1,483 research outputs found

    Effect of peripheral blood lymphocyte activation on cyclosporine A mediated inhibition of IL-2 production

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    Cyclosporine A (CsA) is a potent immunosuppressive drug and to make it efficient, effective concentration of CsA is necessary to produce adequate immunosuppression and minimum side effects. In this study, we have tested the hypothesis that "activated T lymphocytes are less sensitive to CsA". We have compared the inhibitory effect of CsA on IL-2 production of activated human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) and naive PBLs, as well as before and after haemodialysis. Results: in vitro PHA preactivation of T cells shifted the inhibitory dose response curves to the right and significantly increased the IC50 (concentration causing 50% inhibition of IL-2 production) of CsA, (p 0.05). In contrast the IC50 was significantly higher after haemodialysis, (99 ng/ml vs 50 ng/ml, p < 0.05). Using CTLL-2 cells as detector of IL-2, the post-haemodialysis IC50 was significantly higher than the pre-haemodialysis IC50, (99 ng/ml vs 56 ng/ml, p < 0.05). Even after in vitro PHA prestimulation of PBLs, the IC50 was much higher post- than pre haemodialysis (721 ng/ml vs 283 ng/ml, p < 0.05). Flow cytometry analysis of intracellular IL-2 showed that CsA reduction of the frequency of IL-2 producing human T cells was significantly less post- than pre-haemodialysis at 100 ng/ml CsA, (36.6% and 48.5% respectively, p < 0.05). Similarly, CsA inhibition of intracellular IL-2 production in T cells was much less post- than pre-haemodialysis at 100 ng/ml CsA, (37.6% and 54.3% respectively, p < 0.05). Measurement of IL-2 concentration in cell culture supernatants by ELISA also showed less CsA inhibition of IL-2 production at 100 ng/ml after haemodialysis by comparison with predialysis, (64.6% and 77.8% respectively, p< 0.05)

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation (Gi) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 49 Tameran Kecamatan Bengkalis Kabupaten Bengkalis

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    The problem of this research is the weaknees of student's learning result of sains subject. It show from 24 student's, 14 students (58,33%) have lower score, and it only 10 student's (41,66%) have average score 63. The KKM of this school is 70. According to that problem, the research by implementing cooperative learning model type group investigation. In cycle I, the percentage of teachers activity in first meeting is adguate 58,33%. In second meeting, teachers activity significatly increased to 66,66% with good category. In cycle 2, firts meeting was a very good category 83,33% and second meeting indicated a very good category 91,66%. Meanwhile, the activityof student's also imvroved. In cycle I indicated 54,16% in adequatecategory and in cycle 2 has increased up to 62,50% with good category. In cyle 2, first meeting, the activity of student's has been increasing to 75% with goog category and second meeting indicated very good category 87,50%. An average score of student's 63 it increased to 70,83 in cycle I, and 76,25 in cycle 2. In classical completeness, cycle 1 and cycle 2 achieved. In conclussion, implementatation cooperative learning model group investigation teacin can improve student's learning result of five grade students of SD Negeri 49 Tameran Kecamatan Bengkalis Kabupaten Bengkalis in sains subject

    Characterization of Polyhydroxyalkanoates Produced by Contaminated Soil Bacteria using Wastewater and Glucose as Carbon Sources

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    Purpose: To isolate polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA)-producing bacterial strains from contaminated soil using industrial wastewater and glucose as carbon soured by Macrogen sequencing. Two different sources, namely, glucose and wastewater were used to ces.Methods: The strains were isolated and identified as Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Enterobacter, Exiguobacterium and Stenotrophomonas using biochemical tests and further confirmevaluate and  compare the use of wastewater as a carbon source for PHA production. The biomass obtained was analyzed by Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) to identify the presence of PHA in it. Afterwards, PHA extraction was carried out and then gas chromatography (GC) performed to identify PHA monomers.Results: Utilization of glucose resulted in the production of PHB, while wastewater yielded copolymers poly-3 hydroxybutyrate-co-3hydroxyvalerate P(3HB-co-3HV) due to its content of volatile fatty acids such as acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid, which led to the production of different types of polymers. The maximum PHA production was 41 ± 0.22 % obtained for Stenotrophomonas (SM03) using 2 % glucose as carbon source while for wastewater, maximum production was achieved by the Pseudomonas strain (SM01).Conclusion: Wastewater is produced in large quantities daily during various activities and therefore can be used as a cheap carbon source for the production of valuable products such as PHA.Keywords: Polyhydroxyalkanoates, Wastewater, Glucose, Pseudomonas strain, Stenotrophomona

    Radiator for Wireless Charging Application Based on Electromagnetic Coupling Resonant

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    This paper presents the design and characterizationof radiator for wireless charging application. The radiator isdesigned based on electromagnetic coupling resonant using amicrostrip patch in spiral shape to work at operating frequencyaround 10MHz with the dimension of patch deployment of 50mm× 60mm. The design process includes characterizations of variedpatch length and of gap separation between 2 stacked radiators toachieve the optimum performance. After obtaining the optimumdesign, the radiator is deployed on a side of FR4 Epoxy dielectricsubstrate with the thickness of 0.8mm, whilst the other sideis applied for a groundplane. The realized radiator is thenmeasured experimentally to obtain its characteristic responsesto be compared with the design results. From numerical characterization,the radiator works at operating frequency of 10MHzwith S11 value of -29.79dB and S21 value of -1.62dB. Whilstfrom experimental characterization, the operating frequency offabricated radiator is 9.21MHz with values of S11 and S21 of-20.22dB and -2.72dB, respectively

    Ligninolytic Activity of Fungi Isolated from Empty Fruit Bunch of Oil Palm (Elaesis guineensis Jacq.)

