194 research outputs found

    Mukopolisakkaridoz hastalarındaki otolarengolojik bulgular

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    Bu derleme makalede MPS hastalarındaki otolarengolojik sorunları raporladık. Mukopolisakkaridozlar (MPS'ler) her biri mukopolisakkaritlerin parçalanmasında rol alan ve şimdilerde glikozaminoglikanlar denilen (GAG'ler) kalıtsal bir enzim eksikliği nedeniyle oluşan bir lizozom depo hastalıkları grubudur. Mukopolisakkaridozlar, mukopolisakkaridoz tip 1-VII diye bilinen 7 metabolizma hastalığı grubunu oluştururlar. Grupların tümünde klinik ve otolaringolojik belirtiler görülür. Mukopolisakkaridoz hastalarında sık görülen otolarengolojik bulgular olarak üst hava yolu obstrüksiyonu, obstrüktif uyku apnesi, ağız açmanın kısıtlanması, orta kulak efüzyonu, işitme ve soluma sorunları vb. bildirilmektedir. KBB uzmanları arasında MPS'ler konusunda farkındalığın artırılması çocuk doktorundan ziyade bir KBB uzmanına giden MPS'den kuşkulanılan hastalar için yaşam kurtarıcı bir çaba olacaktır. Mukopolisakkaridoz hastalarında kısa boyun nedeniyle trakeotomi yapmak zorlaşabilir. Ağız açmanın kısıtlanması nedeniyle tonsillektomi ve adsenoidektomi ameliyatlarından önce hastalar dikkatle değerlendirilmelidir. Anesteziden önce hava yolu sorunları değerlendirilmelidir. Tüm KBB uzmanlarının bu sorunların farkınnda olmaları konusunda dikkati çekilmelidir.In this review paper, we reported otolaryngological problems in patients with mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs). Mucopolysaccharidoses are a group of lysosomal storage diseases, each of which is produced by an inherited deficiency of an enzyme involved in the degradation of acid mucopolysaccharides, now called glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). The mucopolysaccharidoses consist of a group of 7 metabolic disorders, known as mucopolysaccharidoses types I-VII. In all groups, there are clinical and otolaryngological manifestations. In MPS patients, upper airway obstruction, obstructive sleep apnea, restriction of mouth opening, middle ear effusion, hearing and breathing problems, etc. are reported as common otolaryngological findings. Increasing awareness of MPS's among ENT doctors will be a life saving attempt for MPS suspected patients who admit an ENT doctor rather than a pediatrician. In MPS patients, tracheotomy may be difficult due to short neck. Due to mouth opening restriction, patients should be evaluated carefully before tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy operations. Airway problems must be evaluated before anesthesia. All ENT doctors should be noticed to be aware of these problems

    Effects of pregnancy on olfaction

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    Hamileliğin koku alma üzerindeki etkileri Bu derlemede, gebeliğin kadınların koku alma fonksiyonuna etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Gebelik ve postmenopozal dönemde,östrojen ve progesteron seviyeleri spesifik fizyolojik koşullarda değiştiğinden, koku algılama ve tanımlama yeteneği üzerinde etkili olmaktadırlar. Hamilelik sırasında burun tıkanıklığı artmaktadır. Hamilelerin %66.6'sı 2. trimesterde olfaktör bozukluktan rahatsızken; %95.8'ibirinci ve üçüncü trimesterde rahatsızdır. Koku alma fonksiyonu doğumdan sonra azalmakta ve ilk 6-12 hafta içinde tamamen düzeldiğigörünmektedir. İkinci trimesterde daha az, birinci ve üçüncü trimesterde daha yüksek olmak üzere, hamile kadınlarda tüm trimesterlerdekoku alma bozukluğu gözlenmektedir. Postpartum dönemde kokuanormallikleri neredeyse tamamen kaybolmaktadır. Koku alma fonksiyonları bebeğin doğumundan sonra iyileştiği için, hamilelik süresince birçok gebede görülen olfaktör değişiklikler fizyolojik değişikliklerolarak kabul edilebilir.In this review, we aimed to report the effects of pregnancy on olfactionfunction of the women. Since estrogen and progesterone levels changein specific physiological conditions, pregnancy and postmenopausalperiod exert an effect on the capability to sense and identify smells.Nasal stuffiness increased during pregnancy. 66.6% of the pregnantwomen were suffering olfactory dysfunction in the second trimester;while 95.8% in the first and third trimesters. Olfactory function waslessened following birth and throughout the first 6-12 weeks; however,it seemed to improve entirely. In pregnant women, olfactory dysfunction was observed in all trimesters; while it was less in the secondtrimester and high in the first and third trimesters. The smell abnormalities were almost absent at postpartum period. As olfactory functionsimproved after delivery of the baby, olfactory changes during pregnancy may be accepted as physiological changes which were observed inmany pregnant women

