106 research outputs found

    Holistic Routes to Education: How the General Curriculum Informs the Aviation Core

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    This paper draws on pedagogical theory, educational research, case studies, and examples of teaching practice within ERAU - Worldwide and elsewhere to address Society\u27s general need of a holistic approach to higher education. It addresses particularly how ERAU Worldwide\u27s degree programs, curricula, and instructors educate the whole student within an aviation curriculum

    Market chain analysis for the trade in live reef food fish

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    Market chain analysis can provide information on distribution of costs and profits to intermediaries and identify concentrations of market power. This paper explores market chain issues for the live reef food fish trade, a highvalue export fishery involving nearly 20 countries in the Asia-Pacific region, with demand centred in Hong Kong. The characteristics of the trade mean the market chain is more extended than most seafood chains. With supply dominated by artisanal fishers in developing countries, there are concerns that gains are being unevenly distributed along the chain. This paper describes the market chain for live reef fish and identifies key cost, revenue and risk components that may affect the distribution of value along the chain

    Assessment for Learning: An Outcomes-Based Approach to Enhance Learning

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    This paper draws on two case studies from UK universities to advance debate regarding assessment strategies and methods in the ERAU Worldwide. It focuses on the use of summative and formative assessment, the role of feedback, and the importance of learning outcomes for continuous academic improvement. Findings from the first case study, with three cohorts of graduate students, show that, where students are encouraged to learn from their mistakes via formative feedback, improvement is more likely than when standard approaches to assessment are employed. The second case study identifies one university\u27s approach to changing the design, delivery and assessment of its courses. Findings reveal the need to match assessment and learning outcomes in order to enhance students\u27 learning experiences

    Finding Nemo: estimating import demand for live reef food fish

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    Reef fish traded alive for table food are high value-to-volume products, with demand centred in Hong Kong and southern mainland China. Import demand functions for live reef food fish are estimated for Hong Kong, in aggregate and for individual fish species. Cross-price, income and population elasticities, and the impact of SARS and Chinese New Year on demand, are estimated. Results show that price has a smaller influence on import demand than expected. The most influential factor is Chinese New Year. The price of low and medium-value species exhibited a negative impact, whereas the price of very high-value species exhibited a positive impact, on demand. This suggests that high-value live reef species may be Veblen goods, where consumption increases as a direct function of its price, in this case due to associated prestige and status

    Visual Coding of Status for Technical Operations Systems

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    In order to monitor and control over 30,000 different services and equipment, Technical Operations (TO) specialists must be provided with clear and consistent methods for recognizing status quickly. Without specific guidance on status coding, each new system must come up with a strategy for conveying status information, leading to coding that is inconsistent with other systems and often inconsistent with human factors best practices. The purpose of this document is to promote consistency in the coding of status information used for monitoring and control at TO Service Operations Centers. This report defines the various terms used for status related events in TO, describes the TO work environment, describes current information displays used by TO, and explains how to use screen real estate to enhance user performance. This document also describes the various methods used to code status and provides explicit recommendations based on Human Factors best practices. If the course of action described in this report is successful, it will promote consistency in the coding of status information across systems. This can reduce the time needed to identify and react to a potential problem, minimizing the potential for outages and decreasing the impact of outages that do occur

    Comparing the Tower Operations Digital Data System To Paper Flight Progress Strips in Zero-Visibility Operations

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    The current experiment used a high-fidelity, human-in-the-loop simulation to compare the Tower Operations Digital Data System (TODDS) to paper flight progress strips (FPSs) during zero-visibility Airport Traffic Control Tower operations. Sixteen current controllers participated in groups of two. Each group received touchscreen and TODDS training before completing eight practice and eight test scenarios. The participants worked at both the ground and local control positions under four experimental conditions. The participants used either the Integrated TODDS (electronic flight data integrated with surface surveillance, weather information, and digital-taxi communications), FPSs with Airport Surface Detection Equipment \u2013 Model X (ASDE-X), Perceptual-Spatial TODDS (electronic flight data integrated with weather information and digital-taxi communications, but no surface surveillance), or FPSs only, to control airport traffic. The participants had a Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System (STARS) display in all four conditions, but did not have an out-the-window view. Dependent measures included the number and duration of airport operations, number and duration of communications, TODDS usability, and participant opinion. The data revealed advantages for surface surveillance and TODDS. The Integrated TODDS provided additional benefits that may help reduce the risk of runway incursions, ease the flow of surface operations, and support the Staffed Virtual Tower concept

    New Electronic Flight Data Interface Designs for Airport Traffic Control Towers : Initial Usability Test

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    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is examining electronic alternatives to the paper flight progress strips that air traffic controllers currently use in Airport Traffic Control Towers (ATCTs). FAA researchers have recently developed new concepts and human-computer interface designs for the management of electronic flight data in ATCTs. The authors of this report use a part-task simulation to assess the usability of the new Electronic Flight Data Interface (EFDI) concepts. The authors present objective and subjective data to evaluate (a) the participants\u2019 ability to learn how to use each EFDI, (b) the participants\u2019 ability to use the EFDIs as designed with the touch sensitive display, and (c) whether the participants\u2019 performance changes over a short period of time

    Data Communications Segment 2 Airport Traffic Control Tower Human-in-the-Loop Simulation

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    This technical report provides a brief literature review of previous research on air traffic control concepts relevant to the Data Communications (Data Comm) program and examines the use of digital-taxi (D-Taxi) clearances for departure aircraft under three levels of data link equipage (Voice Only vs. 40% Data Comm vs. 75% Data Comm). Sixteen current controllers participated in a high-fidelity, human-in-the-loop simulation to assess the potential effects of D-Taxi on controller communications, workload, and performance. We collected measures of airport system efficiency and usability measures for the Tower Operations Digital Data System that enabled the D-Taxi functions and taxiway conformance monitoring. We examined the specific effects of taxi conformance monitoring and a complete data link system failure in an additional exploratory scenario. This report provides a detailed set of results and recommendations for future research and requirements generation that the Federal Aviation Administration should consider when implementing the Data Comm Segment 2 concepts
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