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    Lignin is a natural polymer and plays an important role as a compound of plant cell wall constituent. A study about the degradation of lignin in the environment has been receiving considerable attention because the complex structure and difficult to be degraded compared to the degradation of others plant cell wall constituent. A study to determine the activity of the ligninolytic enzyme (lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase and laccase) of fungi isolated from oil palm empty fruit bunch. This study has been done with a screening of ligninolytic activity using potato dextrose agar supplemented with tannic acid (0,1%), showed that two out of five fungal isolates have ligninolytic activity. The highest activity of lignin peroxidase was produced by SN2 isolatesi.e. 9.677U ml-1, whereas the highest activity of manganese peroxidase and laccase was produced by SN3isolates i.e.1.942 U ml-1 and 1.846 U m-1 respectively

    Praktek Quran-based Human Resource Management Di Perbankan Syariah Berdasarkan Karakteristik Biografis

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    The purpose of this study was to describe Quran-based human resource management practices in Islamicbanking according to biographical characteristics. Total respondents in this study were 52 people. Biographicalcharacteristics of respondents analyzed in this study included age, gender, marital status, number ofchildren, period of employment, and education. Data analyses used were analysis of variance (ANOVA) andIndependent sample t-test. The results of this study indicated that Quran-based human resource managementpractices had been properly implemented and not distinct according to biographical characteristics

    Isolasi Dan Uji Potensi Bakteri Tanah Pertanian Berastagi Sumatera Utara Dalam Mendegradasi Fungisida Antracol Berbahan Aktif Propineb

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    Isolation and potential Berastagi agricultural soil bacteria, North Sumatra in degrading propineb-based antracol fungicide has been conducted. The isolated bacteria were grown on Bushnell Hass Broth (BHB) containing 2% of propineb-based antracol fungicide with propineb as the active compound. The cultures have been grown on shaking incubator at 150 rpm for 21 days. The media BHB containing 2% of propineb-based antracol fungicide without bacteria was used as a control. The parameters observed were the growth bacterial, biosurfactant activity, biosurfactant concentration and the residues of propineb which were observed on day 0th, 7th, 14th and 21th. A total of sixteen bacterial isolates were isolated using selective media Bushnel Hass Agar (BHA) containing 2% propineb-based antracol fungicide​​. Two bacterial isolates which were CBA 02 and JBA 04 were selected for further test to determine their ability to degrade propineb. JBA 04 showed much higher ability in reducing propineb concentration up to 60.86%, while CBA 02 was only 5.59% than that of control

    The Effect of Relationship Marketing and Brand Image on Customer Loyalty (Case of Astinet Business Customer PT Telkom Witel Makassar)

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    Marketing is an activity that can penetrate space and time. This study aims to determine to know the influence of Relationship Marketing and Brand Image Against Customer Loyalty at PT Telkom Witel Makassar. This type of research is causal (causal relationship research), which is trying to find the relationship of influence between relationship marketing and brand image with customer satisfaction and loyalty ASTINet users. The results showed that Relationship marketing and Brand image have positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction. Relationship marketing and Brand image also show a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction customer loyalty. Likewise with customer satisfaction that menunukkan positive and significant influence on customer loyalty. &nbsp;Keywords: Relationship marketing, Brand image, customer satisfaction, customer loyalt

    Evaluation of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Potential of Two Endangered Plant Species Atropa belladonna and Matricaria chamomilla

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    Background: Plants are the natural source of antioxidants as well as antimicrobial compounds that has great potentials in pharmaceuticalindustry. In the present study, two medicinal plants Atropa belladonna and Matricaria chamomilla were collected from Northern areas ofPakistan.Materials and Methods: The extracts of the collected plants were obtained by microwave assisted extraction (MAE) with changing parameters, power level and time; methanol and ethanol were solvents used during  extraction. The extracts of plants were tested against different bacterialstrains.Results: It was observed that ethanolic extracts of Atropa belladonna has more significant antimicrobial activity against S.aureus than E.coli. Inparallel, methanolic extract of Matricaria chamomilla showed greater significant antibacterial activity against S.aureus when compared withE.coli. In comparison, ethanolic extracts of Matricaria chamomilla has shown more significant results against S. aureus than E.coli (p.0.05).Both plants had no antibacterial activity against S.typhi. The free radical scavenging activity observed by DPPH assay, indicate that both plantshave antioxidant activity at all levels of concentrations in solvent tested during the present work. However, methanolic extracts had greaterantioxidant activity when compared with ethanolic extracts.Conclusion: Present study is thus helpful in highlighting present potentials for antioxidant and antimicrobial properties in the selected plants.Key words: Antimicrobial, antioxidant, Atropa belladonna, Matricaria chamomill