76 research outputs found

    Dream Recall Frequency among Patients in a Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic in Ile-Ife, Nigeria

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    Aim:The aim of this study was to find out if the frequency of dream recall among neuropsychiatric patients on psychotropic drugs was significantly different from that of healthy individuals. Methods: The study was done on 53 neuropsychiatric patients with different diagnoses who were on medication and 144 healthy individuals. The number of participants in each group who recalled their dreams and those who did not were compared and analyzed statistically for any significant difference. Results: Thirty-five out of the 53 neuropsychiatric patients and 133 out of the 144 healthy individuals were able to recall their dreams. A significantly (p < 0.001) higher proportion of the healthy individuals compared to neuropsychiatric patients on medications were able to recall their dreams. Conclusions: This study has shown that neuropsychiatric patients on medications may have reduced dream episodes or that their ability to remember their dreams may be impaired. A combination of both factors is not unlikely. Thus, the patients have reduced dream recall frequency (DRF) compared to healthy subjects. Theremight also be individuals who do not dream.Key words: Dream recall frequency, Sleep, Psychotropic medication, Psychiatric outpatient clinic

    Prevalence of sleepwalking in an adult population

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    Background: Sleepwalking consists of a series of behavioral activities that occur during sleep. These activities may be simple, complex or aggressive in nature. They include motor activities, confusion, and amnesia for the events. Sleepwalking is a disorder of arousal from non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. In children, episodes of sleepwalking are rarely violent; in adults, however, sleepwalking might include violence, which could endanger the patient or others and might precipitate legal issues. There is inadequate information on the prevalence and demographic correlates of sleepwalking in Nigeria. Objectives: One objective of this study was to determine the lifetime prevalence rate of sleepwalking in an adult population in Ile-Ife, in Southwestern Nigeria. Another objective was to determine the age and sex distribution of sleepwalking among those who have experienced it at least once in their lifetime. Materials and Methods: A random sample of 228 healthy individuals aged 18-60 years was obtained and the members were asked to fill out a survey form about lifetime prevalence rate of sleepwalking. Results: The overall lifetime prevalence rate of sleepwalking was 7% (16 of 228 participants). It was 10.4% in males and 3.5% in females, but the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.07). Conclusion: This study has shown that sleepwalking is common in the population. In view of the psychological effects of sleepwalking and the potential physical and legal problems associated with it, adequate efforts should be made for early detection and prompt management of the condition.Keywords: sleepwalking; somnambulism; sleep disorder; parasomni

    Excessive daytime sleepiness among depressed patients

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    Background: Excessive daytime sleepiness has been reported among depressed patients in manypopulations. Many depressed patients seek medical attention partly to deal with excessive daytimesleepiness, but this sleep disorder is often overlooked in clinical practice. Objectives: The objectivesof this study were to determine the prevalence of excessive daytime sleepiness among depressedpatients and determine its relationship with the severity of depression. Methods: Sixty-seven patientsdiagnosed with depressive episode took part in the study. The severity of depression was rated usingthe 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS). Excessive daytime sleepiness was evaluatedusing the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). Results: The mean ESS score was 9.2 (SD = 2.8).Excessive daytime sleepiness, defined as an ESS score ≥ 10, was present in 44.8% of the depressedpatients. The mean score on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale was 14.8 (SD = 3.6), representingthe mild-moderate depression range. ESS scores correlated highly and positively (r =0.69, p = 0.000)with scores on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS). Conclusion: In the light of the highprevalence of excessive daytime sleepiness among depressed patients and its undesirableconsequences, it is suggested that daytime sleepiness be evaluated in depressed patients

    Small Scale Irrigation Farming Adoption as a Climate-Smart Agriculture Practice and Its Impact on Household Income in Ethiopia. A Review Paper

