1,495 research outputs found

    The morals of extermination

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    Collage music : the development of a language of studio composition

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/573 on 03.01.2017 by CS (TIS). Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/2630 on 28.02.2017 by CS (TIS)This is a digitised version of a thesis that was deposited in the University Library. If you are the author please contact PEARL Admin ([email protected]) to discuss options.This thesis is intended to amplify, support and provide historical and aesthetic contexts for the concerns which I have explored and developed in my creative practice as a composer. It is accompanied by three audio CDs containing six compositions which map the development of my language of studio music, together with a further two CDs containing earlier compositions and a sixth CD containing a musical reference compilation which supports the text. The thesis is divided into the following six sections: Introduction "a brief account of my background as a composer including a summary of the composition portfolios of my previous degrees, going on to discuss my first composition for this project, The Book (1999), which is submitted not as a portfolio piece but for reference only (CD 4) "a description of the subsequent ten compositions, only one of which is submitted, Summer Nights Dream (2001), which again is intended for reference only (CD 5) " the listing of a number of influential collage pieces according to the categorisation superimposition or juxtaposition which prefaces the history of collage music outlined in the next chapter. I Collage Music: History, Context and Influence "a positioning of collage music in both historical and cultural contexts; examples are drawn from both popular and classical musics including examples of contemporary studio-based music, in effect proposing a genre-crossing history of collage music which is currently undocumented " an examination of the ways in which the structure, pace and content in my studio music have been informed by comedy. This chapter is intended to be read in conjunction with the musical reference CD (6). 2 Composition and Computers: The Landscape of Studio Music " an exploration the various ways in which music technology has been an influence on the development of my compositional language "a brief survey of the field of algorithmic composition and a description of a suite of computer programs I designed in order to generate musical material "a discussion of a system of calculating modes which I devised in conjunction with these programs " an account of `large-scale phasing' including an examination of historical precedents in both the classical and popular music traditions for using this kind of generative system " an exploration of the notion of musical landscape as a means of pointing up a significant development in my approach to composition. 3 The Portfolio of Compositions: An Overview "a discussion of the development of my language of composition throughout the pieces in the portfolio "a grouping of my work into four approaches to form: generative landscape, episodic, rondo and fantasia " an examination of structure and gesture in my pieces. 4 Carnival of Light: An Account of my Compositional Process "a detailed account of the composition of one of the pieces in my portfolio in which I show how I have been inspired by texts, paintings, photographs and music in the creation of each section of my piece, hoping also to illuminate the thinking processes involved. Conclusion " an attempt to bring together the themes of each of the preceding sections, and to summarise the contribution I have made to the fields of studio composition and collage music " the introduction of the notion of altitude as a means of establishing a distinction between collage and non-collage music "a discussion of the issue of quotation in collage and a consideration of the relevance of collage music in contemporary culture.Dartington College of Art

    Inovatyvios lyderystės vaidmuo žinių valdymo ir inovacijų kūrimo procesuose šiuolaikinėje organizacijoje