    Facial mask for prevention of allergic rhinitis symptoms

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    ObjectivesWe reviewed the role of facial masks in preventing allergic rhinitis (AR) symptoms.MethodsThe literature survey was performed in PubMed, EBSCO, UpToDate, and Proquest Central databases of Kırıkkale University and Google and Google Scholar databases.ResultsAeroallergens are microscopic airborne particles that trigger AR symptoms. In sensitive people, the type 1 hypersensitivity reaction against these allergens occurs when these microparticles enter the nasal mucosa via inhalation. Pollens, molds, dust mites, and animal dander are only some of the allergens suspected of contributing to AR symptoms. The treatment guidelines for AR extensively encompass allergy avoidance and environmental management as the first-line treatment. It is recommended that those who experience seasonal symptoms try to avoid their triggers whenever possible. While medical masks filter out particles larger than 3 μm, FFP2 masks are effective against particles as small as 0.004 μm. Since both mask types are effective in filtering pollen larger than 5 μm in size, they can be used to prevent pollen exposure. The “antiviral protection” provided by medical and FFP2 masks to hospital employees is roughly equivalent. Thus, both should be effective against direct local (eye) or indirect inhaled (nose, bronchial) pollen exposure. For the masks to do their job, they need to fit correctly.ConclusionFace mask affects AR patients' quality of life and reduces AR symptoms' severity

    The Nose as a Route for Therapy: Part 1. Pharmacotherapy

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    This article reviews nasal structure and function in the light of intranasal pharmacotherapy. The nose provides an accessible, fast route for local treatment of nose and sinus diseases, with lower doses than are necessary systemically and few adverse effects. It can also be used for other medications as it has sufficient surface area protected from local damage by mucociliary clearance, absence of digestive enzymes, responsive blood flow, and provides a rapid route to the central nervous system.Peer reviewe

    Experimental Models to Study Immune Dysfunction in the Pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic, age-related, progressive multisystem disease associated with neuroinflammation and immune dysfunction. This review discusses the methodological approaches used to study the changes in central and peripheral immunity in PD, the advantages and limitations of the techniques, and their applicability to humans. Although a single animal model cannot replicate all pathological features of the human disease, neuroinflammation is present in most animal models of PD and plays a critical role in understanding the involvement of the immune system (IS) in the pathogenesis of PD. The IS and its interactions with different cell types in the central nervous system (CNS) play an important role in the pathogenesis of PD. Even though culture models do not fully reflect the complexity of disease progression, they are limited in their ability to mimic long-term effects and need validation through in vivo studies. They are an indispensable tool for understanding the interplay between the IS and the pathogenesis of this disease. Understanding the immune-mediated mechanisms may lead to potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of PD. We believe that the development of methodological guidelines for experiments with animal models and PD patients is crucial to ensure the validity and consistency of the results

