4 research outputs found

    Estudio de la función pulmonar en preescolares con bronquitis sibilantes recurrentes o asma del preescolar

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    Este proyecto de investigación fue diseñado para determinar la utilidad de la espirometría forzada y la medida de la resistencia específica de la vía aérea (sRaw) mediante pletismografia, como estudios de la función pulmonar en niños preescolares con bronquitis sibilantes recurrentes. Así cómo, evaluar el valor de la respuesta broncodilatadora en preescolares con asma. Por lo que, se diseñó un estudio observacional, prospectivo, realizado en las Unidades de Neumología Pediátrica del Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron y el Hospital Universitario Donostia, San Sebastián, entre 2010 y 2013, en una cohorte de niños de tres a seis años, con asma del preescolar. En la primera visita se evaluó clínicamente al niño, se realizó una espirometría forzada y la medición de sRaw basal y tras la administración del broncodilatador. A los seis meses se repitieron los estudios. Se incluyeron 126 preescolares, 92 con asma del preescolar y 34 sanos. En la segunda visita participaron 105 (83,3%) niños. 86 (68,6%) preescolares realizaron, en la primera visita, una espirometría basal correcta. 102 (81,0%) realizaron una correcta colaboración para el estudio de sRaw basal. Según la edad, un 38,5% de los preescolares de 3 años realizan correctamente la maniobra basal espirométrica. 57,9% de los 4 años de edad y superior al 86% de los preescolares con 5 y 6 años. Se consideró válida aquella espirometría con inicio correcto, curva correcta y reproducible. Mientras que para sRaw sólo se analizaron las maniobras con 6 puntos de calidad. Un 61,5 % de los preescolares con 3 años consiguieron maniobras sRaw correctas, siendo superior o igual al 84% en el resto de edades. Los preescolares más mayores realizaron significativamente mejores maniobras espirométricas y sRaw. Los preescolares con asma del preescolar obtuvieron valores basales significativamente disminuidos de todas las variables espirométricas menos para FVC, a diferencia de sRaw. Aunque aquellos que presentar peor sintomatología respiratoria según la clasificación pediátrica del asma y la GEMA obtuvieron valores significativamente aumentados de sRaw. Se observó que el grupo con asma del preescolar tras el broncodilatador, presentó un aumento significativo del FEV1, FEV0,75, FEV0,5. El límite de positividad de la PBD fue: FEV1 (+11,2%), FEV0,75 (+13,1%), FEV0,5 (+15,9%), y FEF25-75% (+40,8%). Ningún control obtuvo una PBD positiva. En el grupo de asma el porcentaje de positividades osciló entre el 17,2% para el FEV0,5 y el FEF25-75 hasta el 27,3% para el FEV1. Se encontró una relación entre una PBD positiva y la clínica en el momento de realizar el estudio y un mal control del asma valorado mediante el cuestionario CAN. La prueba broncodilatadora valorada mediante sRaw fue muy poco sensible. Cómo conclusiones, el estudio de la función pulmonar, en el grupo de tres a seis años de edad, es factible mediante la espirometría forzada y sRaw. Los niños preescolares son capaces de realizar correctamente las maniobras espirométricas forzadas permitiendo el uso del FEV1, FEV0,75, FEV0,5. El estudio de la función pulmonar basal y la respuesta broncodilatadora en el asma del preescolar es más sensible a través de las variables espirométricas.Aim: To assess lung function abnormalities and bronchodilator response (BR) among preschool children with recurrent wheezing using spirometry and specific resistance (sRaw). An observational prospective study was designed with healthy and recurrent wheezing children aged 3 to 6 years, recruited from Vall d’Hebron and Donostia, San Sebastian, Pediatric Pulmonology Units. Children were classified according to wheeze phenotype (ERS Task Force 2008). sRaw was measured using sReff by a single step procedure. Z-scores were calculated with the equations from Asthma UK initiative (Eur Respir J 2010) and GLI (Quanjer, Eur Respir J 2012). BR was assessed as the increase in FEV1, FEV0.75, FEV0,5, FEF 25-75 or decrease in sReff,15 minutes after inhalation of 400 mcg salbutamol. Manoeuvres were repeteated after 6 months. One hundred and twenty six children were tested. Thirty four healthy controls, and 92 wheezers. Eighty six children (68.6%) performed technically acceptable and reproducible spirometry manoeuvres during the first visit and 102 (81.0%) satisfactory sRaw measurements. According to age, 10 (38.5%) 3-year-old preschoolers performed correctly the basal spirometry . 22 (57.9%) 4-year-olds and 54 (86%) preschoolers aged 5 and 6 years did so too. Only the manouevres with correct onset, correct and reproducible curve were considered valid. While for sRaw just the maneuvers with 6 quality points were analyzed. The older preschoolers performed significantly better spirometric and sRaw maneuvers. Preschoolers with wheezing had significantly lower baseline values for all spirometric variables except for FVC, while there was no difference in sRaw values. But those presenting worse respiratory symptoms according to the pediatric and GEMA classification of asthma obtained significantly increased values of sRaw. Preschool wheezing children, presented a significant increase in FEV1, FEV0,75, FEV0,5. We considered significant BR: FEV1 (+ 11.2%), FEV0,75 (+13.1%), FEV0,5 (+ 15.9%), and FEF25-75 (+40.8 %). No control showed significant BD test. In the asthma group, the percentage of positivity ranged from 17.2% for FEV0,5 to 27.3% for FEV1. The bronchodilator test assessed by sRaw did not differentiate children with asthma from controls. Spirometric indices are more sensitive than specific resistance measurement to detect abnormalities in basal lung function and BR in wheezing preschool children. As a conclusion, the study of lung function in the group of three to six years of age is feasible with both forced spirometry and sRaw. Preschool children are able to correctly perform forced spirometric maneuvers allowing the use of FEV1, FEV0,75, FEV0,5. The study of baseline lung function and bronchodilator response in preschool asthma is more sensitive with spirometric variables

