Somatic embryo formation by cultured ovules of Cabernet Sauvignon grape: Effects of fertilization and of the male gameticide toluidine blue


Maximum numbers of pollen tubes were found in styles of plants growing at 27 °C (day) and 22 °C (night). Fertilization generally occurred by 24 h after anthesis. Treatment of both isolated pollen and inflorescences of intact vines with toluidine blue (10-100mg l-1) reduced pollen germination and tube growth. Pollen tubes which penetrated the styles of toluidine blue-treated flowers appeared to be abnormal. Somatic embryos were produced with equal frequency by nucellus tissue from cultured ovules from both normally-fertilized and toluidine blue-treated flowers. There was degeneration of embryosacs in all cultured ovules. The grape appears to be unresponsive to toluidine blue as an inducer of haploid parthenogenesis

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