7,740 research outputs found

    Long fluid filled bags suspended by line forces

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    A previous analysis of fluid filled storage bags is extended to the case of a long fluid filled cylindrical membrane supported by uniform line loads. Cross-sectional shape, stiffness of the support system and stress resultants in the membrane are determined. The application of the numerical results to problems arising in the design of nonrigid airships is discussed

    Estimation of a 3D motion field from a multi-camera array using a multiresolution Gaussian mixture model

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    The problem of modelling geometry for video based rendering has been much studied in recent years, due to the growing interest in 'free viewpoint' video and similar applications. Common approaches fall into two categories: those which approximate surfaces from dense depth maps obtained by generalisations of stereopsis and those which employ an explicit geometric representation such as a mesh. While the former have generality with respect to geometry, they are limited in terms of viewpoint; the latter, on the other hand, sacrifice generality of geometry for freedom to pick an arbitary viewpoint. The purpose of the work reported here is to bridge this gap in object representation, by employing a stochastic model of object structure: a multiresolution Gaussian mixture. Estimation of the model and tracking it through time from multiple cameras is achieved by a multiresolution stochastic simulation. After a brief outline of the method, its use in modelling human motion using data from local and other sources is presented to illustrate its effectiveness compared to the current state of the art

    Voyager cartography

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    The Jovian and Saturnian satellites are being mapped at several scales from Voyager 1 and 2 data. The maps are especially formatted color mosaics, controlled photomosaics, and airbrush maps. At 1:5,000,000 scale, mapping of Io, Europa, and Ganymede is complete. At 1:15,000,000 scale, mapping of Io and Europa is complete, and mapping of Ganymede is approximately complete. A controlled mosaic of Rhea has been compiled as a Digital Image Model (DIM) in the same format as is being used for Mars. The mosaic is being formatted for publication as a two-sheet set (Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area, Mercator, and Polar Stereographic projections). Magnetic tape copies of the DIM have been distributed to regional Planetary Image Facilities and other interested users. The DIM has a scale of 1/16 degree/pixel, corresponding to approximately 833 m/pixel on Rhea. Details of the status of the various map series are reported quarterly to Planetary Geology Principal Investigators

    Applications of tissue culture to the genetic improvement of grapevines

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    The grapevine was among the first plants to be cultured in vitro (1944). Regeneration by somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis was reported in the 1970s and plantlet production from cell suspensions or callus is now a routine procedure in many laboratories. Methods for isolating grapevine protoplasts have yet to be achieved. The fragmented apex technique, involving high-frequency adventitious bud formation, is a novel and efficient method for rapid multiplication of grapevines but culture of anthers and pollen has been generally unsuccessful. Micropropagation procedures for vinifera grapes, Vitis species and interspecific hybrids, including rootstocks, are all available. Seedless-seedless hybridization, involving embryo rescue in crosses with stenospermocarpic female parents, is of major significance in breeding seedless table grapes. There has been substantial progress in protoplast cell, tissue and organ culture of grapevines, but this technology is still less well developed than with some other fruit crops (notably citrus and apples). So far, tissue culture has little impact on genetic improvement. Exploitation of somaclonal variation for clonal selection is an attractive option for premium wine cultivars. There is evidence of somaclonal variation in vitro but the usefulness of this random genetic variation in viticulture is still uncertain. To date, results of field trials with vines from somatic embryos have been disappointing. The grapevine is proving to be a difficult subject for Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation (A. tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes) and microprojectile technology is another option which is being investigated

    Mamas, Miners, & Movements: Women and Gendered Labor in Central Appalachia During the 20th Century

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    This thesis seeks to better analyze the contributions and experiences of women within the central Appalachian region through the work they participated in during the 20th century. It lays the foundational understandings of gender roles that crafted the society of the area and connects labor evolution for women within Appalachia and the US as a whole – highlighting similarities and differences. It also discusses Appalachian women’s move from the household to waged labor within the coal mines. Special attention will be paid to the reactions of men and other women to women coal miners to understand what gendered labor means within the region. Also discussed is the role of women in traditions of resistance in Appalachia, mainly in the context of labor rights and environmental activism. It studies women’s participation in union and nonunion activity as social unrest evolved from labor issues to discussions over the environmental impact of coal mining. It seeks to broadly trace a line of women activists from the turn of the 19th century to more contemporary activists, highlighting the ways in which women used their gender, and worked against gender norms, to create change in the Appalachian region

    Strongly aligned and oriented molecular samples at a kHz repetition rate

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    We demonstrate strong adiabatic laser alignment and mixed-field orientation at kHz repetition rates. We observe degrees of alignment as large as cos\Theta=0.94 at 1 kHz operation for iodobenzene. The experimental setup consist of a kHz laser system simultaneously producing pulses of 30 fs (1.3 mJ) and 450 ps (9 mJ). A cold 1 K state-selected molecular beam is produced at the same rate by appropriate operation of an Even-Lavie valve. Quantum state selection has been obtained using an electrostatic deflector. A camera and data acquisition system records and analyzes the images on a single-shot basis. The system is capable of producing, controlling (translation and rotation) and analyzing cold molecular beams at kHz repetition rates and is, therefore, ideally suited for the recording of ultrafast dynamics in so-called "molecular movies".Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, in press in Mol. Phys., accepted in February 2013, in final production (galley proofs done) since March 8, 2013, v3 only adds publication dat

    Flowering in Vitis: Effects oi genotype on cytokinin-induced conversion oi tenddls into inflorescences

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    Tendrils of several Vitis species and hybrids were transformed into inflorescences by repeated treatment of shoot apices with 6-(benzylamino)-9-(2-tetrahydropyranyl)-9H-purine (PBA, 50-1000 flM). Tendrils of male vines were more readily converted into inflorescences by PBA-treatment than those of females or hermaphrodite vines. V. vinifera, V. rupestris and their hybrids were more responsive to PBA-treatment than V. monticola, V. girdiana and Muscadinia rotundifolia. Bunches of gmpes with viable seeds were produced by tendril-derived inflorescences of the V. vinifera cultivars Muscat of Alexandria (☿) and Katakourgan (♀) and of a V. vinifera X V. rupestris hybrid (♂).Die Blütenbildung bei der Rebe: Der Einfluß des Genotyps auf die Cytokinin-induzierteUmwandlung von Ranken in InfloreszenzenDie Ranken verschiedener Vitis-Arten und -Bastarde entwickelten sich zu Infloreszenzen, wenn die Triebspitzen wiederholt mit 6-(Benzylamino)-9-(2-tetrahydropyranyl)-9H-purin (PBA; 50-1000 pM) behandelt wurden. Die Ranken männlicher Reben ließen sich durch PBA-Behandlung leichter in Infloreszenzen umwandeln als diejenigen weiblicher oder zwittriger Reben. V. vinifera, V. rupestris und ihre Kreuzungen reagierten stärker auf die PBA-Behandlung als V. monticola, V. girdiana und Muscadinia rotundifolia. Trauben mit lebensfähigen Samen entstanden aus rankenbürtigen Infloreszenzen der V.-vinifera-Sorten Muskat von Alexandria,(☿) und Katakourgan (♀) sowie einer V.-vinifera- x V.-rupestris-Kreuzung (♂)
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