728 research outputs found

    МОТИВАЦІЯ ЯК ПЕРЕДУМОВА ПСИХОЛОГІЇ ГОТОВНОСТІ ДО ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ ПРИКОРДОННИКА (Motivation as the Prerequisite of Psychological Readiness of Border Guards for Professional Activity)

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    У статті висвітлено погляди практичного військового психолога на проблему мотивації офіцерів у прикордонній сфері. Введено нове поняття «психологічно важливе середовище» в контекст вивчення готовності офіцера до професійної діяльності. Узагальнено та розкрито інструментарій мотиву офіцера, виділено спрямованість прикордонного мотиву в діяльності офіцера. Обгрунтований вплив предмету дослідження на активізацію і спрямованість поведінки офіцера-прикордонника. (This article highlights views of practical military psychologists on the problem of motivation in the border sphere. A new term of "psychologically important environment" in the context of the exploration of the officers’ readiness for professional activities is introduced. The toolkit of the motivation of an officers and selected directionality of the border motive in activities of an officer are summarized and disclosed . The influence of theresearch subject on the intensify and orientation behavior of an borderguard officer is justified.

    The Effect of Raws Materials of Catfish (Pangasius Hypopthalmus) and Snakehead Fish Surimi (Channa Striata) Toward Fishball Quality for Cold Temperature Storage

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    The study was aimed to determine the quality of fishball was processed from raw material of surimi in organoleptic, proximate and microbiology for cold storage. The method used was experimental method with a random group non factorial (RAK), with three level treatment i.e surimi of catfish (B1), surimi of snakehead (B2) and mixture of surimi catfish and snakehead (B3) for 0,15,30 days of storage. The parameters in this research was organoleptic (appearance, aroma, flavor and texture), proximate analyses (water, protein and fat content) and microbiology (total bacterial colonies). The result showed that raw material of surimi was significant affect to organoleptic value, proximate and microbiology. The best treatment was the mixture catfish surimi and snakehead surimi (B3) with organoleptic value of appereance (8), aroma (7), flavor (8) and texture (8), proximate value of water content (45,49%), protein (28,18%) and fat content (2,15%), the total of bacterial colony was 3,9x103 CFU/g

    GLP2: An underestimated signal for improving glycaemic control and insulin sensitivity

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    Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP2) is a proglucagon-derived peptide produced by intestinal enteroendocrine L-cells and by a discrete population of neurons in the brainstem, which projects mainly to the hypothalamus. The main biological actions of GLP2 are related to the regulation of energy absorption and maintenance of mucosal morphology, function and integrity of the intestine however, recent experimental data suggest that GLP2 exerts beneficial effects on glucose metabolism, especially in conditions related to increased uptake of energy, such as obesity, at least in the animal model. Indeed, mice lacking GLP2 receptor selectively in hypothalamic neurons that express proopiomelanocortin show impaired postprandial glucose tolerance and hepatic insulin resistance (by increased gluconeogenesis). Moreover, GLP2 acts as a beneficial factor for glucose metabolism in mice with high-fat diet-induced obesity. Thus, the aim of this review is to update and summarize current knowledge about the role of GLP2 in the control of glucose homeostasis and to discuss how this molecule could exert protective effects against the onset of related obesity type 2 diabetes

    Pubertal development in The Netherlands 1965-1997

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    We investigated pubertal development of 4019 boys and 3562 girls >8 y of age participating in a cross-sectional survey in The Netherlands and compared the results with those of two previous surveys. Reference curves for all pubertal stages were constructed. The 50th percentile of Tanner breast stage 2 was 10.7 y, and 50% of the boys had reached a testicular volume of 4 mL at 11.5 y of age. Median age at menarche was 13.15 y. The median age at which the various stages of pubertal development were observed has stabilized since 1980. The increase of the age at stage G2 between 1965 and 1997 is probably owing to different interpretations of its definition. The current age limits for the definition of precocious are close to the third percentile of these references. A high agreement was found between the pubic hair stages and stages of pubertal (genital and breast) development, but slightly more in boys than in girls. Menarcheal age was dependent on height, weight, and body mass index. At a given age tall or heavy girls have a higher probability of having menarche compared with short or thin girls. A body weight exceeding 60 kg (+1 SDS), or a body mass index of >20 (+1 SDS), has no or little effect on the chance of having menarche, whereas for height such a ceiling effect was not observed. In conclusion, in The Netherlands the age at onset of puberty or menarche has stabilized since 1980. Height, weight, and body mass index have a strong influence on the chance of menarche

    Spatial rainfall variability and runoff response during an extreme event in a semi-arid catchment in the South Pare Mountains, Tanzania

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    This paper describes an extreme flood event that occurred in the South Pare Mountains in northern Tanzania. A high spatial and temporal resolution data set has been gathered in a previously ungauged catchment. This data was analysed using a multi-method approach, to gather information about the processes that generated the flood event. On 1 March 2006, extreme rainfall occurred in the Makanya catchment, (300 km<sup>2</sup>), where up to 100 mm were recorded in Bangalala village in only 3 h. The flood was devastating, inundating large parts of the flood plain. The spatial variability of the rainfall during the event was very large, even in areas with the same altitude. The Vudee sub-catchment (25.8 km<sup>2</sup>) was in the centre of the rainfall event, receiving about 75 mm in 3 h divided over the two upstream tributaries: the Upper-Vudee and Ndolwa. The peak flow at the weir site has been determined using the slope-area method and gradually varied flow calculations, indicating a peak discharge of 32 m<sup>3</sup> s<sup>−1</sup>. Rise and fall of the flood was very sharp, with the peak flow occurring just one hour after the peak of the rainfall. The flow receded to 1% of the maximum flow within 24 h. Hydrograph separation using hydrochemical parameters indicates that at the floodpeak 50% of the flow was generated by direct surface runoff (also indicated by the large amount of sediments in the samples), whereas the recession originated from displaced groundwater (>90%). The subsequent base flow in the river remained at 75 l s<sup>−1</sup> for the rest of the season, which is substantially higher than the normal base flow observed during the previous rainy seasons (15 l s<sup>−1</sup>) indicating significant groundwater recharge during this extreme event