4,670 research outputs found

    A Descriptive Study of an Individualized, Small Group, Team Teaching Program in the Fifth Grade

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a descriptive study concerning the individualized, small group, team teaching program in the fifth grade at Benson Hill Elementary School, Renton, Washington. It will describe, from a participating teacher\u27s point of view, the organization and early implementation of the program

    Voyager cartography

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    The Jovian and Saturnian satellites are being mapped at several scales from Voyager 1 and 2 data. The maps are especially formatted color mosaics, controlled photomosaics, and airbrush maps. At 1:5,000,000 scale, mapping of Io, Europa, and Ganymede is complete. At 1:15,000,000 scale, mapping of Io and Europa is complete, and mapping of Ganymede is approximately complete. A controlled mosaic of Rhea has been compiled as a Digital Image Model (DIM) in the same format as is being used for Mars. The mosaic is being formatted for publication as a two-sheet set (Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area, Mercator, and Polar Stereographic projections). Magnetic tape copies of the DIM have been distributed to regional Planetary Image Facilities and other interested users. The DIM has a scale of 1/16 degree/pixel, corresponding to approximately 833 m/pixel on Rhea. Details of the status of the various map series are reported quarterly to Planetary Geology Principal Investigators

    Dendritic to globular morphology transition in ternary alloy solidification

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    The evolution of solidification microstructures in ternary metallic alloys is investigated by adaptive finite element simulations of a general multicomponent phase-field model. A morphological transition from dendritic to globular growth is found by varying the alloy composition at a fixed undercooling. The dependence of the growth velocity and of the impurity segregation in the solid phase on the composition is analyzed and indicates a smooth type of transition between the dendritic and globular growth structures.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Evidences of Mysticism as Revealed in Eight Poems in Walt Whitman\u27s Leaves of Grass

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    The problem of the present study is to discover evidences of mysticism as revealed in eight poems in Walt Whitman\u27s Leaves of Grass. Potential readers of Whitman have shied away from his poetry because it is difficult to read. There is a lack of interest in his poetry because it is difficult to understand. Perry says: The significance of much of Whitman\u27s poetry will be missed, if the reader does not remember that Whitman is talking to his soul-- the real me. 4 By pointing out the evidences of mysticism, its meaning and relationship to poetry, the writer hopes some understanding may be gained as to the poet\u27s message, to whom he is speaking, and his source of inspiration. In the light of these statements, it is believed that this study will be of importance and help to those persons who are interested in an appreciative and enthusiastic reading of Whitman\u27s poetry. The purpose of this study is to investigate eight poems in Whitman\u27s Leaves of Grass, and to attempt to show that evidence of mysticism is revealed in them. 4Bliss Perry, Walt Whitman. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1934), p. 34

    The Relationship Between Leadership Styles and Organizational Culture withinSchools of Nursing

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between leadership styles and organizational culture within schools of nursing. A non-probability convenience sample (N=149) of subjects was obtained from BSN schools of nursing within the Southern Regional Education Board geographical area. Three data collection tools were utilized including a demographic questionnaire; the Multi-factor Leadership Questionnaire (Bass & Avolio) which measures transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles; and the Organizational Culture Assessment Inventory (Cameron & Quinn) which measures four culture types including clan, market, adhocracy and hierarchy cultures. A descriptive – correlational design was used. Inferential statistics utilized included multiple regressions using analysis of variance and Pearson’s correlations. Significant relationships were evidenced as follows: the main research questions demonstrated that there were statistically significant relationships between the three leadership styles (transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire) and school organizational culture. With each regression analysis, based on the significance of the beta coefficient parameter estimate, the results showed that measures for transformational leadership had a predictive value for Clan, Adhocracy, and Market Cultures. Transactional leadership was found to have significantly predictive value for Adhocracy and Hierarchy cultures. Laissez-faire leadership was found to have significantly predictive value for the Adhocracy and Market Cultures

    Organogenesis in internode explants of grapevines

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    Organogenesis was studied in cultured internodes of grapevine cultivars, hybrids and species. Adventitious root formation occurred with a wide range of media and genotypes. Adventitious buds were formed in explanrts grown in ag1tated liquid culture with NITscH medium supplemented with benzyladenine (1 μM) and 2,4-D (5 μM} or a mixture of 2,4-D and ß-naphthoxyacetic acid (5 μM). Bud formation occurred only in cultures derived from seedlings of Muscadinia rotundifolia, Gloryvine (Vitis vinifera L. x Vitis rupestris ScHEELE) and V. vinifera x Gloryvine, i.e. (Grenache x Cabernet Sauvignon) x Gloryvine and (Sumoll x Cabernet Sauvignon) x Gloryvine. Cuttings from mature vines of V. vinifera cultivars, or from clonal Gloryvine, gave explants which failed to produce buds. Results are discussed in relation to effects of composition of media, origin of explant, maturity of the mother plant and genotype.Organogenese bei Internodienexplaotaten von RebenBei Kalluskulturen aus Internodien verschiedener Rebsorten, -kreuzungen und -arten wurde die Organogenese untersucht. Adventivwurzeln bildeten sich auf zahlreichen Nährmedien und bei vielen Genotypen. Adventivknospen entstanden an Explantaten in Schüttelkulturen auf einem flüssigen Medium nach NITSCH mit einem Zusatz von Benzyladenin (1 μM) und 2,4-D (5 μM) oder einem Gemisch von 2,4-D und ß-Naphthyloxyessigsäure (5 μM). Knospen bildeten sich nur in Kulturen aus Sämlingen von Muscadinia rotundifolia, Gloryvine (Vitis vinifera L. x Vitis rupestris SCHEELE) sowie V. vinifera x Gloryvine, nämlich (Grenache x Cabernet Sauvignon) x Gloryvine und (Sumoll x Cabernet Sauvignon) x Gloryvine. Aus ausgereiftem Holz von V. -vinifera-Sorten oder einem Gloryvine-Klon hergestellte Stecklinge ergaben Explantate, die keine Knospenbildung zeigten. Die Ergebnisse werden im Hinblick auf die Zusammensetzung der Nährmedien, den Ursprung des Explantats, den Reifezustand der Mutterpflanze und den Genotyp diskutiert

    Somatic embryo formation by cultured ovules of Cabernet Sauvignon grape: Effects of fertilization and of the male gameticide toluidine blue

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    Maximum numbers of pollen tubes were found in styles of plants growing at 27 °C (day) and 22 °C (night). Fertilization generally occurred by 24 h after anthesis. Treatment of both isolated pollen and inflorescences of intact vines with toluidine blue (10-100mg l-1) reduced pollen germination and tube growth. Pollen tubes which penetrated the styles of toluidine blue-treated flowers appeared to be abnormal. Somatic embryos were produced with equal frequency by nucellus tissue from cultured ovules from both normally-fertilized and toluidine blue-treated flowers. There was degeneration of embryosacs in all cultured ovules. The grape appears to be unresponsive to toluidine blue as an inducer of haploid parthenogenesis

    Beyond Enjoyment: A Cognitive-Emotional Perspective of Gamification

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    The success of gamified systems depends on their ability to engage players by eliciting both positive and negative emotions, but little guidance exists on creating emotional experiences through gamified design. This paper reviews work in psychology and neuroscience to highlight the interactive processes of cognition and emotion, and describes their relevance to gamification. Drawing on a model of the cognitive structure of emotions, and the mechanics-dynamics-emotions (MDE) framework for gamification, this paper advances a cognitive-emotional perspective of gamification and provides general propositions and directions for future research