31 research outputs found

    Contesting the Dominant Discourse of Child Sexual Abuse: Sexual Subjects, Agency, and Ethics

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    Responding to previous scholars’ call to explore the complexities of child sexual abuse (CSA), this article presents narratives of CSA and scrutinizes a binary construction underpinning this discourse of CSA, namely, the positioning of children as powerless and adults as powerful. The narratives belong to three Indonesian young people who have had sexual interactions with adults when they were children. The findings demonstrate how this binary positioning has been both drawn upon and resisted in the ways participants understand their sexual experiences. This article contributes to the existing literature by providing analyses of some vignettes of everyday experiences of how children might be constituted as sexual subjects, including their capability to exercise agency, perform resistance, and negotiate ethics. The implications of the findings are discussed in relation to how the recognition of children as sexual subjects and their sexual agency might be beneficial for parents, educators, and counselors

    Pornography consumption and non-marital sexual behaviour in a sample of young Indonesian university students

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    Using a sample of Indonesian university students and a cross sectional design, this study investigated prevalence rates and patterns of pornography consumption in Indonesia, a religious, sexually conservative, Muslim-majority nation with strict antipornography laws. Further, the association between pornography consumption and common non-marital sexual behaviours was explored. The study found that in this sample, pornography is as widely and readily consumed as in comparable international studies predominantly utilising Western background samples from more sexually liberal and less religious countries with very few laws on pornography. Gender differences in patterns of pornography consumption were pronounced and comparable with findings in international counterpart studies. For men only, pornography consumption was found to significantly predict common sexual behaviours in nonmarital relations. The study is the first to provide insights into prevalence rates and patterns of pornography consumption and its association with common non-marital sexual behaviours in a sexually conservative, Muslim-majority nation with strict antipornography laws

    Indonesian Christian Young People Resisting the Dominant Discourses of Men as Desiring/Dangerous and Women as Non-sexual/Vulnerable

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    Contemporary feminist studies have demonstrated how the binary constitution of men as desiring/dangerous and women as non-sexual/vulnerable has enabled, normalised, and sustained intimate partner sexual violence against women. Such binary positioning has given rise to gendered religious and sexual subjectivities that severely constrain women’s sexual agency. However, only a few studies have explored the ways this binary might be contested in one’s becoming of a sexual subject, particularly the identification of alternative discourses one’s may draw upon to challenge the dominant one. Seeking to fill this gap, this chapter presents four vignettes of resistance which might rework this gendered positioning among young Indonesian Christians vis-à-vis intimate partner sexual violence. The analysis revealed that these young participants drew on various alternative discourses to which they have access – from feminist, religious, to same-sex sexuality – to give new meanings to men and women as sexual subjects and resist the normalisation of intimate partner sexual violence

    Nanotechnology advances towards development of targeted-treatment for obesity

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    Obesity through its association with type 2 diabetes (T2D), cancer and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), poses a serious health threat, as these diseases contribute to high mortality rates. Pharmacotherapy alone or in combination with either lifestyle modifcation or surgery, is reliable in maintaining a healthy body weight, and preventing progression to obesity-induced diseases. However, the anti-obesity drugs are limited by non-specifcity and unsustainable weight loss efects. As such, novel and improved approaches for treatment of obesity are urgently needed. Nanotechnology-based therapies are investigated as an alternative strategy that can treat obesity and be able to overcome the drawbacks associated with conventional therapies. The review presents three nanotechnology-based anti-obesity strategies that target the white adipose tissues (WATs) and its vasculature for the reversal of obesity. These include inhibition of angiogenesis in the WATs, transformation of WATs to brown adipose tissues (BATs), and photothermal lipolysis of WATs. Compared to conventional therapy, the targeted-nanosystems have high tolerability, reduced side efects, and enhanced efcacy. These efects are reproducible using various nanocarriers (liposomes, polymeric and gold nanoparticles), thus providing a proof of concept that targeted nanotherapy can be a feasible strategy that can combat obesity and prevent its comorbiditie

    Hak asasi manusia dan pembangunan

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    Jakartaiv, 160 p.; 20 c

    Peramalan Penerimaan Pajak Indonesia: Studi Kasus Bea Masuk: Institut Pertanian Bogor, Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia

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    Bea masuk merupakan salah satu komponen penerimaan pajak Indonesia yang terkena dampak signifikan akibat COVID-19. Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia menyebutkan bahwa bea masuk mengalami kontraksi sebesar 13.5% pada tahun 2020, dan kemudian cenderung mengalami peningkatan pada tahun 2021. Dinamika yang cenderung volatile semacam itu tentu akan berpengaruh terhadap penentuan prioritas anggaran yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia. Namun demikian, studi yang terkait dengan penerimaan bea masuk masih sangat terbatas dan sulit ditemukan. Oleh karena itu, studi ini menganalisa penerimaan bea masuk Indonesia selama periode 2016Q1-2021Q2 dan membuat model peramalan dengan menggunakan data realisasi penerimaan bea masuk bulanan. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa model Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) memiliki performa yang cukup baik untuk meramalkan bea masuk, dengan nilai MAPE pada in sample forecast sebesar 1.57%

    Production of hydrocarbon based solvent with low aromatic content using ASPEN Plus

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    The solvent is a liquid that can dissolve or extract specific materials. Solvents are needed for most chemical transformations to increase contact between reagents and catalysts. It also holds an important role in many studies, industrial chemical processes, coatings, and formulations of consumer products, however, most of the hydrocarbon-based solvents based still contain high aromatic content of benzene, toluene, and xylene which are carcinogenic chemicals. The separation of aromatic hydrocarbons from a mixture of C4-C10 aliphatic hydrocarbons is a complex process, due to its close boiling points and some combinations can form azeotropes. The general distillation process is not the right choice for the separation of aromatic hydrocarbons from a mixture of C4-C10 aliphatic hydrocarbons. Possible processes are liquid-liquid extraction, extractive distillation, and azeotropic distillation. In this study, extractive distillation using ASPEN Plus was performed to simulate the process. The crude feed composition used contains 77.13% aromatic compounds so that the separation technology used uses the extractive distillation process using sulfolane as a solvent. The variables used are the ratio of the crude feed to sulfolane (1:10, 1:15, 1:20), the number of stages (30, 40, 50), feed stage (15,20,25). Based on the simulation results, the best result was obtained by using the ratio of the crude feed to sulfolane of 1:10, with the number of stages 30, and the feed stage on the 25th stage