49 research outputs found

    New structures to solve aggregated queries for trips over public transportation networks

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    Representing the trajectories of mobile objects is a hot topic from the widespread use of smartphones and other GPS devices. However, few works have focused on representing trips over public transportation networks (buses, subway, and trains) where a user's trips can be seen as a sequence of stages performed within a vehicle shared with many other users. In this context, representing vehicle journeys reduces the redundancy because all the passengers inside a vehicle share the same arrival time for each stop. In addition, each vehicle journey follows exactly the sequence of stops corresponding to its line, which makes it unnecessary to represent that sequence for each journey. To solve data management for transportation systems, we designed a conceptual model that gave us a better insight into this data domain and allowed us the definition of relevant terms and the detection of redundancy sources among those data. Then, we designed two compact representations focused on users' trips (TTCTR) and on vehicle trips (AcumM), respectively. Each approach owns some strengths and is able to answer some queries efficiently. We include experimental results over synthetic trips generated from accurate schedules obtained from a real network description (from the bus transportation system of Madrid) to show the space/time trade-off of both approaches. We considered a wide range of different queries about the use of the transportation network such as counting-based or aggregate queries regarding the load of any line of the network at different times.Comment: This research has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sk{\l}odowska-Curie Actions H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 BIRDS GA No. 69094

    Compact Trip Representation over Networks

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46049-9_23[Abstract] We present a new Compact Trip Representation ( CTRCTR ) that allows us to manage users’ trips (moving objects) over networks. These could be public transportation networks (buses, subway, trains, and so on) where nodes are stations or stops, or road networks where nodes are intersections. CTRCTR represents the sequences of nodes and time instants in users’ trips. The spatial component is handled with a data structure based on the well-known Compressed Suffix Array ( CSACSA ), which provides both a compact representation and interesting indexing capabilities. We also represent the temporal component of the trips, that is, the time instants when users visit nodes in their trips. We create a sequence with these time instants, which are then self-indexed with a balanced Wavelet Matrix ( WMWM ). This gives us the ability to solve range-interval queries efficiently. We show how CTRCTR can solve relevant spatial and spatio-temporal queries over large sets of trajectories. Finally, we also provide experimental results to show the space requirements and query efficiency of CTRCTR .Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; TIN2013-46238-C4-3-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad; TIN2013-47090-C3-3-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad; IDI-20141259Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; ITC-20151305Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; ITC-20151247Xunta de Galicia; GRC2013/053Chile.Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico; 1140428Chile. Instituto de Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería ; FBO 1

    Management system for optimizing public transport networks: GPS record

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    As cities continue to grow in size and population, the design of public transport networks becomes complicated, given the wide diversity in the origins and destinations of users [1], as well as the saturation of vehicle infrastructure in large cities despite their attempts to adapt it according to population distribution. This indicates that, in order to reduce users’ travel time, it is necessary to implement alternative road solutions to the use of cars, increasing investment in public transportation [2, 3] by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the state of transportation. This situation has made appear the solutions and development oriented to transportation based on Internet of Things (IoT) which allows, in a first stage, monitoring of public transport systems, in order to optimize the deployment of transport units and thus reduce the time of transfer of users through the cities [4]. These solution proposals are focused on information collected from user resources (data collected through smart phones) to create a common database [5]. The present study proposes the development of an intelligent monitoring and management system for public transportation networks using a hybrid communication architecture based on wireless node networks using IPv6 and cellular networks (LTE, LTE-M)

    Descripción de reflejos y funciones orofaciales en un grupo de lactantes de términos y pretérmino, de 6 y 9 meses de edad corregida

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    El desarrollo de la alimentación de los niños se sitúa dentro de un continuo, que evoluciona de los reflejos orofaciales. La adecuada evolución y ejecución de estas funciones son importantes para el desarrollo maxilofacial del menor. en los últimos años, ha aumentado los niños nacidos de pretérmino. Esta condición de prematuridad puede generar diversas alteraciones en el neurodesarrollo de las funciones orofaciales, que podrían afectar directamente la adecuada adquisición de patrones alimenticios, interfiriendo en una nutrición y alimentación optima del menor. El objetivo de este seminario de investigación, es describir y comparar los reflejos y funciones orofaciales, entre lactantes de término y pretérmino de 6 y 9 meses de edad corregida, sin daño neurológico y que presenten estabilidad médica, con el fin de determinar si existen diferencias en el rendimiento de dichos parámetros.The development of feeding children is within a continuous, evolving from orofacial reflexes into orofacial functions. The proper development and implementation of these functions are important for the maxillofacial development of the child. In recent years, an increasing number of children born prematurely. This premature condition can cause various alterations on neurodevelopment of orofacial functions, which could directly affect the acquisition of appropriate eating patterns, interfering with optimal nutrition and feeding of the child. The purpose of this seminar research is to describe and compare the reflexes and orofacial functions between term and preterm infants of 6 and 9 months corrected age without neurological damage and submit medical stability, in order to determine whether there are differences in the performance of these parameters