    Estudio de la función pulmonar en preescolares con bronquitis sibilantes recurrentes o asma del preescolar /

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    Este proyecto de investigación fue diseñado para determinar la utilidad de la espirometría forzada y la medida de la resistencia específica de la vía aérea (sRaw) mediante pletismografia, como estudios de la función pulmonar en niños preescolares con bronquitis sibilantes recurrentes. Así cómo, evaluar el valor de la respuesta broncodilatadora en preescolares con asma. Por lo que, se diseñó un estudio observacional, prospectivo, realizado en las Unidades de Neumología Pediátrica del Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron y el Hospital Universitario Donostia, San Sebastián, entre 2010 y 2013, en una cohorte de niños de tres a seis años, con asma del preescolar. En la primera visita se evaluó clínicamente al niño, se realizó una espirometría forzada y la medición de sRaw basal y tras la administración del broncodilatador. A los seis meses se repitieron los estudios. Se incluyeron 126 preescolares, 92 con asma del preescolar y 34 sanos. En la segunda visita participaron 105 (83,3%) niños. 86 (68,6%) preescolares realizaron, en la primera visita, una espirometría basal correcta. 102 (81,0%) realizaron una correcta colaboración para el estudio de sRaw basal. Según la edad, un 38,5% de los preescolares de 3 años realizan correctamente la maniobra basal espirométrica. 57,9% de los 4 años de edad y superior al 86% de los preescolares con 5 y 6 años. Se consideró válida aquella espirometría con inicio correcto, curva correcta y reproducible. Mientras que para sRaw sólo se analizaron las maniobras con 6 puntos de calidad. Un 61,5 % de los preescolares con 3 años consiguieron maniobras sRaw correctas, siendo superior o igual al 84% en el resto de edades. Los preescolares más mayores realizaron significativamente mejores maniobras espirométricas y sRaw. Los preescolares con asma del preescolar obtuvieron valores basales significativamente disminuidos de todas las variables espirométricas menos para FVC, a diferencia de sRaw. Aunque aquellos que presentar peor sintomatología respiratoria según la clasificación pediátrica del asma y la GEMA obtuvieron valores significativamente aumentados de sRaw. Se observó que el grupo con asma del preescolar tras el broncodilatador, presentó un aumento significativo del FEV1, FEV0,75, FEV0,5. El límite de positividad de la PBD fue: FEV1 (+11,2%), FEV0,75 (+13,1%), FEV0,5 (+15,9%), y FEF25-75% (+40,8%). Ningún control obtuvo una PBD positiva. En el grupo de asma el porcentaje de positividades osciló entre el 17,2% para el FEV0,5 y el FEF25-75 hasta el 27,3% para el FEV1. Se encontró una relación entre una PBD positiva y la clínica en el momento de realizar el estudio y un mal control del asma valorado mediante el cuestionario CAN. La prueba broncodilatadora valorada mediante sRaw fue muy poco sensible. Cómo conclusiones, el estudio de la función pulmonar, en el grupo de tres a seis años de edad, es factible mediante la espirometría forzada y sRaw. Los niños preescolares son capaces de realizar correctamente las maniobras espirométricas forzadas permitiendo el uso del FEV1, FEV0,75, FEV0,5. El estudio de la función pulmonar basal y la respuesta broncodilatadora en el asma del preescolar es más sensible a través de las variables espirométricas.Aim: To assess lung function abnormalities and bronchodilator response (BR) among preschool children with recurrent wheezing using spirometry and specific resistance (sRaw). An observational prospective study was designed with healthy and recurrent wheezing children aged 3 to 6 years, recruited from Vall d'Hebron and Donostia, San Sebastian, Pediatric Pulmonology Units. Children were classified according to wheeze phenotype (ERS Task Force 2008). sRaw was measured using sReff by a single step procedure. Z-scores were calculated with the equations from Asthma UK initiative (Eur Respir J 2010) and GLI (Quanjer, Eur Respir J 2012). BR was assessed as the increase in FEV1, FEV0.75, FEV0,5, FEF 25-75 or decrease in sReff,15 minutes after inhalation of 400 mcg salbutamol. Manoeuvres were repeteated after 6 months. One hundred and twenty six children were tested. Thirty four healthy controls, and 92 wheezers. Eighty six children (68.6%) performed technically acceptable and reproducible spirometry manoeuvres during the first visit and 102 (81.0%) satisfactory sRaw measurements. According to age, 10 (38.5%) 3-year-old preschoolers performed correctly the basal spirometry . 22 (57.9%) 4-year-olds and 54 (86%) preschoolers aged 5 and 6 years did so too. Only the manouevres with correct onset, correct and reproducible curve were considered valid. While for sRaw just the maneuvers with 6 quality points were analyzed. The older preschoolers performed significantly better spirometric and sRaw maneuvers. Preschoolers with wheezing had significantly lower baseline values for all spirometric variables except for FVC, while there was no difference in sRaw values. But those presenting worse respiratory symptoms according to the pediatric and GEMA classification of asthma obtained significantly increased values of sRaw. Preschool wheezing children, presented a significant increase in FEV1, FEV0,75, FEV0,5. We considered significant BR: FEV1 (+ 11.2%), FEV0,75 (+13.1%), FEV0,5 (+ 15.9%), and FEF25-75 (+40.8 %). No control showed significant BD test. In the asthma group, the percentage of positivity ranged from 17.2% for FEV0,5 to 27.3% for FEV1. The bronchodilator test assessed by sRaw did not differentiate children with asthma from controls. Spirometric indices are more sensitive than specific resistance measurement to detect abnormalities in basal lung function and BR in wheezing preschool children. As a conclusion, the study of lung function in the group of three to six years of age is feasible with both forced spirometry and sRaw. Preschool children are able to correctly perform forced spirometric maneuvers allowing the use of FEV1, FEV0,75, FEV0,5. The study of baseline lung function and bronchodilator response in preschool asthma is more sensitive with spirometric variables

    Immunofluorescence Analysis as a Diagnostic Tool in a Spanish Cohort of Patients with Suspected Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive rare disease caused by an alteration of ciliary structure. Immunofluorescence, consisting in the detection of the presence and distribution of cilia proteins in human respiratory cells by fluorescence, has been recently proposed as a technique to improve understanding of disease-causing genes and diagnosis rate in PCD. The objective of this study is to determine the accuracy of a panel of four fluorescently labeled antibodies (DNAH5, DNALI1, GAS8 and RSPH4A or RSPH9) as a PCD diagnostic tool in the absence of transmission electron microscopy analysis. The panel was tested in nasal brushing samples of 74 patients with clinical suspicion of PCD. Sixty-eight (91.9%) patients were evaluable for all tested antibodies. Thirty-three cases (44.6%) presented an absence or mislocation of protein in the ciliary axoneme (15 absent and 3 proximal distribution of DNAH5 in the ciliary axoneme, 3 absent DNAH5 and DNALI1, 7 absent DNALI1 and cytoplasmatic localization of GAS8, 1 absent GAS8, 3 absent RSPH9 and 1 absent RSPH4A). Fifteen patients had confirmed or highly likely PCD but normal immunofluorescence results (68.8% sensitivity and 100% specificity). In conclusion, immunofluorescence analysis is a quick, available, low-cost and reliable diagnostic test for PCD, althouh it cannot be used as a standalone tes

    Immunofluorescence Analysis as a Diagnostic Tool in a Spanish Cohort of Patients with Suspected Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive rare disease caused by an alteration of ciliary structure. Immunofluorescence, consisting in the detection of the presence and distribution of cilia proteins in human respiratory cells by fluorescence, has been recently proposed as a technique to improve understanding of disease-causing genes and diagnosis rate in PCD. The objective of this study is to determine the accuracy of a panel of four fluorescently labeled antibodies (DNAH5, DNALI1, GAS8 and RSPH4A or RSPH9) as a PCD diagnostic tool in the absence of transmission electron microscopy analysis. The panel was tested in nasal brushing samples of 74 patients with clinical suspicion of PCD. Sixty-eight (91.9%) patients were evaluable for all tested antibodies. Thirty-three cases (44.6%) presented an absence or mislocation of protein in the ciliary axoneme (15 absent and 3 proximal distribution of DNAH5 in the ciliary axoneme, 3 absent DNAH5 and DNALI1, 7 absent DNALI1 and cytoplasmatic localization of GAS8, 1 absent GAS8, 3 absent RSPH9 and 1 absent RSPH4A). Fifteen patients had confirmed or highly likely PCD but normal immunofluorescence results (68.8% sensitivity and 100% specificity). In conclusion, immunofluorescence analysis is a quick, available, low-cost and reliable diagnostic test for PCD, although it cannot be used as a standalone test