the less saline site, while the chott presented a high abundance of heterocystous cyanobacteria as well as the filamentous non-heterocystous Pseudophormidium sp. and the unicellular cf. Acaryochloris. The cyanobacteria found in our study area, such as Microcoleus steenstrupii, Microcoleus vaginatus, Scytonema hyalinum, Tolypothrix distorta, and Calothrix sp., are also widely distributed in other geographic locations around the world, where the conditions are less severe. Our results, therefore, indicated that some cyanobacteria can cope with polyextreme conditions, as confirmed by bioassays, and can be considered extremotolerant, being able to live in a wide range of conditions

    La cultura profesional de los docentes en enseñanza secundaria: Un estudio biográfico.

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    This work discusses the "voices" of teachers working "at the chalk face." We are interested in learning what teachers think and how they behave. Therefore, we conducted our research about their working conditions. We also developed teachers" professional biographies to learn how these educators construct concepts and practices related to their profession and what constitutes their "professional culture". We understand that thie professional culture characterizes teachers" professional frameworks and choices; therefore, any attempt to successfully promote an educational reform, must understand and pay attention to the "professional culture."Este trabajo trata sobre las "voces" de los profesores que trabajan "a pie de obra". Nos interesa aprender qué piensan los profesores y cómo se comportan. Para ello se ha llevado a cabo una investigación en sus propios contextos de trabajo. De este modo, elaboramos sus biografías profesionales para aprender como han ido construyendo estos conceptos y prácticas profesionales y, de este modo, aprender qué es lo que constituye su "cultura profesional". Entendemos que es esta cultura profesional la que determina las opciones de los profesores que caracteriza su estructura profesional y por tanto, cualquier intento de afrontar una reforma educativa necesariamente tiene que atender y entender estas estructuras

    Analytic Analysis of Narrowband IoT Coverage Enhancement Approaches

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    The introduction of Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) as a cellular IoT technology aims to support massive Machine-Type Communications applications. These applications are characterized by massive connections from a large number of low-complexity and low-power devices. One of the goals of NB-IoT is to improve coverage extension beyond existing cellular technologies. In order to do that, NB-IoT introduces transmission repetitions and different bandwidth allocation configurations in uplink. These new transmission approaches yield many transmission options in uplink. In this paper, we propose analytical expressions that describe the influence of these new approaches in the transmission. Our analysis is based on the Shannon theorem. The transmission is studied in terms of the required Signal to Noise Ratio, bandwidth utilization, and energy per transmitted bit. Additionally, we propose an uplink link adaptation algorithm that contemplates these new transmission approaches. The conducted evaluation summarizes the influence of these approaches. Furthermore, we present the resulting uplink link adaptation from our proposed algorithm sweeping the device's coverage.Comment: Accepted in the 2018 Global IoT Summit (GIoTS) conferenc

    Auditoria a las cuentas corrientes bancarias en un sistema computarizado

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    220 p.El presente trabajo contempla el Estudio del Movimiento Generalizado de las Cuentas Corrientes en los bancos comerciales de nuestro país con el objeto de tomar conocimiento respecto al funcionamiento de 1a Cuenta Corriente Bancaria en Chile, ello ha permitido desarrollar una secuencia metodologica para la realización de una Auditoria a las Cuentas Corrientes Bancarias, sea que el procesamiento de la información se realice en forma manual o computarizada. La realización de esta investigación, fue posible gracias a la inquietud de un grupo do alumnos, quienes conscientes de la importancia que reviste la Cuenta Corriente bancaria en la economía actual Como fuente de financiamiento bancario y su relación con el Procesamiento Electrónico de datos, vieron la necesidad de contar con una herramienta metodologica que permite evaluar la razonabilidad del saldo de las cuentas corrientes presentado en los Estados Financieros Bancarios. Este seminario fue confeccionado durante el segundo semestre del año 1982 y primer semestre de 1983, por un grupo de alumnos de la Escuela de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas de la universidad de Talca, como requisito para completar el Plan de Estudios de la carrera de Contador Público y Contador Auditor