295 research outputs found

    Characterization of polymers containing ferrocene and imidazole with density functional theory

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    Electrochemical and UV-Vis studies on these polymers in the presence of aqueous solutions containing metal ions have revealed significant modifications in the electrochemical properties and absorption spectra. These modifications in electrochemical properties could be attributed to the ability of the imidazole to coordinate with metal ions, increasing its electron deficiency and enhancing oxidization of the nearby ferrocene moiety if it is in close proximity with imidazole. However, the mechanism of interaction between the imidazole and metal ions, as well as the equilibrium geometry of the resulting polymer-metal ion complex is unknown. In this thesis, density functional theory (DFT) was used to study the equilibrium geometry of copolymers containing ferrocene and imidazole. The calculation of equilibrium geometry for molecular systems using DFT is a well- known reliable method that produces trustworthy results within the limits of the theory. With an approximation of two and three polymer segments, equilibrium molecular geometry was obtained as well as the molecular energy levels of the system. Additional calculations of the polymer chains were conducted with sodium atoms bonded to the imidazole group to examine changes in the molecular orbitals. Analysis of these structures showed a shift of the HOMO energy state due to the addition of the sodium atom. Visualization of the density of states plots showed possible correlation with UV-vis experimental results

    Radiometric performance of AVIRIS: Assessment for an arid region geologic target

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    Data from several AVIRIS flight lines were examined to assess instrument stability and response. Both scene and in-flight calibration data were analyzed statistically. The data clearly indicates that, although the instrument output was noisy and unstable at the time of the data acquisition, valuable spectral signatures can still be extracted and analyzed. Some first order calibration corrections can be performed by forcing internal consistency within the data. AVIRIS data are delivered in band-interleaved-by-line format, but high efficiency routines were developed which access the data as either image or spectral planes and enable effective statistical and visual examination of both AVIRIS scenes and ancillary files. Two methods were used to extract spectral information from segment 4 of the Kelso Dunes flight. Both successfully identified at least three distinct spectral signatures, but neither has positively identified a specific material

    Recruitment Strategies for Caregivers of Children with Mental Health Problems

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to describe strategies for recruiting participants into an intervention study that focused on improving problem-solving skills in caregivers of children with mental health problems. BACKGROUND: Caregivers of children with mental health problems report feeling physically and psychologically overwhelmed and have high rates of depression because of the demands of caregiving. Research on the needs of these caregivers and interventions to ameliorate their stress is needed. However, recruiting this population can be particularly difficult because of the stigma of mental illness. Available literature on recruitment of caregivers of persons with physical illness cannot be transferred to caregivers of children with mental health problems because of the different caregiving situations. There is a need to identify effective recruitment strategies to reduce cost and answer research questions. Clinical nurse specialists have the skills to facilitate the recruitment of research participants. We revised and expanded health system referrals, community outreach, and recruiting advertisement (ads). When these strategies did not increase recruitment, radio ads were used. The Andersen's Behavioral Model of Health Services Utilization was selected as a guiding framework. OUTCOME: Radio ads were the most effective strategy for recruiting caregivers of children with mental health problems for this study. CONCLUSION: Recruitment was ultimately successful because we were flexible and made decisions consistent with the Andersen's Behavioral Model of Health Services Utilization. IMPLICATIONS: Clinical nurse specialists who study this population of caregivers should really consider the use of radio ads and systematically track which recruitment strategies lead to the greatest number of participants screened, eligible, and enrolled into studies

    Characterization of Dental Pulp Stem Cell Responses to Functional Biomaterials Including Mineralized Trioxide Aggregates

