57 research outputs found


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    Land conversion causes competition in land use, and thus it is necessary to select leading commodities based on agro ecological zoning (AEZ). This study aimed to determine the leading commodities of food crops in Bantul Regency agro ecological zone. This study was conducted on March 2015. The data used was time series data of food crops harvested between 2008-2012 and agricultural commodities zone maps year 2013 based on AEZ with scale 1:50.000 obtained from the Statistics of Indonesia, Agriculture and Forestry Office, and AIAT. Commodities with comparative advantages were analysed by Location Quotient (LQ) while commodities with competitive advantages were analysed by Shift Share Analysis (SSA). Leading food crops commodities were determined through an overlay process using the ArcGIS software covering analysis results of LQ, SSA and agricultural commodities zone maps based on AEZ with scale 1:50.000. The result showed that the wetland paddy is a leading commodity in the study area. Based on comparative and competitive advantages, and compatibility with agricultural commodities zone based on AEZ, wetland paddy is the most leading commodity compared to corn, soybeans and peanuts. It is because of the distribution of this commodity in 10 districts (Sanden, Kretek, Pundong, Bambanglipuro, Pandak, Bantul, Jetis, Banguntapan, Kasihan, and Sedayu) with total area of 11,667 ha or 39.4% of agricultural land in Bantul Regenc

    Faktor Penentu Pemanfaatan Sertifikat Redistribusi Tanah untuk Mengakses Modal: Studi Kasus Kabupaten Pasaman Barat: Factors that Affect the Use of Land Redistribution Certificates for Accessing Loan: A case study of West Pasaman Regency

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    West Pasaman Regency has implemented land redistribution to rearrange land tenure, land ownership, land use, and utilization of land. Land redistribution certificates can be used as collateral. The number of redistribution certificates in 2009 until 2018 complemented with mortgage rights was 871 (7,79%). This study aims to determine the factors that affect the use of certificates as collateral for accessing loan. The methods of analysis used was quantitative with surveys and data analysis technique used was logistic regression. The logistic regression resulted several significant factors influencing the use of certificates for collateral including the number of family members, expenditures and land area. Household expenditure and land area had a positive influence, meanwhile the number of family members had a negative effect. Household welfare is an essential factor affecting the likelihood for collateral of land certificates

    Pola Sebaran Spasial Stunting di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan dengan Pendekatan Autokorelasi Spasial

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    Stunting is a condition in toddlers who experience failure to thrive due to chronic malnutrition which causes children to be shorter than their cohort. The Indonesian Ministry of Health's Basic Health Research in 2018 reported that the prevalence of stunting in the South Lampung Regency was above the WHO standard of 20%, although it decreased from 43.01% in 2013 to 29.08% in 2018. This study aims to identify spatial distribution pattern of stunting prevalence in the South Lampung Regency. The methods included Moran's Index, Moran's Scatterplot, Local Indicator of Spatial Association (LISA) and correlation analysis. The results showed that there was a spatial autocorrelation to the prevalence of stunting in South Lampung Regency with the spatial distribution pattern being clustered. The grouping of areas in the high-high (HH) cluster is mostly located in villages in Kalianda District with one of the contributing factors being the joint use of water from inappropriate sources. Clean water provision is expected to reduce stunting prevalence in the South Lampung Regency

    Spatial Autocorrelation on Public Facility Availability Index with Neighborhoods Weight Difference

