999 research outputs found

    OVCS Newsletter December 2014

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    Sulfonylurea Receptor 1 in Central Nervous System Injury: An Updated Review

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    Hinchazón celular; Edema; Traumatismo cerebralCellular swelling; Edema; Traumatic brain injuryInflor cel·lular; Edema; Traumatisme cerebralSulfonylurea receptor 1 (SUR1) is a member of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-binding cassette (ABC) protein superfamily, encoded by Abcc8, and is recognized as a key mediator of central nervous system (CNS) cellular swelling via the transient receptor potential melastatin 4 (TRPM4) channel. Discovered approximately 20 years ago, this channel is normally absent in the CNS but is transcriptionally upregulated after CNS injury. A comprehensive review on the pathophysiology and role of SUR1 in the CNS was published in 2012. Since then, the breadth and depth of understanding of the involvement of this channel in secondary injury has undergone exponential growth: SUR1-TRPM4 inhibition has been shown to decrease cerebral edema and hemorrhage progression in multiple preclinical models as well as in early clinical studies across a range of CNS diseases including ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury, cardiac arrest, subarachnoid hemorrhage, spinal cord injury, intracerebral hemorrhage, multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, neuromalignancies, pain, liver failure, status epilepticus, retinopathies and HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder. Given these substantial developments, combined with the timeliness of ongoing clinical trials of SUR1 inhibition, now, another decade later, we review advances pertaining to SUR1-TRPM4 pathobiology in this spectrum of CNS disease—providing an overview of the journey from patch-clamp experiments to phase III trials.No funding directly supported the writing of this review. R.M.J. is supported by grants from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) (K23NS101036; R01NS115815), and the Barrow Neurological Foundation. J.M.S. is supported by grants from the Department of Veterans Affairs (I01RX003060; 1I01BX004652), the Department of Defense (SC170199), the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (R01HL082517) and the NINDS (R01NS102589; R01NS105633)

    NOEMA Observations of a Molecular Cloud in the low-metallicity Galaxy Kiso 5639

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    A giant star-forming region in a metal-poor dwarf galaxy has been observed in optical lines with the 10-m Gran Telescopio Canarias and in the emission line of CO(1-0) with the NOEMA mm-wave interferometer. The metallicity was determined to be 12+log(O/H)=7.83+-0.09, from which we estimate a conversion factor of alpha_CO~100 Msun/pc2/(K km/s) and a molecular cloud mass of ~2.9x10^7 Msun. This is an enormous concentration of molecular mass at one end of a small galaxy, suggesting a recent accretion. The molecular cloud properties seem normal: the surface density, 120 Msun/pc2, is comparable to that of a standard giant molecular cloud, the cloud's virial ratio of ~1.8 is in the star-formation range, and the gas consumption time, 0.5 Gyr, at the present star formation rate is typical for molecular regions. The low metallicity implies that the cloud has an average visual extinction of only 0.8 mag, which is close to the threshold for molecule formation. With such an extinction threshold, molecular clouds in metal-poor regions should have high surface densities and high internal pressures. If high pressure is associated with the formation of massive clusters, then metal-poor galaxies such as dwarfs in the early universe could have been the hosts of metal-poor globular clusters.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figures. accepted by ApJ

    Carbohydrate utilization by the gut microbiome determines host health responsiveness to whole grain type and processing methods

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    Little is known about how interactions among grain processing, grain type, and carbohydrate utilization (CU) by the microbiome influence the health benefits of whole grains. Therefore, two whole grains – brown rice and whole wheat – and two processing methods – boiling (porridge) and extrusion – were studied for their effects on host metabolic outcomes in mice harboring human microbiomes previously shown in vitro to have high or low CU. Mice carrying either microbiome experienced increases in body weight and glycemia when consuming Western diets supplemented with extruded grains versus porridge. However, mice with the high but not low CU microbiome also gained more weight and fat over time and were less glucose tolerant when consuming extruded grain diets. In high CU microbiome mice, the exacerbated negative health outcomes associated with extrusion were related to altered abundances of Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae as well as elevated sugar degradation and colonic acetate production. The amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) associated with extruded and porridge diets in this in vivo study were not the same as those identified in our prior in vitro study; however, the predicted functions were highly correlated. In conclusion, mice harboring both high and low CU microbiomes responded to the whole grain diets similarly, except the high CU microbiome mice exhibited exacerbated effects due to excessive acetate production, indicating that CU by the microbiome is linked to host metabolic health outcomes. Our work demonstrates that a greater understanding of food processing effects on the microbiome is necessary for developing foods that promote rather than diminish host health