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    Introduction: Many studies in stem cell biology have demonstrated that dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) may be highly proliferative and capable of pluripotent differentiation into many different tissue types. Recent advances in stem cell research have outlined methods for directing in vitro or in vivo growth, viability, and proliferation, as well as differentiation of DPSC-although much remains to be discovered. Based upon this information, the primary objective of this study was to understand the functional biomaterials needed to more effectively direct DPSC viability, growth, and proliferation. Methods: Using an approved protocol, previously collected and isolated samples of DPSC from an existing repository were used. Previously established stem cell biomarkers (Sox-2, Oct-4, NANOG) from each isolate were correlated with their proliferation rates or doubling times to categorize them into rapid, intermediate, or slow-dividing multipotent DPSC. Growth factors and other functional dental biomaterials were subsequently tested to evaluate DPSC responses in proliferation, viability, and morphology. Results: Differential responses were observed among DPSC isolates to growth factors, including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and bone morphogenic protein (BMP-2), and functional biomaterials such as mineralized trioxide aggregates (MTA). The responsiveness of DPSC isolates did not correlate with any single factor but rather with a combination of proliferation rate and biomarker expression. Conclusions: These data strongly suggest that some, but not all, DPSC isolates are capable of a robust and significant in vitro response to differentiation stimuli, although this response is not universal. Although some biomarkers and phenotypes that distinguish and characterize these DPSC isolates may facilitate the ability to predict growth, viability, and differentiation potential, more research is needed to determine the other intrinsic and extrinsic factors that may contribute to and modulate these DPSC responses to these functional biomaterials for biotechnology and bioengineering applications

    Antivenom Treatment Is Associated with Fewer Patients using Opioids after Copperhead Envenomation

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    Introduction Copperhead envenomation causes local tissue destruction, leading people to seek treatment for the pain and swelling. First-line treatment for the pain is opioid medications. There is rising concern that an initial opioid prescription from the emergency department (ED) can lead to long-term addiction. This analysis sought to determine whether use of Fab antivenom (FabAV) for copperhead envenomation affected opioid use. Methods We performed a secondary analysis using data from a randomized clinical trial designed to determine the effect of FabAV on limb injury recovery following mild to moderate copperhead envenomation. Opioid use was a defined secondary outcome in the parent trial. Patients were contacted after discharge, and data were obtained regarding medications used for pain and the patients’ functional status. This analysis describes the proportion of patients in each treatment group reporting opioid use at each time point. It also assesses the interaction between functional status and use of opioids. Results We enrolled 74 patients in the parent trial (45 received FabAV, 29 placebo), of whom 72 were included in this secondary analysis. Thirty-five reported use of any opioids after hospital discharge. A smaller proportion of patients treated with FabAV reported opioid use: 40.9% vs 60.7% of those in the placebo group. The proportion of patients using opioids remained smaller in the FabAV group at each follow-up time point. Controlling for confounders and interactions between variables, the model estimated that the odds ratio of using opioids after hospital discharge among those who received placebo was 5.67 times that of those who received FabAV. Patients who reported higher baseline pain, those with moderate as opposed to mild envenomation, and females were more likely to report opioid use at follow-up. Patients with ongoing limitations to functional status had an increased probability of opioid use, with a stronger association over time. Opioid use corresponded with the trial’s predefined criteria for full recovery, with only two patients reporting opioid use in the 24 hours prior to achieving full limb recovery and no patients in either group reporting opioid use after full limb recovery. Conclusion In this study population, the proportion of patients using opioids for pain related to envenomation was smaller in the FabAV treatment group at all follow-up time points

    The Efficacy of Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (Ovine) Antivenom Versus Placebo Plus Optional Rescue Therapy on Recovery From Copperhead Snake Envenomation: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Clinical Trial

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    Study objective: Copperhead snake (Agkistrodon contortrix) envenomation causes limb injury resulting in pain and disability. It is not known whether antivenom administration improves limb function. We determine whether administration of antivenom improves recovery from limb injury in patients envenomated by copperhead snakes. Methods: From August 2013 through November 2015, we performed a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo- controlled, clinical trial to evaluate the effect of ovine Crotalidae polyvalent immune Fab (ovine) (CroFab; FabAV) antivenom therapy on recovery of limb function in patients with copperhead snake envenomation at 14 days postenvenomation. The study setting was 18 emergency departments in regions of the United States where copperhead snakes are endemic. Consecutive patients aged 12 years or older with mild- to moderate-severity envenomation received either FabAV or placebo. The primary outcome was limb function 14 days after envenomation, measured by the Patient-Specific Functional Scale. Additional outcomes included the Patient-Specific Functional Scale at other points; the Disorders of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand, Lower Extremity Functional Scale, and Patient’s Global Impression of Change instruments; grip strength; walking speed; quality of life (Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Physical Fucntion-10); pain; and analgesic use. Results: Seventy-four patients received study drug (45 FabAV, 29 placebo). Mean age was 43 years (range 12 to 86 years). Fifty-three percent were men, 62% had lower extremity envenomation, and 88% had mild initial severity. The primary outcome, the least square mean Patient-Specific Functional Scale score at 14 days postenvenomation, was 8.6 for FabAV-treated subjects and 7.4 for placebo recipients (difference 1.2; 95% confidence interval 0.1 to 2.3; P1�4.04). Additional outcome assessments generally favored FabAV. More FabAV-treated subjects experienced treatment- emergent adverse events (56% versus 28%), but few were serious (1 in each group). Conclusion: Treatment with FabAV reduces limb disability measured by the Patient-Specific Functional Scale 14 days after copperhead envenomation. [Ann Emerg Med. 2017;70:233-244.

