106 research outputs found
Regulation of Chicken ccn2 Gene by Interaction between RNA cis-Element and Putative trans-Factor during Differentiation of Chondrocytes
CCN2/CTGF is a multifunctional growth factor. Our previous studies have revealed that CCN2 plays important roles in both growth and differentiation of chondrocytes and that the 3′-untranslated region (3′-UTR) of ccn2 mRNA contains a cis-repressive element of gene expression. In the present study, we found that the stability of chicken ccn2 mRNA is regulated in a differentiation stage-dependent manner in chondrocytes. We also found that stimulation by bone morphogenetic protein 2, platelet-derived growth factor, and CCN2 stabilized ccn2 mRNA in proliferating chondrocytes but that it destabilized the mRNA in prehypertrophic-hypertrophic chondrocytes. The results of a reporter gene assay revealed that the minimal repressive cis-element of the 3′-UTR of chicken ccn2 mRNA was located within the area between 100 and 150 bases from the polyadenylation tail. Moreover, the stability of ccn2 mRNA was correlated with the interaction between this cis-element and a putative 40-kDa trans-factor in nuclei and cytoplasm. In fact, the binding between them was prominent in proliferating chondrocytes and attenuated in (pre)hypertrophic chondrocytes. Stimulation by the growth factors repressed the binding in proliferating chondrocytes; however, it enhanced it in (pre)hypertrophic chondrocytes. Therefore, gene expression of ccn2 mRNA during endochondral ossification is properly regulated, at least in part, by changing the stability of the mRNA, which arises from the interaction between the RNA cis-element and putative trans-factor
Hijacking ZIP codes: posttanscriptional regulation of CCN2 by nucleophosmin
CCN2 (connective tissue growth factor [CTGF]/hypertrophic chondrocyte-specific gene product 24 [Hcs24]) is regulated at the transcriptional and posttranscriptional level. For example, an element in the its 3′ untranslated region (3′-UTR) of the CCN2 mRNA controls message stability in chondrocytes. In a recent study, Mukudai et al. (Mol Cell Biol 28:6134-6147, 2008) purified and identified a trans-factor protein binding to the minimal repressive cis element in the 3′-UTR of ccn2 mRNA and identify this protein as the multifunctional nucleolar phosphoprotein nucleophosmin (NPM) This commentary summarizes these observations
Methanol and Butanol Extracts of Paeonia lutea
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is one of the most common cancers of the head and neck region worldwide and is generally treated surgically in combination with radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. However, anticancer agents have numerous serious side effects, and alternative, less toxic agents that are effective as chemotherapeutics for SCC are required. The Paeoniaceae family is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine. We examined methanol and butanol extracts of Paeonia lutea (P. lutea) leaves for their potential as an anticancer agent. Both extracts decreased the proliferation of SCC cells, induced apoptotic cell death, and modulated migration, adhesion, chemotaxis, and haptotaxis in an extracellular matrix- (ECM-) dependent manner due to altered expression of several integrin subunits. Subsequently, SCC cells were subcutaneously transplanted into athymic nude mice; the extracts reduced the metastasis of SCC cells but had little effect on the volume of the primary tumor or survival or body weight of the mice. The results suggest that the extracts may hold promise for preventing cancer metastasis