    A real-time PCR assay for accurate quantification of the individual members of the Altered Schaedler Flora microbiota in gnotobiotic mice

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    Changes in the gastrointestinal microbial community are frequently associated with chronic diseases such as Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. However, understanding the relationship of any individual taxon within the community to host physiology is made complex due to the diversity and individuality of the gut microbiota. Defined microbial communities such as the Altered Schaedler Flora (ASF) help alleviate the challenges of a diverse microbiota by allowing one to interrogate the relationship between individual bacterial species and host responses. An important aspect of studying these relationships with defined microbial communities is the ability to measure the population abundance and dynamics of each member. Herein, we describe the development of an improved ASF species-specific and sensitive real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for use with SYBR Green chemistry to accurately assess individual ASF member abundance. This approach targets hypervariable regions V1 through V3 of the 16S rRNA gene of each ASF taxon to enhance assay specificity. We demonstrate the reproducibility, sensitivity and application of this new method by quantifying each ASF bacterium in two inbred mouse lines. We also used it to assess changes in ASF member abundance before and after acute antibiotic perturbation of the community as well as in mice fed two different diets. Additionally, we describe a nested PCR assay for the detection of lowly abundant ASF members. Altogether, this improved qPCR method will facilitate gnotobiotic research involving the ASF community by allowing for reproducible quantification of its members under various physiological conditions

    Experimental Evidence for Adaptation to Species-Specific Gut Microbiota in House Mice

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    The gut microbial communities of mammals have codiversified with host species, and changes in the gut microbiota can have profound effects on host fitness. Therefore, the gut microbiota may drive adaptation in mammalian species, but this possibility is underexplored. Here, we show that the gut microbiota has codiversified with mice in the genus Mus over the past 6 million years, and we present experimental evidence that the gut microbiota has driven adaptive evolution of the house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus. Phylogenetic analyses of metagenomeassembled bacterial genomic sequences revealed that gut bacterial lineages have been retained within and diversified alongside Mus species over evolutionary time. Transplantation of gut microbiotas from various Mus species into germfree M. m. domesticus showed that foreign gut microbiotas slowed growth rate and upregulated macrophage inflammatory protein in hosts. These results suggest adaptation by M. m. domesticus to its gut microbiota since it diverged from other Mus species

    Experimental evaluation of ecological principles to understand and modulate the outcome of bacterial strain competition in gut microbiomes

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    It is unclear if coexistence theory can be applied to gut microbiomes to understand their characteristics and modulate their composition. Through experiments in gnotobiotic mice with complex microbiomes, we demonstrated that strains of Akkermansia muciniphila and Bacteroides vulgatus could only be established if microbiomes were devoid of these species. Strains of A. muciniphila showed strict competitive exclusion, while B. vulgatus strains coexisted but populations were still influenced by competitive interactions. These differences in competitive behavior were reflective of genomic variation within the two species, indicating considerable niche overlap for A. muciniphila strains and a broader niche space for B. vulgatus strains. Priority effects were detected for both species as strains’ competitive fitness increased when colonizing first, which resulted in stable persistence of the A. muciniphila strain colonizing first and competitive exclusion of the strain arriving second. Based on these observations, we devised a subtractive strategy for A. muciniphila using antibiotics and showed that a strain from an assembled community can be stably replaced by another strain. By demonstrating that competitive outcomes in gut ecosystems depend on niche differences and are historically contingent, our study provides novel information to explain the ecological characteristics of gut microbiomes and a basis for their modulation

