20 research outputs found

    Optimal suspension damping and axle vibration absorber for reduction of dynamic tire loads

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    Variations in the dynamic tire forces of commercial freight vehicles, known to accelerate the road damage, are strongly related to vibration modes of the vehicle associated with vertical and pitch motions of the sprung and unsprung masses. The high levels of tire induced road damage caused by heavy vehicles has prompted a growing demand for the design of road-friendly vehicles. In this study, the enhancement of road friendliness of heavy vehicles is investigated using two methods to control the resonant forces: (i) Determination of optimal asymmetric force velocity characteristics of the suspension dampers to control the tire forces corresponding to the resonant modes; (ii) Optimal design of an axle vibration absorber to control the tire forces corresponding to the unsprung mass resonant modes. An analogy between the dynamic wheel loads and the ride quality performance characteristics of heavy vehicles is established through analysis of a linear quarter-vehicle model to illustrate the potential benefits of optimal damping. A weighted optimization function comprising the dynamic load coefficient (DLC) and the overall rms vertical acceleration at the driver's location is formulated to determine the design parameters of the damper and axle absorbers for a range of vehicle speeds and road roughnesses

    Pain management for postoperative nephrectomy in elderly patients: a literature review

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    The purpose of this thesis was to describe the different methods nurses use to manage pain of elderly post-operative nephrectomy patients. It has described what pain, nephrectomy and pain management by nurses for the elderly patients postoperatively are. The research question was; what are the nursing methods are used to manage post-operative nephrectomy pain in elderly patients? This thesis aimed to discuss the ways nurses use to manage pain in postoperative nephrectomy patients considering physiological changes due to age, pre-existing conditions and pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the drugs being administered. The method of data collection used was systematic literature review which means conducting a literature search, selecting data relevant to the purpose question, description of data selected and analyzing the data. This review was based on books and previously conducted studies done through current articles, journals and web search. In the findings, it was reported that pain is individual and nurses should assess each patient individually to achieve proper pain management. Different methods of pain assessment were also discussed based on what pain chart the patient finds more helpful for them. Ways of drug administration with consideration of age and physiological changes were also emphasized. Also how to administer fewer drugs and produce equally good results was discussed. It is important for nurses to know the different ways to communicate with the patients for better pain assessment and the effects and contraindications of the drug they are administering for the safety of the patient. There is always ongoing research involving pain management in postoperative fields and nurses should always be keen to learn new methods of pain management to help patients who need pain management.Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kuvata erilaisia hoitajien käyttämiä menetelmiä vanhojen ihmisten munuaistenpoistoleikkauksen jälkeisien kipujen hoitamiseen. Opinnäytetyö on kertonut mitä kipu, munuaistenpoistoleikkaus ja vanhojen ihmisten munaistenpoistoleikkauksen jälkeisen kivun hoitaminen ovat. Tutkimuskysymys oli; mitä hoitomenetelmiä käytetään vanhojen potilaiden munuaistenpoistoleikkauksen jälkeisen kivun hoitamiseksi. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoittena oli keskustella tavoista, joilla sairaanhoitajat hoitavat potilaiden kipua munuaistenpoistoleikkauksen jälkeen ottaen huomioon iän aiheuttamat fysiologiset muutokset, perussairaudet sekä annettujen lääkkeiden farmakodynamiikka ja –kinetiikka. Tiedonkeruun menetelmänä oli systemaattinen kirjallisuustutkielma, joka tehdään suorittamalla kirjallisuusetsintä, valitsemalla tutkimuskysymykseen liittyvä tieto, selostamalla valittu tieto ja analysoimalla tieto. Tämä tutkielma perustui kirjoihin ja aiemmin suoritettuihin tutkimuksiin, jotka löydettiin artikkeleista, julkaisuista ja internet-haulla. Tuloksissa kerrottiin, että kipu on yksilökohtaista ja että sairaanhoitajien pitäisi arvioida jokainen potilas yksitellen kunnollisen kivun hoitamisen aikaansaamiseksi. Kivun hoitamisen eri menetelmistä kerrottiin myös perustuen siihen, minkä kipukartan potilas koki parhaimmaksi. Iän ja fysiologisten muutosten ottamista huomioon lääkkeiden antamisen tavoissa korostettiin. Tuloksissa kerrottiin myös siitä, miten antaa vähemmän lääkkeitä ja aikaansaada yhtä hyvät tulokset. Sairaanhoitajien on tärkeää tietää eri kommunikointitapoja potilaiden kivun hoitamisen parantamiseksi. Sairaanhoitajien on myös tärkeää tietää annettavien lääkkeiden vaikutukset ja haittavaikutukset potilaan turvallisuuden vuoksi. Leikkausten jälkeisen kivun hoitamista tutkitaan jatkuvasti ja sairaanhoitajien pitäisi aina olla innokkaita oppimaan uusia kivun hoitamisen menetelmiä auttaakseen potilaita, jotka tarvitsevat kivun hoitamista

    COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WORK AND YOUTH EMPOWERMENT : The role of radio media in capacity building at the Helping the Poor and Needy Organization (H-PAN) in Manchester United Kingdom

