21 research outputs found

    Product Validation in Creative Processes: A Gender Perspective in Industrial Design Projects

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    [EN] Design education and practice are continuously evolving. Educational institutions must include intellectual complexities and new curriculum to support good design education. The design education future emerges multidisciplinary knowledge, teaching innovation and employment necessities. This paper describes a methodology centered in product validation with industrial design students. Focusing on discovering the student experience during the project execution, in addition to observing closely the female design student's perception on the methodology and process developed. The academic project was the design of a novel tool board. The students developed the proposed project in a period of eight weeks. Sixteen students participated as a sample of this research. The methodology consisted of eight phases that spanned from project brief to project conclusion, introducing two phases focused on validation exercises for the elements created to reach the solution of the tool board. During the end of the two evaluation phases, two surveys were applied asking for information on his previous experience during his design education and three elements that assessment the design methodology implementation: utility, novelty, and relevance. Using multiple choice and Likert scale answers the students answered the surveys. The survey's findings revealed relevant information on the project implementation focused on evaluation phases during the product design. The results revealed how students reflected on their previous experience developing projects, and how the design tool board integrate important phases like validation. Also, the students evaluated with a positive value the utility, novelty, and relevance of the developed project. However, the most important finding was the female perception comparing male students. The female assessment of novelty and relevance increased during project implementation, highlighting novelty as a perceived element to a greater range than men. This research results allowed us to discover more information about female students experience with creative and validation processes.The authors would also like to acknowledge the financial support provided by the NOVUS grant ID: N20-158-41 (Validación científica como herramienta educativa en proyectos de carácter creativo), as well as the support of the Writing Lab and TecLabs at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, throughout the production of this work.Rojas, J.; Higuera-Trujillo, JL.; Muniz, G.; Marín-Morales, J. (2021). Product Validation in Creative Processes: A Gender Perspective in Industrial Design Projects. IEEE. 760-765. https://doi.org/10.1109/EDUCON46332.2021.9453948S76076

    An eye-tracking project in industrial design education: A case study for engaging in the research process

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    [EN] The practice of design is constantly evolving; new technologies have become a support for the implementation of disruptive proposals in diverse disciplines, including design products. A Paradigm shift are present in the design and engineering education related with support technologies and developing new products. The objective of this work is to present the novel process of a design project that incorporates a creative and objective process for designing and validating products in order to attract, engage and retain talent in design and engineering courses for research and technology implementation. The challenge was a project for create an novelty industrial tool board with a minimum number of tools validated by Eye-tracking (ET) technology. The ET technology is based on the study of eye movement, which provides an objective indicator of where a person's overt, and typically centered, attention is focused. Twenty-eight students from the third year of Industrial Design Bachelor's program were involved in this academic course and used a product design methodology to implement the technology and dynamics of the ET. The results of this education project revealed a novel dynamic in design education. The results reveled an improved interest in research and technology implementation. Students perceived the relevance of ET technology in a fundamental phase of product design. In addition, the students shared their enjoyment and interest in reusing this technology in similar processes. The students' perception of factors, such as utility, novelty and relevance of this technology, in their design processes was positive. Finally, the novel process became familiar to the students, even if it was their first-time using ET technology. This work reveals how technology becomes a fundamental part of the process and how to guide students to integrate rigid and meticulous processes in design products without neglecting the creative process.The authors would also like to acknowledge the financial support provided by the Novas grant (Laboratorio de disetio, exploracion y validacion de productos y cspacios), PEP No. PHHT002 18ZZ00041, as well as the support of the Writing Lab and TecLabs at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, throughout the production of this work.Márquez Cañizares, JC.; Rojas, J.; Higuera-Trujillo, JL.; Muniz, G. (2020). An eye-tracking project in industrial design education: A case study for engaging in the research process. IEEE. 127-132. https://doi.org/10.1109/EDUCON45650.2020.9125143S12713

    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Transmission Potential, Iran, 2020

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    To determine the transmission potential of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in Iran in 2020, we estimated the reproduction number as 4.4 (95% CI 3.9–4.9) by using a generalized growth model and 3.5 (95% CI 1.3–8.1) by using epidemic doubling time. The reproduction number decreased to 1.55 after social distancing interventions were implemented

    SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario, Canada, December 25, 2019, to December 1, 2020

