105 research outputs found

    OSRR-based BPF with Square Groundplane Window

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    In this paper, a bandpass filter (BPF) composedof open split-ring resonator (OSRR) structure with squaregroundplane windows underneath the structure is investigatednumerically and experimentally. Square groundplane windowsare proposed to enhance the property of OSRR-based BPF inovercoming the passband bandwidth response. The designed BPFis constructed of 3 cascaded OSRRs connected with microstriplines. Some parametrical study to obtain the optimum bandwidthresponse is carried out by changing the dimension of squaregroundplane window in the design process. The filter is thendeployed on a 0.8mm thick FR4 Epoxy dielectric substrate withthe dimension of 60mm in length and 20mm in width. Fromthe experimental characterization, the realized OSRR-based BPFwith the dimension of each square groundplane window of 12mm× 12mm shows the bandwidth response of 0.81GHz ranges from1.75GHz 2.56GHz which is comparable with the numerical one

    3D-FDTD Method for Analysis of Rectangular Waveguide Loaded with Anisotropic Dielectric Material

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    One of the most popular techniques to solve electromagneticproblems numerically is using finite-difference timedomain(FDTD) method. The method has been successfullyapplied to an extremely wide variety of electromagnetic problems.The essential reason resides in the fact that the FDTD methoditself is extremely simple even for analyzing in a three-dimensional(3D) system. In this paper, the analysis of resonant frequencyfor a rectangular waveguide which is loaded with anisotropicdielectric material is numerically investigated based on 3D-FDTDmethod. The wave equations and modes that appear in thewaveguide are analyzed theoretically in which the results areapplied to validate the numerical result obtained from 3D-FDTDmethod. For comparison, an empty rectangular waveguide anda rectangular waveguide fully loaded with isotropic dielectricmaterial are also analyzed both theoretically and numerically.From the result, it shows that a good agreement has been achievedbetween theoretical calculation and 3D-FDTD numerical resultswith their discrepancies of 0.26–2.32%

    Characterization of Capacitor-based Reconfigurable Frequency Selective Surfaces

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    In this paper, the characterization of reconfigurablefrequency selective surfaces (FSS) based on capacitoris numerically investigated. The capacitor is applied to controlthe characteristic response, i.e. reflectivity, of FSS. A simplerectangular patch with the total length of 130mm and thewidth of 0.6mm which has 2 resonant frequencies at 2.4GHzand 4GHz is used as basis of reconfigurable FSS construction.The investigation is conducted by varying the patch shape andthe capacitance value. The relationship of patch shape and thepresence of capacitor to the characteristic response of FSS isanalyzed, first, by proposing the initial construction which isdivided into 2 identical parts. Secondly, the variation of up andbottom width of patch without modifying the center side, so theconstruction becomes a bow-tie shape, is carried out. In the last, acapacitor is applied in the middle of patch to obtain the variationof characteristic response. From the characterization result, itshows that the higher capacitance value affects to the reflectivityof lower frequency response

    Self Oscillating Mixer with Dielectric Resonator for Low Noise Block Application

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    In this paper, the development of a self oscillating mixer (SOM) as part of a low noise block (LNB) for a satellite television receiver is investigated numerically and experimentally. In contrast to other mixers, the developed SOM requires no separate local oscillator as it generates own local oscillator signal. The SOM is developed using a monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) comprised of two bipolar transistors coupled as a Darlington pair and a dielectric resonator to establish a local oscillator signal. The SOM is designed to oscillate at 3.62GHz driven from 50W signal generator. The prototype of SOM is fabricated on a dielectric substrate of glass-reinforced hydrocarbon/ceramic lamination (RO4350B) board which has a thickness of 0.762mm and relative permittivity of 3.66. The prototype is then characterized experimentally and exhibits a conversion gain of 8dB with the input and output voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) less than 2 across the 2520MHz to 2670MHz operating frequency band

    Compact Circularly Spiral Planar Inverted-F Antenna for Medical Implant Application

