719 research outputs found

    Tampa at the Close of the Nineteenth Century

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    Before the advent of the tobacco industry, Tampa was a population center of slight importance in the State of Florida. Fishing, wood-cutting, and the cultivation of certain vegetables were the principal occupation of its few inhabitants. Located on sandy and relatively arid ground which was covered by few trees other than stunted pines and unexploitable palmetto palms, the extensive prairies of the region were marked principally by numerous marshes and a few sulphur springs. It was not an infrequent occurrence among the isolated thickets to stumble upon an apparently sleeping alligator or a scarcely less dangerous rattlesnake or water moccasin

    High temperature magnetic stabilization of cobalt nanoparticles by an antiferromagnetic proximity effect

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    Thermal activation tends to destroy the magnetic stability of small magnetic nanoparticles, with crucial implications in ultra-high density recording among other applications. Here we demonstrate that low blocking temperature ferromagnetic (FM) Co nanoparticles (TB<70 K) become magnetically stable above 400 K when embedded in a high N\'eel temperature antiferromagnetic (AFM) NiO matrix. The origin of this remarkable TB enhancement is due to a magnetic proximity effect between a thin CoO shell (with low N\'eel temperature, TN; and high anisotropy, KAFM) surrounding the Co nanoparticles and the NiO matrix (with high TN but low KAFM). This proximity effect yields an effective AFM with an apparent TN beyond that of bulk CoO, and an enhanced anisotropy compared to NiO. In turn, the Co core FM moment is stabilized against thermal fluctuations via core-shell exchange-bias coupling, leading to the observed TB increase. Mean-field calculations provide a semi-quantitative understanding of this magnetic- proximity stabilization mechanism

    As redes editoriais do ILARI no Rio da Prata e a modernização das ciências sociais durante a Guerra Fria cultural latino-americana

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    O Instituto Latino-Americano de Relações Internacionais (ILARI), financiado pela Fundação Ford e vinculado ao controverso Congresso pela Liberdade da Cultura (CLC), estimulou desde seu início, em 1965, a renovação das ciências sociais na América Latina por meio de encontros e pesquisas, bem como da publicação da revista Aportes e de acordos com editoras locais ”“ como Paidós e Jorge Álvares, de Buenos Aires, e Alfa, de Montevidéu. Este trabalho aborda as políticas editoriais do ILARI, que se transformaram em um canal de legitimação e promoção da figura do cientista social, cuja emergência deve ser compreendida no marco da Guerra Fria cultural, marcada pelos debates sobre as possíveis vias de desenvolvimento das sociedades periféricas. Essa figura, que acaba por suplantar a do ensaísta e disputa espaço com as do intelectual comprometido e do intelectual revolucionário, aparece legitimada por um discurso sobre a modernização, associado a uma produção “objetiva” de saberes


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    Este trabalho propõe analisar o retorno econômico e o impacto ambiental da atividade recria e engorda na pecuaria de corte, resultantes da utilização do amendoim forrageiro nas pastagens no Acre. Para determinar o retorno econômico foi estimado o benefício econômico gerado pelo sistema que utiliza o amendoim forrageiro em pastagens já estabelecidas, tendo como parâmetro o sistema que utiliza pastagens formadas com o “capim estrela” (Cynodon nlemfuensis). A avaliação dos impactos ambientais foi realizada em conformidade com o sistema de avaliação de impacto ambiental da inovação tecnológica agropecuária (AMBITEC-AGRO). Os resultados mostram que o Índice de Impacto Ambiental médio da inovação tecnologica foi positivo. Portanto, a tecnologia, no aspecto geral, contribui para a melhoria do meio ambiente. Enquanto no Aspecto econômico a inovação tecnologica contribuiu para o aumento da produtividade do rebanho, proporcionando ganhos econômicos na ordem de R744,58porhectare.Thisstudyproposestoanalyzetheeconomicreturnandenvironmentalimpactofactivitygrowingandfatteningincattlebeef,resultingfromtheuseofforagepeanutonAcrepasture.Todeterminetheeconomicreturnwasestimatedeconomicbenefitgeneratedbythesystemthatusesforagepeanutinpasturesalreadyestablished,takingasaparameterthesystemthatusespasturesformedwiththegrassstar(Cynodonnlemfuensis).Theenvironmentalimpactevaluationwasconductedinaccordancewiththesystemofenvironmentalimpactevaluationoftechnologicalinnovationagriculture(AMBITECAGRO).ResultsshowedthattheEnvironmentalImpactIndexmeantechnologicalinnovationhasbeenpositive.Sothetechnology,ingeneralterms,contributestotheenvironmentimprovement.Whileineconomicaspectthetechnologicalinnovationcontributedtotheincreaseinherdproductivity,providingeconomicgainsintheorderofR 744,58 por hectare.----------------------------------------------This study proposes to analyze the economic return and environmental impact of activity growing and fattening in cattle beef, resulting from the use of forage peanut on Acre pasture. To determine the economic return was estimated economic benefit generated by the system that uses forage peanut in pastures already established, taking as a parameter the system that uses pastures formed with the “grass star” (Cynodon nlemfuensis). The environmental impact evaluation was conducted in accordance with the system of environmental impact evaluation of technological innovation agriculture (AMBITEC-AGRO). Results showed that the Environmental Impact Index mean technological innovation has been positive. So the technology, in general terms, contributes to the environment improvement. While in economic aspect the technological innovation contributed to the increase in herd productivity, providing economic gains in the order of R 744.58 per hectare.retorno econômico, impacto ambiental, amendoim forrageiro, Economic return, environmental impact, peanut forage, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Response of estuarine free-living nematode assemblages to organic enrichment:an experimental approach

