249 research outputs found

    A Network-Based Design Synthesis of Distributed Ship Services Systems for a Non Nuclear Powered Submarine in Early Stage Design

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    Even though the early-stage design of a complex vessel is where the important decisions are made, the synthesis of the distributed ship service systems (DS3) often relies on “past practice” and simple vessel displacement based weight algorithms. Such an approach inhibits the ability of the concept designer to consider the impact of different DS3 options. It also reduces the ability to undertake Requirements Elucidation, especially regarding the DS3. Given the vital role the many DS3 provide to a submarine, this research considers whether there is a better way to synthesise DS3 without resorting to the detailed design of the distributed systems, which is usually inappropriate at the exploratory stages of design. The research proposes a new approach, termed the Network Block Approach (NBA), combining the advantages of the 3D physical based synthesis UCL Design Building Block (DBB) approach with the Virgina Tech Architectural Flow Optimisation (AFO) method, when applied to submarine DS3 design. Utilising a set of novel frameworks and the Paramarine CASD tool, the proposed approach also enabled the development of the submarine concept design at different levels of granularities, ranging from modelling individual spaces to various DS3 components and routings. The proposed approach also allowed the designer to balance the energy demands of various distributed systems, performing a steady-state flow simulation, and visualising the complexity of the submarine DS3 in a 3D multiplex network configuration. Such 3D based physical and network syntheses provide potential benefits in early-stage submarine DS3 design. The overall aim of proposing and demonstrating a novel integrated DS3 synthesis approach applicable to concept naval submarine design was achieved, although several issues and limitations emerged during both the development and the implementation of the approach. Through identification of the research limitations, areas for future work aimed at improving the proposal have been outlined


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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Komposisi La Catedral movement ketiga Karya Agustin Barrios Mangore”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana musik yang terdapat pada komposisi La Catedral movement ketiga (Allegro Solemne). Adapun penelitian ini fokus terhadap struktur harmoni, bentuk dan teknik yang terkandung dalam komposisi tersebut. Untuk menjawab semua pertanyaan penelitian, maka dilakukan teknik dan pengumpulan data melalui metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data-data diperoleh melalui studi literatur berupa partitur, buku-buku terkait serta melalui audio/audiovisual. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, Barrios yang hidup pada periode Romantik menjadikan komposisi tesebut mengandung unsur musik periode Romantik akhir menuju abad ke-20. Selain itu, teknik permainan gitar yang digunakan merupakan teknik lanjutan.;--- This study, entitled "Composition of the third movement of La Catedral by Agustin Barrios Mangore". This study aims to determine how the music contained on the third movement of La Catedral (Allegro Solemne). This study focuses on the structure of harmony, form and techniques contained in the composition. In order to answer the research questions, the techniques and data collection through descriptive method with qualitative approach has been done. The data are obtained through the study of literature such as score and books which contained audio/audiovisual. Based on the result of the research, Barrios who lived during the Romantic period made the composition contains the elements of music of the end Romantic period to the 20th century. In addition, advanced technique is used as the guitar playing technique


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    Di Indonesia, penampilan perempuan dalam tayangan video TikTok tidak jauh dari konstruksi sosial bias gender yang merepresentasikan gaya hidup dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengungkap representasi makna ikon perempuan pada tayangan video dalam media sosial TikTok, selain itu juga akan menganalisis dan merekonstruksi ikon perempuan pada tayangan video dalam media sosial TikTok. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis semiotika Roland Barthes. Metode ini digunakan karena peneliti ingin mengetahui dan menganalisis secara mendalam tentang fenomena pemaknaan mengenai Ikon Perempuan pada tayangan video dalam media sosial TikTok, dengan menggunakan teknik dokumentasi, data literatus dan wawancara kepada beberapa pakar semiotik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya tayangan video dalam media sosial TikTok cenderung merepresentasikan perempuan dengan tema dan cara yang bias gender. Tubuh perempuan dieksploitasi untuk kepentingan komersial dalam industri media sosial tersebut. Keberadaan perempuan dalam tayangan video TikTok merupakan strategi komunikasi sebagai penarik pandang

    CHILDREN EDUCATION IN THE ISLAMIC FAMILY A Study Of Tuhfah Al Maudud Bi Ahkam Al MauludBy Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziyyah

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    This study aimed to reveal how IbnQayyim al-Jawziyyah thought about the education of children in Islamic families as in his paper Tuhfah al Maudud bi Ahkam al Maulud. There are three problem formulations proposed in this study: first, how the intellectual social conditions of writing the book Tuhfah al Maudud bi Ahkam al Maulud; Second, how is the thinking about the education of children in the Islamic family contained in the book of Tuhfah al-Maudud bi Ahkam al-Maulud; Third, how relevant the idea is to contemporary Islamic education. This research is library research; And using a social history approach; The steps are taken: first, collecting reference works, grouped into two: primary and secondary sources (other sources in the same theme are used as a complement); Second, using content analysis methods, with the steps: first, reading the text and giving a brief note on the margin when it finds the required information; Second, categorize and identify each item according to a cognate theme; Third, comparing all categories, both major and minor; Fourth, after all data is categorized into categories large and small, review, to ensure that the information is categorized as appropriate; Fifth, re-examine the original text, and ensure that all the information that needs to be categorized has all been listed; Sixth, material analysis, interpretation, and meaning. Furthermore, Ibn al-Qayyim's ideas on child education are analyzed by taking into account the potential relevance for today's education. The findings of this study: first, where during Ibn al-Qayyim's lifetime, the political, social, and educational conditions were in an unstable state. Second: education for children in Ibn al-Qayyim's thinking as stated in his paper Tuhfah al-Maudud bi Ahkam al Maulud consists of: moral education for children; Aqidah education for children; And education of worship for children. Third: education for children according to Ibn al-Qayyim's thought is still relevant, evidenced by the similarity of discussion and practice of education in today's world