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    A combination technique to reduce the physicaldimension of device to be more compact is proposed in this paperto design an antenna for medical implant application. Two designtechniques, i.e. planar inverted-F and geometry modification, arecombined and implemented to construct a compact circularlyspiral planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) to operate aroundfrequency of 920MHz. The antenna is deployed on an FR4Epoxy dielectric substrate with the thickness of 0.8mm. Before thehardware realization, the parameters of antenna including reflectioncoefficient, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), gain, andradiation pattern as well as its physical dimension are investigatednumerically to obtain the optimum performance design. Fromexperimental characterization, it shows that the realized antennain circular shape which has the diameter of 18mm resonatesat frequency of 911MHz with measured bandwidth and gain of20MHz and -29.82dBi, respectively


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    This paper elaborates on the application of the Safinda method in learning the translation of al-Quran for students at IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua. This type is qualitative research, the research approach is a phenomenological perspective and a descriptive analysis approach, and data sources are primary data and secondary data, data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The research instrument, namely, the researcher as a key instrument, observation guide, interview guide and documentation reference, data processing and analysis techniques namely data reduction, data presentation, conclusion and verification, data validity testing, namely triangulation techniques, checking the correctness of the information, discussing and consulting data, and extending research time. The results of the study found that the application of the Safinda method in learning the translation of al-Quran to students at IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua was carried out by (a) paying attention to class management which included classroom arrangement and student management before entering preliminary activities; (b) in the introductory activity, the lecturer starts learning effectively and pleasantly by providing motivation to students; (c) the core activities are carried out through reading activities, aural-oral activities, and memorizing activities are all carried out classically and individually, namely the lecturer reads word for word followed by students, lecturers and students read word for word, students read word for word, the lecturer interprets it, the students interpret all the verses that have been read together, the students read one by one, then the lecturer gives the opportunity to students who do not understand to ask questions, and finally the lecturer explains all the verses that have been studied together.

    Single Stage RF Amplifier with High Gain for 2.4GHz Receiver Front-Ends

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    The paper deals with the numerical and experimental development of single stage radio frequency (RF) amplifier with high gain for 2.4GHz receiver front-ends. The work is motivated by the increasing demand of high-gain receiver amplifier in low-cost especially for wireless local area network (WLAN) application. Prior hardware realization and experimental characterization, the proposed amplifier which uses a single RF transistor of BFP420 type is numerically designed using ADS® software to satisfy the required specification. To obtain the impedance matching at ports of amplifier, microstrip lines are employed at the input and output ports. The prototype of amplifier is realized by use of a dielectric substrate of glass-reinforced epoxy lamination (FR4) board which has thickness of 0.762mm and relative permittivity of 4.3. The prototype is then experimentally characterized and demonstrates the gain of 13.35dB at frequency of 2.4GHz with the noise figure of 3.33dB, the input and output voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) of 2.08 and 2.55, respectively

    High Gain Single Stage Amplifier with Wideband Characteristic for Wireless Communication

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    AbstractAs one of famous wireless telecommunication applications, cellular communication has been widely used around the world as a mean of wireless communication. Recently, it is common to find people who use mobile phones which support for 2G, 3G, and even Wi-Fi applications, so there is a need to develop some devices such as antenna, filter, and signal processor and amplifier in particular to provide all those applications. In this paper, the design of single stage amplifier which has high gain and wideband characteristics is proposed as the focus of research. The amplifier which is designed based on a BFP420 transistor type employs microstrip lines as the impedance matching circuit both at input and output ports. To obtain the desired characteristic response, some design parameters such as bandwidth response, gain, noise figure, and voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) are used as performance indicator of the proposed amplifier. It is found that the impedance matching circuit plays an important role required to achieve the objective of design. From the result, it is shown that the proposed amplifier has 18dB gain for 1.4GHz bandwidth response ranges from 1.25GHz to 2.65GHz with the maximum gain occurs at 2.1GHz around 20dB