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    Organic enrichment, especially from anthropogenic sources, is one of the currentthreats to coastal marine biodiversity. Organic enrichment occurs mainly in sheltered soft bottoms,characterized by fine sediments, and results in multiple changes in the benthic habitat, includinghypoxia and an increased concentration of compounds that are toxic to marine invertebrates. Wereport on the results of a microcosm-based experiment (duration = 30 d), quantifying the effects oforganic enrichment on taxonomic and functional diversity of nematode assemblages from anopen/closed coastal lagoon of South America (Rocha Lagoon, Uruguay). In open/closed lagoons,the input of organic matter becomes a major disturbance due the limitation in water renewal. Inour experiment, enrichment led to reductions in abundance, richness and trophic diversity of thenematode assemblage. Rapid reductions in total abundance (after 4 d) were registered, while richnessdecreased only towards the end of the experiment (~30 d). Trophic changes were characterizedby loss of predators/omnivores and dominance of selective deposit-feeders and epigrowthfeeders.By contrast, we did not find any selective effect of enrichment associated with life historytraits (e.g. maturity index). Overall, these findings have 2 important implications for the conservationand monitoring of the health of coastal lagoons: first, monitoring of nematode assemblages atthe genus level is sufficient to detect enrichment effects; second, an index of trophic diversitywould be a good indicator of the effects of enrichment on natural communities.Fil: Kandratavicius, Noelia. Universidad de la República de Uruguay; UruguayFil: Pastor, Catalina Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Diversidad y Evolución Austral; ArgentinaFil: Venturini, Natalia. Universidad de la República de Uruguay; UruguayFil: Giménez, Luis. Bangor University; Reino UnidoFil: Rodriguez, Marcel. Universidad de la República de Uruguay; UruguayFil: Muniz, Pablo. Universidad de la República de Uruguay; Urugua

    The destruction complex of beta-catenin in colorectal carcinoma and colonic adenoma

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    Objective: To evaluate the destruction complex of beta-catenin by the expression of the proteins beta-catetenin, adenomatous polyposis coli, GSK3 beta, axin and ubiquitin in colorectal carcinoma and colonic adenoma. Methods: Tissue samples from 64 patients with colorectal carcinoma and 53 patients with colonic adenoma were analyzed. Tissue microarray blocks and slides were prepared and subjected to immunohistochemistry with polyclonal antibodies in carcinoma, adjacent non-neoplastic mucosa, and adenoma tissues. The immunoreactivity was evaluated by the percentage of positive stained cells and by the intensity assessed through of the stained grade of proteins in the cytoplasm and nucleus of cells. In the statistical analysis, the Spearman correlation coefficient, Student's t, chi(2), Mann-Whitney, and McNemar tests, and univariate logistic regression analysis were used. Results: In colorectal carcinoma, the expressions of beta-catenin and adenomatous polyposis coli proteins were significantly higher than in colonic adenomas (p<0.001 and p<0.0001, respectively). The immunoreactivity of GSK3 beta, axin 1 and ubiquitin proteins was significantly higher (p=0.03, p=0.039 and p=0.03, respectively) in colorectal carcinoma than in the colonic adenoma and adjacent non-neoplastic mucosa. The immunohistochemistry staining of these proteins did not show significant differences with the clinical and pathological characteristics of colorectal cancer and colonic adenoma. Conclusions: These results suggest that, in adenomas, the lower expression of the beta-catenin, axin 1 and GSK3 beta proteins indicated that the destruction complex of beta-catenin was maintained, while in colorectal carcinoma, the increased expression of beta-catenin, GSK3 beta, axin 1, and ubiquitin proteins indicated that the destruction complex of beta-catenin was disrupted.Objetivo: Avaliar o complexo de destruição da betacatenina no carcinoma colorretal e no adenoma do colo pela expressão das proteínas betacatenina, adenomatous polyposis coli, GSK3β, axina e ubiquitina. Métodos: Amostras de tecidos de 64 doentes com carcinoma colorretal e de 53 pacientes com adenoma do colo foram analisadas. Blocos de tecidos foram submetidos ao estudo imuno-histoquímico com anticorpos policlonais nos tecidos do carcinoma, mucosa não neoplásica adjacente e adenoma. A imunorreatividade foi avaliada pela porcentagem de positividade de células coradas e pela intensidade do grau de coloração das proteínas no citoplasma e no núcleo das células. Na análise estatística, foram utilizados o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, os testes t de Student, χ2, Mann-Whitney e de McNemar, e a análise de regressão logística univariada. Resultados: No carcinoma colorretal, as expressões da betacatenina e da adenomatous polyposis coli foram significativamente maiores do que em adenomas do colo (p<0,001 e p<0,0001, respectivamente). A imunorreatividade das proteínas GSK3β, axina 1 e ubiquitina foi significativamente maior (p=0,03, p=0,039 e p=0,03, respectivamente) no carcinoma colorretal do que no adenoma e na mucosa não neoplásica adjacente. A coloração imuno-histoquímica dessas proteínas não apresentou diferenças significantes em relação às características clinicopatológicas do câncer colorretal e do adenoma. Conclusões: Em adenomas, as menores expressões de betacatenina, axina 1 e GSK3β indicaram que o complexo de destruição da betacatenina estava conservado, enquanto que, no carcinoma colorretal, o aumento das expressões da betacatenina, GSK3β, 1 axina, e ubiquitina indicaram que o complexo de destruição de betacatenina estava alterado.Hosp Servidor Publ Estadual Francisco Morato de O, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFac Med ABC, Santo Andre, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc