132 research outputs found


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    This research aims to design pyrolysis reactor, develop pyrolysis operating procedure, and to investigate the effect of pyrolysis temperature to liquid product quality. The pyrolysis experiments will be performed in batch reactor equipped from carbon steel with 20 cm inside diameter and 40 cm height. The experimental conditions are as follows: temperature range 250-400 degrees C, and reaction time 0-30 min. The effect of inert (N2) flow rate to liquid product quality will also be observed. From all variables studied, it seemed that temperature had the highest effect. Chemical reaction rate constant was affected by temperature in accordance with Arrhenius equation. The activation energy of k was 12145,4 cal./mole, respectively. This value was not so far from the extreme values (104 cal/mole) presented by Westerterp et al. These facts ascertained that the chemical reaction step controlled the overall rate of reaction. The highest volatile matter conversion in this research was 46,5%, and this was obtained at process conditions of 30 minutes and temperature of 360oC. The pyrolytic oil yield increase with the increase of the temperature and its composition becomes more variative and few contents of carboxylic acids and aromatics compound


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang penerapan kebijakan pembelajaran berbasis mobile serta hasilnya dalam meningkatkan kepuasan mahasiswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran pada Program Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Syekh-Yusuf (PPs UNIS) Tangerang. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif, yaitu menggambarkan secara objektif  mengenai penerapan kebijakan pembelajaran berbasis mobile dan hasilnya berupa tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa. Penelitian memberikan hasil penerapan pembelajaran berbasis mobile direspon oleh mahasiswa dengan kategori sangat positif sebanyak 12,5%, kategori positif 52,1%, dan kategori ragu-ragu 35,4%. Ini berarti sebagian besar mahasiswa, yaitu 52,1% memandang bahwa pembelajaran berbasis mobile yang diterapkan di Program Pascasarjana UNIS itu mempermudah pemahaman materi pembelajaran, memperkuat fokus, serta membantu proses pembelajaran, dan meningkatkan motivasi pembelajaran. Sementara itu rerata respons mahasiswa diperoleh sebesar 33. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa menilai penerapan pembelajaran berbasis mobile pada mata kuliah metodologi penelitian adalah positif. Temuan ini memberi implikasi tentang urgensi e-learning, yang berfokus pada penggunaan internet dan ICT lainnya akan berpengaruh terhadap kurikulum dan teknologi pembelajaran di UNIS dan dunia perguruan tinggi umumnya pada masa depan.  Kata Kunci: Mobile Learning, Mahasiswa, Universita


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    Pada saat ini ilmu atau pendekatan ilmiah (scientific method) telah banyak digunakan untuk memahami dan merekayasa berbagai realitas, termasuk realitas manajemen dan organisasi. Sementara pada saat yang sama, kehidupan manusia dan masyarakat semakin terdiferensiasi dan semakin kuat pula dicirikan oleh manajemen dan organisasi yang makin terspesialisasi. Maka kemudian menjadi jelas secara komprehensif didekati dengan filsafat ilmu, manajemen sebagai satu kesatuan memiliki komponenkomponen yang saling berhubungan satu sama lain dan membentuk suatu struktur, struktur ilmu pengetahuan. Ada beragam pandangan mengenai manajemen sebagai ilmu. Namun uumnnya diakui bahwa sebagai ilmu pengetahuan, manajemen adalah sesuatu yang memiliki objek studi tersendiri, kerangka dasar konsep dan teori, serta paradigma keilmuan yang dapat berkembang dan dikembangkan terus. Sejak berkembangnya metode ilmiah, ilmu manajemen berkembang terus hingga saat ini dan memberi kita pemahaman penting tentang pendekatan ataupun tata cara dalam meneliti, menganalisis, dan memecahkan masalah-masalah yang berkaitan dengan manajemen dan organisas

    Metyl Ester Production in Aslant Sealed Tranesterification Reactor

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    Biodiesel, the environment friendly substitute alternative for solar, is made from a resource which can be renewed. Exploiting off grade fish oil as raw material for biodiesel represent the grand breakthrough in increasing value of waste industrial fish. According to research funded by PT Rekayasa Energi Alternative Mandiri (PT. REAM) and DP2M Dikti, industrial scale efficiency can be reached by continuous esterifiications buffle reactor in series with transesterifications sliding reactor. Biodiesel production was done at a reactor prototype which has capacity of 20 liter/hour.From all variables studied, it seemed that temperature and catalyst concentration had the highest effect on the methyl esters conversion, so these variables are controlling parameters. The optimized set of conditions were sodium methoxide (NaOCH3) as the catalyst at a concentration of 0.2 % volume, reaction temperature of 60°C, and 60 menute. The experiments resulted in an average product yield of 94.2%. Biodiesel density of 0.8898 kg/m3 , Iodine number of 7.4, flash point 272 oC, and pour point of 2o


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    Energi alaternatif yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan di Wilayah Kabupaten Tuban adalah yang bersumber dari adalah kotoran hewan (ternak sapi), diantaranya yang terdapat di PT. ANTARA yang bergerak dibidang peternakan SAPI PERAH dengan pola peternakan Kandang Komunal. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mempelajari pengaruh perbandingan kotoran sapi dan Air Proses serta jumlah mikroba yang ditambahkan. Reaktor yang digunakan adalah jenis Kubah Tetap (Fixed Dome) yang dilengkapi dengan dilengkapi gas holder, Unit Pemurnian Gas Multi Stage dan system jaringan distribusi gas dengan pola jaringan primer dan sekunder. Proses Produksi Biogas dijalankan pada berbagai perbandingan kotoran sapi dengan air proses dan jumlah mikroba yang ditambahkan. Proses Fermentasi dijalankan selama 16 hari per batch dengan memvariasi peubah yang dijalankan. Selanjutnya, selang 4 (empat) hari diamati, diukur dan dicatat Tekanan dalam Reaktor Digester, Produk gas serta dianalisi kadar gas yang terbentuk. Hasil yang relatif baik diperoleh pada perbandingan kotoran sapi dan air sebesar 1:1 dengan penambahan Mikroba sebanyak 50 ppm dengan waktu proses fermentasi selama 12 (dua belas) hari yang menghasilkan Produk Gas 5,1 m3/Batch dengan Kadar Gas Metan (CH4) berkisar 74 %, Gas Karbon Dioksid (CO2) 19 % , dan Gas Sisa 7 % melalui pola pemurnian Multi Stage . Produk Biogas tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rumah dan untuk energi generator listrik untuk keperluan pedesaan


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    The Off grade Sugarcane is one of Indonesian native plants that can be used as raw material for bioethanol. Research the manufacture of ethanol made from sugar cane conducted laboratory scale. The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of the content of ethanol produced from sugar cane off grade. The procedure of this study consisted of Sugarcane squeeze into juice off grade, heating (formulation) juice, with the addition of yeast fermentation (yeast) and lasted for 6 days with volume Sugarcane juice off grade used is 5 liters. 1 g to yeast, 5 g, with a time of 2 days to 6 days, which is the independent variable in this study. The results showed that the use of a laboratory-scale sugar cane juice off grade of 5 liters weighing 5 g yeast, and time 4 days produces the best ethanol content of 6.30%. Keywords: Sugarcane off grade, off grade Sugarcane juice, yeast, and Bioethano


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    The Off grade Sugarcane is one of Indonesian native plants that can be used as raw material for bioethanol. Research the manufacture of ethanol made from sugar cane conducted laboratory scale. The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of the content of ethanol produced from sugar cane off grade. The procedure of this study consisted of Sugarcane squeeze into juice off grade, heating (formulation) juice, with the addition of yeast fermentation (yeast) and lasted for 6 days with volume Sugarcane juice off grade used is 5 liters. 1 g to yeast, 5 g, with a time of 2 days to 6 days, which is the independent variable in this study. The results showed that the use of a laboratory-scale sugar cane juice off grade of 5 liters weighing 5 g yeast, and time 4 days produces the best ethanol content of 6.30%. Keywords: Sugarcane off grade, off grade Sugarcane juice, yeast, and Bioethano

    Sistem Pemerintahan Masyarakat Hukum Adat Baduy Dalam Kerangka Sistem Otonomi Daerah

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    Customary law communities are the most important part of the history of the development of the Indonesian nation. The contribution given by the customary law community since ancient times has been very large for the development of human civilization, especially in the aspect of order that exists in customary law. The Baduy tribe is one of the customary law communities whose existence is still maintained to this day. The Baduy customary law community has a legal system including its government system which is the hallmark of indigenous peoples. In addition to using their customary government system, Baduy as well as part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia must participate in every national policy, especially in the area of ​​regional and village government. The recognition given by the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia to indigenous peoples in Indonesia is the basis for the use of their respective customary law systems. Therefore, the researcher considers it necessary to conduct a study to see how the current system of governance of the Baduy customary law community is related to the existing positive law. The research method used is a normative juridical and empirical (mixed) juridical research method to see how the normative arrangements regarding the position of the Baduy community government system are and can describe what the government system is like. The specific target to be achieved in this research is to contribute ideas to the local government and the Baduy indigenous people in terms of the position of the Baduy customary government system in terms of the existing positive law. The results of the research carried out explain the Baduy customary law community uses a government system that originates from their customary law known as pikukuh or karuhun. Law 23/2014 on Regional Government gives authority to provincial and district governments to regulate the empowerment of indigenous peoples and the arrangement of customary villages through existing traditional institutions. This happens because community and village empowerment is included in the mandatory concurrent government affairs that are not related to basic services