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini adalah membahas tentang pendidikan Islam kontemporer khususnya membahas tentang kapitalisme pendidikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengertian, perkembangan, penyebab, dampak dan solusi dari dampak kapitalisme pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitis yang bersifat normatif yang disesuaikan dengan sumber-sumber kepustakaan. Adapun Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu studi literature. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Kapitalisme pendidikan telah melahirkan mental yang jauh dari cita-cita pendidikan sebagai praktik pembebasan dan agenda pembudayaan. Dengan menjadi pelayan kapitalisme, sekolah saat ini tidak mengembangkan semangat belajar yang sebenarnya. Sekolah tidak menanamkan kecintaan pada ilmu, atau mengajarkan keadilan, korupsi atau antipenindasan. Kapitalisme dalam pendidikan maksudnya adalah kapitalisasi pendidikan, yaitu proses pengkapitalan terhadap pendidikan. Pendidikan dijadikan sebagai alat pencapaian modal yang sebanyak-banyaknya. Hal ini dilakukan dengan merombak segala dimensi pokok dari pendidikan itu sendiri. Kata kunci: Kapitalisme, Pendidikan

    Lockdown Policy As A Corona Desease (COVID-19) Management Efforts Asked From The Environmental Aspect Of Life Based On Law Act No. 32 Of 2009 Concerning Protection And Management Of Environment

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    The government has formed the COVID-19 (Task Force) Acceleration Countermeasures Group to discuss strategies to deal with the Corona Virus outbreak. One of Covid-19's coping strategies, namely: Social restrictions in the form of Lock Down with modifications or rules that are clarified and clear in priority areas as of now, but proposals in the form of Lock Down in priority areas such as DKI are not approved by the government. Although in the end the DKI Jakarta Government issued a policy after approval from the central government through the Minister of Health in the form of Governor's Regulation Number 33 Year 2020 concerning the Implementation of Large-Scale Social Debate in Handling Corona Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the Special Capital Province of Jakarta and Governor Decree Number 380 Year 2020 concerning the Imposition of the Implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions in Handling Corona Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the Special Capital Province of Jakarta. If the lockdown is really implemented, then this effort will indirectly have an impact on the environment, because the policy will relate to space that includes all objects, power, conditions, and living things, including humans and their behavior, which affect nature itself, continuity of life, and the welfare of humans and other living things. Therefore it is necessary to examine the relationship between the lockdown policy and COVID-19 countermeasures in the perspective of the Environmental Protection and Management Law. The author intends to find a connection point between the lockdown policy by looking at the impact it has on the environment by referring to the Law Act No. 32 Of 2009 Concerning Protection And Management Of Environment

    YouTube as a Platform for Promoting Digital Works: A Study on Ndarboy Genk Music Group Yogyakarta

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    YouTube is the world’s largest video platform and has become a popular place for musicians to promote their digital music. This study aims to describe the effectiveness of YouTube as a platform to promote digital music by the music group Ndarboy Genk. The method used is descriptive-qualitative, describing Ndarboy Genk musicians who have used YouTube to promote their digital music. The perspective used to study this research is Internet marketing. Internet marketing is the process of empowering musicians to promote their websites, products, or services online and through social media channels to communicate with a much larger community. The result is that the YouTube digital platform is a solution for artists or music creators to promote their work without having to be sheltered by a music label; even music labels can be created by the artists or creators themselves

    Development of an Early-Stage Design Tool for Rapid of Distributed Ship Service Systems Modelling in Paramarine – A Submarine Case Study

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    The sophisticated 3D based synthesis that is enabled by the UCL Design Building Block (DBB) approach means the designer can model distributed ship service system(s) (DS3) physical entities to whatever level of detail deemed necessary well beyond the DS3 concept design level. The high flexibility of the Paramarine ship design toolset, particularly the descriptive ability provided by the DBB objects through storing data at different levels of design granularity, enables design exploration to different levels of design hierarchy. However, several drawbacks have been found in implementing such a sophisticated (fully 3-D) modelling tool in Early Stage Ship Design (ESSD). These include the effort to model or create each of the numerous features and placing them individually in the vessel’s configuration. The paper presents the development of an ESSD tool that can rapidly generate a submarine early stage design with significant DS3 definition. That definition is sufficiently descriptive but still general enough to allow the level of flexibility in design exploration required at early design stages. The tool aimed to make the 3D based synthesis execution process as simple as possible so that the designer is able to manipulate the 3D architecture of the vessel and focus on important architecturally driven decision making in ESSD. An ocean going conventionally powered submarine case study was undertaken and demonstrated the capability and the flexibility of the tool
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