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    Small-scale irrigated farming has been offered as a climate-smart agriculture technology to boost production and diversify livelihood scenarios as an option to mitigate climate change and variability. Small-scale irrigation as a climate-smart agriculture strategy is one of the most important adaptation options for increasing agricultural production in rural areas, stabilizing agricultural production and productivity, and mitigating the negative effects of variable or insufficient rainfall. The reviewed literature showed that the adoption of small-scale irrigation farming as a climate-smart agriculture practice has a significant positive influence on farming income. Small-scale irrigation practice increases the adaptive capacity of households by enhancing farm income. Small-scale irrigation users are better off in crop production that enhances household income and enables buffer against climate variability compared with non-users. Small-scale irrigation is an important strategy in reducing risks associated with both rainfall variability production of different crops twice or three times within a year and increasing income of rural farm-households. Farmers' age, distance to market, and formal employment all negatively influence small-scale irrigation adoption. Off-farm employment, irrigation equipment, access to reliable water supplies, and awareness of water conservation practices all positively promote Small-scale irrigation adoption. As a result, governments and other key stakeholders should consider strengthening small-scale irrigated farming in rural families as climate smart agriculture. Keywords: CSA, Small-scale irrigation adoption, household income, livelihood. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/12-17-02 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Enfoques interdisciplinarios sobre pasado reciente en Uruguay y la región: Proyecto FHCE-Centro Cultural y Museo de la Memoria y Asociación de Amigos y Amigas del Museo

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    La propuesta se enmarca en lo que llamamos proyectos «plataforma&nbsp;» de la FHCE, que responden a demandas sociales y en el marco&nbsp;de los cuales se desarrollan actividades integrales anuales, incluyendo&nbsp;los EFI de los cursos. Se trata de un espacio de trabajo que pretende&nbsp;profundizar en líneas temáticas y generar impacto a mediano y largo&nbsp;plazo

    Plasmonic light yield enhancement of a liquid scintillator

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    We demonstrate modifications to the light yield properties of an organic liquid scintillator due to the localization of the tertiary fluorophore component to the surface of Ag-core silica-shell nanoparticles. We attribute this enhancement to the near-field interaction of Ag nanoparticle plasmons with these fluor molecules. The scintillation light yield enhancement is shown to be equal to the fluorescence enhancement within measurement uncertainties. With a suitable choice of plasmon energy and scintillation fluor, this effect may be used to engineer scintillators with enhanced light yields for radiation detection applications

    Prevalence of sleepwalking in an adult population

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    Background: Sleepwalking consists of a series of behavioral activities that occur during sleep. These activities may besimple, complex or aggressive in nature. They include motor activities, confusion, and amnesia for the events. Sleepwalking isa disorder of arousal from non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. In children, episodes of sleepwalking are rarely violent; inadults, however, sleepwalking might include violence, which could endanger the patient or others and might precipitate legalissues. There is inadequate information on the prevalence and demographic correlates of sleepwalking in Nigeria.Objectives: One objective of this study was to determine the lifetime prevalence rate of sleepwalking in an adult populationin Ile-Ife, in Southwestern Nigeria. Another objective was to determine the age and sex distribution of sleepwalking amongthose who have experienced it at least once in their lifetime. Materials and Methods: A random sample of 228 healthyindividuals aged 18 – 60 years was obtained and the members were asked to fill out a survey form about lifetime prevalencerate of sleepwalking. Results: The overall lifetime prevalence rate of sleepwalking was 7% (16 of 228 participants). It was10.4% in males and 3.5% in females, but the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.07). Conclusion: This studyhas shown that sleepwalking is common in the population. In view of the psychological effects of sleepwalking and thepotential physical and legal problems associated with it, adequate efforts should be made for early detection and promptmanagement of the condition

    Impact of Small-Holders’ cattle Fattening on Household Income generation in Fadis District of Eastern Hararghe Zone, oromia, Ethiopia

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    At the household level, livestock plays a critical economic and social role in pastoralists and at the household level, livestock plays a critical economic and social role in pastoralists and smallholder farm households. The objectives of this study were to analyze factors affecting participation in cattle fattening and its impacts on household income in Fadis district of Eastern Hararghe. Both primary and secondary data were used. The data were collected by means of a semi-structured questionnaire from 124 samples during the period of April 20-May20/ 2017. Logit estimation revealed that participation in cattle fattening is significantly influenced by five variables. Age of household head, labor force in family member, market information, access to agricultural extension services and number of livestock are significant variables which affect the participation of the household in cattle fattening practices. Propensity score matching method was applied to analyze the impact of the cattle fattening on the household income generation. In matching processes, kernel matching with 0.25 band width was resulted in relatively low pseudo-R2 with best balancing test was found to be the best matching algorithm. This method was checked for standardized bias, t-test, and joint significance level. Propensity score matching results revealed that household participated in cattle fattening practice have got 14,071 more farm income and 12,617 total household income in Ethiopian Birr (ETB) than those household that were not participated in fattening practices. This income difference shows how non-farm and off-farm income compensated for income obtained from cattle fattening activities with farm income