ミズナラの板目と柾目のラミナよりなる2プライ積層材について, ラミナの膨潤収縮差による内部応力が有限要素法によって解析された。正方形断面の積層材を構成する2枚のラミナの形状は, 長方形または二等辺直角三角形のいずれかとした。含水率5%増加後の応力が弾性的に計算された。長方形のラミナでは, 板目側では接着層近辺で接着層に平行な約45kg/(cm)^2の圧縮の, 柾目側では約50kg/(cm)^2の引張の応力を生じた。接着層に近い端面では, 板目側に約50kg/(cm)^2の接着層に直角な引張の, 柾目側では約40kg/(cm)^2の圧縮の応力を生じた。約20kg/(cm)^2の最高せん断応力が端面より少し内側で生じた。三角形ラミナでは, 接着層近辺の接着層に平行な応力は長方形ラミナの場合と同様であるが, 端面での接着層に直角の応力は最高でも10kg/(cm)^2程度で, 最高せん断応力も端面よりかなり内側で約10kg/(cm)^2を生じたに過ぎなかった。Internal stress in two-ply laminated wood resulting from difference of swelling coefficient between two laminae after moisture content change was calculated in plate stress condition by the finite element method. Following conditions were assumed : Cross sections of two laminae used for each laminated wood were tangential and radial of Quercus crispula B1. respectively, and both were rectangular or triangular. Internal stress in laminated wood after 5% increase of moisture content was calculated elastically. The results were as follows : In the case of the laminated wood composed of the rectangular laminae, the maximum compressive stress of about 45kg/(cm)^2 parallel to glue line in the tangential lamina and the maximum tensile stress of about 50kg/(cm)^2 in the same direction in the radial lamina were produced along glue line. And, the maximum tensile stress of about 50kg/(cm)^2 perpendicular to glue line in the tangential lamina and the maximum shear stress of about 20kg/(cm)^2 in both laminae were produced near corners of laminae along glue line. In the case of the laminated wood composed of the triangular laminae, both the maximum tensile stress perpendicular to glue line and the maximum shear stress were about 10kg/(cm)^2
The role of CCN2 in cartilage and bone development
CCN2, a classical member of the CCN family of matricellular proteins, is a key molecule that conducts cartilage development in a harmonized manner through novel molecular actions. During vertebrate development, all cartilage is primarily formed by a process of mesenchymal condensation, while CCN2 is induced to promote this process. Afterwards, cartilage develops into several subtypes with different fates and missions, in which CCN2 plays its proper roles according to the corresponding microenvironments. The history of CCN2 in cartilage and bone began with its re-discovery in the growth cartilage in long bones, which determines the skeletal size through the process of endochondral ossification. CCN2 promotes physiological developmental processes not only in the growth cartilage but also in the other types of cartilages, i.e., Meckel’s cartilage representing temporary cartilage without autocalcification, articular cartilage representing hyaline cartilage with physical stiffness, and auricular cartilage representing elastic cartilage. Together with its significant role in intramembranous ossification, CCN2 is regarded as a conductor of skeletogenesis. During cartilage development, the CCN2 gene is dynamically regulated to yield stage-specific production of CCN2 proteins at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. New functional aspects of known biomolecules have been uncovered during the course of investigating these regulatory systems in chondrocytes. Since CCN2 promotes integrated regeneration as well as generation (=development) of these tissues, its utility in regenerative therapy targeting chondrocytes and osteoblasts is indicated, as has already been supported by experimental evidence obtained in vivo
ボディメカニクス習得における視覚的教育方法に関する検討 : 動作解析装置を用いたベッドメーキング動作の分析
Identification of the sexually dimorphic gastrin-releasing peptide system in the lumbosacral spinal cord that controls male reproductive function in the mouse and Asian house musk shrew (Suncus murinus)
Several regions of the brain and spinal cord control male reproductive function. We previously demonstrated that the gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) system, located in the lumbosacral spinal cord of rats, controls spinal centers to promote penile reflexes during male copulatory behavior. However, little information exists on the male-specific spinal GRP system in animals other than rats. The objective of this study was to examine the functional generality of the spinal GRP system in mammals using the Asian house musk shrew (Suncus murinus; suncus named as the laboratory strain), a specialized placental mammal model. Mice are also used for a representative model of small laboratory animals. We first isolated complementary DNA encoding GRP in suncus. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that suncus preproGRP was clustered to an independent branch. Reverse transcription-PCR showed that GRP and its receptor mRNAs were both expressed in the lumbar spinal cord of suncus and mice. Immunohistochemistry for GRP demonstrated that the sexually dimorphic GRP system and male-specific expression/distribution patterns of GRP in the lumbosacral spinal cord in suncus are similar to those of mice. In suncus, we further found that most GRP-expressing neurons in males also express androgen receptors, suggesting that this male-dominant system in suncus is also androgen-dependent. Taken together, these results indicate that the sexually dimorphic spinal GRP system exists not only in mice but also in suncus, suggesting that this system is a conserved property in mammals
