8 research outputs found

    Long term behavior of the stirred vacuum on a Dirac chain: geometry blur and the random Slater ensemble

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    We characterize the long-term state of the 1D Dirac vacuum stirred by an impenetrable object, modeled as the ground state of a finite free-fermionic chain dynamically perturbed by a moving classical obstacle which suppresses the local hopping amplitudes. We find two different regimes, depending on the velocity of the obstacle. For a slow motion, the effective Floquet Hamiltonian presents features which are typical of the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble, and the occupation of the Floquet modes becomes roughly homogeneous. Moreover, the long term entanglement entropy of a contiguous block follows a Gaussian analogue of Page's law, i.e. a volumetric behavior. Indeed, the statistical properties of the reduced density matrices correspond to those of a random Slater determinant, which can be described using the Jacobi ensemble from random matrix theory. On the other hand, if the obstacle moves fast enough, the effective Floquet Hamiltonian presents a Poissonian behavior. The nature of the transition is clarified by the entanglement links, which determine the effective geometry underlying the entanglement structure, showing that the one-dimensionality of the physical Hamiltonian dissolves into a random adjacency matrix as we slow down the obstacle motion

    Depletion in fermionic chains with inhomogeneous hoppings

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    The ground state of a free-fermionic chain with inhomogeneous hoppings at half-filling can be mapped into the Dirac vacuum on a static curved space-time, which presents exactly homogeneous occupations due to particle-hole symmetry. Yet, far from half-filling we observe density modulations and depletion effects. The system can be described by a 1D Schr\"odinger equation on a different static space-time, with an effective potential which accounts for the depleted regions. We provide a semiclassical expression for the single-particle modes and the density profiles associated to different hopping patterns and filling fractions. Moreover, we show that the depletion effects can be compensated for all filling fractions by adding a chemical potential proportional to the hoppings. Interestingly, we can obtain exactly the same density profiles on a homogeneous chain if we introduce a chemical potential which is inverse to the hopping intensities, even though the ground state is different from the original one

    Ergotropy and entanglement in critical spin chains

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    A subsystem of an entangled ground state is in a mixed state. Thus, if we isolate this subsystem from its surroundings we may be able to extract work applying unitary transformations, up to a maximal amount which is called ergotropy. Once this work has been extracted, the subsystem will still contain some bound energy above its local ground state, which can provide valuable information about the entanglement structure. We show that the bound energy for half a free fermionic chain decays as the square of the entanglement entropy divided by the chain length, thus approaching zero for large system sizes, and we conjecture that this relation holds for all 1D critical states

    Incorporación del aprendizaje basado en proyectos en las titulaciones de grado del Campus de Alcoy de la Universitat Politècnica de València

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    [ES] El mercado laboral actual es cada vez más exigente y ello hace que a los profesionales se les exija un mayor nivel de adquisición de competencias en sus tres dimensiones -cognitiva, instrumental y actitudinal- para la resolución de problemas avanzados y la toma de decisiones eficiente. En este contexto, la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) apuesta por integrar la metodología docente de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) en sus titulaciones de grado para fomentar el aprendizaje por competencias. Distintos estudios han demostrado que son los métodos activos, entre los que se encuentra el ABP, los más compatibles y coherentes con la formación por competencias. El objetivo del presente artículo es describir el proyecto de incorporación de ABP en las asignaturas de 3º y 4º curso de los seis grados del Campus de Alcoy de la UPV. Para ello, se detalla el contexto en el cual se desarrollará la innovación y mejora educativa, así como los objetivos que se persiguen, en qué consiste dicha innovación y cuáles son los resultados obtenidos hasta el momento así como cuáles son las líneas futuras de trabajo.[EN] The current labour market is increasingly exigent and this means that professionals require more and more skills and competencies in its three dimensions -cognitive, instrumental and attitudinal- for advanced problem solving and efficient decision-making. In this context, the Universitat Politècnica de València is committed to integrating the teaching methodology Project Based Learning (PBL) in its bachelors to promote the competency-based learning. Different studies have corroborated that the active methods, among which the PBL is classified, are the most compatible and coherent with the competency-based learning. The objective of this article is to describe the design for the incorporation of PBL in subjects of 3rd and 4th year courses of six bachelors in Campus de Alcoy of UPV. So, the paper describes the context in which the educational innovation will be developed, as well as the objectives pursued, what such innovation consists of, the relevant data needed for the incorporation of PBL and the future lines of work.Sanchis, R.; Mula, J.; Cantó, B.; García-Sanoguera, D.; Torregrosa, JI. (2020). Incorporación del aprendizaje basado en proyectos en las titulaciones de grado del Campus de Alcoy de la Universitat Politècnica de València. En IN-RED 2020: VI Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 366-376. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2020.2020.12030OCS36637

    The promoter of cell growth- and RNA protection-associated SND1 gene is activated by endoplasmic reticulum stress in human hepatoma cells

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    Background: Staphyloccocal nuclease domain-containing protein 1 (SND1) is involved in the regulation of gene expression and RNA protection. While numerous studies have established that SND1 protein expression is modulated by cellular stresses associated with tumor growth, hypoxia, inflammation, heat- shock and oxidative conditions, little is known about the factors responsible for SND1 expression. Here, we have approached this question by analyzing the transcriptional response of human SND1 gene to pharmacological endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in liver cancer cells. Results: We provide first evidence that SND1 promoter activity is increased in human liver cancer cells upon exposure to thapsigargin or tunicamycin or by ectopic expression of ATF6, a crucial transcription factor in the unfolded protein response triggered by ER stress. Deletion analysis of the 5'-flanking region of SND1 promoter identified maximal activation in fragment (-934, +221), which contains most of the predicted ER stress response elements in proximal promoter. Quantitative real- time PCR revealed a near 3 fold increase in SND1 mRNA expression by either of the stress- inducers; whereas SND1 protein was maximally upregulated (3.4-fold) in cells exposed to tunicamycin, a protein glycosylation inhibitor. Conclusion: Promoter activity of the cell growth- and RNA-protection associated SND1 gene is up-regulated by ER stress in human hepatoma cells.The authors thank Jose Antonio Lopez for his technical help with cell cultures. This study was supported by the Basque Government (IT336/10) and the University of the Basque Country (UFI11/20). SA and EA were recipients of a grant for the specialization of doctor researchers and a postdoctoral contract, respectively, from the University of the Basque Country

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    Fecha de edición aproximada, 1994Unidad didáctica de educación en valores, educación moral y educación cívica. Su objetivo es contribuir a la sensibilización frente a los problemas del racismo generados por la creciente inmigración de personas procedentes de países con menos recursos. Pretende promover un acercamiento entre nuestra cultura y la de los países de orígen de los inmigrantes como forma de superar tópicos, prejuicios y desarrollar actitudes y valores en favor del pluralismo cultural y el respeto mutuo. Las actividades planteadas tienen el objetivo de desmontar los prejuicios colectivos existentes y promover actitudes solidarias.AragónBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]