    A gut pathobiont synergizes with the microbiota to instigate inflammatory disease marked by immunoreactivity against other symbionts but not itself

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are likely driven by aberrant immune responses directed against the resident microbiota. Although IBD is commonly associated with a dysbiotic microbiota enriched in putative pathobionts, the etiological agents of IBD remain unknown. Using a pathobiont-induced intestinal inflammation model and a defined bacterial community, we provide new insights into the immune-microbiota interactions during disease. In this model system, the pathobiont Helicobacter bilis instigates disease following sub-pathological dextran sulfate sodium treatment. We show that H. bilis causes mild inflammation in mono-associated mice, but severe disease in the presence of a microbiota, demonstrating synergy between the pathobiont and microbiota in exacerbating pathology. Remarkably, inflammation depends on the presence of H. bilis, but is marked by a predominant Th17 response against specific members of the microbiota and not the pathobiont, even upon the removal of the most immune-dominant taxa. Neither increases in pathobiont burden nor unique changes in immune-targeted microbiota member abundances are observed during disease. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that a pathobiont instigates inflammation without being the primary target of a Th17 response or by altering the microbiota community structure. Moreover, our findings point toward monitoring pathobiont-induced changes in microbiota immune targeting as a new concept in IBD diagnotics

    Commensal \u3ci\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/i\u3e Strains Can Promote Intestinal Inflammation via Differential Interleukin-6 Production

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    Escherichia coli is a facultative anaerobic symbiont found widely among mammalian gastrointestinal tracts. Several human studies have reported increased commensal E. coli abundance in the intestine during inflammation; however, host immunological responses toward commensal E. coli during inflammation are not well-defined. Here, we show that colonization of gnotobiotic mice with different genotypes of commensal E. coli isolated from healthy conventional microbiota mice and representing distinct populations of E. coli elicited strain-specific disease phenotypes and immunopathological changes following treatment with the inflammatory stimulus, dextran sulfate sodium (DSS). Production of the inflammatory cytokines GM-CSF, IL-6, and IFN-y was a hallmark of the severe inflammation induced by E. coli strains of Sequence Type 129 (ST129) and ST375 following DSS administration. In contrast, colonization with E. coli strains ST150 and ST468 caused mild intestinal inflammation and triggered only low levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, a response indistinguishable from that of E. coli-free control mice treated with DSS. The disease development observed with ST129 and ST375 colonization was not directly associated with their abundance in the GI tract as their levels did not change throughout DSS treatment, and no major differences in bacterial burden in the gut were observed among the strains tested. Data mining and in vivo neutralization identified IL-6 as a key cytokine responsible for the observed differential disease severity. Collectively, our results show that the capacity to exacerbate acute intestinal inflammation is a strain-specific trait that can potentially be overcome by blocking the pro-inflammatory immune responses that mediate intestinal tissue damage

    Prebiotic-Induced Anti-tumor Immunity Attenuates Tumor Growth

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    Growing evidence supports the importance of gut microbiota in the control of tumor growth and response to therapy. Here, we select prebiotics that can enrich bacterial taxa that promote anti-tu- mor immunity. Addition of the prebiotics inulin or mucin to the diet of C57BL/6 mice induces anti-tu- mor immune responses and inhibition of BRAF mutant melanoma growth in a subcutaneously implanted syngeneic mouse model. Mucin fails to inhibit tumor growth in germ-free mice, indicating that the gut microbiota is required for the activation of the anti-tumor immune response. Inulin and mucin drive distinct changes in the microbiota, as inulin, but not mucin, limits tumor growth in synge- neic mouse models of colon cancer and NRAS mutant melanoma and enhances the efficacy of a MEK inhibitor against melanoma while delaying the emergence of drug resistance. We highlight the importance of gut microbiota in anti-tumor immunity and the potential therapeutic role for prebiotics in this process
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