    The validity, reliability and minimal clinically important difference of the patient specific functional scale in snake envenomation

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    Objective: Valid, reliable, and clinically relevant outcome measures are necessary in clinical studies of snake envenomation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric (validity and reliability) and clinimetric (minimal clinically important difference [MCID]) properties of the Patient-Specific Functional Scale (PSFS) in snakebite envenomation. Methods: We performed a secondary analysis of two existing snakebite trials that measured clinical outcomes using the PSFS as well as other quality of life and functional assessments. Data were collected at 3, 7, 10, and 17 days. Reliability was determined using Cronbach’s alpha for internal consistency and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for temporal stability at 10 and 17 days. Validity was assessed using concurrent validity correlating with the other assessments. The MCID was evaluated using the following criteria: (1) the distribution of stable patients according to both standard error of measurement (SEM) and responsiveness techniques, and (2) anchor-based methods to compare between individuals and to detect discriminant ability of a positive change with a receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve and optimal cutoff point. Results: A total of 86 patients were evaluated in this study. The average PSFS scores were 5.37 (SD 3.23), 7.95 (SD 2.22), and 9.12 (SD 1.37) at 3, 7, and 10 days, respectively. Negligible floor effect was observed (maximum of 8% at 3 days); however, a ceiling effect was observed at 17 days (25%). The PSFS showed good reliability with an internal consistency of 0.91 (Cronbach’s alpha) (95% CI 0.88, 0.95) and a temporal stability of 0.83 (ICC) (95% CI 0.72, 0.89). The PSFS showed a strong positive correlation with quality of life and functional assessments. The MCID was approximately 1.0 for all methods. Conclusions: With an MCID of approximately 1 point, the PSFS is a valid and reliable tool to assess quality of life and functionality in patients with snake envenomation

    Small UAS Detect and Avoid Requirements Necessary for Limited Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) Operations

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    Potential small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operational scenarios/use cases and Detect And Avoid (DAA) approaches were collected through a number of industry wide data calls. Every 333 Exemption holder was solicited for this same information. Summary information from more than 5,000 exemption holders is documented, and the information received had varied level of detail but has given relevant experiential information to generalize use cases. A plan was developed and testing completed to assess Radio Line Of Sight (RLOS), a potential key limiting factors for safe BVLOS ops. Details of the equipment used, flight test area, test payload, and fixtures for testing at different altitudes is presented and the resulting comparison of a simplified mathematical model, an online modeling tool, and flight data are provided. An Operational Framework that defines the environment, conditions, constraints, and limitations under which the recommended requirements will enable sUAS operations BVLOS is presented. The framework includes strategies that can build upon Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and industry actions that should result in an increase in BVLOS flights in the near term. Evaluating approaches to sUAS DAA was accomplished through five subtasks: literature review of pilot and ground observer see and avoid performance, survey of DAA criteria and recommended baseline performance, survey of existing/developing DAA technologies and performance, assessment of risks of selected DAA approaches, and flight testing. Pilot and ground observer see and avoid performance were evaluated through a literature review. Development of DAA criteria—the emphasis here being well clear— was accomplished through working with the Science And Research Panel (SARP) and through simulations of manned and unmanned aircraft interactions. Information regarding sUAS DAA approaches was collected through a literature review, requests for information, and direct interactions. These were analyzed through delineation of system type and definition of metrics and metric values. Risks associated with sUAS DAA systems were assessed by focusing on the Safety Risk Management (SRM) pillar of the SMS (Safety Management System) process. This effort (1) identified hazards related to the operation of sUAS in BVLOS, (2) offered a preliminary risk assessment considering existing controls, and (3) recommended additional controls and mitigations to further reduce risk to the lowest practical level. Finally, flight tests were conducted to collect preliminary data regarding well clear and DAA system hazards
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