    The SF-36 Health Survey in Tinnitus Patients with a High Jugular Bulb

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    WOS: 000273634300002PubMed: 19442364Objectives: This prospective study investigated the multi-item patient functions of health concepts using the SF-36 Health Survey in tinnitus patients with a high jugular bulb (HJB). Methods: The study group consisted of 10 adult tinnitus patients (7 males, 3 females) with an HJB on temporal bone high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT). The control group consisted of 10 healthy patients with normal hearing levels ( 7 males and 3 females) without tinnitus. Using a questionnaire, a tinnitus loudness level score (TLL-Sc) was found. Using the SF-36 questionnaire, eight health concepts were evaluated: physical functioning (PF), role limitations due to physical problems (RP), social functioning ( SF), bodily pain ( BP), general mental health (MH), role limitations due to emotional problems ( RE), vitality (VT), and general health perceptions (GH). Results: SF and VT scores were significantly lower in the study group (p < .05). As the duration of the tinnitus increased, sleep problems and impaired SF-36 scores were seen. Higher TLL-Scs did not cause lower quality of life (QOL) scores, even though they are associated with significantly higher sleep disturbance. In males, TLL-Scs seem to be higher and SF-36 domains lower than in females. Older patients have lower TLL-Scs and do not have impaired HJB-related QOL results, although they do have sleep problems. Conclusion: Longer tinnitus duration, male gender, and sleeping problems may impair QOL. With higher TLL-Scs, QOL results are not lower owing to patients' getting used to living with their tinnitus. According to the SF- 36 Health Survey, tinnitus patients appear to have a higher level of emotional disability than physical disability

    Nazal poliplerde matrix metalloproteinazları ve histiositik makrofajların rolü

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    Proje -- Kırıkale Üniversitesi0087238

    Time Course Of Auditory Processing, Visual Processing, Language And Speech Processing

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    Each stimulus is processed in the brain at a certain speed/time. Hearing, vision and language are included in this process. Such as, the onset of language specific phonetic phonological analysis has been estimated at 100-200 ms. Listener the smaller the gap that can be detected. Such as, rapidly changing (gap) sounds such as /r/, /I/. There are need both short (20msec for phoneme duration signals) and long (200msec for syllable-duration signals) segments of speech. In hearing, language and speech processing functions, brain works together with all fields (auditory processing, memory, language and the image and speech recording area, etc.) synchronizely for seconds as the orchestra. If neurons can not participate this processing synchronizely, synchronization is corrupted. Processing time of information and synchronization work should be the basis for hearing, language and speech training. Phonetics in speech come to our ears in a few seconds through sound waves. If these sounds can not received within a few seconds, they get lost. If received, they were processed in the auditory pathway and brain in a few seconds. The purpose of this review is to draw attention that, if the sounds are received and processed within a few seconds, the training method used in speech training model should be intended for sounds' transmission and processing in a few seconds. In addition, all of the functions (auditory, view processing, memory and language) should be included into training by bottom-up approach. Auditory processing is the ability to listen, comprehend and respond to information that we hear through our auditory channels. It needs decoding of the neural message. Auditory processing involves attention to detection and identification of the signal; and decoding of the neural message. If we don't give full attention to heard things, listening difficulty ocuurs. In poor attention and listening conditions, rapid acoustic changes in speech can not be discriminated.Wo

    Rare coexistence of sialolithiasis and actinomycosisle in the submandibular gland

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    WOS: 000392937000010Sialolithiasis is a condition characterized by the obstruction of salivary gland or its excretory duct by a calculus or sialolith. This condition provokes swelling, pain, and infection of affected gland leading to salivary ectasia and even causing the subsequent dilatation of the salivary gland. The aim of this case report is to present a rare condition of sialolithiasis of the submandibular gland with actinomycosis. In this report, we presented a 35-year-old male patient having coexistence of submandibular sialolithiasis and actinomycosis with a literature review. Patient underwent excision of the right submandibular gland due to siaololithiasis. Pathologic examination revealed chronic sialadenitis, sialolithiasis, actinomyces which all necessitate the excision of right submandibular gland with stones with 1.5 cm in diameter. It should be keep in mind that sialolithiasis may be a predisposing factor for submandibular actinomycosis and removal of the sialolith or the entire gland is of particular importance