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    Muluka, Akola Gloria. Community development work and youth empowerment: - The role of radio media as a tool for capacity building, at the Helping the poor and needy Organization in Manchester in United Kingdom. Järvenpää, Spring 2012, 67, 2 appendixes Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Järvenpää Unit, Bachelor’s degree in Social services. The phenomenon of `youth voice` in the United Kingdom is under threat from two different fronts. On one hand, financial cuts across the public sector have put many youth initiatives on hold. On the other hand, the lack of a coordinated policy mechanism between both public and private sectors portrays images of fragmentations that threatens functions and efficiency of community development youth work. The aim of the thesis is to explain the concept of community development youth work using media project as a tool of empowerment of young people. It highlights social interaction and youth behavior from a participatory observation and action research perspective. It focuses on democracy and tolerance with emphasis on capacity building, participation and inclusion from an anti-oppressive methodology and advocacy approach. The method of data acquisition is that of qualitative approach. The thesis depicts young people as equal contributors in terms of social capital within their communities with an equally important `voice` to be heard providing an input that needs to be taken into consideration in the overall decision making process. The subject of the project is the Helping the Poor and Needy a charitable Organization based in Manchester, the United Kingdom. The project analysis and evaluation are based on aspects of empowerment and capacity building of young people. This is a project thesis and it was conducted during my international placement in the United Kingdom, in Manchester in autumn of the year 2011. The results show that community development work is needed in this postmodern society. For further evolvement of approaches and tools of empowerment, constant review of the already existing tools is necessary to achieve continuous development

    Robotics and Social Care : The effects of introduction of robotics to social care

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    This study was a systematized review of literature on robotics in social care context. The focus was on the perceptions of and challenges experienced by the users of the services and the professionals working in elderly- and childcare settings as well as among people with disabilities. Data bases available via Ebsco host were searched for research publications between years 2014-2018, by using key words “robotics”, “social care”, “elderly care”, “children” and “persons with disability”. The quality of the chosen articles was assessed with the critical appraisal checklist developed by Aromataris & al (2015). The search resulted in five articles. The findings indicated that perceptions about robots in the study material were generally positive with emphasis on the potential of the use of the various robots. Thematic analysis of elderly, children and persons with disabilities was conducted and the conclusion was that robots have social benefits, rehabilitative and assistive benefits. The livelihoods of the users may drastically improve if they have access to robots and are supported to maximize on their uses. The main challenge raised was the costs of purchasing the robots, and costs incurred in training both end users and their caregivers. In conclusion, more studies are needed to reduce the costs and address the ethical implications of the use of robotics in social care

    Forced Migration And The Dialectic Of Home And Return: The Case Of South Sudanese Refugees In Kakuma Refugee Camp And Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement In Kenya, 1991 – 2019

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    This research focuses on emerging permanence of refugee situations in Africa, manifested in perduring refugee camps. Cast in the thematic mould of forced migration and the dialectic of home and return, it seeks to appreciate the drivers of permanence in refugee situations, even after there have been opportunities to decamp. Using the case of Southern Sudanese refugees in Kakuma and Kalobeyei in North Western Kenya (1991 – 2019), the research is especially keen to hear from the scarce voice of the refugee in scholarly and policy discourses on forced migration. We use a combination of qualitative approaches in the naturalistic prism, attended by relevant literature surveys. The study is cast in the conceptual context of the International Humanitarian Law, together with Neoclassical migration theories. We observe that Kakuma and Kalobeyei refugee camps have steadily morphed from temporary humanitarian intervention centres into holding places in incomplete migrations from Africa to Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Countries. We argue that these camps are only a stage in an unfinished multistage migration process. We contend further that a critical mass of the peoples in these movements gave up on their dysfunctional country long before the migration was triggered off. Accordingly, the violent spark that pushed them into refugee camps, only represented the ripe moment for their relocation to begin. Return is, therefore, not their preferred option. Accordingly, the camped refugee situation provides an astute avenue for resettlement in the West. Resettlement is an opportunity many are willing to wait for indefinitely, despite what are sometimes harsh living conditions. Refugee relief and support services, however, provide a comparatively favourable waiting environment, contrasted with life in the place of origin. We conclude that refugee camps of the kind under study are likely to perdure, until the underlying displacing environments are addressed through state reform.</div

    Primary umbilical endometriosis: a case report

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    Umbilical endometriosis is a rare presentation especially in the absence of prior pelvic surgery. This report presents a rare case of symptomatic primary umbilical endometriosis in a 28 year old female who presented with a 2 year history of umbilical mass associated with cyclical bleeding at the time of her menses. There was no previous history of abdominal or pelvic surgery and no history of endometriosis associated symptoms. An excisional biopsy was performed with histology confirming the diagnosis of endometriosis

    Traditional health practitioners and mental health in Kenya

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    Accusations of Witchcraft and Associated Harmful Practices

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    Side Meeting focusing on the Resolution on the Elimination of Harmful Practices Related to Accusations of Witchcraft and Ritual Attacks A/HRC/RES/47/8, adopted by the Human Rights Council on 12 July 2021. Professor Charlotte Baker (Lancaster University, UK) and Dr Samantha Spence (Staffordshire University, UK) will lead the discussion of the Resolution and introduce the work of the International Network Against Accusations of Witchcraft and Associated Harmful Practices

    Influence of Departmental Heads Managerial Skills on The Implementation of Secondary School Programmes In Kakamega Central and East Districts

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of Departmental Heads Managerial Skills on the implementation of School Programs, among secondary schools in Kakamega Central and East Districts. Objective of the study was to determine the level at which the Departmental Heads’ personnel Management skills influence the implementation of school programs. The study applied descriptive research design and the target population was 184 Heads of Departments (HoDs) in the selected schools and the sample selected were the Heads of Departments of schools. The respondents were selected through simple random and purposive sapling techniques. The research instruments used was a questionnaire which contained three parts; Open-ended questions that required them to give descriptive answers, closed ended questions that required a definite answer; and questions that tested them on their attitudes towards their roles as Departmental Heads in Secondary schools. The study findings revealed that majority of HODs did not receive adequate skills in personnel management to enable them run their departments effectively. It is recommended that the schools should organize training in leadership and school managemen