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    Abstract. The level of regional development  is marked by high availability of public facilities, such as  education, health, economic, social facilities and their accessibility. A higher of index of public facility availability means a region can support human activities well, including the economic sector. Spatial patterns  of  public facility availability in Cianjur Regency were  analized by global and local spatial autocorrelation  based on the Moran's index and the local indicator spatial association (LISA) index, respectively. A spatial weighted matrix (wij) for Moran'I and LISA  calculated based on nearest neighbor, neighbor boundary length and neighbor distance. The result showed that differences in the spatial weighted matrix of Moran's  index does not affect the spatial pattern but they do affect the Moran's I values for nearest neighbor, neighbor boundary length and neighbor distance, at 0.30; 0.22 and 0.33, respectively. Differences in the spatial weighted matrix of LISA index showed that 97% of districts have the same scatter plot and only 3% of districts have different scatter plot. The spatial pattern type of public facility evailability in Cianjur Regency is cluster where  the nothern Cianjur cluster is in HH category and the central-southern Cianjur cluster is in the LL category.Keywords. LISA index, Moran's index, spatial pattern, spatial weighted matrix.Abstrak. Tingkat perkembangan wilayah ditandai dengan ketersediaan fasilitas umum yang tinggi seperti fasilitas pendidikan, kesehatan, ekonomi sosial dan aksessibilitas. Indeks ketersediaan fasilitas umum yang tinggi dapat mendorong aktivitas manusia yang baik, termasuk dalam sektor ekonomi. Pola spasial dari indeks ketersediaan fasilitas umum di Kabupaten Cianjur dianalisis dengan global dan local spasisl autokorelasi yang dihitung masing-masing berdasarkan pada Indeks Moran dan indeks LISA (local indicator spatial association). Bobot spasial yang digunakan dalam perhitungan global dan lokal spasial autokorelasi adalah nearest neighbor,  neighbor boundary length and neighbor distance. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan bobot spatial pada global spatial autocorrelation tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap pola spasial tetapi berpengaruh pada nilai Moran Index yaitu 0.30; 0.22 and 0.33 masing-masing untuk nearest neighbor, neighbor boundary length dan neighbor distance. Perbedaan bobot spasial di local autokorelasi menunjukkan bahwa 97% kecamatan di Kabupaten Cianjur memiliki scatter plot yang sama dan hanya 3% kecamatan memiliki scatter plot yang berbeda. Pola spasial ketersediaan fasilitas umum di Kabupaten Cianjur adalah kluster dimana kluster Cianjur Utara dengan kategori HH dan kluster Cianjur Tengah-Selatan dengan kategori LL.  Kata kunci. Indeks LISA, indeks Moran, pola spasial, bobot spasia

    Development of the national priority rural area of Pandeglang Banten

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    Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province, is one of the regions on the island of Java that has great economic potential from a geographical perspective in the fisheries, agriculture, and tourism sectors to support the development and the economy in the area. However, since the tsunami hit this area in 2018, plus the non-natural catastrophe at the beginning of 2020, namely Covid-19, it has paralyzed the joints of the economy, which has an impact on hindering development in Pandeglang Regency. The purpose of this research is to discover the development of the Pandeglang rural area after the establishment of village funds and natural and non-natural disasters, to find out which locations are recommended and what steps are taken to accelerate economic recovery. This study uses analysis techniques of tabular and spatial data time series, descriptive analysis of tabular and spatial data comparisons, spatial pattern analysis using Moran's index value, and LISA method analysis. Based on the study results, three villages were recommended as centers for KPPNs, namely Teluk Village, Caring Village, and Sukacai Village. Based on the analysis results, Teluk Village and Caringin Village are villages affected by the tsunami, and Sukacai Village is a difficult village to develop in the 2015-2021 range

    Peran Administrasi Pertanahan dalam Pengendalian Pemanfaatan Kawasan Pertanian Lahan Basah Kabupaten Bogor: The Role of Land Administration in Controlling the Utilization of Wetland Agricultural Areas in Bogor Regency

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    The area of irrigated rice fields during 2017-2018 has decreased by 19.84% in Indonesia and 30.10% in Bogor Regency. Wetland agricultural area of Bogor Regency Spatial Plan (RTRW) is intended for wetland food crops (lowland rice) which are cultivated intensively because their potential to provide an irrigation system thus urge to be protected. In certain conditions, land registration has impact on the conversion of agricultural land. This study aims to examine the relationship between land administration and the conversion of agricultural land. Interpretation of Google Earth imagery and field checks are methods for inventories of constructed land. The relationship between the variable y (built-up area) and the variable x (land administration) is modeled by Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). Literature study of land administration regulations was carried out to understand the modeling results with the realities that occur in the field. The dynamics of land administration are greatest in the northern part of Central WP Bogor Regency, in the suburbs of South Tangerang City, and Depok City. The modeling produces a global value of R2 0.72 and local R2 0.44 to 0.86, meaning that land administration has the opportunity to become an instrument of control, by tightening the service requirements specified in the Regulation of the Head of the National Land Agency RI No. 1 Tahun 2010

    Pengembangan Wisata Bahari di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Pulo Aceh, Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    Pulo Aceh is an island district in Aceh Besar District, which is located at the western tip of the island of Sumatra. Pulo Aceh District has marine tourism potential that has not been fully developed. The main objective of this research is to plan the development of coastal areas based on the concept of marine tourism in order to formulate directions for the development of marine tourism in the coastal area of Pulo Aceh District. The method used is the survey method and descriptive analysis to analyze the suitability of marine tourism, the carrying capacity of the area and the level of community willingness, by collecting data through spatial approaches and interviews. The results of the analysis show that there are 6 villages that can be developed as snorkeling and diving tourism destinations in the coastal area of Pulo Aceh District with a high level of community willingness. Development is based on descriptive analysis, with the following priority directions: (1) maximizing the development of potential, carrying capacity and community participation to make marine tourism management sustainable; (2) formulate and implement policies for spatial use regulations based on resource potential by involving local communities in monitoring marine tourism activities; (3) improve facilities and infrastructure as well as supporting facilities for the development of marine tourism