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    Objective: This study aimed to investigate coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemiology in Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario, Canada. Methods: Using data through December 1, 2020, we estimated time-varying reproduction number, R t , using EpiEstim package in R, and calculated incidence rate ratios (IRR) across the 3 provinces. Results: In Ontario, 76% (92 745/121 745) of cases were in Toronto, Peel, York, Ottawa, and Durham; in Alberta, 82% (49 878/61 169) in Calgary and Edmonton; in British Columbia, 90% (31 142/34 699) in Fraser and Vancouver Coastal. Across 3 provinces, R t dropped to ≤ 1 after April. In Ontario, R t would remain \u3c 1 in April if congregate-setting-associated cases were excluded. Over summer, R t maintained \u3c 1 in Ontario, ~1 in British Columbia, and ~1 in Alberta, except early July when R t was \u3e 1. In all 3 provinces, R t was \u3e 1, reflecting surges in case count from September through November. Compared with British Columbia (684.2 cases per 100 000), Alberta (IRR = 2.0; 1399.3 cases per 100 000) and Ontario (IRR = 1.2; 835.8 cases per 100 000) had a higher cumulative case count per 100 000 population. Conclusions: Alberta and Ontario had a higher incidence rate than British Columbia, but R t trajectories were similar across all 3 provinces

    How efficacious is the combination of substitute bone graft with autogenous bone graft in comparison with substitute bone graft alone in the horizontal bone gain? A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    A systematic review (SR) was conducted to answer the following focused question based on PICO strategy: In patients who were submitted to horizontal guided bone regeneration, ?how efficacious is the combination of substitute bone graft with autogenous bo

    Memória: abordagem teórico-conceitual

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    In several spaces there are marks, records, objects that lead to reflective thoughts, reveal deep memories that can cherish the soul, scare away, distress the spirit, depending on the indelible and timeless reminiscences present in the human intellect. This is memory. This article raises the theoretical-conceptual and epistemological debate about memory, its constructor and even symbiotic relationship with the historical process. Undeniable the fruitfulness of this debate today, especially among historians, memorialists and archivists who examine the various material and immaterial sources of the most varied social subjects and their stays and productions in the historical course of their existences. This production takes place in the theoretical scope through the bibliographic consultation typologically descriptive with qualitative approach from secondary sources. The technique of conteudal analysis is that of sociohistórico discourse. As a result, some concepts and meanings are reworked from multiple theories and epistemologies in the semantic field of the word memory in different historical contexts.Em vários espaços encontram-se marcas, registros, objetos que levam a reflexivos pensamentos, revelam lembranças profundas que podem acalentar a alma, afugentar, angustiar o espírito, dependendo das reminiscências indeléveis e atemporais presentes no intelecto humano. Isto é memória. Este artigo suscita o debate teórico-conceitual e epistemológico sobre memória, sua relação construtora e até simbiótica com o processo histórico. Inegável a fecundidade desse debate hodiernamente, sobretudo entre historiadores, memorialistas e arquivistas que examinam as diversas fontes materiais e imateriais dos mais variados sujeitos sociais e suas estadas e produções no percurso histórico de suas existências. Esta produção se dá no âmbito teórico através da consulta bibliográfica tipologicamente descritiva com abordagem qualitativa a partir de fontes secundárias. A técnica de análise conteudal é a do discurso sociohistórico. Como resultado apresenta-se alguns conceitos e significados reelaborados a partir de teorias e epistemologias múltiplas no campo semântico do vocábulo memória em diferentes contextos históricos

    Interview with Gerardo Muniz, April 2009

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    These oral histories were conducted in the Spring 2009 semester of the Mexican American Culture (BBL 3023) course taught by Dr. Marie Miranda. The course is a survey of Mexican American cultural distinctiveness in the areas of biculturalism, cultural production, and social organization. This offering of the course examined Chicana/o popular culture focusing on rock ‘n’ roll

    Exploring Social Media Network Connections to Assist During Public Health Emergency Response: A Retrospective Case-Study of Hurricane Matthew and Twitter Users in Georgia, USA

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    Objective: To assist communities who suffered from hurricane-inflicted damages, emergency responders may monitor social media messages. We present a case-study using the event of Hurricane Matthew to analyze the results of an imputation method for the location of Twitter users who follow school and school districts in Georgia, USA. Methods: Tweets related to Hurricane Matthew were analyzed by content analysis with latent Dirichlet allocation models and sentiment analysis to identify needs and sentiment changes over time. A hurdle regression model was applied to study the association between retweet frequency and content analysis topics. Results: Users residing in counties affected by Hurricane Matthew posted tweets related to preparedness (n = 171; 16%), awareness (n = 407; 38%), call-for-action or help (n = 206; 19%), and evacuations (n = 93; 9%), with mostly a negative sentiment during the preparedness and response phase. Tweets posted in the hurricane path during the preparedness and response phase were less likely to be retweeted than those outside the path (adjusted odds ratio: 0.95; 95% confidence interval: 0.75, 1.19). Conclusions: Social media data can be used to detect and evaluate damages of communities affected by natural disasters and identify users’ needs in at-risk areas before the event takes place to aid during the preparedness phases