    The Harmonization of the Central and Local Governments Authority: Handling Public Health Emergencies on Coronavirus Disease 2019

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    The global Covid-19 pandemic has made Indonesia do various ways to reduce the spread of covid-19. Through Government Regulation Number 21 of 2020, the Large-Scale Social Restrictions. The aim of this study is to know the relationship pattern of central and local governments in handling public health emergencies and harmonizing any related laws and regulations. This study used juridical normative method with the statutory approach. The study used the Large-Scale Selection of Social Restrictions policy. The findings revealed the central government as the main policy at the regional level, as a party to determine the type of steps that will be taken in handling public health emergency of Covid-19. The selection of Large-Scale Social Restrictions known as PSBB as the main way to suppress the spread of Covid-19 is based on the Regional Government flexibility. In other words, the local government can immediately oblige to apply PSBB in their regions to see the progression and to act quickly upon it. Thus, the synergy between central and local governments in handling covid-19 is indispensable. In conclusion, the implementation of PSBB in Banten Province, especially in Tangerang Raya, successfully reduce the number of positive cases of Covid-19. However, the delay in the implementation of PSBB in Banten Province makes the spread of covid-19 reach to other areas apart from Tangerang Raya.Pandemi global Covid-19 telah membuat Indonesia melakukan berbagai macam cara untuk menekan angka penyebaran Covid-19. Melalui Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar, pemerintah pusat memilih untuk menggunakan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat bagaimana pola hubungan antara pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah dalam hal penanganan kedaruratan kesehatan masyarakat dan mengharmoniskan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan hal tersebut. Metode penelitian ini yang digunakan yaitu yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan, studi kebijakan yang dikaji adalah Pemilihan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa, Pemerintah Pusat sebagai haluan utama kebijakan di tingkat daerah menjadi pihak yang dapat menentukan langkah apa yang akan diambil dalam pengananan kedaruratan kesehatan masyarakat Covid-19. Pemilihan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) sebagai cara utama sebagai penekan penyebaran Covid-19 didasarkan pada keleluasaan Pemerintah Daerah yang dapat langsung berkewajiban melaksanakan PSBB di daerahnya sehingga bisa melihat perkembangan sekaligus bertindak cepat dan sinergitas antara pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah dalam penanganan Covid-19 sangat diperlukan. Penerapan PSBB di Provinsi Banten terutama di Tangerang Raya dapat menekan angka kasus positif Covid-19, namun keterlambatan untuk membuat keseluruhan wilayah di Provinsi Banten melaksanakan PSBB membuat penyebaran Covid-19 di Provinsi Banten mulai merambah ke deaerah-daerah yang lain selain Tangerang Raya


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    Peat is one of natural resources with high potential which have not been used well, either as land or peat itself as a material. This researc aims to determine steps of rate limiting reaction, with data of kinetic parameter based on unreacted core model, and empirical model for correlation of conversion, reaction time at various variables. Research on peat pyrolisis was done batch wise in fixed bed reactor. Variation of time, temperature and bead diameter was done in the first year to formulate reaction mechanism and kinetic parameters. Second year was planned to study variation of gas flow, process pressure, and effect of catalyst which then used to optimize decomposition process. Data taken was the changes in peat masses in reactor at all time which was done by direct weighing. Also it was found the time needed for complete was found that all data could be well correlated using unreacted core model. Therefore, in the process of peat decomposition it can be assured that the limiting reaction was chemical reaction, following 1 st order reaction. Similar to the effect of time, the rising of pyrolisis temperature also cause volatilized material rise in amount, thus collision frequency (k o) and activation energy (E) rising. From correlation of temperature (T) to k, it was found that collision frequency, k o =1.407.10 -4 minutes, activation energy, E = 4326.2 cal/gmol, and k = 0.14(10 -3 ) exp (-4326.2/RT) Keywords: pyrolisis, fixed bed, peat, reaction kineti
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