木材の湿潤性に関する研究 II : 木材(木材-水系)の湿潤性に及ぼす 2・3 の抽出処理の影響(林学部門)
本研究は木材の化学的性質と湿潤性の関係を明らかにする目的で, 2種のラワン材を用いて6種の抽出処理を行い, それぞれの抽出処理試料の水に対する湿潤性を毛管上昇法によって測定し, 木材の湿潤性に及ぼす各種抽出処理の影響を検討した。その結果, (1)各種抽出処理試料の毛管上昇経過曲線の実験式として, log h=a log t+log b……(2)が得られる。(2)式より上昇速度式はdh/dt=(abt)^……(3)となり, 上昇速度の指標として定数abをとることができる。したがって, 毛管上昇法によって木材の湿潤性を検討するには, 初期上昇高bおよび前記abならびに平衡上昇高(h_)を用いるのが妥当である。(2)冷水(20°, 40℃)抽出処理試料のb, abおよびh_は, 無処理試料のそれよりも小さく, 冷水抽出処理は, 木材の湿潤性に負の作用を及ぼす。(3)水抽出温度が高くなるとともに, また100℃では抽出時間が長くなるとともに, 木材の湿潤性は高くなる。すなわち, 60°∿100℃の水温で抽出される物質の湿潤性は低いと考えられる。(4)アルカリ抽出処理試料のb, abおよびh_は, 無処理試料のそれよりもかなり小さい(Table 1.)。これはヘミセルロースなどが多量除去されて表面に親和性の低い物質が現われたことによるものと思われる。(5)エーテル抽出処理試料の湿潤性は, 無処理のそれよりも低くなり, 抽出時間を長くしても効果はない。(6)短時間(3および6時間)のアル・ベン抽出処理試料の湿潤性は低い。これは木粉粒子内の抽出物の分布状態が変化し, 粒子表面の親和性が低下したことによるものと考えられる。抽出時間が長くなるとともに処理試料の湿潤性は, 無処理試料のそれよりも高くなる。したがって, アル・ベン抽出物(樹脂様物質)は, 木材の湿潤性に負の作用を及ぼすと思われる。(7)脱リグニン処理試料の湿潤性は, 両樹種ともかなり高い。すなわち, 木材の主要成分であるホロセルロースの湿潤性は高く, リグニンの木材の湿潤性に及ぼす効果は負である。(8)ホロセルロースから段階的に脱ヘミセルロース処理を行なった試料の湿潤性を検討した結果から, ヘミセルロースを構成している個々の成分の湿潤性に及ぼす影響は, 各々異なるものと思われ, その中でもウロン酸の効果が最も大きいと推定される。またセルロースの湿潤性は, 素材のそれよりもかなり高い。The purpose of the present study is to obtain the knowledge about the relationship between the chemical constituents of wood and the wettability of wood. The wettability of wood which is extracted with water, caustic soda, ether, alcoholbenzol, sodium chlorite, and oxalic acid, respectively, are investigated and compared with that of untreated wood using the capillary rise method (shown in Ist report). The wood flour prepared from Red lauan (Shorea negrosonsis Foxw.) and White lauan (Pentacme contorta M. et R.) were used for this experiment, and water was used as a wetting liquid. Results obtained are as follows : 1) When the logarithm of the height of capillary rise (h) in the extractive treated wood flour were plotted against the logarithm of time (t), the linear relationship was obtained (Fig. 2). From the straight line the empirical formula may be expressed by Eq. (2) : lon h=alog t+log b……(2) Then the Eq. (2) becomes dh/dt=ab t^……(3) where dh/dt is the rate of the capillary rise. The constant ab in the Eq. (3) can be used as the index to evaluate the rate of the capillary rise. Therefore, it seems that the initial height b (b : the height of capillary rise at one hour after the start of measuring.), the constant ab above mentioned, and the height of rise after 72 hours (h_) are needed as the indexes for estimating of the wettability of wood using the capillary rise method. 2) The extracting treatment with cold water (20°, 40℃) decreases the wettability of wood. However, an increase in temperature of water, which is used for extracting treatment, increases the height of capillary rise, and the degree of increase at 100℃ becomes larger with longer extracting time (Fig. 3 and 4). 3) The extracting treatment with caustic soda (1%) decreases considerably the wettability of wood (Table 1). 4) The wettability of wood increases gradually by the alcohol-benzol extraction, but the wettability of extracted wood at the short time (3,6 hours) is lower than that of untreated wood (Fig. 5). 5) The wettability of wood also increases considerably by the delignification and especially rapidly with more delignification. It is shown that the wettability of holocellulose is higher than that of other components (Fig. 6). 6) The wettability of flour removed hemicellulose from holocellulose with 0.2% oxalic acid, is higher than that of untreated wood. The higher capillary rise resulted from removing of the more hemicellulose and the curve of process of capillary rise is gradually nearer that of cellulose by such a treatment
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