5 research outputs found


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    As we know that nowadays self-reliance is very important for the students in shaping their character. Lots of students are not mature because of they are not independence. The aim of this research is to empower the teachers’ understanding in implementing self-reliance based character education to the students. Methods used in this community service were socialization with PowerPoint presentation. Then sharing session with questions and answers to the presentation presented. This presentation was continued to case exposure with some reality conditions and group discussion. The location of this community service was at SMK Swasta Teladan Tanah Jawa in Simalungun Regency. Thirty-three teachers were the participants conducted on 7-8 January 2020. After collecting all the data, the researcher found that there are some results of how teachers can help to implement the self-reliance based character education such as: 1) to be active learners, 2) encouraging students in asking question when teaching and learning process for every subject, 3) teachers’ method of teaching, 4) integrating scout or boys’ brigade in the school, 5) students’ discipline to school policy, and 6) students’ freedom in using the internet as media for learning. Though there were problems in implementing the self-reliance based character education such as parents’ encouragement to school policy and teachers’ ability to implement the self-reliance in the subject, the researchers hope that this socialization can enlighten and empower teachers in implementing the self-reliance to the students for the brighter future of the students themselves and also for the advances of country

    Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Bagi Guru IPA Di Kelas Tinggi

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    Pada pengabdian yang dilakukan Kepada masyarakat Kegiatan sosialisasi dan pelatihan di SD Negeri 091488 Pematangsiantar bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada guru terkait aplikasi yang dapat digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran sebagai implementasi kurikulum merdeka belajar sehingga kegiatan pembelajaran termasuk saat evaluasi menjadi lebih praktis, efektif dan menarik. Kagiatan sosialisasi dan pendampingan ini juga diharapkan agar guru mampu Mengimplementasikan Kurikulum Merdeka bagi guru IPA di kelas Tinggi  dan dapat diterapkan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat di SD Negeri 091488 Pematang Siantar berjalan dengan baik, guru — guru terlihat antusias dan responsif selama mengikuti kegiatan. Para peserta pelatihan menunjukkan Antusias dan keseriusan selama kegiatan pelatihan berlangsung. Dalam kegiatan pelatihan juga diadakan sesi tanya jawab sehingga membuat suasana pelatihan menjadi semakin interaktif. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat kepada 20 Guru SD diperoleh dari umpan balik peserta pelatihan yang menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya sosialisasi tersebut maka 85% Guru Sangat Paham dan 5% Kurang Paham karena guru tersebut sudah diambang batas pensiun dan kurangnya pelatihan implementasi kurikulum  yang diadakan sekolah bagi guru IPA di kelas Tinggi

    Improving Students’ Learning Outcomes in Natural Science Subject for Third Grade of Elementary School Through Video Media

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    This research study explored the use of video media to improve science learning outcomes for third-grade elementary school students in Indonesia. To conduct the survey, the researchers select a representative sample of third-grade students from a target population, ensuring that the sample adequately represents the diversity of students in terms of backgrounds, academic abilities, and prior exposure to video media in science education. A qualitative survey methodology was employed, and data were collected from a sample of 27 students. The findings indicate that video media positively impacted students' perception of science learning. Students demonstrated high levels of interest and engagement, found the content clear and understandable, experienced improved retention of knowledge, enjoyed self-paced learning, engaged in collaborative experiences, and benefited from the multimodal nature of video media. These findings highlight the potential of video media as a valuable tool in enhancing science education for elementary school student


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    This study aims to evaluate the role of guidance counselors in improving students' academic performance. Descriptive qualitative method was implemented in conducting this research. The data used in this research were students at grade VI of SDN 091263. In addition, the research results also show that students' motivation to learn increases after orientation is carried out. From the results of the study showed that changes and improvements in students. Based on the research, it is known that there is a change in students' interest in learning along with changes in behavior experienced by students. Good analysis results from the research topic to the level of student change. It can be concluded that counseling plays an important role in enhancing students' learning activities and motivation. Therefore, in the learning process, expect the teacher to guide fully and appropriately for students

    Socialization of The Implementation of Digital Literacy for Educators and Students in The Digital Era in Pematangsiantar City

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    ABSTRACT This activity is a community service activity in the form of socializing the importance of digital literacy in today's era. The purpose of implementing this webinar activity is to add insight in the application of digital literacy for educators and students in the digital era. This community service was conducted by presentation by zoom online with question and answers sessions for participants. This activity was held on September 10, 2021 online using the Zoom Meeting Application. This activity is a series of activities organized by KOMINFO and this activity was carried out in Pematangsiantar city via online which was attended by approximately 150 participants from various professions such as students, teachers, students, and parents. Through the implementation of this activity, the researchers hope that participants can be helped, especially in terms of education in the digital era. Participants gained an understanding of the critical nature of digital literacy in the modern era, as information technology and digital media can have both positive and negative consequences. Assumptions are considered in order to provide socialization and guidance to teachers in order to help them improve and develop their digital literacy skills, ensuring that the transformation of educational development proceeds smoothly and in accordance with the times' dynamics.  Keywords: Socialization, Digital Literacy, Digital Culture, Educators, Student