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    The ability to create innovations is one of the most important sources of a competitive advantage forevery modern organization, region, and state. In today’s context as a particularly significant problem arises the issue of the role of leaders in organizing effective knowledge management and innovation processes. Although the topic of leadership was analyzed quite extensively in the second half of the 20th century, in the 21st century, it is recognized that organizations of this age need a new quality of leadership, as the organizations themselves and their environments are undergoing profound changes. This paper analyzes the changing approaches to leadership and its role in a modern organization, focusing on the concept of innovative leadership and its peculiarities in order to identify the components of this phenomenon and their links to knowledge management and innovation processes. After analyzing significant aspects of this topic, identified were the relationships between innovative leadership, knowledge management, and innovation performance, as well as an integral theoretical model of innovative leadership, knowledge management, and innovation performance for driving continuous innovation performance has been developed.Gebėjimas kurti inovacijas yra vienas svarbiausių kiekvienos šiuolaikinės organizacijos konkurencinio pranašumo šaltinis. Šiandienos aktualijų kontekste iškyla ypač reikšminga problema - lyderių vaidmuo, organizuojant efektyvius žinių vadybos bei inovacijų kūrimo procesus. Nors lyderystės tema buvo analizuojama gana plačiai XX a. antroje pusėje, tačiau XXI a. pripažįstama, kad šio laikmečio organizacijoms reikalinga naujos kokybės lyderystės, nes organizacijos ir jų aplinka keičiasi iš esmės. Šiame sraipsnyje yra analizuojami kintantys požiūriai į lyderystę ir jos vaidmenį šiuolaikinėje organizacijoje, susitelkiama į inovatyvios lyderystės sampratos ir jos raiškos ypatumų analizę, siekiant identifikuoti šio fenomeno dedamąsias ir jų sąsajas su žinių valdymo ir inovacijų kūrimo procesais. Išanalizavus reikšmingus šios temos aspektus, buvo nustatytos inovatyvios lyderystės, žinių valdymo ir inovacijų sąsajos ir suformuotas integralus teorinis inovatyvios lyderystės, žinių valdymo ir inovacijų kūrimo modelis organizacijoje

    A wide-ranging computational comparison of high-performance graph colouring algorithms

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    This paper reviews the current state of the literature surrounding methods for the general graph colouring problem and presents a broad comparison of six high-performance algorithms, each belonging to one of the main algorithmic schemes identified. Unlike many previous computational studies in graph colouring, a large range of both artificially generated and real-world graphs are considered, culminating in over 40,000 individual trials that have consumed more than a decade of computation time in total. The picture painted by the comparison is complex, with each method outperforming all others on at least one occasion; however, general patterns are also observed, particularly with regards to the advantages of hybridising local-search techniques with global-based operators

    Potentiality in Biology

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    We take the potentialities that are studied in the biological sciences (e.g., totipotency) to be an important subtype of biological dispositions. The goal of this paper is twofold: first, we want to provide a detailed understanding of what biological dispositions are. We claim that two features are essential for dispositions in biology: the importance of the manifestation process and the diversity of conditions that need to be satisfied for the disposition to be manifest. Second, we demonstrate that the concept of a disposition (or potentiality) is a very useful tool for the analysis of the explanatory practice in the biological sciences. On the one hand it allows an in-depth analysis of the nature and diversity of the conditions under which biological systems display specific behaviors. On the other hand the concept of a disposition may serve a unificatory role in the philosophy of the natural sciences since it captures not only the explanatory practice of biology, but of all natural sciences. Towards the end we will briefly come back to the notion of a potentiality in biology

    Optimising large scale public transport network design problems using mixed-mode parallel multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

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    In this paper we present a novel tool, using both OpenMP and MPI protocols, for optimising the efficiency of Urban Transportation Systems within a defined catchment, town or city. We build on a previously presented model which uses a Genetic Algorithm with novel genetic operators to optimise route sets and provide a transport network for a given problem set. This model is then implemented within a Parallel Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm and demonstrated to be scalable to within the scope of real world, [city-wide], problems. This paper compares and contrasts three methods of parallel distribution of the Genetic Algorithm's computational workload: a job farming algorithm and two variations on an ‘Islands’ approach. Results are presented in the paper from both single and mixed mode strategies. The results presented are from a range of previously published academic problem sets. Additionally a real world inspired problem set is evaluated and a visualisation of the optimised output is given

    Modal Platonism and the problem of negativity.

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    The Platonic account of modality says, roughly, that truths about alien possibilities are grounded in uninstantiated universals. Recently, Ingram has raised a problem for this kind of view, which is that it apparently requires negative facts to play a truthmaking role. Ingram offers an alternative Platonic account which makes use of modal instantiation relations. In this paper, I highlight some of the costs of Ingram’s new account and argue that a more appealing version of Platonism—and modal theory in general—is one that is supplemented with an ontology of totality facts