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    Konversi lahan pertanian di Kabupaten Bantul tinggi, produktivitas dan luas panen tanaman pangan cenderung mengalami penurunan, sehingga perlu diidentifikasi strategi pembangunannya yang sesuai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman pembangunan pertanian, dan (2) menyusun strategi pembangunan pertanian di Kabupaten Bantul. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juli-Agustus tahun 2015. Faktor kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman dianalisis secara deskriptif. Penyusunan strategi pembangunan pertanian menggunakan pendekatan A’WOT. A’WOT merupakan penggabungan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dengan metode Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT). Hasil penelitianmemperlihatkan bahwa faktor yang menjadi kekuatan utama dalam pembangunan pertanian adalah aksesibilitas dan infrastruktur yang baik, kelemahan utamanya adalah posisi tawar petani rendah, peluang utamanya adalah frekuensi penyuluhan yang tinggi, dan ancaman utamanya adalah harga input produksi meningkat. Prioritas utama strategi pembangunan pertanian di Kabupaten Bantul adalah dengan membudidayakan komoditas unggulan, yaitu padi sawah, jagung, kedelai, kacang tanah dan meningkatkan kapasitas dan frekuensi penyuluhan dengan melibatkan kelompok tani.ABSTRACTAgricultural Development Strategy with A’WOT Approach in Bantul District. Agricultural land conversion in Bantul District is high, while crops productivity and harvested area tend to decrease; therefore it is necessary to identify appropriate development strategies. The purposes of this study were (1) to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of agricultural development and (2) to generate agricultural development strategy in Bantul District. The study was conducted in Bantul District from July to August 2015. Factors of strengths,weaknesses, opportunities and threats were analyzed descriptively. The strategy formulation for agricultural development used A'WOT approach. A'WOT is an incorporation between Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT). The result revealed that in agricultural development the main factors of strengths were accessibility and good infrastructure whereas the main weakness was low bargaining positionof farmers. Meanwhile the main opportunity was a high frequency of farming extension whilst the main threat was the increasing of inputs price. The main priority of agricultural development strategy in Bantul was by cultivating leading commodities namely wetland paddy, corn, soybean, peanut, and increasing the capacity and frequency of extension by involving farmer groups


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    Pemetaan kadastral atau pemetaan berbasis kepemilikkan lahan telah diamanatkan oleh Pemerintah yang tertuang dalam Keputusan Presiden RI Nomor 34 Tahun 2003 tentang Kebijakan Nasional di Bidang Pertanahan yaitu pada Pasal 1 ayat 3. Namun kebijakan ini belum terrealisasi secara nasional. Kantor Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB), Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat telah melakukan pemetaan lahan berbasis kepemilikan lahan, yaitu peta persil lahan tambak di Delta Cipunagara yang dilakukan secara terestris. Di sisi lain, telah banyak tersedia data penginderaan jauh resolusi tinggi seperti Citra Quick Bird yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk tujuan yang sama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari manfaat Citra Quick Bird untuk verifikasi peta persil lahan tambak. Hasil verifikasi menunjukkan bahwa (1) terdapat perbedaan bentuk Delta Cipunagara yang bersumber dari PBB dan Citra Quick Bird; (2) persil tambak yang dibatasi dengan ”galengan” saja mudah diidentifikasi dari Citra Quick Bird; (3) terdapat perbedaan posisi blok dan persil tambak antara Peta Persil dari Kantor PBB dan Citra Quick Bird; dan (4) terdapat pergeseran posisi persil tambak antara peta yang bersumber dari Kantor PBB dengan Citra Quick Bird, berkisar (1.5-57.2) m, dengan rata-rata 19.9 m. Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa luas persil yang bersumber dari Kantor PBB memiliki kesesuaian yang tinggi dengan luas persil hasil pengukuran lapang (R2=93.0%). Demikian juga untuk luas persil dari Citra Quick Bird memiliki kesesuaian yang tinggi dengan luas persil dari Kantor PBB (R2=94.3%). Namun tingkat kesesuaian antara luas persil dari Citra Quick Bird dan pengukuran lapang relatif lebih rendah (R2 = 63.2%)
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